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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  October 24, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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( josh speaks ) ♪ a little help from up above, fit to make... ♪ a message from the foundation for a better life. right now, on justice. >> i want not just the committee members but the public to understand this was the fog of war. >> hillary, you are the one putting americans in a fog after your 11 hour politicalcal pivot and washington. i was there and saw it firsthand. plus, why are illegal ale leans who are criminals getting a pass from people who supposedly represent us? how do we stop this lun's? i get answers tonight. plus, they march against police within days of a new york city cop shot and killed.
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who are these people? >> some people call it a war on cops. >> tonight, i sit down with former nypd top cop ray kelly. "js" starts now. first to breaking news. four people, including a 2-year-old baby are dead tonight. and more than 30 injured after a car plowed into a crowd at oklahoma state university's homecoming parade. hello, and welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us. we go live to still water oklahoma for details on this story. >> reporter: we have updated numbers for you. all along police said 34 people totalled were hurt in this incident this morning. we are getting word that number stands now at 44. out of that number, eight said to be critical tonight. nine in serious condition. and patients are scattered all
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over, some being treated at the medical center in still water behind me. some of the more serious air lifted out of here to hospitals in nearby tulsa and oklahoma city. three people died at the scene, and a short time ago we got the sad word that a fourth victim, a 2-year-old boy, passed away hours ago at the hospital in oklahoma city. investigators say in the middle of this joyous and annual event leading up to oklahoma state's big homecoming came today hundreds of people lining the streets for an annual parade, cheering on their home team when cops say 25-year-old adasha chambers drove her sedan through a barricade slamming into a crowd of spectators. police say she has been charged with eyewitnesses report seeing bodies flying through the air
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like rag dolls. today's homecoming game against kansas did go on despite today's tragedy just before kick off. the flag at the stadium lowered to half staff. then after running onto the field prior to the game most of the oklahoma state players getting on one knee to pray in a moment of silence. a very powerful image out on the field. if there is any kind of silver lining in this community tonight, the game ended 58-10, osu won in light of the >> thanks so much. joining me now by phone witnessed the horrific crash in oklahoma. konda? >> yes. >> tell us what you saw today. >> i was at the event with my sister and we came from out of town for the event. we were
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. >> i just told my sister, looked like rag dolls. i cannot believe they're flying. it was just unreal, unreal. >> thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> and now to my opening statement. she was practiced, disciplined and clever. as a spectator at that washington benghazi hearing which was about four men killed
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in a place few of us heard of, i watched it evolve from a search for the truth to political theater. though she was wrong on the merits she was right on the theater. in the end, she won. the main stream media cared nothing about whether she told the truth, but everything with whether she got away with not telling the truth. >> the most fascinating part for me was not the dance but the pivot. a question is asked, and the answer is not responsive, but instead of filibuster about something else. you ask about the sign, start
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talking about the grass. when asked why i single person was not fired after security was denied hillary starts talking about the accountability review board. >> i'm asking what you did. >> it is my position in the absence of findings, there was a process that was immediately instituted and which led to the decisions being made. >> but led to what decisions being made? what decisions and by whom? why wasn't anyone fired or lose a paycheck? it's a simple question. and by the way how is it not a dereliction of duty to not meet
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minimum security standards, to leave 600 requests for security and everyone in the neighborhood flew the coop? when asked why she did not tell the truth about al qaeda? >> if you tell the truth like you did with your family, and egyptian prime minister. you picked one with no evidence and you did it because libya was supposed to be this great success story for the obama white house and clinton state department. >> instead of answering why, hillary said this. >> i wrote a whole chapter about this in my book, "hard choices" and would be glad to send it to you. because i think the i ins
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insinuation you're making is that work the white house did in confusing and difficult days. >> there is nothing confusing. within minutes of your telling us waits a video, you e-mail your daughter and tell her waits an al qaeda-like attack. with the egyptian prime minister, you said we know the attack in libya had nothing to do with the film. it was a planned attack, not a protest. hillary? besides not telling us the truth and not being honest with the families of four dead americans you pivot and talk about how the question is a grave disservice to the people of the state department and intelligence community? how does that answer the question? now, we know why you didn't do
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those sunday morning talk shows. now, we know why you didn't want people to see your e-mails. and you awill youed the proliferation of the false narrative as you watch the sunday talk shows say it was a video. if it was a planned protest, not a video, why did you use our money to apologize in an ad to the arab world? as if they need an apology? they hate us. and i want my money back. and you wrote about it in your book? hillary? i shouldn't have to buy your book to get a straight answer. and pivot number three. asked how she can consider accountability review board accountable when there wasn't a transcript of witness interviews, when the co-chair recommended they not send a state department employee to congress, her response?
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>> you call that witness? >> i don't care what you say about me. it doesn't bother me about it i do care about what you're implying about admiral mullen. i will not sit here and hear that. >> i'm sorry the important work done by the board is held in low regard by members of the committee and i deeply regret it. >> did you hear an answer to the question? i didn't hear an answer to the question. now, we know they lied to us because they were 56 days out from an election where the narrative was al qaeda was on the run. they had to keep up the narrative. but in another hearing in the same building, the head of the fbi said, quote, i'm following this very closely. and getting briefed on it regularly. hillary, the washington two-step
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may have worked at that hearing but will not work with fbi director. that is my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page or twitter. #judgejeanine. with me now is lib tral talk show host coco subik. >> let me say you disagree. >> i think she did a phenomenal job. >> that is what i said. >> she told the truth i thought she was very clear and candid. and acted as an adult. >> she should be an adult. >> are you saying they shouldn't have questioned her? to try to find out what happened in benghazi? oof course they should question her, she's been questioned several times already. this was a four and a half
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million dollar boondoggle. >> so we should spend $500 million training four people in iraq? to find out what happened? look. coco. we know they didn't tell us the truth. that is what got this started. >> they told the truth. the senate intelligence committee said there was no -- >> she admitted. she pointed to that guy. he calls and says don't send this witness. it will be bad for you. >> just because she didn't use the word terrorism? >> no. no. she made up a video about a video. >> she did not. no. no. >> she told her daughter it's al qaeda. >> it's not clear to anyone looking at this that the video didn't have had impact on influence on the people who did this crime. >> she said to the -- is she a liar? she can't have it both ways. >> it's complicated and she's in the throes of trying to save the
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personnel. >> what did that have to do with libya? ? >> she's talking to everything to try to get resources about it. >> so why didn't they let the guys come in from siganella? >> because it took so long to get there. there was no -- no warning about this attack. >> she said it was a planned attack. but we didn't know. >> now you're admitting she says it was a planned tack and wasn't a video. >> she said it was a product of the video. she said we're looking into what the causes were. with these terrible people. some people say it's a video. that is all she said. i don't understand the difference between blaming it on a video and saying waits a planned attack. >> this is lying to the american people.
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>> the thing is -- >> no. no. i don't believe. >> she told her daughter it was al qaeda. she told the prime minister and president it was not a video. >> it's one thing to tell the people close to you what you think is happening. and she needed to go and said, in a public statement until she knew the facts, that is what she was determining. >> i don't think any of m matters. >> oh, oh. don't even. >> what difference does it make? >> because there was an attack. >> it could have been prevented. that is the whole point. >> that is not what -- >> 600 requests for security. all denied. >> 600 requests? >> they were lying? >> the ambassador. >> do you think the ambassador didn't -- are you saying the ambassador is lying? >> i am saying that.
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he reached out to the security department and state department and security people in the state department and he knew, look. >> you're wrong. okay? i have to wrap. very to wrap. they're telling me. we couldn't disagree more. thank you for being with us. >> good to be here, judge. >> and the nonpartisan accountability matt whitaker. you say it's not partisan. quickly. prove it's nonpartisan. >> well, we filed with the house and senate and fcc against both republicans and democrats. we're an equal opportunity employer in a target rich environment in washington, d.c. >> hillary clinton is under oath. and and says if you know about
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the fbi we don't talk about our investigations while doing them this, is one i'm following closely and getting briefed on regularly and i'm confident we have the people and resources to do it. what does that tell you? for him to come out and say that? >> well, jim comby was deputy attorney general when and he ais a good man. it tells me he knows laws were violated and classified thfgs was being stored outside of the government system. he knows archive act was violated and knows that the potentially classified information is being shared with people in the clinton foundation, with possibly sydney blumenthal and others. so there is a lot there and the fbi is the proper investigator. as it relates to benghazi committee, you saw a
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professional witness handle some fairly easy questioning that i think the prosecutor or fbi agent could do a better job of. >> one thing i kept thinking is i wish there was a judge in that room. saying have you to answer the question. stop with the filibustering. i long believe that cheryl mills was for the purpose of keeping the government out, and she said it up right after she got the approval from the senate. and i think that it was to raise money for the foundation and for her husband and the speeches. how is that going to be interpreted by the justice department if at all? >> the judge tis department wants to know exactly what the relationship between the clinton foundation and hillary clinton as secretary of state and the money that was flowing back and
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forth when the state department took actions. so i mean they're going to be look at these things. i think cheryl mills is key to this entire situation. they operated on the sishg kret server. mills almost deleted all of her e-mails recently. the only reason, only explanation for this is to communicate outside of the government systems and have a first cut of production when documents had to be turned over. >> i think it goes deeper but matt whitaker, thank you for being with us this evening. and i'm in the done yet. next, a congressman that was there joins me live. plus, an antipolice rally in new york city just days after a cop
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is shot and killed by a career criminal. you're kidding me, right? ray kelly is here to talk about the war on cops and spike in crime. stay with us. tonight ray kelly esurance was born online and built to save dollars. so, what will your dollars do? will they turn your daily coffee from a a large? will they turn your night in... into a night out? or will they turn a 32 inch screen...into a 55 inch? esurance uses paperless billing and settles claims quickly to save money.
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fireworks between hillary clinton and my next guest. when she couldn't answer the question of why nobody had been fired over the benghazi massacre. with me now, congressman mike, good evening, congressman. do you think she answered questions directly? >> that was a tremendous amount of theater. there were reports that she won the day and that missed the entire point. to develop a back set and we can answer questions to make sure they never get four americans killed. i think we got some of that and we didn't have a referee. there was no judge. i think the facts and i heard for the first time there were 600 requests for security from
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the team in benghazi. we had never heard that before. how could she not on the anniversary of 9/11 when she is responsible for the personal security of the ambassadors and not create more protection where people are working in a danger zone. >> leaders are tasked with leading and she tried to blame everyone but herself for the fact that folks on the ground a very dangerous place. they were not able to get a message through while they didn't know a dinner thing about it. she set that up. we were able to lay out all 600 requests and why on earth it was the case that she barricaded herself in a way that the messages would never get through to her. >> they said ambassador stevens and i were in the room.
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she said he was a great expert and she saw his advice on messaging. why didn't she listen to him when he asked for help? >> that's a great question. they wrote in the "new york times" the same question that i asked. he knew more about libya than anyone else. she rejected all of the requests. we still don't have all of the documentation including his e-mail. we are hoping to get that as soon as we can. we have work to do, but i'm hopeful to get it written completely and share with the american people our recommendations how to make sure it never happens again. >> congressman, thanks so much for being with us. >> have a good evening.
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>> you too. >> next i talk to ray kelly about the targeting of police officers in america. plus, a move to get rid
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live from america's news headquarters, four people are dead after a car plows into a crowd at oklahoma state university home coming parade. among the victims is a 2-year-old boy. a 25-year-old was driving under the influence. the crash injuring 40 people, eight remain hospitalized. some critically. the home coming football game went on as scheduled beginning with a moment of silence. oklahoma state beat kansas, 58-10. and a flash flood warning is in
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effect for a powerful storm system over texas. the bulk of the rain will come in overnight hours. now back to justice with judge jeanine. powerful system and it will come in the overnight hours. now back to justice with judge janine. >> senate democrats block a bill and with me now the policy director on the center for immigration studies, jessica vaughn. why do we even need sanctuary cities as a federal law allows an illegal to stay here if there is a victim of a crime. >> we don't need them. the purpose of the sanctuaries is not to make immigrants more
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comfortable. they will obstruct them from doing its job. the politicians don't agree with the immigration laws that we have. >> clearly they don't need them. when there were crimes involving illegals and they get to stay here and cooperate. let's talk about this bill that the senate democrats voted down. you have a five-year minimum of those who are illegal after committing two aggravated felony crimes or if there two reentries. what's wrong with that? >> i certainly don't object to the policies, but you know the reality is that if nobody can
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prosecute an illegal alien up to deportation, if they can't get custody to begin with, they keep releasing them back to the streets. we need to find a way to better deter them from coming back here. >> how do we do that? >> i think the government needs to crack down and keep them from doing it. they can give immunity to the 90% of sheriffs and police chiefs who are complying with federal law and happy to do it. they know of the public safety benefits. >> clearly. >> i want to talk to you about a congressman in texas. his name is castro. he he is introducing a bill to ban the term illegal aliens.
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he wants to call them undocumented foreign nationals. are we crazy? jnt there a first amendment in this country? >> they never apply and they have plenty of documents. they are usually fraudulent. that term does not apply. this is just a frivolous attempt to distract attention from the real issues at hand. nobody should fay any attention. that's the future voters. >> that's frightening. it's all this pandering on issues where we are a country that prides ourselves on the freedom of speech. what happens? can anything be done about case law? >> i think so, yes.
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if there leaders in congress who were willing to try, in the short-term what's going to happen is the crime toll will keep going. we are going to end up with some jurisdictions and they will feel emboldened to pass laws where they don't have them now. they will go in other directions and outlining them. the democrats handed the republicans an issue. >> jessic a i'm sorry. gotta go. thanks for being with us. >> an anti-police rally in new york just days after an nypd officer is shot and killed. this rally took place just blocks away from this building. earlier i sat down with former nypd commissioner and author of the new book, vigilance to talk about the war on police and local law enforcement fight
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against terror. take a look at this. >> there's difficult, dangerous times. we had four police officers shot and killed intentionally in the line of duty in the last 11 months in new york city. s when you were police commission ther this very city, ten cops shot. what's going on? >> whether or not this is a trend, i think it's clear to say that there is an awful lot of talk directed at police officers throughout the war on cops. >> why now? what's going on now? >> some of it is a result of the ferguson effects. they had that at north charleston, north carolina. in the back, those sorts of videos are out there.
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as a result there has been this movement against police. obviously you know from your background, i know the vast majority do great work. >> there is a sense between us and the society. all weekend long, the nationwide protest, which side are you on. we have this postcard of people who say the people are murdered by police. now it's time to justify their lives and we don't know what they were doing by killing cops. >> it's a dangerous time killing police officers. because of the internet and the media that reached a lot of these folks, it can stir up the animosity. >> what about isis? what about what you started? it made the nypd a two-headed
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office. one counter terrorism and the other a normal law enforcement crime. is isis and the impact it is having, is it a reason why young people don't have hope or are people joining isis because they don't see any future and therefore they are willing to go kill cops and kill americans? >> i don't know if it translates into killing cops, but people who want to kill americans because of isis and because of their beliefs. isis is a movement and more than just a group of people on the ground. they work effectively on the internet. they are recruiting on the internet. we see thousands of young people from all over the world going to syria. you see hundreds from the u.s. going there. people ultimately give up their lives. >> what does it signal to you. we wanted to do well. young people today want to die
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in a blaze of fire on an issue of isis and ji hard and things not a part of our culture. >> there is very little hope. >> what about the americans joining. we have seen people from somalia who come to the united states and go back there and basically commit to jihad and other young people from all over the country. we have over 300 million people and have strange individuals. what we are concerned coming back with a trade craft that can till people here. >> they illuminate the demographic and say it's profiling. they stopped stop and frisk. you had new york city a safe city, one of the safest and is not the safest large city in the country. crime is going up and homicides
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are going up. the ri dukz and sometimes is going to result in increased violence and murders. it's not the be all and end-all. >> and your book, you have 50 years in law enforcement? is there law enforcement in your future? >> never say never. to be on guard and the world has changed.
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talking about the 1993 bombing. it should have been a wake up call and we paid the price for the events of september 11th. we have to remain on guard. >> the commissioner is great to be with you tonight. >> good to be with you. >> it's one of the hottest selling books with riveting really life stories with on the spot decision making. meet the authors here, next. plus, vote in the poll. who is responsible for the anti-police sentiment that seems anti-police sentiment that seems to be gaining momentum.
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. >> whether it's in war or a ceo of a company. it's vital to particular. the coauthors and how they lead and win. the anniversary of 9-11, we don't have any military assets if you believe that. capable of getting to the ambassador. to really have no planning and what to do to help them out is
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disturbing to me. >> you guys are navy s.e.a.l.s and the best of the best. you get called out to situations like this. i'm not saying you have the ambassador, but emergency situations. you guys are on call when you were ready to go on few hours notice. when we were overseas, we were ready to go in a minute if we have to. >> when this thing happened with benghazi, what did you think when they were saying that. we couldn't get there? time. does that ring true to you? >> to think that you are in the middle of a situation, you don't know how long it's going to last. if he was out leading the seal, if i called him and they were under fire, send us to help,
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look at my watch and i'm not sure how long it's going to last. wrong answer. you can send them help. >> the guys in consulate. they said they were told not to come right away. to wait. they were trying to get the libyan assets. what would you have done. they did the best they could. they went over in a heroic fashion to render assistance. >> real quickly, the rules of engagement. how does the military feel about rules of engagement. are they being chipped away? >> as far as i'm concerned, rules of engagement shouldn't prohibit you from protecting yourself and your buddies and the mission. >> nobody tells you what to do. i can tell. >> he was my boss.
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>> me about the book. >> extreme hardship is an attitude that you have to take ownership. there is no one to leader. you've got to own it all. everything that affects your mission, which, i mean, if you're talking about the benghazi situation, we had the exact opposite of that. if you don't do that, and if you don't take ownership, you can never change behavior and overcome challenges so you can fix those things, and actually win. >> so this book really crosses all disciplines, not just being a navy s.e.a.l., but, you know, in corporate america, you know, and in other places as well, that the ownership and taking responsibility. >> absolutely. honestly, i wish some of our politicians would read that book so they would take ownership. >> are you suggesting that at the hearing in washington the other day, there wasn't a showing of leadership? >> we see quite a few people trying to take ownership of that decision to get bin laden. you see all of a sudden
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everybody made that decision, influenced the president. but no one wants to take ownership of the bad things when they happen. that's not good leadership at all. >> interesting. hillary clinton, is she a leader? >> not a good one, that's for sure. >> all right. jocko and leif, thank you for being with us, and thank you for being with us, and thank you for ♪
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now for the results of tonight's instapoll. who's responsible for the anti-police sentiment that seems to be gaining momentum in our country? carrie said president obama, al sharpton, and i could go on and on. april says the police are at fault. police are sick of the brutality and the murders that are happening at the hands of police. hey, by the way, there are bad eggs in every profession. if one teacher is a pedophile, does that mean we should rail against all teachers? no. they should be accountable, and they should be prosecuted for what they've done. but you don't go after the people who protect you. don't bother to call 911. david says look no further than 1500 pennsylvania avenue for starters. then google george soros and follow the money. joe says look to the white house. it's been sparking a war on all that is right and taking the
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side of evil to further its socialist agenda. marilyn says, we know who fosters this venom, de blasio, sharpton, president obama. my question, where does it all end? thanks for the great responses. i love reading what you think. make sure to logon and send your thoughts on tonight's show. check out my thoughts on all the news through the week. plus great behind-the-scenes photos. remember, you don't have to miss "justice," set your dvrs and tell your friends to do the same. write me on facebook, and follow me on twitter at judge jeanine, next week.
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have a great weekend. we will see you here on monday. >> every town has its secrets. >> big room. >> social life was very complicated. >> she competed in 19 pageants. >> she was maggetteic. >> she was supposed to come to her mothers. >> she said tara was missing. >> her mother started getting panicked. >> swamps and ponds and abandoned whales. >> found a glove that seemed out of place. >> we had identifiable prints an


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