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  Campaign 2024 Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at Turning Point Action...  CSPAN  July 15, 2023 7:17pm-9:08pm EDT

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[indiscernible] caller: i think we have lost -- caller: [indiscernible] host: i think we have lost stephen. let's go to your next call. caller: the top issue is gerrymandering. host: why do you think that is a problem? caller: just the likes of jim jordan. the fact that he has been voted in is proof of gerrymandering. guest: let's go to --host: let's go to another issue brought up at the national governors association annual meeting in atlantic city, new jersey.
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governor phil murphy said a top priority for him as outgoing chair of the association has been mental health. he explained why this is an important issue and how governors across the nation are addressing it. >> last month, the cdc released new data showing suicide rates among the 10 24 age group reached a 20-year high in the year 2020 one. earlier this year, the cdc issued a study on mental health trends over the past decade among school-aged youth that found nearly 1/3 of teens -- >> what started off as -- [indiscernible] >> i will fight for you with every bone in my body and never,
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ever let you down. >> [indiscernible] >> unprecedented search warrant at president trump's mar-a-lago resort -- >> the justice department -- [indiscernible] >> they hated him. they targeted him. they hunted him. >> i never thought anything like this could happen in america. the only crime that i have committed is to defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it. >> them for a broken system tells you you are wrong, the more certain you should be you should keep pushing ahead. they want to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom.
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they want to challenge me because i will never let them silence you. they are not coming after me. they are coming after you, and i just happened to be standing in their way. >> on november 5, 2024, justice will be done. we will take back our country, and we will make america great again. america will always rise to every challenge and overcome every danger. >> he comes back stronger when challenged. these types of things, i think, give him strength. >> i will totally obliterate the deep state. >> as long as we have faith in our beliefs, courage in our convictions that we will not
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fail. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the 45th president of the united states of america, donald j. trump! >> ♪ proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who paid that price for me and i'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee
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across the plains from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston and new york to l.a. where there is pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say that i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa and i'm proud to be an american
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where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ [cheers and applause] >> usa! usa! usa! >> well, thank you very much. thank you very much to charlie. i'm thrilled to be back with the proud, young, conservative
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patriots at turning point action . i want to thank our good friend charlie kirk for everything he has done to build turning point. it is incredible what he has done in a short period of time, into an incredible grassroots organization in the united -- into one of the most incredible grassroots organizations in the entire nation. the timing could not be better. this new project for mobilizing early voters will be a difference maker in the next election and make it a much more difficult job to cheat because we are going to swamp them. you know, when you start swamping them -- [cheers and applause] because they cheat. they do anything they can because they don't have policies. open borders, no voter id, high taxes, high interest rates. the only way they win is by cheating. we are also delighted to be joined by representative matt gaetz.
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where is matt gaetz? i love him. where is he? great. thank you, matt. thank you, matt. i'm glad you stayed. i would be very disappointed. [laughter] he's a great gentleman and a brave man, too. i will tell you that. anna paulina luna. thank you. very great job. i'm a man that is going places, and he's going places fast. spectacular person, friend of mine -- another man that's going places, and he's going places fast, spectacular person, friend of mine. cannot miss him. big and strong. a man running as a republican candidate. i think he will do very well, too, a state that we won by a lot twice, and that is the state of ohio. we love ohio and we love bernie marino.
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i hear you are doing well. a man who has gone through hell but has kept going and he is smart and strong, and people love him -- not everybody, but people love him and respect him, roger stone. where's roger stone? [cheers and applause] and another man, you know, i said maybe i should not be introducing him because he is a consumer man. he is not really a political man, but he turned out to be a really good political man. he understands what is happening, and every time i introduce him, he gets tremendous applause. mike linnell. mike? [cheers and applause] good mike. he never lets us down. speaking of fighters, this is a true fighter, a real fighter. this is not a fighter with ellipse, the mouth, the teeth. this is the real deal. he's a champion fighter, ufc.
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he has a huge fight coming up, one of the biggest. i don't know how the hell they do it, 400, 500 shots to the head, and he's smarter than hell . how does that work? champion colby cummings. [cheers and applause] where's colby? if i ever saw him on the street, i would say i could take him, but it would be over fast. if i was trying to impress somebody, it would not be impressive. thank you. good luck with the fight. we will try to be there. good luck. one of the greatest -- he has no idea i'm doing this, but that's ok, because he likes to keep his life private. he's one of the greatest businessmen in america. anywhere in the world, actually. what he has done is unthinkable. unbelievable. he took marble from a little
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company, -- marvel from a little company, brought it out of bankruptcy and turned it into one of the biggest companies in the world. i don't think he appreciates the woke disney, but it's turning the other way now. his name is ike perlmutter. he wants no adulation, either. he just loves working and employing lots of people. he has been one of the most successful businessmen on the planet. 16 months from now, each of you will vote in the most important elections of your lifetimes. this will be the most important election with your country, your freedom, and your future on the line. we are in trouble. this country is in trouble. the election will decide if your generation inherits a fascist country or a free country, if you will have the rule of tyrants or the rule of law, if
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marxist radicals burn our civilization to the ground, which they are looking to do, or young patriots like you propel america to glorious heights greater than ever before. side-by-side, we are going to fight and we are going to win. we have no choice, actually. [cheers and applause] we are going to evict crook joe biden. i took the name off of hillary. everyone knows that. it was crooked hillary, very successful, but i think she is out of it now. but, no, i thought it was more appropriate because he's cricket as you can get. this is the most dishonest president in history. i have pride in the presidency and respect for the presidency. i would not have said it, but i've seen things about him over the last three weeks that i would have never said before about any president. he is a corrupt, horrible,
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incompetent man, and he is destroying our country, and we have to have a change. with god's help, we are going to save america on november 5, 2024. when i said originally in 2016, it is the most important election, i meant it. this is far more important because our country is ready to go down. ready to go possibly into world war iii, and this will not be a war like others. this will be a nuclear war, and a level of destruction, total obliteration. not two army tanks going back and forth and shooting at each other. there's this big stuff and we have a man who is grossly incompetent that does not even know where he is and cannot put two sentences together, and this is a man that is telling us what we are going to be doing. under biden, opportunities for young people -- so many young people here -- are being utterly distinguished.
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under biden, gen z and millennials have no savings whatsoever. they have nothing. home has been pushed out of reach for millions with the rate of 30 year mortgages up 177% since i left office. by the way, that is nothing compared to energy. where we were energy independent , and now you look at what is happening to energy. we are getting our energy from venezuela. can you believe that? real wages collapsed 26 months in a row because of inflation and various things that are happening. typical americans have seen incomes crushed by $7,400 a year since biden took office. think of that -- each year, $7,400. that comes out of very, very official offices. the biggest pay cut in many decades. nobody has really seen anything like it, i don't believe.
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millions of illegal aliens have stormed across our borders. it is an invasion of our country, just like a military invasion. our rights and liberties are being torn to shreds and your country is being turned into a third world hellhole ruled by perverts and thugs. as i stand here tonight, i know the young conservative warriors -- and you are warriors -- of turning point will never let this happen. you cannot let this happen. [cheers and applause] every day, you defend our values, and you never yield, and you never will yield to the radical left. that's why you are the ones who are going to take back america. you are the ones who are going to make america great again. [cheers and applause] from the earliest days of our republic, every generation has been called to defend america,
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but people say it not with deep bravado. they say it now because now they really mean it. we are in big trouble. today, the greatest threat is not from the outside. the greatest threat is the sick, sinister, and evil forces trying to destroy our nation from within. if you have the right leadership, china is not a problem. if you have the right leadership, russia is not a problem. they would have never done what they did -- believe me, they would have never done. [cheers and applause] and i spoke to vladimor. a couple days ago, he called. he was talking to the president of ukraine, and he said volodymyr -- he meant zelenskyy.
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that was one of the good days, too. "vladimir -- "volodymyr, i thank you for being here." your task is to liberate america from these communist, fascist, local lists, and warmongers who want to plunder the future of our country, and that's exactly what we are going to do together when we all together become the 47th president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] thank you very much. >> trump! trump! trump! trump! >> by the way, charlie told me this is the biggest crowd
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they've ever had. they had a larger room because a lot of people outside. just the biggest crowd. i think you've watched the last three years and you draw a comparison, but i do appreciate it, but it is a record crowd and that's great, and i'm very happy for a turning point, and charlie and everybody else has come a long way -- i'm very happy for turning point. i will quickly stop joe biden's inflation nightmare. worst inflation in many years. i really don't know how many. they say 52, but i think it's much higher than that. restore energy independence and bring down interest rates so young people can once again afford to buy a house on a car, the basic american dream. the american dream is dead under biden. we will have the american dream back very soon. we will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy in the history
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of the world. we had that. we did it twice. then covid came in, a gift from china. when i gave it up, we had a rigged election. when i gave up the reins, so to speak, the stock market was higher than it was before covid came, the day before covid came, and we had a higher stock market despite the health whole world had to go through -- despite the hell that the whole world had to go through because of the left. people used to say, that's terrible, but it turns out we were right. we were right about a lot of things. we were right about almost everything. after 50 years of leftist domination of universities, i will take bold action to reclaim our colleges from the communist left. [cheers and applause] anti-american radicals will no longer be given a free hand to
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dominate our institutions of higher education. using my leverage -- and it is a tremendous leverage, and i used it before very well. you know, we put penalties on them and they would not let conservatives or anybody speak. big, big penalties. all of a setting, everybody was invited to speak. i don't know if everybody knows that. but it was somewhat artificial. but at least we were getting the word out. everybody should be able to speak. using my leverage over college accreditors, we are going to choke off the money to schools that aid the marxist assault on our american heritage and un-western civilization itself. the days -- and on western civilization itself. the days of subsidizing marxist colleges are over. this is what i would say very largely conservative group. i call it common sense group because i think a lot of conservatism is common sense.
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when i ask for a definition, starts with common sense. i tell them very often, you will be shocked to see colleges, even the ones you hear are most liberal, we have tremendous numbers of people out there. i think even more, they don't speak up as much, but they are starting to speak up. when you see bud light and you see all of the things that have happened -- you take a look at that, they are down 37%. nobody has ever seen that. they radical left has always used that. they use their buying power. they name a company and go after a company and we have never done that. that just happened by osmosis, actually, but it is also happening -- i heard target mentioned today and various others. we have tremendous power to make sure our country goes down the right tracks. we are going to smash the marxist diversity, equity, and inclusion driving up tuition
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costs and sticking you with crushing debt and for any university that wants federal student loan debts there is, we will require them to offer a real job placement and career services as well as options for accelerated and low cost degrees. these institutions have gone up -- the pricing has gone up more than just about any industry. you look at their cost, and they drive them up because the federal government gives loans to everybody, so it is more expensive, but somebody has to pay back that loan, except under biden, but the supreme court decided that was not going to happen. my administration will strictly enforce last month's landmark supreme court decision to move our country forward with a merit-based system of education. [cheers and applause] in other words, if you get great marks and you work hard and did all of those things, you are
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going to get into that college. somebody with half of the energy and the marks and all of the things necessary -- somebody that has the energy in the marks and all of the things necessary, that's what we have to have. we have to have our most brilliant people going to the most brilliant schools and universities, and now that's what we have. these are some of the things we have done for this country, and they are big. a lot of people did not think they would have been if colleges persist in continuing to violate your civil rights, we will have their endowments severely taxed, and a portion of the seized funds used as restitution for victims of these racist practices. they are really racist practices. in addition, i want to close the department of education and go back to where parents have total
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control of their children's lives. that's a big thing. you know, we have the worst education system just about in the world. we spend more per student by double and triple than any other country, and yet, we are ranked at the bottom of the list, like, out of a group of 40 nations, we are 38 and 39. and yet, we are double and triple per-pupil the cost. we have to make sure they are teaching everybody english. we want to make sure they are teaching english. but a little tiny coordination, but not much. how about an office of one person. nevada, you've got to do a little bit better. no, we are going to do job. we have to have great education. also, the parents can be much more involved, not this big bureaucracy. and then we will be able to sell
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all those buildings that are occupied right now for so much money. so much money. pay off debt. pay off a lot of the debt, and we have plenty of it. under my leadership, we will bring back free speech in america. just last week -- [cheers and applause] we've had some amazing rulings. you know that. just last week, a federal judge ordered the biden administration to cease and desist from their illegal and unconstitutional censorship in collusion with social media. in other words, the election was rigged. that's just another way of saying -- that's just another way of saying -- [cheers and applause] you can say stuffing the ballots and you can have that, too. that's another way of saying -- in fact, they did a report. some of the great pollsters, and they said anywhere from 10 to 17 points difference because of what they were allowed to do.
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so that was a rigged election in so many different ways. a lot of this is just coming to light. if you saw the fbi twitter. if you saw what happened to facebook, doj, terrible thing. if we don't have free elections and great elections and honest elections where everybody believes in the election and we don't have strong borders, we don't have a country. we are going to bring our country back. we are going to take our country back. under the next trump administration, the censorship will be destroyed -- we are going to destroy it 100%. and any federal bureaucrat who has a hand in a legally silencing the american people will be fired immediately. is that ok? [cheers and applause] this is just the start of what we will do for america's young people. we have to do it for the young people because the young people will have a great country as
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they get older. they want to have a great country for their children and grandchildren. there is no surprise that we are very big in the polls, very, very big. it has been like a rocket ship. i'm pleased to report that i heard you were not too happy with this particular network, fox -- [crowd booing] but -- [cheers and applause] i was watching. i was watching. i understand you exactly. not exactly friendly. but in the fox pulled out was just released, which makes it even bigger if you think about it, we lead the field by 50 points among young voters. think of that. with trump at 64% and a gentleman named ron de
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sanctimonious at 14%. he is at 14%. and i don't know why he is not here. he should be here. he should be here representing himself. in this morning's pole, trump at 64%, desanctis at 14%. in tennessee we are up by 49 points. in new hampshire, we have a great team and we love those people. we lead by 37 points. when asked who is the best to improve the economy, it is trump by 54-18 in iowa. 55-11 in new hampshire. 59-12 in south carolina and 65-10 in nevada.
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that's where colby comes from. they are going to have plenty of money when you win your fight, which you always seem to do. they were leading biden by a lot in the recent echelon pole of swing states. is it's actually a lot but does not sound like much. they have certain states, rigged or not, i don't know. we will figure that out at some point, but they have certain states. we have another poll where we are up 10, 11, 9, and 12. hard to believe, that's a lot. you might think, to the health -- who the hell would vote for this guy? but they have a natural constituency. like unions is an example. a lot of them are voting for us. maybe the top guy is taken care of by the democrats, but i tell you, those unions are voting for
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us. a lot of people that traditionally don't vote republican -- they are just fed up. you know, the democrats, you have a lot of great people that love our country. they want to make our country great again. they are going to vote for us. we had a big crossover in 2016. we had it in 2020 -- actually, we got it more in 2020. we got a hell of a lot more votes in swing states. atlantic university, good poll, we are totally dominating desan ctis right here in the state of florida. we want him to get home and take care of insurance because you have the highest insurance in the nation and the bill they passed made it good for the insurance companies. all the money he is using which has stopped because all the people who supported him are saying, wait a minute, you are down by 57 points. they may like him or may not, but they don't want somebody who is down 57 points.
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they are not stupid people. they are smart people. i'm getting calls from people saying, i just called to say hello. i thought you were a desanctis follower, and they say, no, not at all. it was never that close, by the way. running for hopeless cause. it should be used to support the party running against cooker joe biden. we've got to fight together. we have to all get together and we have to fight. i watched some of those interviews given by tucker yesterday. tucker is terrific and i watched some of the interviews, and i'll tell you, it wasn't a pretty picture. they were bad. i hope you didn't watch. like come alive-ending, career-threatening for those people. some of them -- i won't tell you who, but some of them were really bad.
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one guy is pulling at one. i'm sure it was a typo. probably because so many people are voting illegally. maybe it was not a typo. he is at zero with an arrow pointing left. i say how does that even happen? you have a family that votes 19 times instead of two times. now is the time when republicans should be using those funds to build a state-of-the-art vote-gathering operation to swamp the democrats' cheating and ballot harvesting. instead, desanctimonious and his establishment handlers are wasting precious time and resources to divide the party -- they are dividing the party. although he's dropping so quickly he will probably not be in second place much longer.
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i wonder who is going to be. maybe it is vivek. could be. he's doing well. right when we should be uniting against the weaponization of law enforcement. i took the name cricket away from hillary and we gave her a new name. beautiful. -- i took the name crooked away from hillary and we gave her a new name. beautiful. i don't believe in the same name for two people. usually i believe in the same name for people for most of their lives because many of them are now friends of mine, ok? i took the name crooked off and gave it to joe biden because he is so corrupt. i just thought it was better than sleepy joe. maybe he was less sleepy than we thought. as you know, biden recently ordered his top political
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opponent -- oh, i think that happens to be me -- indicted and arrested right in the middle of a presidential election that biden is losing very badly. [crowd booing] this is a continuation of the greatest witchhunt of all time, which has been fully exposed in the durham report, the ig report, by inspector general horowitz who did a fantastic report, and by great writers, journalists, and pundits all over the world. i have to tell you, they don't get pulitzers for this, but if you look at people like sean hannity, right? sean hannity and laura ingraham has been really good. i tell you what, tucker carlson -- i used to say -- [cheers and applause] i used to say -- for me, i used to say tucker is a solid six out
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of 10, but last year and a half, he was a 10. that's probably why they can him . and megyn kelly, she was the one that gave me that terrible question when i said only rosie o'donnell -- thank god i came up with that. she had plenty of other names going. the place went crazy. nobody ever heard the other name, so i consider that a very good answer, but that was a hell of a question. by the way, she's been great for the country. she wants our country to survive. it's not for me. the news fax people have been really terrific. rachel duffy has been great. will has been great. i have a terrific show. but there is an attitude -- attitudinal, right?
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get biden to say that, ok? [laughter] but there's so many others at many different outlets now they are seeing it. even people that were not necessarily with us, they see that we were right and our country is going to hell in a handbasket, and they want to have a country. they want to have a great country. the primary purpose of what they are doing is also very simple and it has never been done for this country anywhere near like is happening now. it is called election interference. it is a form of cheating. it's going to be hard for them to cheat when they cheated using covid. making people go through hell, destroying their families, doing things nobody thought was possible. this is really how low they have fallen. this is an attempt to win the 2020 four election. so far -- i hope it continues,
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but so far, it has had the opposite effect. it has lifted us to new heights because people know it is all bu llshit. [cheers and applause] they rigged the presidential election of 2020. we are not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024. [cheers and applause] and charlie and all of the people at turning point, i know, are going to be very active in the election, very active, and they are not going to let it happen. he's going to be almost you could say in charge of certain states that we won by a lot. what they did was so terrible to this country. the only thing i can say is we have now seen how bad it is, how bad their policies are. in one way, we are showing the world, showing the country how bad they are. open borders -- how stupid is
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open borders? all these things they have done to destroy our country, so we can actually be more effective in the next four years because of it because it is so ineffective what they have done. charging a former president of the united states under the espionage act of 1917. this is meant for developing a nuclear weapon in your basement -- is one of the most outrageous legal theories ever put forward in an american court of law. it is considered one of the meanest, most vicious acts, very, very unfair and horrible act that was passed in 1917. for many years in congress, they have been trying to get rid of it because it is so heinous, so horrible. by the way, biden has 1008 hundred 50 boxes of documents, many of them are classified, and he's got boxes in chinatown. he's got boxes at the penn
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center where china gives tens of millions of dollars a year and where he makes a lot of money, and he's got boxes under his corvette on his garage floor with a garage door that you could cut open with a scissor. we know those doors, you lift them up with one hand. and where hunter lives. i believe that's where hunter lives. these are documents -- now, why hasn't he been charged under this act? why hasn't he? it is probably 30 times the number of documents, and i have the protection -- not the protection, the law, but i have the protection of the presidential records act, and they don't. it has never been used, this heinous, horrible act has never been used before, but it shows you how nasty and horrible this administration is. these are nasty and horrible people. think of that, the word espionage.
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the other is called presidential records. that's what it is. tells you exactly what you have to do, and it says the president makes the determination, and it is a civil act, not a criminal act. it is a civil act and it only pertains to the president, so it would not pertain to biden because he was not president when he took all those documents. why isn't he charged with espionage? it is really, we have a two-tier -- but the people of the country will not stand for it. under the presidential records act, not a civil -- and this is civil -- not a criminal law, you have every right as president to have these documents, personal belongings, and whatever else there is. mike pence, and let's let him go, he had a couple of documents -- let's let him go -- [crowd booing] but he did not have the right, either, because he was not president.
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it only pertains to the president. they were not covered by the presidential records act, but they all come after trump. you know why? there is a leak. if we were down in the polls or if i was not running, if i was in a nice location getting a beautiful suntan -- but i'm fighting for you. that's all i'm doing. [cheers and applause] what a life, but i enjoy it. because we created -- prior to covid coming in, and then what we did to get it back was incredible, but prior to covid coming in created the greatest country ever in history. we had never -- african-american, hispanic american, asian american, women, men, people with no diploma, people number one in that class at harvard, wharton, m.i.t., the best schools -- everybody had a job. even people on the left were calling me, let's get together.
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that was the most successful period in the history of our country, and when people ask me -- you know, because we talk about the left. we talk marxists. you notice i started using the marxist and all of fascist -- i started putting in certain words into my talks and speeches. do you notice how many people are now using those words? i noticed coming in, everybody is talking about the marxists. we have to stop the marxists and fascists, and i don't care if i'm copied because they are right. during this period of time, i was getting calls from people that we would consider to be marxist and fascist, people that you would not believe, and they wanted to get together. they had never seen anything like it. everybody was working. we were energy dominant, really. we were going to sell energy to europe and to all parts of the world. we were at a level that we had never seen.
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we had $1.87 gasoline. we had everything going. even ronald's friend and some of our people, roger as an example -- big fan of ronald reagan, but he tried to get it done. and mark could not get it done. the bushes, of course, could not get it done. they did not come close, but everybody wanted anwar. bigger perhaps than saudi arabia in terms of liquid gold. i got it done, and the first thing they did was cancel it and they canceled the keystone pipeline, and then energy started to go up and then everything went to hell, inflation is going to come down rapidly. the interest rates will follow. we will have a country that will be unprecedented. we have to get a lot of the criminals who have been allowed to come into our country out.
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we have some bad ones. the crucial legal precedent is laid out. bill clinton took it out of his socks. i had boxes piled up in front of the white house. everyone was taking pictures of them because i was not hiding anything. bill clinton cap 79 audiotapes in his socks and sock drawer. they included discussions of u.s. foreign policy options, defense and offense, against cuba. the recordings were with the biggest foreign leaders in the world. sensitive facts about trade negotiations area. discussions with the secretary of state about the conflict in
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bosnia. and so much more. really big stuff. they found them in his sock drawer. nothing happened to them. he was not even considered for criminal prosecution based on the tapes that he took. when he was sued for them, the government sued him civilly, they did not say he would go to jail under the espionage act. when they sued him, they won the case. the judge's decision states, at -- under the statutory scheme of the presidential records act, the decision to segregate personal materials for presidential records is made by the president during the term of the president and in his sole discretion, not other people. any other administration, even
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an opposing one, would consider that to be the end. but not when it comes to trump and a candidate who is beating the candidate by a lot. it has never been done before. the national archives, a very left group, they have the constitution of the united states and the bill of rights red flagged. they consider them to be dangerous documents. they do not have the authority to designate materials as presidential records. the president enjoys
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unconstrained authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents. this was a law passed in 1977. the presidential records act. neither the archivists or congress has the authority to veto the president's decision. totally up to the president. the presidential records act does not confer any mandatory or discretionary authority on the archivists. they are there to classify these records. under this responsibility is left solely to the president of the u.s. your favorite president, me. they indicted me. think of it. you don't have to be a lawyer to understand those words.
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it is as simple as they get. they indicted me. whatever documents a president decides to take with him, he has the absolute and unquestioned right to do so. this was a law that was passed and signed. that is the way it is. it could not be more clear. i will quote from a paper that has not been on our side too much. even the new york times in major article said when it comes to asking for documents from former presidents, the only power that nara has is to say to the president of the united states, pretty please, could we possibly have the documents? asking nicely is about all they can do. you did not hear this stuff. you heard about espionage and insurrection. these people are sick. they are sick.
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and yet they reported me to the department of justice for criminal prosecution. you hear what the law is. there were many other cases. nothing like this has ever happened to our country before. that is why no other president, even those who cap far more documents than i, like biden who was not president, and that is very dangerous. he does not come under the presidential records act. he has never even been investigated. no one else was even investigated under this, let alone charged with a very severe crime. the good news is that people understand it. they get it. that is why we are leading by more points. who else gets indicted and their full numbers go up.
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it is a political way of interfering with the related -- election. i always had tremendous respect for the office of the president. i never hit biden as hard as i could have or should have. i have too much respect for the office. even the office of the vice president. but now with my indictment, think of it. you can arrest your opponent and election. they arrest you. they still have the same cabin impact. that was unprecedented. they took away my own stuff --
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constitutional rights. fbi agents came into my house with guns. it is such a serious, horrible thing. with my indictment over nonsense that i just read to you, for purposes of election interference, now the gloves can come off because i never thought anybody would do anything like that. neither did anybody else. [applause] we were never like this. i would never have said this. even though it is true. but now it is very easy to say. biden is the most corrupt president in the history of our country by far. [applause] every time the radical left democrats indict me, i consider it to be a great badge of honor and courage. i am doing it for you.
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i am being indicted for you. better me then you. we love our president. let them indict him. we don't want to be indicted. you are more than 200 million people who love our country. far more than 200 million. we have been persecuted for seven years. this did not just start with the boxes folks -- hoax. this started seven years ago when we came down the escalator. your future first lady at the time. [applause] despite having done nothing wrong, the white house just announced they dropped the investigation into the west wing cocaine scandal of just a few days. think of it. they have cocaine going into the white house. they have more cameras than any building in the world. it is opposite the situation
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room. i know it well. probably the most important room anywhere in the world. that is where war is decided, where nuclear is decided, where everything is decided. they said they did not have any cameras. at mar-a-lago, which is the situation room, we had tapes and we handed over all our tapes gladly. take a look. there is always somebody walking around with a box. we are allowed to do this. we had tapes. we handed it over. they say they do not have tapes. that is a big deal. the cocaine. it could have been other things. it could have been a dangerous weapon. a bioweapon. they ended it in just a few days. i have been under investigation from early 2015, the day i announced.
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the day i came down the escalator. and even before that. they said if he ever runs, he is going to win. that is when i had a nice, easy life. what i do for you, you have no idea. [applause] i had such an easy life. such a good life. [applause] i had a great life. i am very glad i did it. somebody asked me the other day. a very successful man. he said i don't know how you take it. these are scoundrels. he asked me a question. if you had it to do again, would
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you do it? i said without even a question. [applause] we did something that nobody else could have ever done. what we did during that time was incredible. more importantly now we are going to do it again and do it even better. not even a doubt. not even a little doubt in my mind. i have to say with all the fake news back there, there would be headlines, he wished he did not do it. i am very glad i did it. what is coming up will be greater than ever before, i can promise you that. never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only one. that is all of you and me working together. we can stop them. they want to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away your reading.
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it is very simple. they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you. in the end, they are not after me, they are after you. and i just happen be standing in their way area that is true. [applause] i was starting to say a little while ago that if i were not leading, she said you cannot beat him, he has a hugely. let's say i was losing. then of that stuff would be happening. if i were down by 20 instead of up by 50, maybe i would have to be down by 30 or 40. if i was down in the polls or was not running and i did not do
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this, there would not be any of this other stuff. they have mobilized the attorneys general. they took the top man out of the department of justice. he is such an incredible guide. he made a good speech. he has a big future. all of those three i introduced have an incredible future. they did something you just cannot do. something that is not permissible. people were shocked. even the fake news was very surprised. if you put me back in the white house, america will be a free nation once again. [applause] i ran twice. i won twice. i did much better the second time than the first. getting millions and millions of more boats the second time.
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more boats than any sitting president in the history of our country by far. i also have the biggest margin obama got much fewer votes the second time when he was reelected. people get bored with their president. you're never going to get bored with me, i promise. that would be very insulting. no president has ever gone up that much. i was told by the pollsters, if you can get close to 63 million votes, you are going to win an absolute landslide. i got close to $75 million --
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75 million votes. now we are going to do it a third time and there will be no mistakes. we will swamp them. there are only so many ballots they can produce. you know what i mean i that. we are going to swamp them. i have never seen spirit like this. we had great rallies with rate people. we had a rally the other day and south carolina. we had maybe 80,000 people coming. it was incredible. we had great support. many millions of more votes the second time. we have never had enthusiasm like we have right now. a big part of that is you see how bad they are running our country.
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how incompetent they are. what china is doing to us. what everybody is doing to us. the country is laughing at our leader. they think she is incompetent. he is totally arrived. other than that he is doing a wonderful job, isn't he? it is such a sad thing for our country to be represented by this guy. i was watching his recent meetings over in europe and he does not know where the hell he is. he wasn't too sharp 30 years ago. not the sharpest one. just think about what we already accomplished in for a credible years. -- four incredible years. we built the greatest economy ever in the history of the world. china was going to overtake us. we were doubling up. we were so far ahead of them they didn't even have a chance. if we had a smart president,
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they would never be able to take us. we achieved energy independence and energy dominance was going to be right around the order for us for the first time in about 78 years. we created the most secure border in u.s. history. chris christie says we only build 47 miles. then they checked with the border patrol. almost 500 miles of wall. [applause] remember this, i said mexico would pay for it. they gave us 28,000 soldiers more -- free of charge. and they did that for years because while i was building the wall, congress fought me tooth and nail. like mitch mcconnell. i ended up taking the money out of the military.
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because i considered it an invasion of our country. we built almost 500 miles of wall. we completed that job and i said we will need some more because people are coming around other areas. we had 200 miles of additional wall ready to install. they did not want it to go up. they actually believe they want to have an open border. people coming and the likes of which you don't ever want in your country. i got mexico to give us 20,000 soldiers free of charge. the president of mexico is a great guy. they laughed at me when i said i want you to supply soldiers along the border. they said why would they do that. i said i would appreciate it.
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then they sent their representative to send me at the state department. she said they will never do that. they will never do remain in mexico. they will never do catch and release. i said yes they will. you watch. the top representative comes into the office. i said we need you to give us soldiers for the border. he laughed at me and said i was a fool. i said you are going to give me those soldiers. he said we cannot do that. how full issue a request. i said you are going to do it. if you don't do it, on monday morning, we are going to put a 25% tariff on every product coming out of mexico. we did not allow that to happen.
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now it is happening again. i hate to tell you. it is happening again. they are taking the car business. the electric cars are not going to be built here. they're going to be built in china mostly. i said i am signing this. he said he wanted to make a call. i told him about the 25% tax stuff. he said we would be delighted to supply you with that. we did be delighted to give you all the shoulders you want. i said we would be delighted. it would be my great honor. these were very good soldiers. they were not lyrically correct either. they said you cannot come in. we have the greatest numbers anywhere. we deported criminals who killed people for fun.
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thousands and thousands. i never got enough credit to that. we have the safest border in the history of our country. we have no idea who these people are. i fully rebuilt the u.s. military, created the space forest, defeated isis. we have great generals. not the ones you see on television. the real generals. we have great generals. we brought our troops back,. we defeated isis. i was the first president in decades who did not start a war. we had peace through strength. [applause] as i was building that military, we got more and more bravado
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going. we have great soldiers. i was told it would take a few years to defeat isis. i could not understand it. they are great fighters. i said i want to go and see what is going on with that. i went to iraq. i landed at a big, beautiful air force base. it took billions and billions of dollars to build. we came in in a tanker. i said with all the money we have spent, we are flying in these planes in the dark. so i get on air force one and we are getting ready to land.
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they said they want to turn off all the lights in the plane. they wanted to be totally dark. we will be landing in an enemy zone. so i said close it up. they were going to close all of the blinds. there was not a light in the plane. i could not see where the hell i was. i have some meeting with some people, i could not even do them across the desk. i said i wanted to go up and see the landing. i have great respect for these pilots. they are the most handsome human beings. i don't like being with him too long. you get an inferiority complex. they are perfect people.
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the best people you have ever seen. i said i will go up with the pilots. they are leading me up. it is crazy. think of it. we cannot control that. it is so terrible. there were a lot of people up there. you could make a movie with them. wasn't that a lucky answer? what a great answer that was. that was a horrible question.
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we were going down. we were flying low. 600, 500. i said captain, are we ok? he said we are fine. i am saying, i don't see any lights. he said we do not need them. we have the finest equipment in the world. 400, 300, 200. the wheels are down now.
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i see the ground. everything is black. dark. not a light. i say we are ok. he says, yes. we landed perfectly. i don't know how they do it. i felt so brave in doing this. i said in my entitled to give myself the congressional medal of honor? i would have done it. [applause] i thought i was so brave. i walk out and then the stairs come down. there is a general standing there with another general area and a couple of drill sergeants.
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everyone of them was perfect. i said that is the way you are supposed to look red not that looks mean anything. i said what is your name? he told me. i said you are the guy i am looking for. then he introduced me to the other general. and a couple of sergeants. they would be great in the movies playing a drill sergeant. they asked me if i would like to rest for a while. i said i have been on the plane for 20 hours. he was thinking about biden. he would not go there. he would say let's rest for a few days. i don't to rest.
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i want to go and find out what is going on. i said let me ask you this question. we have been fighting isis with the best weapons in the world for many, many years. and we don't seem to win. i asked a couple of my generals. i thought they were incompetent. they were. i asked a couple of generals why we can't defeat isis. we have the best equipment in the world. biden tells everybody we have no ammunition. that is classified information. when are they going to prosecute him for that? what a stupid thing to say. i said they tell me it would
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take years to defeat isis. what do you think? >> he said we could have it done in three weeks. i said, explain that. he said this base is very far away. we have many satellite bases. we will hit them from the front, back, left, and right. we will even go underground if necessary. we will hit them from so many locations they will not know what is happening. [applause] i said, how sure are you? he said, three weeks, you will have time left over. i was told in washington that this would take years and years. that is why i went to a rack to
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find -- iraq to find out, why can't we do this? why can't we defeat isis? i said i will speak to you during the week and i appreciate what you have told me. i got back on the plane and we left. i said, are you sure we can do it? i said let's go do it. and he went wild. [applause] i said, i heard you are making great progress. i said, what is the status? he said they have them all cornered.
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he wanted the approval to take them out. i said these are human lives you are talking about. he said they are scum. [applause] they kill our people. they kill a lot of people. they are bad people. i am telling you this story because we have a great military. i did not lose one soldier in 18 months in afghanistan. [applause] i said to him, what do you want to do? take them out. do you think they will surrender? they don't know what that means. they don't surrender.
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i said just go fly over them and you will get them to surrender. they were not doing anything. they just wanted to fight. so i said do what you have to do. he did his job. we defeated 100% of isis. i said now you can come home. i tell you that story because it is important for you to know that our military is rate area we just have incompetent leadership. when putin went into ukraine and did what he did, he would never have done that.
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i had a really good relationship with him. i was the worst thing that ever happened to russia. biden let them build the pipeline. i stopped it. you could do that except me? nobody. all of these candidates are lightweights. this information is all they are good at. they say i am soft on russia. all of the sanctions i put on them.
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i said, we are not going to freeze. he did not believe me. i said don't go into taiwan. the ones i got along with best were the tough ones. the weak ones. i got along with them. tremendous new their capability.
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we went very nasty. i was calling him names, he was calling me names. a lot of people thought it was dangerous. then all of a sudden i got a call. as soon as that happened, we put north korea into the olympics. we did a phenomenal job.
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there was no threat of nuclear. the secret service said please do not walk into north korea. but i did. we got along with them great. we would've had a deal with them if the election had not changed. i told china if you by any oil from iran, you not do any business with us. we would've made a deal that was great for everybody. china is building in cuba. does anyone know that? they don't want to mention it because it is so bad. this is 90 miles off of our coast. when they -- when i get in, they
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will be gone within 48 hours. [applause] i signed an executive order stating that anyone who defaced a federal monument in washington would get 10 years in prison. i proudly signed the world's first band on -- ban on critical race theory. all that was only the beginning. we will put america first like never before. we will finish the job that we so successfully started. many people say it was one of the most successful presidencies ever. some say it was the most successful ever. when i get back into the oval
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office, i will obliterate the deep state. [applause] we know all the good ones now. i was not a washington establishment person. i had to rely on people. we rebuild our military. i will fire all of these corrupt bureaucrats. i know the weak ones in the stupid ones. i know everybody in washington. i got a phd in learning about the people of washington.
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we will create a truth and read consecutively -- reconciliation group. shortly after we win the presidency, i will have the war between russia and ukraine totally settled. we will get that settled very quickly. biden gave up a lot of secrets about the condition of our country and our military. that is very classified. the cluster bombs going to ukraine. he announced he is sending thousand and thousands of troops despite the fact that the u.s. military has been so badly depleted already.
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europe is the same size as us approximately if you add up all the countries. why aren't they paying the same amount or more? not a single american mother or father should have to worry that their child sent to die in eastern europe. i will make a deal that is fair for ukraine and fair for russia. we have to make a deal. cnn got the highest ratings in 11 years. we must have done well. they fired the president. i thought they should give him a raise. this has to end. when i am president, it will be done very quickly, i believe in 24 hours. ron desantis can not do it
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because he is owned and controlled by the globalist establishment that always puts america last. we saw how quickly he reversed himself on ukraine. that is good branding. they can't even get his name right. i love that. i got him elected. he was dead. he was losing by a massive margin. it was over. he had no money. he came to see me. he begged me to endorse him.
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i said if i am abraham lincoln and washington together, we gave you an endorsement, you would not win. he said they love you in florida. if you endorse me, you will win. i would see him on television a little bit. i said let's give it a shot. he went up like a rocketship. he ended up winning the primary. very shortly thereafter. in a landslide. then he went against the guy was a crackhead. at the time they thought he was the next great president.
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a handsome guy. he was going to be president. this was not a good representative. he was a handsome guy. everything was good. they were going to have a great future. it did not work out that way. i did a few rallies. we are starting them again now. we had three of them. he ended up winning. 3.5 years later they scream out a question to them run against the president? he said i have no comment.
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i got him elected. if anybody has any questions as to why i take it personally, i know i know i'm not supposed to. they say don't tell a story like that. people don't care about loyalty. you are young and you have a big life ahead of you. i will prevent world war iii. i will impose a border tariff on all or an made good. everything coming into our country. we want our products made in american back injuries --
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factories by american workers. we will charge them 100%. right now they do that. they don't have the courage to do it. i think it would be disastrous. i saved the steel industry. the people who love me the most are the steel people. if we had a war against china, we would have to get our steel from china. does that work? i don't think so. we saved the steel industry. we will gain total independence from china and we will hold the chinese government accountable for releasing the china virus
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onto the world. i will terminate every open borders policy of the biden administration. other countries are emptying out their prisons, insane assignments, mental and stations , and dumping everyone, including the most vicious terrorists in the world. has anyone ever heard of the snake? we are going to go along. i have a feeling you like this better. the snake. this was a great song written a long time ago. it has to do with terrorism. we are allowing people to come in and destroy our country. we have to take them out.
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this has to do with the fact that people are coming into our country. very sad and very terrible things happening read many of these people are very bad. who has heard this before? that is pretty good. it is amazing how few. i think it is pretty terrific. on her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tenderhearted woman saw a poor, half frozen snake. her pretty colored skin had been lost to do. she said i will take you in and take care of you. take me for heaven's sake. side the vicious snake. she wrapped him up all cozy in income there and laid him by the fireside with some honey and milk.
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she hurried home from work that night and as soon as she arrived she found the pretty snake she had taken had been revived. take me in. for heaven's sake. set the vicious snake. she clutched into her bosom. you're are so beautiful, she cried. if i had not brought you in, you truly would have died. stroked his pretty skin and kissed and held him tight. but instead of saying thank you, the snake gave her a vicious bite. take command. for heaven sake. set the vicious snake. i saved you, cried the woman. you have bitten me. you know your bite is poisonous. and now i'm going to die. shut, silly woman, set the
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reptile with a grin. you knew i was a snake before you took me in. [applause] that is the end. the snake. that is what we are doing. we are taking in people who are very dangerous people. we are allowing them to come in by the millions and millions and millions. following the eisenhower model, we will use our resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. i will sign a day one executive
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order ending automatic citizenship for the children of illegal aliens. who bring all of their family members and with them. we must redouble our efforts to make sure that anybody who comes to america shares our values and assimilate into our culture. we will put on a powerful travel ban to keep radical islamic terrorists out of our country. you did not see anything about that. you would've seen a lot of it. the united states will not be condemned. i will order our government to
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do that required by law. our bigger problem is getting the ones that we have here around. the ones who got elected to office. we have some bad people. they are sick people. they are liars and bad people. i believe they hate our country. the democrat run cities are more dangerous now than they have ever been in history. crime has risen 300%. it is out of control. just a few months ago a savage illegal alien criminal in taxes walked into his neighbors house and executed in eight-year-old boy and an 18-year-old man. two of them died immediately. along with a six week old baby. this all took place in a very short time.
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the same week and illegal alien in the sanctuary state of california went on a multi-day doing rampage. -- killing rampage. he attempted to murder a 64-year-old woman. in the bronx, a savage criminal went into the streets and sprayed a halo let's into a crowd. one of them hit a five-year-old. in washington on the fourth of july, so beautiful, not beautiful anymore. i kept it beautiful. i would have tents taken down immediately. you should see washington right now. on the fourth of july, nine people were viciously shot in a
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single drive-by shooting that targeted an independence day celebration. it is about time for the federal government to take over washington. and run it properly. crime has become a capital of the world. we should take care of it. we should love it. if we do not do that, it is very sad. you take a look at the numbers. people don't want to come here anymore. the sidewalks smell. it is a horrible thing the federal government has to take it over it and do has to be done. it has to be perfect. we can make it better than it ever was. we can do that quickly. [applause]
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the people who are running a do not have a clue. or they do have a clue and they do not want to see a good. to stop the marxist prosecutors who release rapists while persecuting republicans, i will direct an overhaul of the doj. for there a legal enforcement of the law. to combat the scorch of homelessness that is plaguing democrat run cities, i will use every authority to get the homeless, drug addicted, and dangerously deranged people off the street. we will get them medical care. but we cannot have what is happening in go and los angeles and new york and chicago and every other democrat run city. in all places they are democrat run.
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the liberal policies that indulge them are not compassionate at all. they are law-abiding citizens who are living in danger. people who love their country. they cannot believe what is happening. they cannot walk down the street. in atlanta, you cannot walk down the street. you in the being shot -- end up being shot. but then they come after me for a perfect phone call. i only talk appropriate. i know how to talk. i had a perfect phone call. they said we don't like what you said.
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we set up another call for the same day. you have murders all over atlanta. but they come after me. that is why i respect him. he did not feel threatened. it was a perfect call. this is even more perfect. that they want to do anything. they are sick, the arranged people. i don't think the people of the country will stand or it. i will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school wishing inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children read we weren't great schools to lead to great jobs and great lives in great excess. i will keep man out of women's sports. how ridiculous. i will sign a law prohibiting
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child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. can you imagine 15 years ago having somebody stand up here and say we will stop child mutilation. who would ever think of this? our country is sick. the world is sick. i will restore the man -- ban on transgender's in the military. i will not give one penny to any school if you have a vaccine mandate from kindergarten through college, you do not get any thing. i will also continue my long record of standing up to big pharma by creating a commission to investigate what causing the decades long increase in childhood diseases. and other chronic health problems.
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for four years we did this. i will fully uphold and support the second amendment. nobody has ever done a job like i have done. it was not easy. i will defend innocent life. nobody has done more than i have. i will move heaven and earth to fully sit -- secure our elections. the reason they don't want voter ideas because without it they can cheat. the leadership does not want it. it becomes harder to cheat. we want paper ballots. france just had an election.
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no complaints, it was over. you had a winner and a loser. you can have one-day voting. it would be so good. you have these elections that last 54 days. where those ballots? i think we will move them over to another county. we must compete and win. until then, republicans must compete, and we must win. inflation is totally out of control. china, iran, north korea, russia have formed a destructive and very powerful coalition. our currency is crashing and we will soon no longer be the world standard, which will be our greatest defeat in 200 years if we lose the world standard in currency. that would be unthinkable. three years ago, could not even
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have happened. but it won't happen with me, just like russia would never have invaded ukraine -- never, ever. a lot of democrats say that they would have never come close. china would never have thought about rating taiwan. if you took the five worst presidents in the united states and added them up, they would not have done near as much damage to our country as joe biden and the bite and administration has done. we are a nation in decline, and now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement. it is totally corrupt. we won't let it happen. 2024 is our final battle. we will demolish the deep state. we will drive out the globalists
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. we will cast out the communists, marxists, fascists. we will throw out the sick political class that hates our country, and we will route the fake news media. we will defeat crook joe biden, and we will drain the swamp once and for all. we made a lot of progress, but there's more to do. [cheers and applause] and in closing, the great silent majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer. with your help, your love, your vote, we will put america first. we will make america great again. thank you very much, and god bless you all. god bless you all. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] ♪
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>> ♪ don't you ever be sad lean on me when the times are bad when the day comes and you're down in a river of trouble and about to drown just hold on i'm coming hold on i'm coming i'm on my way, your lover if you get cold, yeah, i'll be your cover don't have to worry 'cause i'm here no need to suffer, baby, 'cause i'm here just hold on i'm coming hold on i'm coming hold on i'm coming hold on i'm coming
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reach out to me for satisfaction, yeah ♪ >> one more time for president trump! [cheers and applause] >> c-span's campaign 2020 24 coverage is your front row seat to the presidential election. watch our coverage of the candidates on the campaign trail with announcements, meeting grades, speeches, and events to make up your own mind. campaign 2024 on the c-span network. c-span now, our free mobile video app or any time online at c-span -- your unfiltered view of politics. >> sunday on "q&a," historn
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and political contributing writer joshua sykes talks about the impact that faith had on america's 16th president. he says as a young man abraham lincoln was skeptical of organized religion but as president came to embrace the power of evangelical protestantism, both personally and politically. >> we know that as late as 1858, the local presbyterian minister in springfield illinois -- there were a lot of presbyterian ministers in springfield, illinois, but the one at the church lincoln's family attended, managed to convert lincoln. a friend later said he tried but could not. there's nothing in the public
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record to suggest lincoln had any real sense of religiosity before washington. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's "q&a." you can listen to "q&a" and all of our podcasts on our free c-span now app. >> listening to programs on c-span through c-span radio just got easier. tell your smart speaker, play c-span radio," and listen to "washington journal" daily at 7:00 a.m. eastern. catch "washington today" for a fast-paced report. listen to c-span any time. c-span, powered by cable. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these
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