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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper  CNN  August 9, 2020 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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no deal, with millions of unemployed americans growing more desperate, congress is at an impasse on how to help. now the president says he'll act alone. >> i'm taking executive action. we've had it. >> is it legal and will it work? i'll talk to house speaker nancy pelosi and president trump's chief economic adviser larry kudlow next. and grim prediction. health experts project 100,000 more deaths this year as coronavirus spreads and state officials scramble to gain control. >> this virus has a mind of its own. we have no idea of how it's going to progress. >> a leader whose false positive test result kept him from meeting with the president this week.
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ohio governor mike dewine ahead. plus, face to face. presumptive democratic nominee joe biden narrows in on his search for a running mate. the latest on his vp shortlist ahead. ♪ hello. i'm dana bash in for jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is confused and angry. it is difficult even to fathom the number of americans suffering from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. nearly 5 million of them have now tested positive for the virus, and 162,000 are dead. more than 7 million students are starting the school year with online learning only. and more than 16 million americans are unemployed. and after two weeks of negotiating, congressional democrats in the white house could not reach any agreement to help those american families who were struggling just to put food on the table. at this point, lawmakers have no plans for further talks. president trump who did not
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attend those negotiations, spent the long weekend at his golf resort in new jersey said yesterday that he would bypass congress to sign an executive order, to consider halting evictions, deferring student loan payments, reallocating monies so that governors could partially replace the extra federal unemployment benefit that expired last month, and temporarily suspending the payroll tax. but already there are lots of questions about how effective those actions will be and whether or not they're even legal. last night one republican senator criticized the president for ignoring congress's role with, quote, unconstitutional slop. joining me now is top white house economic adviser larry kudlow. thank you so much for joining me this morning. i want to start with the president's claim that unemployed americans will get $400 per week in unemployment assistance. but let's talk about what the executive action really says. americans only get money if, a, a governor asks for it, b, if
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the state kicks in $100 for each person each week. but many states, as you know, are really struggling to make ends meet. so let's be clear, no unemployed american is going to get an extra penny unless their governor asks for it and can afford it. is that right? >> well, look. don't forget, please, the state unemployment benefits continue. there's no effect on what they do. and you are correct. for an extra $100, we will pay three-quarters and the states will pay 25%. and i think the way this is going to work out, we have additional funds that we will repurpose for this. this is an essential item. we've tried to get it through the democratic house for, i don't know, two or three times. and it's going to be a form of economic assistance, probably you'll get $800 total, federal
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and state. and if we get it going september 1st, which is what the deadline looks like, that'll probably give the warniorkforce an incre in wages. >> what do you mean $800 total? >> $1,200. well, at a minimum, we will put in 300 bucks and the states will continue with their 400 bucks. but i think all they have to do is put up an extra dollar and we'll be able to throw in the extra $100. so it should be -- may not be in every case because, as you know, we're talking averages. some states higher, some states lower. but on average, dana, it'll run to about $800. >> but the executive action says $400 and that the state would pay 25% of this. you're talking about some other money that i don't know about. >> well, we will stand ready to repurpose if states put in a little bit more is all it
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amounts to. right now that number's around $700. i think they'll get to 800. some states can get positive 800. the key point here is that it's a wage increase, dana, of about $1,200 for the last four months of the year. that's a big pay hike. not only does that reward the heroes who have been working. i think it's an incentive to get more people to want to come into the workforce. >> we need a bit of a reality check here. you do agree that the only way this of this could possibly happen is if the states actually ask for it and create a whole new system. and is that what your expectation is? >> that's like topping it off. state benefits, we're talking about averages here across the country. but state benefits run about 300, $400.
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>> we're just talking about the enhanced unemployment benefit. let's leave that out of the conversation. >> that's correct. so for 100 bucks add-on, we will put on $300. >> what makes you think that states have that $100 a week per person who is unemployed in their state to even put into this potential pot of money? >> well, i think they will be able to make room. our estimates from the treasury department in terms of c.a.r.e.s. act one was that the states have not spent all the money that was allocated to them and that there is considerable overflow that they could make use of. we are going to operate on the same principle in the executive order. we will be repurposing funds from other areas. >> have you -- >> so based on our estimates, the states will be able to provide the extra $100. and that will gross up the whole benefit to something on average
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of about -- >> have you checked with the states, how many of the 50 states and d.c. and other territories say that they are going to be able to pony up $100 a week per unemployed citizen? >> good question. we'll probably find that out today or tomorrow as we make our canvas. we've been in touch with them. we have very good records coming out of the treasury department. but we will be in touch -- >> so you don't know yet? the president didn't know the answer to that before he made his announcement? >> well, look. at the moment, we know the money probably a good 80 to $100 billion was not spent. so we think that's distributed across the 50 states should be ample. we'll find out the exact specifics today and are to. >> i want to remind you of something that you said about this kind of move just this past week. listen. >> we got to fix and extend the unemployment issue right now. i don't think that can be done
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administratively. i think that requires an act of congress. >> so, the whole question of whether there's the money for this to work is one, but what even you, yourself, said is whether it's even legal. do you think it is? >> well, i'm not the lawyer, and i probably spoke out of turn there because i worked all week with our counsel's office and they proved to me that we could use the stafford emergency act and that we could repurpose funds to do that. so i probably shouldn't have said that. i was thinking at that point we might be able to get a deal with congressional democrats. as you know, we were unable to get that deal. we tried a couple times. we offered compromises. we couldn't get it. so the president decided to take action on his own. of course, i think he was right to do so. when the lawyers gave me a green light, then, sure, no problem. we have a lot of -- the
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president has said for four or five months regarding this whole virus emergency crisis, and so forth, he said we will use every power the federal government has to help out. and i think this is an example of that. >> so you do think this is a real power? because there's a big question about whether he way overstepped his power. >> i understand there will be a debate. i'm not the lawyer so i can't give you the final word. but counsel pat cipollone has gone through it with a fine-toothed comb. and he believes we can do it and we are going to absolutely do it. we will begin -- i believe this will begin effective august 1st actually. >> one quick other question about this apparent unemployment plan. we've talked to experts about this who say that even if this did happen that it could take months to get this new system up and running. do you agree with that?
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>> i don't. the labor department working with the states believe it can happen much, much faster than that. mind you, all the federal money we had been putting in was running through the state systems. so those systems, which needed some reform and needed some updating to be sure, those systems are in much better shape today. >> so when will people see their first checks? >> i don't want to be specific as you might hold me to it, as you should, but i think it's going to be in a couple of weeks, and i think it's going to come to about $1,200 per person. that's a huge -- >> you keep saying $1,200 per person. are you talking about in addition to the unemployment that they're already getting? >> oh, no. that's the payroll -- i beg your pardon. $1,200 will come from the payroll tax. >> okay.
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we're going to get to that. because there's a lot of numbers here and it's a little confusing. >> it should be -- >> go ahead. >> it should be 800 bucks. i beg your pardon. it should be 800 bucks for the unemployment. >> 800 or 400? >> it should be $800. if the states step up, we're prepared to match, that should come out $400 federal, $400 states. >> okay. we'll move on because i think this is not what the president said and it's a bit confusing, and i think the fact that it's not entirely known is very telling. i want to talk about evictions, mr. kudlow, because the president claimed that he's protecting americans from eviction. but that's not what this document says. it says that agencies should consider whether halting eviction stops the spread of covid and tells treasury to identify money to help renters and to promote their ability to
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avoid eviction. this is not a freeze on evictions. this is a memo asking his cabinet to study it, right? >> well, it gives the health department -- it gives health secretary alex azar and the cdc a lot of power if they are concerned about community spread, for example, they will trigger actions that will prevent evictions. and i think in most cases -- i mean, we did not, fortunately, we did not have much forbearance and eviction from the first c.a.r.e.s. period, the last three, four months. >> but if i got an eviction notice and i listened to what the president said yesterday, i think i am not going to be evicted. but that's not what this executive order actually says. do you agree with that? >> no, not exactly, because, again, the health secretary has the authority working with the cdc to declare it an emergency.
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and therefore there will be no eviction. >> yes or no? does this freeze evictions, prevent evictions, period, full stop as the president said yesterday? >> it will. it absolutely will. all that has to happen -- we're setting up a process, a mechanism. i can't predict the future all together. all the federally financed single families and multi-families will be covered as they have been. with respect to the additional population, again, if hhs declares emergencies, then evictions will be -- >> i just want to know -- it uses words like consider, identify, promote, review. there's nothing that actually says a landlord cannot evict a
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tenant. but let's move on because i really want to talk to you about the payroll tax cut. this is another part of what the president talked about. let's start with the fact that it doesn't affect 16 million americans who are currently unemployed and aren't on a payroll to tax, right? let's start there. and i also want to talk about what you said in 2011. you wrote that a payroll tax cut is a, quote, very weak need economic stimulus and a lackluster job creator. so were you wrong then, or are you wrong now? >> now, look, all i was saying then is stronger tax cut measures that would have bigger effects throughout the economy. but when i said that, you couldn't foresee what's happened with the virus and covid. you just couldn't foresee that. now, look, at this point, as i said, it would probably be worth $1,200 per worker. and in terms of the number of workers, yes, we are running
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somewhere around 15, 16 million unemployed. we've had a $9 million increase in jobs and a big decline in the unemployment rate to 10.2% on the friday nights. and we are in, i believe, a strong self-sustaining v-shaped recovery. >> okay. well, you say that. and it's better that be n it wat just remember we are at a place right now where the unemployment rate is still at the height it was in the great recession of 2009, as you well know. it's still pretty bad. >> i understand. >> 30 million americans don't have enough to eat. on this payroll tax question -- >> but, dana, i want to make sure, i understand that, as i've said many, many, many times, there is still plenty of hardship and there is still plenty of heartbreak in these numbers. that, by the way, is why we are driving forth with
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administration executive actions to provide unemployment assistance. and with respect to the payroll tax, basically we're giving 140 some odd million people who work through this pandemic, they're heroes. we're giving them about a $1,200 wage increase after tax. >> mr. kudlow -- >> and i think that is vitally important. >> you say we're giving them that. but as you well know, in the constitution it says the power to tax is a power of the congress of the united states. how on earth is the president unilaterally making a decision on taxes constitutional? >> well, look. it's a deferral. it's not a tax rate change. i understand it will be challenged in the courts. we'll see what happens. a lot of this, dana, has to do with repurposing. we have a lot of extra money that has not yet been spent. that's part of the negotiations. the supreme court has permitted
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us in the past, particularly regarding the wall between the united states and mexico, to allow repurposing of funds. and we believe the treasury department has authority to suspend tax, not permanently -- >> well, not permanently, but the president said explicitly that if he gets re-elected, he will make the payroll tax cut permanent. as you well know, these funds go into and help pay for social security and medicare. the president promised many times social security and medicare. isn't that exactly what he will be doing here? >> no. he will protect social security and medicare. >> how does he do that and cut payroll taxes at the same time? >> well, hang on. when he referred to permanent, i think what he was saying is that the deferral of the payroll tax to the end of the year will be
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made permanent. it will be forgiven. the tax is not going away. >> well, he said he would do away with it if he gets re-elected. it was a new campaign pledge. >> no. i think that he was referring -- doing away with it. i believe he was referring to doing away with the payback of the deferral. and i think his intent here and it's written in the eos very clear that we will take any steps possible to forgive this deferral. that's what he was actually saying. >> okay. i just want to say that's what you're saying? that is not what the president said at all. he said the opposite. just real quick -- >> it's in the executive order. >> people aren't reading the executive order. they are listening to what he said. >> i think he meant the deferral would be forgiven. i think he was saying that the
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savings on the deferral will be permanent. >> okay. >> he did not say he's eliminating the social security tax. >> thank you for clarifying that for me. thank you for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you. the top democrat in the hou negotiations responds to the announcement. plus, the president says states don't have enough money to pay americans $100 more a week. is that true? we'll ask ohio governor mike dewine about that claim and about his positive test for coronavirus, which turned out to be negative. stay with us. ♪ come on in, we're open. ♪ all we do is hand you the bag. simple. done. we adapt and we change. you know, you just figure it out. we've just been finding a way to keep on pushing. ♪
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where we've got the best deals on refrigerators, microwaves, gas ranges and grills. and if you're looking for... welcome back to "state of the union." i'm dana bash.
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yesterday, president trump accused democrats of being unreasonable to push for $3 trillion in economic relief for americans and said his four executive actions will, quote, take care of pretty much this entire situation after congressional talks broke down. joining me now to respond is the democratic speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. thank you so much for joining me. let me just start with what just happened in my interview with the president's chief economic adviser larry kudlow. he said that the white house didn't know how many states would contribute to the president's plan to supplement unemployment insurance or how long it would take for those payments to kick in. what's your response? >> well, first, good morning, dana. it's nice to be with you on a sunday morning. let us all be prayerful that we can meet the needs of the american people, especially as we all watch the angst that is associated with sending children back to school. what the president's adviser
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said really shows weakness and meagerness in what the president proposed. first of all he is saying states have the money. no, they don't. they have expenses from the coronavirus. they have lost revenue. because that far they are firing health care workers, first responders, teachers and the rest. sanitation, transportation because they don't have the money. second of all, everything is left out. our assistance to the schools, feeding the hungry, helping people who are going to be evicted. the president's moratorium, he just did a study to look at a moratorium. something's wrong. either the president doesn't know what he's talking about. clearly his aides don't know what he is talking about. or something's very wrong here about meeting the needs of the american people at this time.
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>> well, let's talk about what he did do or what he said he did with these executive actions. are they legal? and if you don't think they are, are you going to sue to block them? >> well, the fact is, is that whether they're legal or not takes time to figure out. i associate my remarks with what the senator says, they're unconstitutional slop. right now we want to address the needs of the american people. as my constitutional advisers tell me they're absurdly unconstitutional. but right now our focus -- and that's a parallel thing. right now the focus, the priority, has to be on, again, meeting the needs of the american people sufficiently allocating resources to send children to school, not threatening schools that if they don't have actual attendance, they won't get the federal dollars. >> so given that, are
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negotiations going to resume? >> well, i hope so. look, we have a big difference, and here's why. for example, millions of children in america are food insecure. and their families as well. but i always like to focus on the children. in our bill we have tens of billions of dollars to address the hunger needs in our country. which are there normally but exacerbated during the pandemic. we have tens of billions of dollars. they have $250,000. so do they care? i have a prayer that i say, let's pray for those who are hungry, let's pray harder for those who will not feed them. then we go to the princeton lab, eviction lab says we need resources, there are going to be this many millions of evictions and the president is going to
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study it, look at it. >> so given that you are the speaker of the house, you have enormous power. given what you just said about people hungry and worried and very, very fearful, why not get back in that room and come up with a compromise on some of these core issues? >> i understand. >> i understand you want to get the best possible for people, but at some point you got to work with the other side, right? >> well, that's right. and that's why we said we'll come down a trillion, not that we cut out any of our priorities but we shorten the length of time in which they would be in effect. and next year we can extend them again. and they could -- i mean, tons of trillions, 60 trillion actually, $250,000, there's a long way for us to come together. but we'll come down a trillion, you go up a trillion, we'll find our common ground here. let's go to the table. >> okay. >> we can't accept what they have --
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>> why are you guys working all weekend then to try and figure that out? >> we can't accept the meager pass that they have there. and, by the way, this is really an issue that takes a lot of our time. opening up our schools. we have data that shows that if you open up, actually, if you open up virtually and if you open up hybrid, it costs just about the same amount money. of the hundred largest school districts, 62 are open 100% visit wal. and yet the president is saying unless you open up actual, we're withholding federal dollars. >> so i want to talk specifically about this extra $600 a week in unemployment benefits that expired.
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extending $600, quote, does not make sense now. you're standing firm on that $600. when. are you insisting on that as opposed to having a compromise with the republicans so that people out there who are hungry who desperately need that money could get something rather than nothing which is what they have now? >> well, let's just say that the $600, many economists tell us that that has kept many millions of people out of poverty, a. b, what they put on the floor of the house senate last week was $200. >> okay. so you have 600, they have 200. what about 400? >> what the president proposed yesterday at his country club surrounded by his people who must have spent thousands of dollars to join, is something
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that won't even work. he is talking about, well, i'll put up 400 and the states will put up 100. >> which is questionable. i'm talking about doing it the right way. >> i'm saying that what he put forth is not even workable. >> would you do $400 extra? >> i'm not negotiating that right here. it depends on what else -- >> legislatively? >> it depends on what else is in the bill. when they had $250,000 for food, nothing for elections, withholding funds from schools who want to open up virtually and the rest. again, no money for those who will be evicted because that's the same kitchen table. i either get this money and can help me pay the rent or i don't get this -- >> i understand. >> and i get no money to pay the rent. >> i understand you don't want to negotiate with me. but my question is are republicans right when they say you will not come off of your
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$600 number. you will not come up of other figures, other policy initiatives that you want? and that's why you're at stalemate? >> that's not why we're at a stalemate. we're at a stalemate because the republicans have, from the start, never understood the gravity of the situation that we are in. they have called it a hoax. they've called it, they're delayed, denial extortion of this pandemic. we cannot open our economy or our schools safely unless we address the pandemic. so, the basic thing is they have ignored that. the problem has grown. and it has become an enormous economic problem. >> do you take responsibility, madam speaker, for the fact that this is stuck? >> other economists have said pay now or pay more later. so what we're saying is let's help those who need it the most, let's send our children safely to school.
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let's make sure they have food, make sure their families are not evicted. >> bugt right now they have nothing because those things expired. >> well, what do you think they could get out of a $250,000 food designation in the republican plan? in other words, you are acting as if there is some great big thing -- >> no, i'm asking if there is room for compromise on your end. >> of course there is room for compromise, but you have to see -- >> so i want to ask about that. the next spending deadline, as you know better than i, for congress to take action is september 30th. so is it possible that americans will have to wait until late september, almost two months from now, without any congressional relief? >> the september 30th to do what? i'm sorry. >> so that's the next deadline, when you all have to act. is it possible that this
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stalemate is going to last until then that people aren't going to get relief from you all in congress until then? >> those are two separate issues. what we do on the appropriations process to meet our fiscal year deadline is one thing. >> so you're confident you're going to get back to the table and figure this out? >> well, we have to. and that's why we were willing to say we'll come down a trillion. that doesn't mean the needs of the american people have gone down. it just means that we recognize that we have a disdain for the needs of the american people. that's why they question whether people even need the $600. they say to me some people just don't want to pay rent. and we're like most people do. >> i really want to ask you about something different, but it's so important, and that is the security of american elections. top elections official in the office of the director of national intelligence revealed on friday that russia is using a
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range of measures to primarily den gait former vice president joe biden, while both china and iran don't want president trump to win re-election. you suggested in a statement that the threats posed by these three countries are not equal. tell us more about that, please. >> they're not equivalent. and that's why leader schumer, chairman schiff, and -- i don't know what they call him in the senate, i think it's vice-chair of the intelligence committee, warner, have sent a letter to them saying the american people need to know what russia is doing to -- >> what can you tell us? >> we can tell more than what the intelligence community put forth. they responded positively, put more information out there, but there is more that needs to be put out there. no sources and methods, nobody understands better than us. >> can you lean into it a little bit more for the sake of voters
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wondering what's going on? >> well, i can't divulge that is classified. but i will say this, that for some reason they have tried to have some equivalence. i take second place to no one on my criticism of china for over 30 years. i've said to my staff the other day they say i'm the most disliked american in china. they say no, they say you're the most hated american in china because of their human rights violations, their trade policy, their proliferation of weapons. but i have no -- take no criticism for saying this, but the chinese, what they said is china would prefer joe biden, whether they, do that's their conclusion that they would prefer joe biden. russia is actively 24/7 interfering in our election. they did so in 2016, and they
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are doing so now. and they say that to a certain extent what they need to tell the american people more, the american people, i believe, think they should decide who the president of the united states is, not vladimir putin making that decision for us. >> speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, i really appreciate you coming on this morning. >> thank you, dana. thank you, and good morning. he tested positive and then negative for coronavirus. so what does that say about the accuracy of testing in america? ohio governor mike dewine joins me next. ♪ ♪ ♪ soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss.
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welcome back to "state of the union." i'm dana bash. this week republican governor mike dewine of ohio became at least the fourth person to test positive for coronavirus before meeting with president trump. but later that day the governor took another test that came up negative, and another test yesterday also negative. joining me now is ohio's republican governor mike dewine. first of all, governor, thank goodness that you're okay. we're glad that you're healthy. but what i want to ask you about is about this experience you called it scary. and what i wonder is whether it gave you a greater appreciation for the panic and confusion that americans feel because the testing situation is so inadequate. and specifically about the plan that you have. there are millions of antigen tests that are out there. and people are concerned about them. but you're obtaining with a
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group of six other states the ability to do more of them. do you still have that plan even though you have your own personal experience about how inadequate that test is? >> well, first of all, i talked with larry hogan this morning. and we were just talking about that. and i think what people should not take away from my experience that testing is not reliable or doesn't work. what i took was, as you pointed out, an antigen test, which should be looked at as a screening test. 1.3 million ohioans have taken pcr test. that test is very, very, very reliable. and so that is the diagnostic test. that's the test that we've been using in ohio. the antigen tests are fairly new. and the companies that are coming out with them, quite frankly, have the burden of showing, you know, how good they are. could they be used in some situations? yeah, they could be, but you have to understand going in that you can get the false positives,
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like happened in my case, or you can get the false negatives. >> despite what happened? okay. go ahead. >> all we've done is we've said let's group together, let's put our purchasing power together, not just potentially for antigen tests but maybe for other things as well. so we are taking this one step at a time. what we saw the other day, certainly, if anyone needed a wake-up call with antigens, how careful you have to be, we certainly saw that with my test. and we're going to be very careful in how we use it. >> certainly did. i want to ask you about the executive action signed by the president yesterday after negotiations collapsed on capitol hill. he claimed that what he did yesterday gives $400 in weekly payments to americans out of work, extra. but in order to qualify, states like yours have to be willing to pay a quarter of that. listen to what the president
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said. >> states will be asked to cover 25% of the costs using existing funding such as the tens of billions of dollars available to them through the coronavirus relief fund. states have the money, it's sitting there. >> so, governor, are you going to set up that new program, request this money, and can you even afford your share of it? >> first of all, we're reviewing this now. we have set some money aside, a significant amount of money for testing. testing is going to be very, very important. so the answer is i don't know yet. but i want to say i want to thank the president. look, the president had a difficult situation. he's got a blunt instrument. and that's the executive order. he's trying to do something. he's trying to move the ball forward. but i think what really needs to happen is congress needs to get back in and negotiate -- you and i were talking off air. i spent 20 years in congress.
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and many, many time it's looked like it was absolutely impossible. democrat versus republicans, somebody in the white house. nothing's going to happen, and then, boom, at the last minute, it happened. so i'm confident that congress can do something. they really need to do it. they need to pull together. i think, dana, we need to look at this as if we are at war and throughout our history when we've had foreign invader, we pulled together democrats and republicans. we have an invader. and that is this virus. i'm confident that they can do that. >> okay. >> optimistic. >> just to be clear, people in your state of ohio, they were watching the president yesterday. they think that they're going to get, if they're unemployed, an extra 400 bucks coming their way. what you're saying is that is not clear and it might not happen. >> we're looking at it right now to see whether we can do this. and one of the things that we
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looked at is our economists looked at what has happened, specifically in regards to ohio. but that extra money, we know, went to people who really needed it, enabled them to buy groceries, enabled them to do their rent. the other benefit it had, frankly, is they went out and spent that money, as you would expect. that money circulated in the ohio economy. so it mattered a lot. so whether or not it's 600 or 400 or where that figure should be, i think congress needs to get back at it. i talked to rob portman. and rob had a plan some time ago that seemed to me to be a compromised plan which gave people a money but also gave them an extra incentive to go back to work. there's got to be a middle ground. >> you would think that there would be. i want to ask about the money for states, which is a big holdup between the two sides. the president said yesterday that what he did takes care of
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the situation. but, more importantly, he said the democrats are holding out for funding for states like yours because it's a bailout for democratic-run states. you're a republican, you run an important state of ohio. could you use the money that they're talking about? >> yeah. i'm not sure what's been going back and forth. i can't follow every day. i've got a state to try to run here. >> well, they're talking about more federal dollars to give to the states. could you use that money? >> let me just say what our priorities are. our priorities would be more flexibility for our state so that we can help with education. our priority would also be more flexibility for the local communities, for the cities, and for the counties to be able to spend the money. we could use additional money for testing. this testing, you know, we have doubled our testing in the last four weeks. we need to double it again and then double it again.
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and so that is not going to be cheap to do. but until we get a vaccine, we have to do testing and we have to do tracing. so those would be my priorities in ohio. >> governor, i understand before i let you go, i have an important question about elections coming up. as you well know, ohio has picked the winner in all but two elections since 1896. so far what we've seen now in your state is that every ohio voter can vote by mail. "politico" is reporting that the white house is weighing executive actions to curve mail-in voting. the president insists that it leads to widespread fraud. do you agree with that? >> i can only speak to ohio. and we have long experienced in voting by mail, we have a no reason -- you don't have to give a reason and for four weeks you can get an absentee ballot. it's worked exceedingly well in ohio. i think you're going to see more
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of that because of the coronavirus and people not wanting to go out. but we have a long, long experience in doing that in ohio. >> and you're comfortable with that no fraud? >> look, you always have and go republican and democrat, check, it's going to work. >> appreciate it. glad you're well. up next, searching for his own biden. an announcement could come any day now. the latest, who's on the vice president's short list. that's next. lutely. new sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. hey allergy muddlers... achoo! your sneezes turn heads? try zyrtec... starts working hard at hour one... and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day.
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a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! this is "gps," the global public square. welcome to you around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. today on the show, a special report on fixing the covid crisis. president trump may say the pandemic is under control in america, but that is just not the reality. the country has per capita about 15 times as many deaths every day as the european union and 25 times as many as


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