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tv   CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto  CNN  July 14, 2020 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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to have in-class presentations, so this is one of the schools affected. m.i.t. here as well. they are suing the administration, hoping to get the policy reversed. that's going to start starting at 3:00. the other thing quickly, jim and poppy. other states, l.a., new york, all different school systems, have now joined this lawsuit in support of getting this policy reversed. >> i think you're right. this is going to go through a few court systems. shimon, thanks a lot. >> yeah. good morning, everyone. top of the hour. i'm poppy harlow. >> and i'm jim schutte, o. this morning sadly part of the u.s. shutting down again, and pressure is mounting for more as the virus spreads out of control in some places across the country. california is rolling back its
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reopening plans. the governor ordering indoor businesses such as restaurants, bars, wineries, movie theaters and museums to close again. gyms, churches and hair salons also shutting down. this in the state's 30 hardest hit counties. los angeles and san diego school districts, they have just announced they will start the year with online only classes. >> in florida, 48 hospitals across the state have not a single icu bed available. in the state's largest public health system, that is jackson health, 200 employees have reported out sick with covid-19. the state is reporting its second highest day of new cases that came just on monday, and sources tell cnn this morning that dr. anthony fauci is staying on the coronavirus task force that is despite recent white house efforts to discredit him putting out a list of things they say he got wrong. still this morning, he's offering up a dose of reality on where this country stands in the
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pandemic. >> this is a really serious problem. it is truly historic. we haven't even begun to see the end of it yet. >> let's get straight to stephanie elam who joins us again this hour in los angeles. talk about what seemed to be at least from this vantage point, stephanie, really sweeping changes across the state. >> reporter: yeah, for sure, poppy. we're rolling back to looking a bit like march. this is the first state to go into a stay-at-home order, and all along governor gavin newsom has said we can always toggle back if we need to, and that's exactly what is happening now. taking a look statewide, statewide he's saying all counties now are going to have to make some changes, and that would include the restaurants, family entertainment, any indoor dining, all of that has to go down to zero. wineries, tasting rooms all of that shut down, but then for the 30 counties that have been on this county monitoring list, he's saying that there needs to be a step further on what happens there.
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so he's saying fitness centers, houses of worship also need to be closed down now, and that has happened. that was immediate as of yesterday. personal care services, hair salons, barber shops, all of those closing back down here, and when you take a listen to los angeles and the mayor here eric garcetti talking about what the situation looks like here, it makes it very clear that this is not where we want to be. take a listen. >> the city of los angeles covid-19 level remains at orange, we're on the border of going to red. it's where everything shuts down again, everything, to our strictest level, and i do want to warn people that we're close to that. >> reporter: and that is concerning. things have started to feel a little bit like normal. they are contracting here now. it's also noteworthy, i talked to a couple of hospitals here, one very large one like cedars sinai and a smaller community hospital, sentinella hospital in
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inglewood. they are seeing younger patients, and the issue is also getting all of those things that you need, jim and poppy, as far as reagents and testing utensils that they need. that is where the difficulty is. again, it's like we've gone back in time. >> you said it exactly right, like we've gone back in time. stephanie, thank you so much. this just crossing from the city of philadelphia. they are cancelling all large public events through february 28th, 2021. this applies to public property so things like parades and festivals outside. it does not at least yet sports stadiums and concert venues. in florida 48 hospitals report they have no more icu beds, not a single one in 48 hospitals. this is as covid cases surge across the state. four of those hospitals that are completely full in the icu are in the tampa area. this is the state where it reports its second highest day of new covid cases. with me is mary jame castor. thank you so much for being there, and it's tragic to see
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what's happening across florida. looking just at your county at hillsboro county where tampa, is hospitalizations there have -- have doubled in the last few weeks. how much more of this can your city handle and give people the best care possible? >> right. well, they have made a great deal of advances in the medical care, and we've had a lot of individuals. we've had a tremendous surge in the positive cases among our younger population from 25 to 34, actually 21 to about 30, we've seen a huge surge, and that corresponding with the opening of bars which have been shut back down thankfully by the governor, but they have made advances in the medical care, and so while those numbers of the icu beds are up, less people on respirators, a lot of people presenting to the emergency departments that are sent home
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rand monitored electronically, but certainly this is a pox we're in right now that we have not seen in the past. >> yeah. so what does this mean in terms of if you might reverse course? of course, governor desantis has been adamant that florida is not shutting down, but you just heard sylvester turner, the mayor of houston yesterday, saying he's in favor of a two-week sort of rollback and shutdown. are you considering the same? >> yes. everything is on table for us here in the tampa bay area, and really it has been at the local level where these decisions have been made. ow stay-at-home order, our mask order. this will be the third week that our mask order is in place for the city of tampa, and the actual county, hillsboro county, our emergency policy group, made the decision a week later, so it's been two weeks for that, and we're starting to see this flattening out. you know, everything changes day-to-day and literally minute
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by minute. coming from law enforcement, i spent 31 years there. we make all of our decisions on data, but that data has to be timely and accurate, and we're getting these batch reports on positive tests, seven, ten days after the fact so it's difficult to make those decisions, but we really feel that this mask order is being taken seriously by our residents and that that is starting to show dividends in flattening out that curve for us. >> mayor, i want to talk about schools. listen to this from florida's governor ron desantis just yesterday as the florida board of education meets in person tomorrow. >> the science on it i think is pretty clear about kids being extremely low risk when it comes to this virus, and not only that, but they are not considered vectors of transmission. that's been shown in sweden, in switzerland, iceland did a study. i mean, they are all coming out
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the same way. >> okay. while the science in fact is not clear. it's actually the opposite of it. there's very little science and very little research on how children act as investigatovect. given that, does it appear that your governor is fully aware of how much is unknown about how children can transmit this? >> right. again, you know, those decisions are going to be made hopefully on the local level. >> yeah. >> i hear you, but, i mean, it matters -- i hear you and forgive me for interrupting, but doesn't it matter when you have the governor of your state saying something that's patently not based in science and you have all of these kids supposed to be back physically in school in less than a month? >> yes, of course it matters, but look at all the misinformation that's going on nationally with this pandemic and how it's been turned into a political hot potato. we need to get back to making had decisions that are based on
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the data, and when it comes to opening up our schools, those decisions will be made on the science. i can't see anyone forcing classrooms full of 30 children that as, you know, the science indicates are definitely transmitters of a number of different viruses. >> okay. all right. we'll see if that happens on the local level because the education commissioner of the state has ordered that brick and mortar schools be opened. we appreciate your time very much, mayor, and good luck to you. >> thank you very much. >> of course. jim. well, to texas now, another state seeing spikes in cases and now houston's mayor has just propose that had city shut down for two weeks as cases surge, and this is crucial as hospitals field up. et lavandera joins us now with more. can the mayor of houston do that independent of state officials? >> no, at this point they can't, and this has been a interabove contention for some time here in
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texas as the texas governor greg abbott has made clear that local officials don't have the authority to issue the shutdowns by themselves, and that is coming to the great consternation of the mayor of houston. the county judge there in harris county as well who have been arguing that the state economy here opened up too soon and among other things kind of led to this dramatic rise in the number of coronavirus cases here in this state which has continued to set records. in fact, the governor of texas was saying towards the end of last week that he expects this week to be much worse than last week as the numbers continue to pour in. here's a little bit more from the county judge in harris county who is also pushing for an economic shutdown to get the virus under control. >> look, that's on him. that's why i've been pleading with him to either give me back the authority to do this or to do it himself because frankly this is hurting our community. it's leading to unnecessary deaths, and it hurts the economy in the long haul.
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the longer we keep this going, pretending like these incrementalist restrictions are going to fix the problem, the longer it's going to take to recover. >> reporter: jim and poppy, it doesn't appear that the governor is open to this idea. we've reached out to him directly and have not heard back, but he told a local affiliate last night that he believes the mask order should be enough to control the virus and that he believes that even if a -- if the shutdown were to be put in place, he didn't think it would be enforceable in that people and the residents of texas would comply with it. >> ed lavandera, thank you very much. let's going to tucson, arizona. the health officials there are using something frankly, evan, i just did not think of, but they say it's an effective way to track the spread of covid, and the news is not good. >> reporter: that's right, poppy. the big question everywhere is how much you can reopen and still control the spread of the
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virus? scientists here at the university of arizona's west center say that they found one way to track it by using wastewater. they take sewage samples from the tucson waitwater treatment plant behind me as well as other facilities across the country, and they test them for coronavirus rna, and what they are finding right now is here in tucson the rna level is the highest that it's ever been. i talked to dr. ian pepper who is a director of the west center about his research. what is the wastewater of arizona telling you about what arizona should do right now? >> right now, i think we should be very careful about reopening fully, eating indoors, going to bars. that really seems to cause spikes from what we've seen nationally. >> reporter: so, look, the big question here in arizona like
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everywhere else. in arizona specifically the debate is about how to reopen, keeping the state relatively reopened and in some cases even the debate about basic social distancings rules. there are people who meet here who don't think this is a big deal, but dr. pepper says poop doesn't lie. jim. >> you deserve hazard pay for that assignment. thanks very much. with unemployment benefits set to expire and housing payments just a couple of weeks away, is more help coming for those struggling differently amid the pandemic. we'll ask house speaker nancy pelosi about the prospects of another round of stimulus release. also, a new study shows that antibodies that protect you from covid may actually not last very long at all. what does this mean for progress towards a vaccine? and the bubble burst, the nba's rehaunch in florida now facing several setbacks. did you know diarrhea is often caused by bad bacteria in food?
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the most populous state in the country, california, is shutting down for the second time. why, because covid cases are soaring again meaning movie theaters, indoor bars and restaurants closing down once again. >> and the two big school systems will be all virtual learning in los angeles and san diego. joining me now is a former cdc detective and executive thomas poyo. you predicted this and you became famous for became a hammer and dance situation that
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we would see, a lockdown and relative freedom and then all out freedom of moving around for some folks and then more covid cases so you've got to not be surprised that we are where we are? >> yeah. what we did really well especially in europe and in some states in the u.s. to apply the hammer really heavily. the problem is we never really learned to dance, and so in the case of california, cases kept going up and up and the and they ever went down so the hammer was applied maybe not aggressively in office and especially southern california where the numbers never went down but then everything else that we needed to, contact tracing and quarantines we didn't really well. masking is a good example and isolations and kwarn teen are another one. if you don't take the people who are infected and put them at home and you don't enforce that, then the virus is going to keep spreading, so everything we are going to do is going to be worthless. >> doctor, a key question now is opening of schools. in fact, other countries that
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have been through waves of the virus but notably have gotten it under control, they are reopening schools. on the data, are children vectors for this? how should parents and communities address this. >> it's disturbing to hear politicians talking in clear terms. we've heard state governors says children are not vectors. that's simply not true. we know children can transmit the virus to others, but there's a lot that remains to be study. right now the nih is doing a large study called a heroes study. we still need to understand why is it that fewer children get very sick with covid-19 compared to adults, but also that when some children do get infected they wind up in the icu with a very, very serious manifestations of covid-19, so it is frustrating to me that you hear politicians talk in these
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certain terms that they know exactly what you hear with these children and you hear scientists talk more truthfully in more uncertain terms because we just don't fully understand the role of kids in this pandemic, and learning that will be credit call to making educated decisions about when kids should go back to school. >> to your point, here's the assistant secretary of health at the department of health and human services admiral brett giroir talking about what we need to see as a country to get children back in school. we all know that kids need to be back in school physically for all the reasons we talk about, social and emotional health, nutrition, eye screening and discovery of child abuse, all the things that are very important, but we have to get the virus under control, and if we get the virus under better control, clearly kids can get back into the school safely. >> what i don't hear are special fix, like if you see x, y and z then kids in your district can go back to school and if they
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don't you can't. that seems to be a major thing lacking from any sort of national plan here. >> i think that's right, but even there's a small detail there in what he mentioned around when this is under control. we had examples of countries that have opened schools, denmark, for example, and scandanavia, and they haven't had too many problems except that in denmark and scandinavia outside of sweden the presence is maybe 100 times lower in the u.s. so there's virus running around, that's fine, but if there's so much as in the u.s., that's when it becomes really, really, really concerning. we can't open up with all prevalence that we have right now. >> i believe we have a graphic that shows the comparison of the u.s. to europe. as europe, the eu countries have gotten it under the control and the u.s. cases are going in the opposite direction. just the pink line there being europe bringing it down like a
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ski slope and you'll see the u.s. in green and the direction. as we watch that, doctor, i mean, look at that, straight up. what's the hope now, because there is no national strategy, right, there is no national testing plan, no national testing for schools, et cetera, what's the hope now to bring that down? >> hope is a tricky thing to talk about right now in the context of more and more americans dying every day and are smashing these records. it's so frustrating to look back to march and april to see when we were seeing rough lit same spike that europe and other parts of the world were seeing, that those places after that spike saw that decline and we're going in exactly the opposite direction, smashing records, 70,000 cases a day and bearing in mind that for every one american who is testing positive, there are probably ten more who are infected but are just not getting tested which means we're really undercounting the magnitude of this pandemic. the hope though remains --
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because i think hope is important -- that we'll get it together to have a federal cohesive national strategy that gives states some autonomy to respond to their particular epidemic in the context of their own state. we need to give schools resources is, make sure health care workers don't keep dying. we've lost about 800 health care workers to covid-19 in the last few months and about 85,000 doctors and nurses have become infected. the hope is that ppe increases, testing increases, very basic things that the rest of the world has managed to do that the u.s. hasn't. now is the time to fix that. >> thanks to both of you. >> thank you. as we say, you saw that graphic there. cases are climbing throughout this country. the debate is escalating and the key question of schools reopening. millions are worried as well if they are going to be able to pay their represent the or mortgages at the end of of this month. we'll get to all of this with the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. that's right after this break.
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welcome back. as congress left for the july
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4th break 1 president 3 million americans were filing for first-time unemployment benefits. in all now nearly 50 million americans have filed since the start of this pandemic, and now this. growing fears of an eviction and homelessness crisis as that extra $600 benefit from the government ends or is scheduled to end this month. lawmakers now with less than three weeks to find a solution as the pandemic, its economic toll show no signs sadly of letting up. >> my pleasure, thank you. americans o begin, if i can, on going through the economic effects of this. as you know thatted additional $600 unemployment benefit is going to end in just two weeks. can you find common ground before that with republicans? >> well, i certainly hope so. not only will that end but the unemployment benefits will end. the last checks will be going out the last week in july.
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so it's absolutely urgent that we pass the legislation, the heroes act, that we had proposed. tomorrow it will be two months since we proposed the heroes act with putting money in the pockets of the american people, the unemployment insurance and the direct payments. you talked about the moratorium on evictions ending now. we have over -- almost $200 billion in there, 100 billion to help renters and 15 -- 75 billion to help people meet their mortgage and other housing and specific initiatives. very important. >> okay. >> it's about -- the other element about jobs is are so aptly named for our heroes, our health care workers, our first responders and sanitation workers, food workers, teachers, teachers, teachers all paid by state and local government, and we have the resources in the bill for state and local
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governments which are essential, and it all relates specifically to their outlays had on the coronavirus and their loss of revenue because of the coronavirus. >> okay. so this is very important that we do. >> as you know far better than me it's all about horse trading at this point. priority for the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and other republicans is liability protection. is that something that you'd be willing to give on? >> well, what does he mean by that? does he mean essential workers have to go to work, if they don't they lose their unemployment insurance and if they get sick there, they have no resource? i think a better pat would be for them to join us in a strong osha provision that's in the heroes act. we've had it in every bill. they have not accepted it, but once again a strong osha provision which gives protection not only to the worker but to the employer if in fact they put into place the precautions and protections that are in the osha
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bill if someone gets sick, they have been protected because they have honored -- they have honored the osha rule, but if they just don't want to do that and just say you have to go to work, you're essential, you don't get unemployment benefits unless you come, and we have no responsibility if you get sick. it's not just about workers though. it's about customers and clients and other people who have exposure to any particular workplace. >> for sure. >> so this protects the employer, protects the worker, protects the customer. the. >> question on time, because, of course, your recess is fast approaching. would you be willing to delay that recess or forgo it to get to a deal, to get to a new stimulus package? >> is he speaking? >> sorry, speaker, can you hear me? >> did we lose you entirely?
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we're going to try to get the audio repaired. >> i hear you again. >> she's back. speaker pelosi, apologies, technology gets in the way. i was asking you about timing because the august recess is fast approaching. would you be willing to forgo that or delay in order to get to an agreement? >> the needing their unemployment insurance, their assistance for rent and mortgage foreclosure and another barps and we need it for states and localities to be able to -- to be able to pay their employees who are meeting the needs of their constituents, and you know what. we need it to open the economy by testing, tracing, treating, isolating. we need to do that and we call upon the president of the united states to employ the defense protection act so that we can have the equipment to test, the
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equipment to evaluate the test. there's no use taking a test if you're not going to find out for a week whether you're positive or negative. the ppe -- >> fair point. >> that is necessary for the schools, needs to be produced under the defense production act, so this is a path to opening the economy and opening our schools. for some reason the president has resisted that, but this is an absolute must. >> i do want to get to schools but just quickly as you sawhees insisting that you test more, you get morecations. he's still in that mindset. given there's no sign of a national plan on things such as testing coming from this white house, i wonder how the house, how congress is filling that void. we're months in, deaths andcations are still rising, spiking. >> well, thanks for asking. that's part of the heroes act. it's been part what have we've been proposing all along, our
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very first bill march 4th was testing, testing, testing. we increased funding in the recent ppp bill, testing, test, testing. it's just that the administration has not done what it should do, show in our plan rather than trusting the administration to use the funds the way you would expect them to rely on science to do in our bill we have very clear directive, a strategy for testing, tracing, treatment, and, again, all of this sanitation, the distancing, the mask-wearing, et cetera, but we have to do this, but you really can't do it unless you have the equipment, and we don't have the equipment, even if we had a vaccine, god willing we will soon, but it won't be for months. we don't even have the syringes and the vials so defense production act. let's anticipate. let's take responsibility. we have a plan and the chair of our energy and commerce committee working with his committee, working with other
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committees has put that in their real direction to get it done, and it's necessary for us to address the -- the disparity and how this is an assault on people of color and low-income people who don't have as much access to health care and to -- to the testing, so, again, more testing. the president says more testing means more cases -- >> yeah. >> i don't -- let's not go there. let's just talk about science, science, science, governance, governance, governance, how they work together to defeat this virus. >> fair. that's what we try to do every day on this show. i want to ask you your state of california shut down early, got the outbreak under control and reopened and are seeing cases spiking again. i'm wonder, did california open too fast too soon and do you believe that states now experiencing these spikes need to shut down again? >> well, i do believe that our governor, governor newsome, has
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done an excellent job, and i do also now that he had some pressure from different regions of the state who have experienced the virus differently, and a lot of they did have to be made relate to the -- to the rate of infection in your area, and those -- those areas that used their discretion to open up now are closing down again. i do think we should look to our -- our friends in other countries. when they had a serious lockdown, serious lockdown, 90% lockdown, they won in the fight against the virus, so, again, regions have to make their decisions. we should be able to give them the equipment to do so in testing, tracing, treating, et cetera, but it is a recognition that unless you have a very, very low percentage of -- of
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incidence of the infection you really have to consider locking down. >> all right. house speaker nancy pelosi, we appreciate you joining this program this morning. >> my pleasure. don't forgot the defense production act. it's the answer to so much. thank you. >> we'll keep talking about it. you have a good afternoon. >> it is the summer of covid in this country, the summer of protests as well, and now a summertime surge in crimes. what happens in america when the police and the people both come under fire? don lemon will host a special etition of "cnn tonight" with a look at crime, protection and your safety. that's 10:00 p.m. on cnn. i love rakuten, it's basically free money. it's an easy way to earn cashback
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for the same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. visit today. welcome back. with coronavirus cases surging across many states in this country, there are new calls this morning for the trump administration to use its power to produce more ppe for the nation's doctors, nurses and hospital workers just echoed a moment ago by speaker pelosi. >> that's right. we heard her say focus on the defense production act. months into this pandemic there's still a shortage of some of that equipment, particularly masks. our senior investigative correspondent drew griffin reports. >> reporter: this is a face mask nurse judith lagare will use in a massachusetts hospital this week, dirty, reused, one of three she has to recycle, disinfect on her dashboard.
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>> and the sun will hit the mask and we leave them there for a few days and then use them again. >> reporter: hardly sanitary, but health workers say there just aren't enough masks. out on cape cod michelle brum says it's one recleaned mask a shift. >> they want you to reuse that mask multiple times, and they send it for cleaning. >> reporter: and how often are you reuse the same mask? >> they do this process five times. >> reporter: across the country, nurses, doctors, some state health officials contacted by cnn say the lack of personal protective equipment or ppe is their most dangerous challenge with n95 masks the toughest to find. >> this is something that we were talking about four months ago. >> reporter: the american medical association has been begging the federal government to direct the manufacture acquisition and distribution of ppe. >> it's a national shame that we run out of masks and other ppe to protect our health care workers. there was no excuse in march and even less of an excuse now.
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>> reporter: this month a democratic congressional house oversight committee concluded lack of leadership from the trump administration is forcing compete for scarce supplies. the national nurses united union just endorsed joe biden because of what abandonment of public health and safety. >> it's not just n95s. it's everything. we really need the president to fully invoke the defense production act so he can mass produce the things that will keep us safe, and to this point he has refused to do so. >> the department of health and human services disputes that account telling cnn it has moved with deliberate and determined speed to ensure we secured supplies and equipment needed by frontline u.s. health care workers. hhs listed 19 companies that have received orders under the defense production act or dpa to acquire emergency supplies, including 600 million n95 masks, but experts say it's not enough and it started far too late.
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only half of the masks order will be delivered by the end of this year. >> this is going to be a really serious, serious and persistent challenge for the united states for several months if not longer. >> reporter: a former pentagon official under the obama administration says the trump administration hasn't used the full power of the defense production act. >> the administration listened a little bit too much to corporate interests early on in the crisis. the dpa was not used early enough nor aggressively enough to put us in a position to get the kind of equipment and ppe we need in time. >> reporter: some major hospitals tell cnn they are making their own deals to buy ever scarcer supplies, some even stockpiling pp p-but smaller hospitals, nursing homes and doctors' offerses are left out of the supply chain, jeopardizing even routine medical care, according to the ama. >> a few months ago we were in this real dire emerge ent situation, and our hope was that
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that situation would change and improve, and it's really unfortunate that here we are in the middle of july and things look more or less the same as they did in mid-march. >> early on in the pandemic an organization was started to do what the fact has not, trying to fill shortages of ppe where health care workers were going without. today she says her group has 13,000 requests. they can fill just 10%. >> this shouldn't be seen in the united states. we had the opportunity to do a better job of preparing ourselves and preparing the people that were trusting to care for covid patients, and we didn't do that. we really fell short as a country. >> reporter: and according to a medical supply chain expert, it is only going to get worse in the weeks and months to come as school systems enter the market trying to get protective gear so they can reopen. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. >> big point. would have to expect demand to jump then. one of basketball's biggest stars has now tested positive
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for covid-19, this as the nba so-called bubble faces a lot of big tests. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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fact did test positive for covid-19. the all-star guard post pentagon on social media he's feeling well and look forward to join his teammates asking people to take this virus seriously and be safe and wear a mask. westbrook and harden were dealing with things and hoped to have them in the bubble in the next three to four days. two players inside the bubble have tested positive, but those players, they were still in that initial 48-hour quarantine period since arriving. those players have left the campus to isolate at home or are in isolation housing. two other players though, they are under quarantine after accidentally breaking the bubble's protocols. the kings' rayshon holmes cross the campus line to pick up a food order while the rockets bruno kaboklo inadvertently left his room during the initial periods and now those guys will have to self-isolate for eight more days so they can rejoin their teams. the nfl meanwhile could have players wearing the new mouth shields when they hit the field this season.
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the sports equipment maker oakley designed the guard with help of doctors and engineers and a source with knowledge tells cnn that select teams will be receiving prototypes to test this week. for now the league is encouraging but not yet mandating the use of face shields this season. the biggest concerns, jim and poppy, right now from players, are visibility and breathability. it's all about the comfort level if they will be able to wear these masks to protect themselves. >> it's so interesting to watch in realtime how this is working, not working and the hiccups along the way. thanks a lot for the reporting, andy. thanks to all of you being with us today. we'll be back here tomorrow. i'm poppy harlow. >> and i'm jim sciutto. "newsroom" with john king starts after a very quick break. what y. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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hello, everybody. i'm john king in washington. thank for sharing your day with us. we are again at a coronavirus crossroads. a back in time moment that should give us all pause. the nation's most populous state is reinstating stricter stop the spread restrictions, and its two largest school districts, los angeles and san diego, say the numbers are so bad the children will need to learn at home this fall. because of its size and diversity california is often a first alert and our state-by-state coronavirus tracking makes it clear right
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now that a lot of places at this moment are


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