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tv   Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  December 17, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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nancy pelosi that reads like a mash up of his angriest twitter attacks. the speaker is firing back at the president. on the eve of the house impeachment vote, we'll take you inside the speaker's world as she calls the shot. rudy giuliani says he mr. trump's support for his ongoing mission in ukraine. why is he boasting as his boss is about to be impeached? fisa versus the fbi. they offer criticism of the bureau for errors made seeking warrants in the russia investigation. i'll get reaction from a andrew mccabe. we want to welcome our viewers in the the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room."
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break news tonight as president trump is just hours away from impeachment. he's unloading in an angry rambling letter to nancy pelosi. it's six pages filled attacks on democrats accusing them of an illegal attempt. pelosi is calling the letter ridiculous and really sick. president's most telling remark may be what he said in the oval office earlier today taking zero responsibility for his actions leading to this grave and divisive moment in american history. the full house scheduled to vote on two articles of impeachment tomorrow. the ground rules are being hammered out in econocommittee tonight. the president is venting. he's denying any blame as impeachment is about to become a
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reality. >> reporter: impeachment is becoming and president trump is taking some very personal swipes at democrats as the house is one day away from this impeachment vote. the president fired off an angry letter at nancy pelosi. i asked the president earlier whether or not he takes any responsibility for the predicament. his response, zero. one day away from impeachment, president trump is coming out swinging, ripping into democrats and refusing to take any responsibility for his historic predicament. >> do you take any responsibility for the fact you're about to be impeached? >> no. i don't take any. zero to put it mildly. they took a perfect phone call that i had with the president of ukraine, an absolutely perfect call. nothing was said wrong in that call to impeach the president of the united states for that is a disgrace and it's a mark in our
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country. >> reporter: the president fired off a letter to nancy pelosi that's dripping with raw anger and placing the blame on democrats writing this is nothing more than an illegal partisan attempted coup that will be badly fail at the voting booth. history will judge you harshly. adding voters will not soon forgive your per vision of justice. >> i stay pray for the president. >> reporter: the president dismissed her comment that she prays for mr. trump remarking you're offending americans of faith by saying i pray for the president when you know the statement is not true. trump writes adding it's a terrible thing you're doing but you'll have to live with it, not i. the president sounded just as disgusted in the oval office about the impeachment vote that's coming. >> i've not seen it. it's a hoax. the whole impeachment thing is a hoax. we look forward goating onto the senate.
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we're not entitled to lawyer, witness. we're not entitled to anything in the house. >> reporter: while the president is venting his frustrations, he pyres to be daki ibacking off d like calling hunter biden. mr. trump told reporters he will leave the issue of witnesses to mitch mcconnell. >> i believe the senate is equally as well united. i watched mitch mcconnell this morning. i watched numerous people last night, senators. i think we're equally well united. they know it's a hoax. >> reporter: mcconnell is channelling the conventional wisdom taking hold in the senate that a longer, more unpredictable trial could backfire against the president. >> if this ends up here in the senate, we do not need jurors to start brainstorming witness list for the prosecution and demanding to lock them in before we've heard opening arguments. >> reporter: despite all the president's fury, he allowed his aides to shout over our follow
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up questions. >> what do you say to the americans who say you abiuse ouer? >> reporter: the letter to pelosi comes out like a campaign tweet. it's filled with his grievances against the democrats. the letter is six pages long but it's also filled with so many inaccuracies and falsehoods and out right lies that it might take the remainder of this program just to go through them line by line. >> thank you. let's go cocapitol hill right now. the speaker just responded. tell us what she said. >> reporter: that's right. while she made clear she hadn't read the entirety of the letter, it's fair to say that she got
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the general gist of it. take a listen. >> your reaction to the president's letter. >> no reaction. it's ridiculous. >> you have no reaction. why not? >> i haven't really fully read it. we've been working. i've seen the essence of it and it's really sick. >> reporter: the speaker never really mincing her words. drafting a letter to the entire democratic house caucus underscoring the stakes of the moment the caucus is taking up. part of the letter saying very sadly the facts have made clear that the president abused his power for his own personal, political benefit and obstructed congress as he demanded he is above accountability, above the constitution and bo above the american people. in america no one is above the law. a as i speak the house rules committee is laying out the structure of the debate tomorrow on those two articles of impeachment. one thing is certain, how
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democrats have e the votes on both articles of impeachment to impeach president trump. tomorrow donald trump will become the third u.s. president in history to be impeached by the house. >> what's the latest for a senate impeachment trial in january in the fight over witnesses? >> reporter: as all that is going on across the capitol, political partisanship is breaking out in a major way. this stems back to decision buy senate democratic leader to send a letter to mitch mcconnell on sunday night laying out his proposals for a senate trial including the idea four witnesses have to testify. mcconnell said he disagreed with the democratic leaders decision to send that letter at all to release it to the press before the two of them had have long scheduled sit down to try to work out a bipartisan resolution on the way forward in the
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senate. schumer firing back with this. >> if president trump and senate republicans are trying to conceal evidence and block testimony, it's probably because it's probably not because the evidence is going to help their case. it's because they are trying to cover up. >> reporter: we are still waiting for that meeting between mcconnell and schumer to try to lay out some pathway. the question remains based on the letter and where democrats stand, will there be any witnesses at all in the trial. the reality for senate republicans is they say their answer is no. why that matters is this? republicans control the ma jurorty in the chamber. when it comes to the senate friel the magic number is 51 with majority of votes senate republicans can do pretty much
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anything whether it becomes to ending the trial or having witnesses dismissing the charges all together and that's what they are pushing forwards right now. we'll have to see how this all plays out with all eyes on that looming meeting between senator mcconnell and senator schumer. >> we'll watch that closely as well. thank you. joining us now the second highest ranking democrat in the house of representatives. thanks so much for joining us. let's get to this incredible letter from the president on the eve of this historic impeachment vote, the president is accusing democrati democrats of violating your oaths of office and declaring open war on american democracy. history will judge you harshly but that you will have to live with it, not i, he says. what's your reaction to this stunning letter? >> of course i think he's correct. history will judge us. i think he's totally incorrect on what history will judge and
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who harshly will be judged. we are pursuing our constitutional duty which the constitution sets forth. we believe having voted three times in december of '17 and january of '18, in july of '19, over those two years but we voted against articles of impeachment because we did not believe the facts at that point in time justified such action. however, sub squensequent to th 25th phone call we believe we have no other choice but to bring these articles of impeachment and to have them tried in the senate if we're going to check a president in the abuse of power. we believe the abuse of power was essentially a shakedown of
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the president of ukraine to act on the president's behalf, not on our country's behalf and act for his political ends and undermine the integrity of our elections as well as put our national security at risk. we believe that we are doing what our oath of office demands that we do in protecting and defending the constitution of the united states and opposing the abuse of power. that's what our founding fathers wanted us to do. they did not want king george to return to power. they did not want foreign governments to influence our government and so we think this is exactly the action that the founders thought was appropriate when you see abuse of power. >> the president says this in his letter to pelosi. you were the ones interfering in america's elections. you were the ones subverting america's democracy. you're if the ones obstructing justice. you're bringing pain and suffering to our republic for your own selfish, partisan and
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political gain. you want to respond. >> that's the president's motis opera flrks di. >> attack, attack, attack. distract, distract, distract. undermine the truth. that's what i think of this letter. this is a campaign letter. when you look at a fair and balanced way, it's inevitable you come to the conclusion this president abused his power and should be held accountable. if we don't do that, we're subject to losing our democracy. >> it looks like right now as if
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most of the house democrats elected in trump districts will vote for these two arms of impeachment. you said earlier you expect democrats to pick up seats in 2020 but do you admit that you may lose some of these seats in places the president won in 2016? >> i really believe that the people who are showing great courage, are not people in districts like mine who i think we have big support for the action that we're taking in our districts but there's so many districts that have so many of our members that don't share that view. our members in the districts are doing what they think is right irrespective of the politics.
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it's whether one complies with their oath of office to defend and protection the constitution of the united states of america. so many of those folks that you mentioned served in the armed forces, served in the central intelligence agency and our security agency. served in the state department. served in executive agencies in the government and they take their oath very, very seriously. it was not until this july 25th phone call and all of the evidence that flowed from that that those members took their position that we needed to have an inquiry. after the evidence, they have concluded what they concludesed. we have not whipped a single member. when i say question, neither the speaker nor i asked any member to vote for or against articles of impeachment. that's up to them. that's for their conscience to direct and what they believe to be their duty. >> i mixed all of this, the house of representatives voted today to fund the federal
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government through the end of the fiscal year 2020 through the year of september. do you feel that concession was worth it? >> last year's funding was in the bill. the president wanted a number six or seven times as high. look, this is a democrat process. we have a republican senate, a democratic house and a republican president. all three of those entip ties a important in reaching policy conclusions. we compromised. some members thought that was not what they wanted to support. i get that. the fact of the matter is i'm very proud of the fact there will be no shutdown. when we took over the beginning of this year, the government of the united states was shutdown. we hasn't done our business.
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we passed appropriation bills. 96% of government fund be funde end of june. the senate didn't pass any bills. we reached a compromise that was supported by majority of democrats. in one case a minority of republicans and in another case a majority of republicans on the defense for bills that we had so that i'm proud of getting that done. we're not being distracted by impeachment. it mirror what is the president suggested in his campaign and what he suggested rekrints ly w now pass the appropriations bill. we're doing the people's business. >> thanks so much for joining
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us. thank you. just ahead, rudy giuliani talking openly about digging for political dirt in ukraine and what he says is the president's support of his efforts. i am all about living joyfully. ♪ hello. the united explorer card hooks me up. getting more for getting away. rewarded! going new places and tasting new flavors. rewarded! traveling lighter. rewarded. haha, boom! getting settled. rewarded. learn more at the explorer card dot com. and get... rewarded!
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we're following the breaking news on the president's anger and defiance. he tells cnn he takes zero responsibility for the rebuke he's about to face. his personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, seems equally uncha sent tonight. talking openly about his ongoing hunt for political dirt in ukraine saying he has the president's support. >> reporter: rudy giuliani is still running his own game of i diplomacy. he said president trump was supportive of his efforts in ukraine. >> how much has rudy giuliani shared about his recent trip? >> not too much. he's a great crime fighter. he's a great person who loves our country and he does this out of love. he does it oit of love.
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>> reporter: he stopped short of saying whether trump directed him to go on his recent trip but we're on the same page, he told cnn. his comments back up a central argument for democrats if favor of impeaching the president that trump and his personal attorney have pressured ukraine to pursue investigations to benefit trump politically. in his latest media blitz he admitted helping recall former ambassador to ukraine. a well-known anticonstruction advocate. i believe i needed her out of the way, rudy giuliani told the new yorker. she was going to make the investigations difficult for everybody. >> you forced out marie yovanovit yovanovit yovanovitch. >> i forced her out because she's corrupt. >> reporter: if this is rudy giuliani's attempt to play offense, both parties say he could be stirring up trouble.
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>> what i found most striking about his comments was the add mission, the confession that they needed to push the ambassador out of the way because she was going to get in the way of these corrupt investigations that rudy giuliani was pushing. >> extremely disturbing. i think it argues again for slowing down, putting these guys under the thread of perjury and testify and find out what's all the things he have doing over there. >> reporter: now rudy giuliani has boasted about keeping the president in the loop on this, keeping mike pompeo in the loop and the secretary of state has been asked what he thinks of rudy giuliani's activities and he's repeatedly dodged the question. back to you. >> thanks very much. our panelists are about to break it all down. we'll take a quick break and be right back. if your glasses aren't perfect, we'll fix them. so will we. no we won't. don't forget to use your vision benefits before they're gone. now in-network with vsp.
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hours before the full house cast its historic vote. we're following the breaking news on this letter to the speaker, nan scy pelosi and her reaction. let's bring in oura agnalyst. let me read a sentence from the letter the president wrote to the speaker. the articles of impeachment are
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not recognizable under any standard of constitutional theory, interpretation or jurisprudence. they include no crimes, misdemeanors. you have cheapened the word of impeachment. it goes on like that for six pages. what's your reaction? >> i tried to be a good journalist. i try to express like tell people what's going on opinion i'm incapable of expressing how crazy this letter is. how unhinged in its rhetoric, claims, factual inaccuracy and lies. the president says he's writing it for history. he writes at the very end i write this to put my thoughts on a permanent and indelible record. it sure is. this is a window into donald trump's brain and soul and every one should read it for just that purpose. >> here is another sentence. the president says you are the ones interfering in america's
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elections. you are the ones subverting america's democracy. you are the ones obstructing justice. you are bringing pain and suffering to our republic for your selfish, political and partisan gain. >> it's not a substantive defense. it's projection. this is a constitutional process. it's the process that founders wrote into the constitution for it to be used in cases which the president of the united states abuses his office exactly what he's accused of having done here. the president's fury that even his republican defenders in congress are unwilling to actually substantively defend his conduct. they'll say they aren't troubled by it. they are happy to attack the democrats. they are happy to talk about the process but very, very few of them come out and say this was actually okay. what donald trump did, what he admitted to doing and what he's openly said on television was his intention that is a-okay with members of congress.
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i think that he's angry to not see that kind of substantive defense and this is some effort. i agree an unhinged one in order to offer that defense for himself. >> 21 years ago i was covering another president who was about to be impeached by the house of representatives, bill clinton. listen to what he said on the eve of his impeachment. a very different tone than we're hearing from the current president. >> what i want to american people to know, what i want the congress to know is that i am profoundly sorry for all i have done wrong in words and deeds. i never should have mislead the country, congress, my friends or my family. quite simply, i gave into my shame. >> to contrast that with what's going on now. >> where do we start, wolf? i was just looking for any similarities. the word i was used by bill clinton in this letter and that's about it.
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i mean, it's remarkable. to be fair, the situations are completely different. the president then lied under oath and he had to admit that he lied under oath about an affair he was having with an intern in the white house. this situation is completely different. democrats, today, argue this is worse because this is about using his power, abusing his power on an international scale which they spent weeks talking about the framers warning that this is the worst kind of abuse that a president could engage in. he's denying it in this letter but doing so in a way that's almost hard to follow for somebody who is looking for kind of a logical argument. we also have to remember that's, yes it was intended for history but it's also intended as he's preaching to his choir.
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>> could you imagine president trump ever apologizing along the lines the way president clinton apologized? >> no, absolutely not. it has almost never happened in the course of his presidency. i do think in this case there's a really important reason why he can't apologize. if he acknowledges that any of the substance of the claims are true, it really does validate the impeachment inquiry. it will force republicans to grapple with the fact at hand here. this is not a bill clinton case where he lied about an affair and you could make an argument that it had no bearing on his abilities to govern. i think this would have a really important bearing on his ability to govern because it would be him admitting to undermining his office. i also think in this letter you see a prosecute who is mourning his own legacy. that's really what this is all about. he has wanted this job, being president, more than a lot of things in his life.
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he has it now and he's being impeached and he hates that. this letter, maybe it doesn't follow any logical lines but it's an emotional letter. it's a very personal letter from someone who is seeing his legacy going in the wrong direction. >> you want to comment? >> you can be emotional but you can also be rational. this is not rational. even today in the oval office when jim acosta was asking him questioning. he has nothing to apologize for. he keeps using the word perfect to describe this phone call. what grown person, what adult calls any of their own p b actions perfect? i've never heard anyone else do it. it's not the behavior of someone who is psychologically intact. >> his unrepentsance. he has been quite clear if he's
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not impeached he will continue in this course of behavior. the lack of remorse is a powerful pleasapower ful message to congress as well. >> everybody stand by. nancy pelosi is firing back at the president after his angry letter. we'll take you behind the scenes as pelosi prepares the make history. when you shop with wayfair, you spend less and get way more. so you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one.
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as the house of representatives faces historic impeachment vote tomorrow, the speaker, nancy pelosi, is reemping oreemp i -- reaching out to democrats. she's dismissing a bitter letter from president trump as ridiculous. dana bash is back with us. nancy pelosi clearly holds the power in house. take us behind the scenes for this historic moment. >> you saw pelosi say tonight that on the president's accusation that she is interfering with election, subverting the american democracy. he response is it's really sick. ironically that kind of attack from the president elevates her even more inside her party and she helped navigate them through impeachment. >> reporter: these days house speaker nancy pelosi is a
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cult-like figure among democrats for going head to head with president trump. sun glass clad coming out of an oval office meeting after democrats won back the house where she said there. >> please don't characterize the strength that i bring to this meeting as the leader of the house democrats. >> reporter: taking an image trump tweeted as an unhinged meltdown making it her own social media profile picture. a show of strength against a president who doesn't like to be challenged. >> if you think a woman can't beat donald trump, nancy pelosi does it every day. >> reporter: with impeachment, the skills that got pelosi to her position in the first place are being tested. debby dingle is on her leadership team. >> she does listen and she understands the importance of building consensus. she did not move forward on impeachment without knowing that
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that's where her caucus was. >> reporter: part of knowing her caucus, making sure vulnerable democrats had victories on other bread and butter issues back home. >> fact there's a trade deal and will be voted on the day after impeachment, the fact there's prescription drug legislation that moderates can go home and talk about, that's not an accident. >> no, it's not an accident. she knows what she's doing. >> reporter: on display at this con tentious michigan town hall. >> we will talk about the impeachment inkwiequiry and abo big things like the usmca as well as prescription drug legislation. >> reporter: the speaker understood cutting deal with the administration on trade. >> defend the constitution. >> reporter: announced an hour after a milestone speech on impeachment allowed democrats to talk up the president in her trump won district. >> i have to give a lot of credit to both the president and the president's negotiator. >> reporter: on a progressive
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side of the caucus you hear the same thing about pelosi's leadership style. >> i think she's done a good job of navigating difficult waters. >> reporter: progress caucus co-chair fought pelosi hard and won some concessions on a key prescription drug bill pelosi want eed done before christmas. >> i'm sure she is irritated with us but it has to do with what we're fighting for. at the end of the day if this is an idelogical and you make that clear, she won't try to talk you out of it. >> i'm at the loom and every member, whatever generation, gender identity, whatever the philosophical differences, whatever it is, all of it is a
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strength to us. you weave it and weave it. you value every thread because it strengthens the tapestry of what you're creating. >> as we head toward tomorrow's impeachment vote it's worth remembering that the left put a lot of pressure on pelosi to impeach the president as soon as she got the speaker's gavel back. she got just as much pressure from moderates. she didn't get there until she felt comfortable and confident that the majority, the vast majority of her kcaucus was thee as well. >> there's more breaking news. the ultra secretive u.s. surveillance court makes a rare public statement slamming the fbi. at fidelity, we make sure you have a clear plan to cover the essentials in retirement, as well as all the things you want to do. because when you're ready for what comes next, the only direction is forward.
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there's more breaking news tonight on the truly extraordinary new criticism of the fbi. the usually secretive fisa court issuing a rare public order slamming the bureau for mistakes made in seeking surveillance warrants during the russia investigation. we are joined now by the former deputy director of the fbi andrew mccabe. he is now a cnn contributor. thanks very much for coming in. let me read a sentence from this truly amazing and very powerful statement the fisa judge released publicly referring to the inspector general of the justice department's report. it documents troubling instances
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in which fbi personnel provided information to nsd, the national security division, which was unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession. it also describes several instances in which fbi personnel withheld from nsd information in their possession which was detrimental to their case for untiling m believing mr. carter page was -- >> this is very serious. >> everyone in the fbi and anyone who reads that report is shocked and horrified by what they've seen in the rescitation of the 17 errors. i certainly believed that the procedures we had in place was enough to guarantee that accurate information was going to the court and it cuts against one of our most fundamental duties and that is to be perfectly accurate and truthful
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with the court. >> jim comey said it was sloppiness. this wasn't just sloppiness. these were brutal mistakes, concealments involving surveillance activities of an american citizen. >> they were very, very serious mistakes. they come into basically two different category, things that they told the court which were not consistent with what we knew in our own files and facts that we left out, that we should have told the court. i will say, though, that the ig pointed out in his report that he found no evidence that those misrepresentations were intentional. nevertheless, they are unbelievably serious and something that has obviously gotten the court's attention as you would expect. >> the fisa judge writes that all this, the evidence we now know about, calls into question whether information contained in other fbi applications is reliable. the fbi just responded saying they're going to take 40 corrective steps to try to deal
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with this, but if such blunders, if such mistakes can be made, deliberate mistakes in such a high-from file case you have to wonder what's going on with lesser high-profile cases involving u.s. citizens. >> if we have exposed, if the ig has exposed short comings in the process that ensures accuracy goes to the court, then yes, we need to take a look at all of the fisa work that's been done. that is what the court has said and that's what the ig has pledged to do and of course, director wray has taken some very active steps to start that process. >> what's the biggest mistake you made? >> the biggest mistake we made. the biggest mistake, i think, is the process that was in place essentially left so much responsibility on the lowest level of fbi agents and supervisors involved in a process that once those mistakes
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are baked in they become very, very hard for the layers of oversight and that's one thing if i were director wray. >> you to make sure that doesn't happen again. thanks for coming. >> thanks, wolf. >> much more nice right after this. if your glasses aren't perfect, we'll fix them. so will we. no we won't. don't forget to use your vision benefits before they're gone. now in-network with vsp. visionworks. see the difference. billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath?
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creais back at red lobster.ast with new creations to choose from; like rich, butter-poached maine lobster and crispy crab-stuffed shrimp rangoon. how will you pick just 4 of 10? it won't be easy. better hurry in.
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finally tonight, as house democrats are on the brink of a historic vote to impeach the president, mr. trump is brazenly claiming that they are subverts dechl democrat see. i can't help, but think of
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vladimir putin. he and his pals are sit back in russia and declaring mission accomplished and in putin's eyes america appears weak. one of russia's goals in interfering in the 2016 presidential election was to sow political dissent in the united states and to, quote, undermine public faith in the u.s. democratic process. intel officials in the obama administration and later in the trump administration supported that finding. so did the republican-led senate intelligence committee. the panels report on election interference warn russia was trying to, quote, stoke anger, provoke outrage and protest, push americans further away from one another and foment distrust in government institutions. so as americans battle over impeachment and both parties fan the flame, perhaps we should all think about putin and his cronies sitting back in moscow and smiling.
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thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." you can follow me on twitter and instagram @wolfblitzer and tweet the show @cnnsitroom. erin burnett "out front" starts right now. "out front" next. breaking news. trump's tantrum, a jaw-dropping six-page rant from the president of the united states just hours before his near-certain impeachment. chuck schumer is out front to respond. still digging. rudy giuliani says trump supports his dirt digging on a political rival in ukraine. so who is giuliani meeting with to get this information? plus unseating lindsay graham. the senator's challenger who is raising big money is my guest tonight. does he have a chance? let's go out front. good evening. i'mier u. i'm erin burnett. a six-page rant from the president of the united states. president trump sendi


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