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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  August 10, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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president trump answering more questions from reporters today than he has in six months. this is "cnn tonight" i'm don lemon. the president speaking for nearly half aphour today during his working vacation at his golf resort in new jersey. here are the headlines on the subject of fire and fury, the threat to north korea, saying maybe it wasn't tough enough. and noncommittal on the possibility of pre-emptive military strike saying we'll see
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what happens. on the predawn raid on the home of his former chairman paul manafort "i was very, very surprised to see it." and insisting he hasn't given any thought to firing special counsel mueller, saying i'm not dismissing anybody. alexandra is live for us in seoul, south korea. hello to you. people on the korean peninsula woke up not to one but two new statements from president trump. what's the reaction there? >> yeah, it's happening once again, don and people here know if pyongyang was pushed by war of words into deciding to launch some kind of attack or retaliate for a perceived attack, it's believed their conventional weapons could kill thousands of people before u.s. military might would overwhelm them. they've been calling for dialogue to resolve the exceptionally tense situation.
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so people are hanging on every word of this fiery rhetoric. president trump doubling down, saying perhaps he should have spoken and issued an even tougher ultimatum, saying there would always be consideration for negotiation. certainly that is the direction the south korean government would like to see all of this move in. but they are standing closely with the u.s. government, with president trump. they have condemned pyongyang for the provocative actions and further provocation would warrant a military response and the military advise shall and the south korean national security advisor have spoken since trump's comments, saying the result of that conversation was a reaffirmation the two are working together step by step to try and resolve the mounting tension here. don. >> thank you very much. the war of words with north korea reaching a flash point
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after two days of threats and counter threats. president trump vowing fire and fury on tuesday and doubling down twice today. >> north korea best not make anymore threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. he has been very threatening beyond a normal statement. and as i said they will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before. >> the north koreans said yesterday your statement on tuesday was nonsense. do you have any response to that? >> well, i don't think they mean that and i think it's the first time they've heard it like they heard it and frankly, the people
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questioning that statement, maybe it wasn't tough enough. they've been doing this to our country for many years and it's about time somebody stuck up for the people of this country and for the people of other countries. so if anything maybe that statement wasn't tough enough and we're backed 100% by our military. we're backed by everybody and many other leaders and i noticed many senators and others came out very much in favor of what i said, but if anything that statement may not be tough enough. >> what would be tougher than fire and fury? >> you'll see. >> obviously we're spending a lot of time looking at in particular north korea and we are preparing for many different alternative events. he has said things that are horrific. and with me he's not getting away with it. he got away with it for a long time between him and his family. this is a whole new ball game
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and he's not going to be saying those things and certainly not going to be doing those things. i read about in guam, by august 15th. let's see what he does with guam. he does something in guam, it will be an event the likes of which nobody's seen before what will happen in north korea. yowl you'll see and he'll see. he will see. that's not a dare. it's a statement. has nothing to do with dare. that's a statement. he's not going to go around threatening guam and he's not going to threaten the united states and he's not going to threaten japan and he's not going to threaten south korea. no. that's not a dare as you say. that's a statement of fact. >> so the president refusing to back down. where do we go from here? joining me to discuss all of this is a former senior military intelligence officer who was a member of the trump campaign
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committee and general wesley clark, former nato ally commander. general clark, you first. you say there is no military option but you wouldn't know that from listening to the commander and chief, would you? >> well, there of course is a military option. you can attack north korea and we know how that would go. we shut down their air defense, block their communications. give them shock and awe and then go in and try to take it apart. but you're not going to get away with that without their firing on the civilians in south korea and possibly japan. how bad would it be? it could be very bad and after it's over and we're in there, we don't know what china's going to do. maybe china comes in from the north because they don't like the fact that the north korean government's going to collapse. so yes, there's a military option. it obprobably involves 10s of thousands, if not hundreds of
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thousands of innocent lives, including of hundred thousands of dual national citizens. their families and in south korea there's lot at stake here. so there's no clean military option. there's no way to snap your fingers and say all right. since you wouldn't give us your nukes, we'll take them away from you. so where do we go from here? here's my point, don. i think the president owes it to the american people and the people in asia to go to the last mile to avoid the use of force if possible. and what that means is he should send an emsary in and he -- that emsary should look right in the eyes of president kim and say back off, don't do this. you find your own way out of it and we'll have a dialogue and see how we're going to move forward from here. because one of the most important lessons is you use
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force only as a last, last, last resort. the reason is because the outcome is unpredictable. it almost never works out the way you think it's going to work out. look at what happened in iraq. and it's a lot easier to get into a war than to get out of a war. so i'm all in favor of standing up to north korea. i think it would be wonderful if we could take away their nuclear weapons some way that's reasonable. i agree with what bill richardson said earlier in the program but for goodness sakes, the president of the united states has a moral responsibility not to push this thing without having exhausted all other options to resolve it. >> you don't think it's realistic for them to get rid of nuclear weapons. i've been asking most of my guests here. my experts. you think it's time to accept them as having nuclear capabilities?
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>> i don't know what accept them means but i know this that they do have nuclear capability and i'd like to be able to talk them out ofitbut i don't think you can sort of just wave your hand and say impermiscible. you give it up or we're going to blow you off the face of the earth. that's not the right approach. you've backed them into a corner. this is a guy who kills his relatives to stay in power. there's no reason to think in a lose it or use it situation, he would say in that case, i give up. i don't want these innocent people killed. >> lieutenant commander rogers, is it posable to have north korea at this point get rid of his nuclear capabilities? >> we're going to have to make sure that we get rid of tell the. we have to go to the last mile and we are at the last mile. 40 years of dealing with this nation -- and don, you said
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earlier and absolutely correct. there's no blame here. every administration prior to president trump did the best they dood get this nut to the table and the fact of the matter is it's failed. sanctions have failed. consillatory gestures have failed. president trump inherited this and he's realized and i'm sure he has spoken to his fine generals that none of that has worked so the time has come to get tough and i've said repeatedly over and over again we're not going to war. i think the president of the united states has, in a unique way strategically put this whole mess in china's hands. china is going to have to act. they do not want a war either. i think everybody should settle down and let's just give the president the time he needs to work on what he is trying to do here and i believe he's trying to bring them to the table. you got to get tough with these people and the president's a tough guy and he's making sure that leader in north korea
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understands exactly what he is saying. >> i want to come in and make a couple of points. because we've been in this dialogue continuously for over 48 hours. there a lot of people who refer to him as a nut, a paranoid, etc. this is a man who has been ruthless in maintaining power. and north korea's objectives have never changed for over 60 years. they want the united states out and they want to take over south korea. and they have relentlessly pushed their nuclear weapons program so that they have the security to stand up to the united states of america. even this latest threat of the four missiles around guam was a cleverly delivered threat. kim didn't do it himself. he had a general go out and do it and he said it was being planned, that it would have to be approved. so he left himself a margin for
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error. we're not dealing with a nut here. we're dealing with a ruthless, determined adversary, and one thing i learned from my time at the top of the u.s. military chain of command and going through the pentagon and a lot of other experiences in haiti, bosnia, kosovo, etc., treat your opponent with respect. understand him. don't brand him as a nut because he disagrees with you. he sees it a different way. you got to get inside his heads if you're going to beat him. >> listen. let me ask you this because the director of national intelligence, james clapper, was on the 10:00 hour and he's saying he is concerned about l of this rhetoric that's been happening now and concerned that we're somehow going to back ourselves into a war one that could have been prevented. so what is the danger of all of this ratcheted up rhetoric.
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you, general clark and i'll get a response from you. >> the problem is when you engage in it directly, you have no buffer. there's nobody to rebuke and say he's carried away and you're in it personally. >> but the lieutenant commander says he believes we're not going to war but clapper's saying there's a definite possibility if somebody doesn't take it down a notch. >> the thing about it is you have in north korea a persistent six decades negotiating and rhetorical style of demanding to have the last word. they always give the last threat. so when you get in that kind of hyperbolic escalation, they're going to keep ratcheting up and when you push them into a corner, we don't know what this guy really is going to do because he wants his regime to
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survive but if you put him in a corn shall where it's use them or lose them, he could very well decide if he doesn't use them, he's lost anyway. and someone sited earlier the example of gaddafi earlier in your program. that's a perfect example of why it's going to be very hard to persuade him to give up his nuclear weapons. because we persuaded gaddafi, not three years later they said this is a good time to get rid of him. let's get rid of him and we did. and i'm sure that every dictator in the world looked at that and said that's what happens when you deal with the west and the americans and you don't have nuclear weapons. so we've got some credibility problem said going forward. first thing stabilize this, stop the escalation of rhetoric. deal directly with the north koreans on this and see what we can do about his weapons. >> i have to run so we'll have
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you back. thank you both. sglp general, thank you for your service. >> when we come back, the president saying he has no plans to fire robert mueller as the russia investigation heats up. new details of what mueller is looking into and who he is questioning now. that's next. work up a sweat during the day. not at night. only tempur-breeze® mattresses use an integrated system of technologies to keep you cool while you sleep. ultra-breathable support layers channel heat away from your body. purecool technology delivers cooling comfort you can feel. and the performance cover is cool to the touch. so you sleep cool and wake up feeling powerful. only exclusive retailers carry breeze. find yours at and in this swe see.veryday act, when we give, we receive. ♪
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president trump insisting today that he has no plans to fire special counsel robert
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mueller. want to talk about this, the latest on russia investigation a former department of homeland security official and a former u.s. attorney. good evening to both of you. julia, you first. cnn has learned that paul manafort's son in law has met with the department of justice investigators within the past few months. why would they need meet with him? >> well, they are exploring the connections between manafort and his financial dealings and russia. just taking a step back, reminding everyone paul manafort was the campaign manager for the trump campaign. not an insignificant figure and subject to a no notice review of documents in his own house and now the investigation is looking at people around him. the son in law is actually about it to be, if not is a former son in law. there was a divorce, i believe this year, which also suggests there might be people willing to
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talk against each other who might not others with have been willing to speak. this is like -- let's just say this is not an episode of the walton's anymore. this is a high drama stakes going on amongst manafort and of course the trump family. >> interesting. so matthew, we have also learned that manafort has found new legal representation. so is there a significance there? >> well, he did go from a big law firm to a more boutique firm that does specialize in tax. and it sounds like they had focussed on two pieces of information when they did that search want at his house. one was his tax return and the other was foreign bank account records which would be very hard to get if the bank did not have
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a u.s. location or branch. so it's difficult to get records from banks outside the country. i have a feeling those are the key documents and this move to get the new lawyer almost confirms that's where this case is going. >> do you think that's where it's going, julia, when you see tax investigation experts, rather than the big firm as matthew said? >> that is absolutely right and people that know this new firm understand that the investigation is not simply looking atticalution. that's not the sole mandate of what mueller is allowed to do. it's to look at what might have driven the trump campaign, the trump family or president trump himself to act or behave in certain ways. that does not have to simply be to win an election. it can be to protect financial dealings that were not disclosed because the tax returns were never disclosed by trump. if you look at mueller's team,
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there's a lot to suspect that this is heading towards a financial investigation and so paul manafort is smart to counter with experts himself. >> so as the russia investigation rolls on, president trump has said he has no plans to dismiss special counsel robert mueller. here he is. >> president, you've thought about, considered the dismissal of special counsel. >> i haven't given it any thought. i've been read about it from you people. i'm not dismissing anybody. i also want the senate and the house to come out with their findings. >> so, can mueller and everyone awaiting his findings breathe a sigh of relief. >> until chris cuomo is on new day tomorrow morning. he's been back and forth on this issue for a long time. he gets angry at mueller and
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tweets something out. he gets reprimanded and goes quiet. i don't believe a word from president trump on this specific issue regarding his consistency or support of mueller at this stage. if you are trump or the trump family at this stage and you're looking at what's happening with pal manafort and stories we're hearing about mike flynn, you've got to be nervous about this investigation. the problem is mueller's too far along. this is before grand jury we believe. and from reporting. we do know subpoenas and investigations are ongoing. a firing would have implications that trump probably knows he could not control. >> so, matthew, he also said he wants mueller and his team to quote get on with the task. where did this newly cooperative trump come from, do you think? >> i think the tone has changed since he brought inside the
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white house, ty cobb. i think you've seen a different approach. i think the tweets have dimin h diminished and that's brought the seriousness for him and especially inside the white house. the two figures that are key to this right now are manafort and flynn, as she mentioned. and i would mention as a former prosecutor and someone who's defended the wrongly accused, manafort and flynn are having a tremendous amount of pressure put on them. and we're seeing that especially mann manifest right now. to sit down, to give a proper interview or -- and to understand the scope of this campaign because as manafort was the campaign chairman for five or six months, i think rightfully the special counsel's going to determine he might know if there was coordination beteen the russian government and the trump campaign. >> can -- >> go ahead.
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>> just to pick up on what matthew said and the pressure that both flynn and manafort are feeling is it's unlikely that both of them will be offered the golden ticket. that in fact this is somewhat of a race to see who can praufer about financial dealings because one of them does not want to be left out in the cold. and that is why this investigation is so intense right now and you're getting these stories every 12 or 24 hours. >> the president addressed it and we just learned about it this week but here's the president. >> i thought it was a very, very strong signal or whatever. i know mr. manafort -- haven't spoken to him in a long time but he was with the campaign for a relatively short period of time. i thought it was a very -- they
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do that very seldom. so i was surprised to see it. it's pretty tough stuff. to wake him up, perhaps his family was there. i think that's pretty tough stuff. >> he talked about the raid being a signal. what type of signal do you think mueller might be trying to send here? >> i think it's a strong signal a tough signal but i also think it was directed at paul manafort. if it was truly a no knock search warrant where they kicked down the door essentially, those are very dangerous, fraught with peril. i can't imagine they thought he was going to flush his computer or tax returns down the toilet and i think it's concerning on both sides from a law enforcement perspective as to why they would do that and from paul manafort, why did they think, maybe from talking to the
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son in law -- there's a really interesting story behind this that we have yet to hear. >> thank you both. i appreciate it. when we come back, president trump taking a shot at mitch mcconnell today. would the battle with his own party escalate? wise man, i'm nervous about things i can't control... affecting my good credit score. i see you've planted an uncertainty tree. chop that thing down. the clarity you seek... lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit.
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president trump, for the second day in a row, publicly calling out mitch mcconnell saying he's disappointed in the senate majority leader, telling him to get back to work and listen to his answer to reporters questions today. >> consider stepping down asthma jort leader? >> well, i'll tell you what if he doesn't get repeal and replace done and if he doesn't get taxes done, meaning cuts and reform, and if he doesn't get a very easy one to get done, infrastructure, if he doesn't get them done, then you can ask me that question. >> mcconnell is popular among his colleagues and the president
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has shown repeatedly he's not afraid to take on his own party's establishment. here's senior national correspondent. >> reporter: donald trump's surprise victory made a president out of a proud political outsider. >> it is time to drain the dam swamp. >> reporter: voters -- now in office with republicans also controlling both houses of congress the president is still a fighter, even against his own party leaders and staunch allies. >> i am disappointed in the attorney general. >> reporter: especially when the going gets rough. >> so far senate republicans have not done their job in ending the obamacare nightmare. >> reporter: during those failed efforts to repeal obamacare, the president clearly distanced himself from the party he leads, using his beloved twitter account, writing for years even as a civilian i listened as republicans pushed the repeal and replace of obamacare. now they finally have their
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chance and then it's very sad that republicans, even some that were carried over the line on my back do very little to protect their president. so who really represents the republican party? the man who fought his way to the white house or the people who are already in the trenches? >> there is a big difference between trumpism and what he represents for republicans and traditional republicans who want to do things like more traditional tax reform. want to campaign against abortion on the social issues. there's a big break there. >> reporter: trump has famously flipped parties many times. >> in many cases i identify more as a democrat. it seems the economy does better under the democrats than the republicans. >> reporter: he has blasted pillars of the gop like john mccain and george bush. >> people think he's been a horrible president, possibly the worst in this country. >> reporter: he has mainly been in sink with the ggop when it
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comes to issues in the white house. >> where they differ is style and how they conduct themselves in private. the only reason they've been hanging together this long is because they do have mutual goals. >> reporter: goals they say are harder to accomplish with this chaotic, combative white house more than happy to shift the blame. >> when we come right back, more on the president's attacks on his own party's majority leader. what his fighting words could mean for his relationship with the republican party. andre is confident. but when it comes to mortgages, he's less confident. fortunately, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently.
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the president has been taking shots at republican leader mitch mcconnell all week long. the president is not the least bit afraid to take on his own party. here to discuss republican strategist rick wilson. gentleman, good evening. john, you just heard alex's piece. this is before the break. does donald trump really represent the republican party?
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>> well, don, what donald trump represents is a political movement that is economic and an uprising against the elites in washington that have sold out the american worker for years. mitch mcconnell lives in an alternative d.c. universe. he represents the trump movement. mitch mcconnell lives in a d.c. universe where accountability doesn't matter, results don't matter, deadlines don't matter. timelines don't matter. nothing matters to these people except raising money and getting riri lected. they accumulate power and money while getting no results. the american workers -- >> i got you. i got you. rick, you have a new piece titled when will republicans learn that donald trump hates them? you say republican elengthed officials are at best props and extras in the apprentice. do you think the president
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believes in the republican party and its agenda? >> no. donald trump was like a pirate sailing nad flag of convenience when he ran as a republican. he doesn't really have any republican values. he's more of a status and authoritarian. he doesn't believe in personal freedom or limited government. and i want to introduce john to one simple concept. congress is a co equal branch of government. they don't represent the trump hoard. they represent their individual states. they represent the issues and these are their constituents and so mitch mcconnell has a caucus in the senate where they have 52 members and they have a variety of different interests and drivers for their behavior. so they're not all going to say whatever crazy thing came off of donald trump's itchy twitter finger, i'm going to alter everything. these guys represent their people. they are not there to serve
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donald trump. they're a coequal branch of government. i know the constitution is an inconvenience for the trump world but it's something that folks like john should refamiliarize yourself with. >> you just don't get what's happening out there in america. because you're another never trumper people who don't understand the movement and the people behind him. >> i understand why he won. he won because he was a celebrity, john. this is not a revolution. john, let me acquaint you with something, john. >> oh, now you're going to -- go ahead. >> this is not a revolution, john, this is a guy who is mentally unstable. he is not a conservative. he is a statest. he is a guy who doesn't understand the it slightest thing about the fundamental tenants of conservatism. he doesn't believe in individual liberty as a conservative ought to and certainly not a person
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who respects the rule of law and surtdenly doesn't believe in the constitutional separation of powers and the role that the congress and the courts play. i get it you're part of this big populous yeah yeah yeah. it's great, fun enjoy it. but don't pretend it represents the values of this country that conservatives have run on and believed in for generations. >> of which rick wilson is the master of the conscious conservative movement. that was a great sill kwae delivered by a heritage foundation white paper that you found someplace. you have no idea what's going on with working place americans whose job has shifted over seas and wages have gone down. the elites and in urban america make money no matter what happens and working class americans have been disenfranchised. >> can i jump in and ask you
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think is. >> -- an opportunity to get back in the fold. >> you just said he doesn't represent the republican party. >> as we know it sdplp it soupds like you're sort of agreeing with what rick says and if he says it's a coequal branch of government -- >> there's nothing to do with the coequal branch of government. we're not talking about the constitution. he's talking about a political party who's -- >> if they're answering to the people at home, then why should they answer to the president? that's not their job. >> the majority of people are there to serve their donors and their money making base. that's how they get reelected. they accumulate power and money with no results. we gave them -- >> but are they there to serve the president?
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>> they're there to serve the people who voted for this president. they had 15 candidates representing them. every one of them got smoked. >> you're saying he's there to serve the people and he's saying they're there to serve the people. >> he got elected on an agenda he wants to see passed. >> i'm talking about the law makers in washington. you're saying that they're there to serve the people and he's saying they're there to serve the people. so what do you disagree on? >> the agenda, don. mitch mcconnell got on tv and said donald trump's expectations are way too high. we have artificial timelines. people that are going to their jobs every day, they have a timeline, more than a deadline, they have expectations. if they don't perform, they get fired. these people keep making money no matter what happens. >> i know you're doing your
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filibuster thing but one second. the agendau of donald trump, i get your enthusiasm. the high school quarterback circling the parking lot. i get it. but it's a random accumulation of his impulses and urges every day. he doesn't have an ability to lead a party. he doesn't have an ability to lead a movement. these guys in congress don't trust in him, don't believe in him because he's erratic. these guys have gone to meet with him come out and go oh, my lord, he doesn't know anything about this. they're on their own. he's constantly dragging other distraction into every legislative fight. he's not helping them pass an agenda and the fact of the matter is they represent their states. they do not work for donald trump. if you think they work for donald trump just because he -- >> i said they work for the american people, rick. >> and the american people in
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the several states -- john, i'm sorry it seems like an art fact to you. these guys are supposed to represent -- these folks are supposed to represent their states and follow the constitution and donald trump doesn't have the sovereign power to tell congress you will do this on this date. you will pass this bill on this date. i know it would be comfortable if you could get rid of all the pesky divided government and have a single uniitary leader in the white house but that's not how it works. >> this is turning into a -- i'm talking about the republican party -- >> master of arguments. i think you're correct. >> these -- >> i want you to respond to what he said but i have to take a break. >> we won, you lost. t-mobile announces zero down for all. now, get the whole family the hottest smartphone brands
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back now with john fredrics and rick wilson. mcconnell is the late to say find himself in the hot seats. today the president was asked
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about sessions and mcmaster, both of whom have been taking fire in recent weeks. take a listen. >> how would you categorize your relationship with attorney general sessions? have you talked about your differences in the past? >> it is what it is. it's fine. i'm very proud of what we've done on the border. very proud of general kelly what he's done on the border. one of the reasons he's my chief of staff . >> general mcmaster, i like i am and i respect him. >> what do you make of that, john? >> well, look, jeff sessions has been the intellectual leader of this movement for a long time. i am happy they are talking. as far as general mcmaster concerned, there is a real issue here.
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general mcmaster has lose two wars between patraeus and now he's advising the president, trying to get him to send in another 5,000 troops in afghanistan. i want to make everybody aware, this president campaigned vigorously getting us out of the middle eastern force. we have no strategies and no one has any idea of what the end game is. our men and women and our sons and daughters coming home in body bags. and there is a lot of people that make a lot of money off of these wars. >> so i have a real problem with mcmaster. there is an ideolo ideological is going on.
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>> go ahead rick. >> i am going to say this bluntly, i have known mcmaster. the white house, you should wake up everyday with a sense of relief that there is a grown up in the white house of this crazy a lot writers who's easing their way into the mechanism. if you don't have a henry mcmaster inside the white house and jim mattis defense. we'll be in a situation where our country is not safe and we'll be in a situation where our country is in the hands of people who should never have security clearances and much less of the nfc staff. this is not a guy. petraeus, did he make a mistake? absolutely he did. he owned up to it. honest to god, john, you are not with carrying a shine box.
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that's a guy who serves his country his entire life and has a distinguished career. mcmaster of this purge idea that you dream of that you are ending up with the al right and the proputin segment as our national security adviser, it is a great fantasy on your side. i am hopeful to have john kelly keeping him out and have mcmaster purging the rest of the minions. >> you know, rick, you are the master of the crazy buzz word. you are the champion of the neo conservatives that keep on getting us -- >> what's a neo conservative mean, john? >> warmongers. >> let me tell you, the president, he campaigned enthusiastically getting us out
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of these middle eastern wars. >> right now we have mcmaster trying to find 5,000 troops to afghanistan. can anybody tell me what the objective is. when we are getting out and we have been there for 17 years. he's trying to get-- >> come on. they should get the hell out of there because there is no objective. these people have been fighting each other for 3,000 years. >> rick, i got 20 seconds if you will. >> listen, the security of this country depends on a whole variety of difficult choices all the time. the idea that you are just going to pop us out in the middle east and pull us out of the iraq tomorrow, the entire region to iraq, good job, excellent plan, lets do that right away. >> anyway, we got a sure set of heads there. we should be grateful that we have mcmaster. >> that's all you want. >> we'll be right back.
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