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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  August 6, 2017 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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allies, and the ball is in north korea's court. the international community, a powerful objection of north korea's missile tests. a new round of sanctions could cost the country $1 billion annually. this coming hours before secretary of state rex tillerson attends a crucial meeting with his north korean counterpart in manila. tillerson also meeting with russia's foreign minister, whose country is stip grappling for meddling in the u.s. election. "cnn newsroom" starts out in. starts now. hello iello again. we start the hour with the ever-widens russia investigation. following a money trail and special counsel robert mueller issued grand jury subpoenas. the man who appointed mueller to lead the investigation, deputy
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attorney general rod rosenstein spoke out today insists it's not a fishing expedition and downplayed the subpoenas. >> in general, chris, it doesn't say anything about the likely indictments because we conduct investigations and make a determination as some point in the point of the investigation whether charges are appropriate. >> what's the advantage in terms of an investigation taking a case to a grand jury? >> many of our investigations, chris, involve the use of the grand jury. a way to gather documents. sometimes bring in witness witness for full testimony. a tool we use like any other tool in the course of our investigations. >> the subpoenas are widely seen in washington as a big step forward in the case. here's what a ranking member of the house intelligence committee said earlier today. >> instead, if these allegations are true, it's moving into a new phase with the impaneling of a grand jury so that special counsel can subpoena witnesses and documents. that wouldn't be taking place if there was really no evidence, no evidentiary basis to move forward.
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>> cnn's boris sanchez has more and the latest on the senator's effort to protect mueller from being replaced. trump supporters are downplaying this as well. has are you hearing? >> reporter: yes, fred. there are as many different perspectives on these investigations as there are investigations. seemingly you had rod rosenstein this morning, the deputy attorney general, saying this is not a fishing expedition, and as you heard, that the convening of a grand jury, issuing of subpoenas, is not an indication that the special counsel is going to recommend charges against anyone. he also had new jersey governor chris christie on "state of the union" with jake tapper this morning saying that this is just the natural course of events for an investigation saying that the media is blowing this news out of proportion. then you had adam schiff essentially saying the fact this investigation hasn't been dropped is indication there is something there and the fact
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it's moving forward is an indicator of something. of course, they all have expressed at least a vote of confidence in special counsel robert mueller. those haven't done that, those supporting the president including kellyanne conway, who said that this investigation is a witch-hunt and a complete fabrication. these allegations against the trump campaign. here's more of what kellyanne won kaye said this morning on abc. >> the entire russia investigation is a hypothetical. the president has called it a fiction, total fabrication to excuse the colossal and, you know, expected, unwanted defeat of hillary clinton in last year's election. >> reporter: you have disagreement not only whether this investigation is valid and also on the scope of it. whether or not robert mueller has the league ability to look into the president's finances. if that falls into the scope of this investigation. the deputy attorney general was asked about that this morning. he said that he believes that robert mueller knows the limits
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of his ability as special counsel and that if he feels he must exceed that to recommend charges against anyone, he would have to then go seek the approval of the acting attorney general rod rosenstein. fred? >> so, boris, on the flip side, a movement in congress to protect mueller in his investigation. what exactly is happening there? >> reporter: yes, fred. believe it or not, some bipartisan consensus when it comes to the russia investigation. a bill introduced that would limit the president's ability to fire robert mueller without just cause. here two of the senators sponsoring the bill, thom tillis and chris cooms. listen. >> i think we've already heard strong interest from colleagues on both sides of the aisle supporting this legislation. senators graham and booker also introduced a similar piece of legislation before we went out. >> senator tillis, have you seen anything in this investigation so suggesting robert mueller has
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a conflict? >> i haven't. i sit on the judiciary committee along with chris or senator cooms and have not seen any evidence to suggest that and that's why i want this investigation to just follow through to an expedient conclusion. >> now, fred, kellyanne conway has come out and pointed out again that some of the attorneys that robert mueller hired on his investigative team have donated to democrats in the past. she actually went on to say the president hasn't even discussed potentially firing robert mueller, but the fact that congress at least some members of congress are taking it as a serious possibility that the president may pursue that course of action, is interesting, to say the least, fred. >> all right. boris sanchez in washington. thanks so much. so now to the money trail in the russia investigation. the special counsel exploring trump's campaign and possible collusion with russia has expanded into the president and his family's financial ties.
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cnn's jake tapper asked new jersey governor chris christie, a friend and supporter of the president, about that. >> bob mueller would be crossing a red line if mueller were to delve into his or his family's finances. cnn's reporting is that bob mueller is doing exactly that looking into the finances of the president, his businesses, his family, his associates as a are are as an attorney is that fair? >> part of the problem with special counseling. you recall before it happened i was saying you should be very cautious about this and i felt we had the professionaling necessary already inside the department of justice to do this kind of investigation, because special counsels at time historically have felt the need to produce something in return for their appointment. so you're always concerned about that. in the end, though, bob mueller is a good man in my experience, and dealing with him as director of the fbi and i was u.s. attorney and i trust he'll be
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very careful to try not to go on a fishing expedition. there's always a temptation to do that. >> talk more about all of this. let's talk with craig unger, contributing editor for "vanity fair," author of "trump's russian laundromat." and executive director of the foundation for accountability and civic trust. good to see you both. craig, you first. you wrote in the new republic in the '80s at least one russian who purchased six trump tower condos was later arrest arened and the properties seized for money laundering and you write there was never been any indication that trump knew anything about money laundering schemes. so why do you think he has drawn this red line on mueller and investigators looking into his and his families finances? >> i think it's exactly where mueller has to go. i tried to find out when trump was first compromised by russia and went back to 1984 when a man
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named david bogadon went into trump tower. a guy with ties to the russian mafia. specifically to the crime family of simian mogolavitz, the boss of bosses for the russian mafia. sat down with trump and bought five condos. and the state attorney general ruled that that was money laundering. i tried to go forward from there and i found at least 13 people who appeared to have ties to the russian mafia who lived or worked in trump tower or had dealings with trump in one way or another. >> a fascinating article. really is. matthew, trump adviser kellyanne conway said this morning that the president was assured under oath he was not under investigation, but mueller, you know, does have wide discretion. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein actually talked about that today. listen. >> the special counsel is subject to the rules and regulations of the department of justice, and we don't engage in
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fishes expeditions. that order you read doesn't detail specifically who may be the subject in the investigation, bu we don't rereal that publicly, but bob mueller understands and i understand the specific scope of the investigation. so, no, it's not a fishing expedition. >> so matthew, what's your reaction to that, and how does that, how is that interpreted now by the white house? >> well, my understanding of the scope is that it is limited. this is one of the discussions i've been having with lots of people. in fact, in writing an editorial pieces that should be up on soon about, that there is a red line. there is a very specific scope to this investigation, and anything that is outside of russian coordination or the 2016 campaign would be outside of the scope of that investigation. i think rod rosenstein, who i served with in the department of justice agreed with me. >> where did you learn that? who determined that? even senator collins was asked that and heard her sentiments
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friday. there are no limitations. they can go wherever they need to go? >> yeah. that's just not what i heard rod say today as i watched his interview on fox news. i heard him say there are specific subjects in the investigation and there is a scope. it cannot be a fishing expedition and chris christie, also served with rod and i as u.s. attorneys in the department of justice, in the 2000s, feels the same way. this is the danger, and this is kind of a constitutional question answer brinds in things like the fourth amendment. a limitation to prosecutors, what they can do, where they can go -- >> isn't that what happened with whitewater? the probe was there and went off into the personal -- you know, dal yaknow, -- of the president of the united states. >> two distinctions. dislaws in whitewater and ken starr did go back, get additional authority once this investigation continued. that is the key piece here. i think it we should watch for
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bob mueller, if he's really going down paths of unrelated financial transactions, then he has to go back to rod and get that additional authorization. >> so, craig, also in your article and in "the republic" you wrote after a -- quoting now, "review of the public record revealed a clear and disturbing pattern. trump owes much of his business success and by extension his presidency to a flow of highly suspicious money from russia over the past three decades. at least 13 people with known or alleged links to russian mobsters or oligarchs, run, owned and lived in or run out of trump properties. is it your belief when investigators say they're following the money, those two are threads they'll look into? this was information that you quote in your article based on court records. so not accusations you're making?
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>> right. absolutely. one thing a lot of people don't get is that the russian mafia is in many ways an adjunct of the russian government. it's not like the american mafia or anything you might see on "the sopranos." so you had people in trump tower in the home of the president of the united states who were part of the russian mafia and in many ways functioning as an adjunct to russian intelligence, and if you look at the company bayrock, which is a real estate development company, partnered with president trump, they were there for about eight years, and a number of people there who were part of bayrock do have ties to the russian mafia. and there's some very serious questions that come out of that. >> do you believe this is off limits? or should be off limits for mueller? >> i read craig's article and it's a very interesting history of some of those folks and what they did, but to suggest that
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somehow they were clairvoyant enough to know trump would ultimately be president of the united states and somehow that compromised him going forward i think is very dangerous. i've tried many cases and sometimes you want to dirty up somebody with all sorts of innuendo or things like this that be kind of unrelated facts very salacious, and it's very dangerous for the president of the united states is completely beholden to the russian mafia or russian government base and these 30-year-old business ties from 1984 and beyond that. >> all right. you want a last word? >> no one suggested -- what they thought in 1984 was going to be president. it started off in the beginning of the game as money laundering pure and simple. in 2002, down on heels, $4 million in debt. owed 70 banks money. those are not the kind of credentials that help you get elected president of the united
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states, and one said, we will put up a billion dollars, roughly, to do all of these projects with you. you put up zero and you get 18% of it. so donald trump was deeply, deeply compromised by them. >> hmm. still curious is, the common denominator. whether 30 years can ago or in 2016, that word and place, russia. that's the common denominator and what makes us so curious. craig unger, matthew whitaker, thank you so much, gentlemen. >> thank you. still ahead, russia calls u.s. sanctions "unfriendly and dangerous." what this could signal. plus -- >> this was a gut punch to north korea. >> how the international community is reacting to fresh sanctions just slapped on kim jong-un's regime. and while the president of the united states is on a working vacation, vice president mike pence is squashing a report claiming that he's planning to make a run for trump's job in
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welcome back. for the very first time u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson and north korea's foreign minister are in the same place at the same time. the two are attending a major international summit in the philippines. this comes on the heels of the u.n. security council's harsh sanctions on north korea imposed for its continued missile tests. this morning the president's top adviser kellyanne conway reiterated president trump's praise for the sanctions bill. listen -- >> a unanimous rebuke of north korea. the greatest economic sanctions package ever levered against and will cost them about a billion dollars, even allies in the region like china, japan, south korea, all agreeing with the united states that north korea and its nuclear capabilities must be stopped. >> cnn's global affairs
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correspondent elise labott joining me now. the administration is touting harsh sanctions. are they prepared for a response from north korea? >> reporter: i think you can expect some response, fred. what will it be? probably start with very fiery rhetoric from north korea, as it always does, but i think it's logical to expect if his tory i an indicate arer, some kind of missile test or launch. listen to secretary nikki haley. >> we're prepared to do whatever it takes to defend ourselves and our allies, and the ball is in north korea's court. they now have to decide where they want to go from here. we hope they will go the route of peace and security. >> reporter: now, obviously, ambassador haley, tough in that interview you did with her. at the same time, i think this bolsters secretary of state rex tillerson's case when he goes to manila and he is trying to find
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some kind of diplomatic solution. obviously, the u.s. is prepared to defend itself and its allies against some long-range missile from north korea. at the same time you know earlier this week secretary tillerson did say the u.s. would be willing to talk to north korea. if it just would give a sign it's ready to have a diplomatic solution. >> and talk about meeting up and talking, secretary of state rex tillerson meeting up with his russian counterpart earlier today. russian foreign minister sergey lavrov saying the u.s. sanctions on russia are unfendly and dangerous. his words. has else was said? tillerson at least had an established, kosher relationship with his russian counterparts until fairly recently. >> reporter: yeah. it was a very good relationship, while he was the ceo of the exxon/mobil company. now this relationship between u.s. and russia in secretary tillerson's words, in an all-time low. and talking about sanctions,
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lavrov saying how much they're an impediment to the relationship saying the u.s. sanctions imposes on russia became another chain for international stability and struck a powerful blow to the prospects of bilateral cooperation. at the same time we're ready to normalize the dialogue if washington stops the confrontational approach, and, fred, i think that secretary tillerson does feel he argued against the sanctions. thought it would hurt his flexibility with the russians and he wants to work with russia on issues like north korea. on issues like syria. on issues like ukraine. this kind of elephant in the room. the sanctions on russia and the whole idea of russian meddling in the u.s. election is something these two countries can't get past in the effort to cooperate. >> all right. elise labott in washington. thanks so much. all right. straight a former trump
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the white house is issues a stern rebuke to the "new york times" today after the paper proposed that vice president mike pence might launch a 2020 presidential bid should trump not seek a second term. noting pence's aggressive political schedule and fund-raising operation and in an official statement from the white house, the vice president called the story "disgraceful and offensive to me. my family and our entire team. the allegations in this article are categorically false and represent just the latest attempt by the media to divide this administration." the statement went on to say "whatever fake news may come our way, my entire team will continue to focus all our efforts to advance the president's agenda and see him
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re-elected in 2020. any suggestion otherwise is both laughable and absurd." so cnn's athena jones joins me had now from bridgewater, new jersey, near where the president is vacationing. athena, word on how president trump feels about this report and this statement? >> reporter: hi, fred. well, i've reached out to a couple white house sources to find out more about the president's thinking on all this, but we have seen multiple white house officials pushing back on this story from the "new york times" on twitter and on television. listen to what white house counselor kellyanne kel hi to say about that this morning on abc's "this week." >> it is absolutely true that the vice president is getting ready for 2020 for re-election at vice president. >> no concern he's setting up a shadow campaign? >> zero concern. that is complete fiction. that is complete fabrication, and i know that his advisers who had -- pushed back strongly as
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well as the vice president and as i am right now unequivocally. vice president pence is a very loyal, very dutiful and also incredibly effective vice president, active vice president, with this president. >> and i think the operative word there is "loyal," or the phrase "very loyal" that we heard from kellyanne conway. officials pushing back on the story line want to make it absolutely clear where the vice president's mind is on this and his mind, they say, is on continuing to, would with president trump to help him succeed, and to help him get re-elected in 2020. but this is highly unusual to see this sort of pushback to a specific story. number one, in an official white house statement like this. we also saw some of pence's aides pushing back, including his chief of staff, who was cited in our mention in the "new york times" piece, and we should remind viewers as well, fred, that president trump has indicated very strongly he plans
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to run again, that he hopes to be an eight-term president and filed paperwork to do so very early in his term, anden he's held numerous campaign rallies already. so you have these officials wanting to make it very, very clear that vice president has no designs on president trump's job at the moment. fred? >> athena jones, thank you so much. let's talk more about this with senior political analyst ron brownstein, also the senior editor at "the atlantic" and lynn sweet from the "chicago sun-times." ron, your reaction? not just pushback, but pushback quickly as a result of this "new york times" report. >> i feel that the gentleman protests too much. does anybody doubt if donald trump does not run for president in 2020 for one reason or another that mike pence will? and that if donald trump runs for president, mike pence isn't going to challenge him. a binary reality. i mean is all of this pushback -- >> ruffling feathers.
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>> is this supposed to mean if he doesn't run -- i won't run in 2020? no. we all have a pretty good sense where the vice president is. if the president, who is, has been a mercurial figure in his political life for whatever reason, whatever obstacles come in his way decides not to run in 2020, it would be shocking if the vice president doesn't run and inconceivable that he will challenge him. a narrow boundary. more interesting is the possibility that someone else might challenge donald trump if he chooses to run for re-election, in the republican primary. particularly john case lly joh. might be strong where donald trump is not. >> and when is it conceivable perhaps this statement or quick pushback came as a result of somebody else's, you know, feelings kind of being hurt or feeling, you know, that this is sending the wrong message? i'm talking about the president. that this statement came at his
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urging? >> the statement seemed to me to be intended to have an audience of one. president trump. and otherwise that this is absurd. the family if you're not going to run, you say, i am not running. the statement is, i am going to -- i'm doing all of this travel in support of the trump/pence ticket. but to underscore what ron said, fred, it would be political malpractice, that the vice president didn't set himself up for some reason trump did not run, and it's not a forgone conclusion that he will be in political shape to run for a second term. there's a lot to unfold yet. so the protest, i thought, was not calibrated in a way to tamp down speculation which now is going to be there from now until they declare a trump/pence ticket for 2020. >> so the "new york times," you know, talked about these shadow
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campaigns nap there are members of the republican party that have begun shadow campaigns. may be about mike pence. maybe somebody else. but senator john mccain said that more republican lawmakers are seeing a weakness. his words, in the administration, and they are trying to coalesce and may challenge him in 2020. so, already, ron, are there certain stars being groomed, or -- you know, behind closed doors are people talking about potential front-runners? >> i don't think anybody will be surprised if mike pence runs with donald trump. worked with paul ryan, mitch mcconnell on a partisan-only strategy on health care and coming now on tax care and aligned himself with a number of democratic governors as well as other republican governors saying it's a misguided way to run the country. a logical base anden white
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collar suburbanites with whom he is polling incredibly poorly now for a republican president with over 50% of college educated whites saying they strongly disapprove of his presidency. in the quinnipiac poll last thursday. doing traveling, again, anti-trump -- look, it's hard to unseat a sitting president in your own party. even ted kennedy couldn't do it in 1980, but there is an opening there that would reveal, i think, if we get to this point in three years, would reveal some of the general election challenges that a president trump would face in re-election, showing some voters he's having trouble consolidating. >> for all the unease, the positive job numbersen friday. more than a million jobs added since trump took office. might those things help turn things around? >> well, it helps shore up. it helps maintain where he's at,
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fred. i don't think it is yet proven that the great economy we have is attributable strictly to trunt, a trump and the momentum inherited from president obama. he needs these numbers to not just have a spiral given that, look, we're in august. everyone's done stories how the republican-led congress hasn't any major accomplishments and going into the fall with big budget debt ceiling battles, et cetera, and a president who's chaotic to say the least. that administration may or may not turn around john kelly. >> good to see you. leave it there. all right, straight ahead, cnn learned the fbi monitored social media sites on election day to track a russian disinformation campaign. now the question investigators want answered -- did the trump campaign participate in that effort?
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welcome back. the investigation of russian meddling in the u.s. election is focusing among other things the spread of fake news on websites. lawmakers looking how fake news on facebook and who was involved. we have details. >> reporter: there's no question according to the fbi that russia used fake news to try to influence the 2016 election. >> they also pushed fake news and propaganda and used online amplifiers to spread the information to as many people as possible. >> reporter: what democratic congressional investigators wants too know is whether russia colluded with the trump campaign to spread false information. about hillary clinton through facebook. >> i commend them, because --
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>> reporter: senator mark warner, the top democrat on the senate intelligence committee has traveled to facebook headquarters in california are and won't discuss specifics of the meeting tells cnn he wants to know whether the trump campaign helped russians to target fake news to specific facebook users. >> i'd like to look into the activities of the trump digital campaign. i will point out this -- facebook, which basically denied any responsibility around our elections by the time the french elections took place this spring, they are actually took down 30,000 fake sites. >> reporter: fake sites spreading fake news mostly negative about hillary clinton. the democratic theory, somehow the trump campaign and russians colluded to do it. >> go ahead and tell me what we're seeing right here. >> reporter: this is why it matters. look at this program that, t trs social media. you see the explosion of completely fabricated stories. fake news, in the months just before november's election. >> in the fall it just became so
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much of a problem. >> reporter: gabrielle, a content strategist, a social media analytics firm, says fake news spiked astronomically in the months before the election. mostly fabricated stories about hillary clinton or democrats, with headlines like, donald trump protestors speaks out. i was paid $3,500 to protest trump's rally. the story is from a fake news site that is made to appear like a real abc news. it was created by paul horner, who told cnn he writes fake news to make money. but that didn't stop his completely fake story from spreading through conservative media, and there's this story -- fbi at suspected in hillary e-mail leaks found dead in apparent murder/suicide. this story was 100% made up. released on a made up news site called the denver guardian. nothing about it was true. the author admits that to cnn? et it had nearly 570,000 shares,
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likes or comments on facebook and was published just four days before the election. the questions democrats want answered are -- how did fake stories from fake websites become so popular so quickly? and did someone pay to boost the fake news? >> decades of lives, cover-ups and scandals -- >> reporter: facebook was a massive part of the trump campaign's online advertising efforts. >> i went to wall street. >> reporter: 95% of trump's fund-raising ads were places on the platform, according to the campaign officials. but the trump campaign has flatly denied any russian collusion whatsoever. and though not appearing on camera, the trump campaign official who oversaw all of the trump campaign's digital advertising is going on record at cnn to say it simply didn't happen. >> trump's followers got an amazing engagement. >> reporter: gary kovi, former director of advertising for the republican national committee and the trump for president campaign told cnn by phone --
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we never put money behind someone else's facebook page or source, and added -- we did not back any of hillary's story. had nothing to do wany hillary stories. >> we would produce content. >> reporter: and a lead contractor on trump's digital campaign has also denied any involvement with russia. he's been called to testify before the house intelligence committee to swear to that under oath. facebook has done its own internal review and as reported, it did find malicious hackers with fake accounts spreading misinformation during the campaign, but says in a statement to cnn -- we've been in touch with a number of government officials including senator warner, who are looking into the 2016 u.s. presidential election. we will continue to cooperate with officials as their investigations continue. as we have said, we have seen no evidence that russian actors bought ads on facebook in connection with the election.
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they were supposed to be private but some of diana's inmitt tapes are made public now in the uk marking 20 years since the death of the princess, a british broadcaster is airing an documentary featuring videos seen in the u.s. but never before seen in great britain. cnn's max foster explains why so many of diana's friends and family pleaded for the tapes to be concealed. >> reporter: these were supposed to be her private moments.
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these were supposed to be private moments. diana, princess of wales rehearsing with her voice coach. sharing some of her most intimate thoughts. >> the tapes recorded in 1992 and 1993 at kensington palace, never before seen in the u.k. diana in her own words. they're also a source of great controversy, with family and friends saying it amounts to a betrayal. the tapes were found at the home of her former butler, he too is speaking out against the broadca broadcast. >> it's almost like raiding her diary. that's wrong. that shouldn't be. >> it can only upset prince william and prince harry. i understand it's a first for new information. i think it's a step too far.
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>> marcus rutherford defended the release of the recordings in a statement saying, he was not her priest. doctor, therapist or lawyer. channel 4 says it made the decision to broadcast them as they're important to the historical record though the recordings were made in private, they provide a unique insight into the preparations diana took to gain a public voice and tell her own personal story. in the tapes, diana talks openly about her marriage to prince charles. >> i was brought up and -- >> diana speaks freely on the recordings about their dull sex life, and hints about the prince having an affair with camilla parker bowls.
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she attempts to get the queen's help. the royal family has declined to comment on the recordings. almost 20 years have passed since her death. but no matter which side of the controversy surrounding the release of the documentary people may fall. one thing is clear. the diana in these videos is so vibrant, it's almost impossible not to be taken back to the time when her every move seemed to captivate the world. max foster, cnn london. still ahead, the president of the united states launches a video series on his facebook page called news of the week from trump tower. what's behind this? the fastest man in the world, usain bolt upset, beat by his rival, justin gatlin. next hour, we'll be talking with gatlin about the race and what's next. wow! yeah. it's nice that every bad
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cnn's original series history of comedy airs tonight. >> why are there newspapers all over the place? >> political satire, sketches, it was anything that was fun that you wanted to try that a net work would never put on. >> i would like to welcome my first guest, jessica chastain. >> you have a program that's a satire of talk shows. >> we're interested in the work you've been doing in haiti.
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is there a six flags down there? >> there is not. >> we can move on. >> the new media sites, especially those just for comedy, i think they're a good thing for the business. there is a democratization there. >> the things that succeed on the internet, is happening organically, i'm seeing a hilarious video, it's largely because someone shared it. >> watch the history of comedy tonight at 10:00, right here on cnn. the fifth sharknado movie airs this weekend. producers of the third film nearly cast donald trump as president before he launched his campaign, to see how that role could have played out, here's jake tapper's state of the cartoonian. ♪ >> it must have been a hard choice to actually run for president of the united states, or -- >> i'm a fighter. and i'm now going to fight for you. i'm not fighting for me any more, i'm fighting for you. >> take a spin as a fictional
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president. sharknado has been reported all up and down the east coast. >> there's sharks, they're scary, no one wants to get eaten. >> donald trump was reportedly excited to play the commander in chief in the cheesy movie franchise. >> when you're dealing with some of the great sharks of the world, it's not very good. >> the first choice was sarah palin. >> i'm too old for this, come on. at this stage of my life, my career, i'm too prim and proper for all of that. >> she turned it down and it went to mark cuban. >> no one attacks my house, this time, it's personal. >> we can't help but think battling great whites in washington, d.c., might seem like a walk in the park compared to facing the subpoenas swirling
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around washington from bob mueller. the next hour of the newsroom starts right now. >> hello again, everyone, thanks so much for being with me, i'm fredricka whitfield. we begin this hour -- rex tillerson and his north korean counterpart are in the same summit in the philippines. this comes on the heels of the u.n. slapping harsh sanctions on north korea over its recent missile tests. sanctions that were unanimously voted on by the u.n. and could cost the country $1 billion annually. secretary tillerson also met with russian's foreign minister in manila earlier today. it's the first time the two have spoken since russia was hit with its own round of


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