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tv   New Day  CNN  March 3, 2017 4:00am-5:01am PST

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officials a couple of times. >> i don't think so at all. >> i might have recused myself. >> i don't believe there's anything wrong with a united states senator meeting with an ambassador from russia. >> lieutenant general michael flynn and jared kushner. >> what is done is unprecedented in the history of this country. the investigation has to be strong. >> this is new day with chris cuomo. >> good morning and welcome to your new day. president trump standing by jeff session. attorney general fighting back against perjury allegations and recusing himself from investigations into russia but he is still under fire for his failure to inform congress about
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two meetings with the russian ambassador. >> more information has come out about staffers and meeting with a russian official. >> there's no question they see it as a threat and are calling for sessions to re-sign but you also have republican lawmakers calling for sessions recusal and saying a special prosecutor may be peshl. this russia connection is looming over day 43 of donald trump's presidency. let's begin our coverage with sarah murray live at the white house. >> jeff sessions may have recused himself from probes into the trump campaign but questions about ties between the president and russian officials do not end there. now we're learning it wasn't just meetings between jeff sessions and the russian ambassador or meetings with michael flynn and the russian ambassador but jared kushner now a senior adviser in the white house also met with the russian
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ambassador. >> attorney general jeff sessions recusing himself from any investigation into the trump campaign. >> let me be clear, i never had meetings with russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trump campaign but defending himself amid revelations he failed to disclose in his confirmation hearing that he met with the russian ambassador twice during president trump's campaign last year. >> i don't believe there's anything wrong with a united states senator meeting with an ambassador from russia. >> under oath sessions had a different answer. >> i did not have communication with the russians. >> the attorney general admits. >> i should have slowed down and i didn't meet one russian official. >> and now plans to submit a
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supplement. >> my response went to the question as i indicated about the continuing surrogate relationship that i firmly denied and correctly denied. i did not mention in that time that hi met with the ambassador and so i will definitely make that a part of the record. sessions first meeting last july on the side lines of the republican national convention. cnn obtained copies of then senator sessions expense report. it appears to reveal sessions used his own campaign funds and not senate funds to travel to the rnc. possibly under cutting his claim he met with him as a sitting senator and not an adviser to the trump campaign. after his recusal announcemented, a statement that reads in part sessions did not say anything wrong. he could have stated his response more accurately but it
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was clearly not intentional. this as a senior administration official confirms another meeting with the russian ambassador. this time between lieutenant general michael flynn and the president's son-in-law jared kushner. the three meeting at trump tower in december. the official describing the meeting as introductory and inconsequential hello. >> this meeting was not included in the initial time line of contacts between the russian ambassador and flynn that was fired last month for misleading the vice president about his discussion about sanctions. >> now turns out the russian ambassador kept himself off during the campaign. this one with national security advisers to donald trump's presidential campaign. he continues to make his mark around town and remains unclear
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who invited him. back to you. >> he seems to be enjoying himself in those pictures. thank you very much. dozens of democrats in congress say recusal is not enough. they want sessions to re-sign. most republicans still resisting calls for a special prosecutor. >> good morning to you. democrats are keeping up an not satisfied with his recusal. they want him to re-sign and others are pushing for more information. they want him back up here on capitol hill to explain what they believe was misleading testimony underoath. >> for the good of the country, attorney general sessions should re-sign. >> democrats assisting attorney general jeff sessions recusal doesn't go far enough. >> he has proved he he is unqualified and unfit to serve in that position of trust.
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>> they are now demanding sessions go before the senate judiciary committee. >> i think he should recuse himself. >> some calling for sessions to step aside. >> there's going to be investigations about russia then he may actually become the witness and i don't think he should be leading the investigation. >> and applauding him after he did so. >> it's the right move. it doesn't say he is necessarily admitting guilt. >> house speaker paul ryan dergeding sessions. >> we have seen no evidence from any of the on going investigations that anybody in the trump campaign or the trump team was involved in any of this. >> all of this as the top democrat on the house intelligence committee is blasting fbi director james comey or dodging questions about the bureau's investigation into russia's meddling in the u.s. election last year.
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>> we're going to need the fbi to fully cooperate. >> democratic senators are calling for more transparency as five congressional committees are investigating the trump campaign's ties to russia. >> the intelligence community has to cooperate with the committees on the hill. >> it's apparent there was a problem. >> let's bring in republican senator from west virginia. senator, thank you for joining us this morning. >> if there's all of this talk on both sides of the aisle, a need for the attorney general to recuse himself of any prosecutions and roll in the inquiries of these russian allegations and the trump administration why not just take the step and remove this inquiry from the realm of politics, get yourself a special prosecutor or a bipartisan body to do all of the searching in that regard.
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>> i think when the attorney general recused himself from this investigation i think it was quick. i'm glad he came out yesterday forcibly and removed himself because of any kind of appearance of imparse y'allty. it's also that they're investigating this. and our intelligence committee most certainly and other committees i trust they come up with a good resolve here. if the story unwinds more and more, more questions will be asked but i'm satisfied with the direction that we're going and we'll get the right answers. the correct answers and the correct results. >> but there's reason to question the confidence because you remember with 9/ 11 and why they went to the commission the way they did the concern was it
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couldn't not be points highliti. they decided to remove frit that. and it wound up yielding many believe better results. why isn't this situation the same sf. >> i voted for the 9/11 commission and a lot of the recommendation versus been very useful for us and it served a great purpose particularly in the independence of the commission. and at the beginning points of investigating this with the intelligence committee. i heard earlier on your show talk about her concern of the intelligence community in here. we must see this moving forward to the answers we need. >> the idea of why we're not there yet, that fights the whole notion of why we would want to investigate it in the most complete and nonpartisan way as possible. you have so many people looking
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at it competing interests that it may just be myered in process. you already know the ever growing list of things that need to be discussed and understood in contacts and connections and in and among the trump administration, you already know that, that you couldn't remove it and get a much more uncompromised answer. >> we also already know that the intelligence community has been looking into this and aware of this for more than a short period of time. the information that can come forward on the intelligence committee on the house and the senate side. the chairman of those committees have been very forceful in making sure that information is detailed and is complete and is just as interested in the
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outcome. these investigations are moving forward. let's find out what these investigations through the committees find and where that might lead us. >> it doesn't concern you that nunez keeps saying more than anything else that there's no proof of anything. he admitted he coordinated with the white house about trying to tamp down stories about the depth of these connections and that the president of the united states went out of his way to delegitimize our intelligence community conclusion that russia was behind the act. >> i know both of them well. i think they are known for being forceful and detailed and honest brokers, shall we say, in terms of getting with the best interest of our country at heart. so i trust their conclusion. i think that certainly, you know, the story is still unfolding as you know. you wake up there's a new little bit to it or big bit.
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let's let the committees move forward and then if it winds itself into a much larger investigation, i think those are the questions that we can get to. >> that's what i'm asking you about at its core. why do you have confidence that when we slerned nothing out of the committees this is all journalism. >> these are on going investigations but i don't think it does -- i think we can see leaks from intelligence investigations, leaks from intelligence communities, leaks from the white house, leaks from anywhere are not serving any kind of an investigation. let's let this move forward and see where we are, you know, after we reach some conclusions from the investigations. i think that's the smarter way, the simpler way and also the most honest way to proceed. >> you don't think that politics plays into that? that because republicans control these committees that of course you want to keep it in those
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commits because it's your team controlling the ball. >> but you also have to remember who else is in the room. it's not just remembers in the room investigating a republican president or republican attorney general. there's a very forceful and those commit tees are known to work well together and to coordinate well together. a history of investigating and working with intelligence communities for more than just a few years. they have trust in one another. they are going to be in the room asking the tough questions as well. as it should be. >> let me ask you about something else. >> people walking around trying to find the obamacare replacement plan. having people follow him around. somebody else was doing it on book. have you seen a plan. is there a plan.
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the house is going to be working it. since we have been back after the inauguration and before when we talked about where our concerns are with the replacement of the affordable care act for me i have been very forceful in repeatedly saying that the expansion of medicaid is tremendously important. 184,000. that is something every time we talk about how has it moved to change. i am constantly asking about. >> are you convinced that expansion of medicaid will be in there? because that doesn't go well with tax credits. >> i get that. but that is important to 31 states. we have republican governors that have expanded. i'd like to have the waivers and have more flexibility for our governors to be able to meet the challenges not only on the health outcome side but the expense side.
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all the things that be able to use the funds i think more efficiently and that's important. we're seeing more and more about the finer details and that's where we can ask the questions, how does this impact this? but i think we need to be with this and there's some criticism going slow. i'm pleased it's going slow we're getting into more of the finer details. >> you shouldn't repeal before you can replace, the main question is will everybody keep their cover. thank you for being on new day. appreciate the candor. you're always welcome here to talk about what happens. >> great. thank you so much. >> president trump is standing by. while democrats want jeff sessions to re-sign.
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>> the justice department must immediately appoint a special prosecutor. given that attorney general sessions impartiality is compromised that will fall to the acting attorney general who is a career civil servant originally appointed u.s. attorney by president obama. >> that was senate minority leader chuck schumer calling for a special prosecutor after a fire storm of criticism. attorney general jeff sessions recusing himself from investigations involving the trump campaign and russia. could sessions face perjury charges for misleading congress about the contacts? let's discuss. the former white house ethicethics ethics and mr. whitaker let me
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start with you. so now jeff sessions has recused himself legally what is next. do you believe he can face perjury charges. >> he'll have to demonstrate what he said was willful. and it is very clear that senator franken is asking about campaign contact with russian officials and it's not senator sessions at the time talking to the russian ambassador as part of the armed service committee job he has and you'd also have to demonstrate that his system was willful and regarding material fact which, you know, based on that standard i think it would be impossible for any prosecutor to bring a case based on these facts. >> do you share that. >> good morning, allison, thanks for having me. >> i do not share that opinion.
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the attorney general said i did not have communications with russia. it was a categorical statement and we know now that he did have communication with russia twice. his spokesperson came out yesterday and took the same position as mr. whitaker. he said it and now we know that the trip on which he met the russian ambassador, one of these occasions was paid for by political funds. >> campaign funds. >> so does that mean that you think he will face perjury charges? >> i think he can face perjury charges. i think there's sample -- when you watch that video i see something very different than mr. whitaker. i think he sex posed. i think that's why we need a special council to be appointed under the rules and i think it's one more issue, allison, issue
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after issue. it has the watergate feel to it and it all leads me back, the watergate question, follow the money. donald trump's son says he gets a lot of russian investments. we need to see those trump tax returns. that's where this is headed. we need a special council. >> the press has been calling to see those tax returns but let me play for you both, what jeff sessions said in a press conference yesterday. this was him explaining why he answered senator al franken the way he did. >> it was honest and correct as i understood it at the time. i appreciate that some have taken the view that this is a false comment. that is not my intent. that is not correct. i will write the judiciary committee soon, today or
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tomorrow to explain this testimony for the record. >> mr. whitaker he's going to submit this supplemental information by paper to the committee. so is that it? case closed? legally is that all that has to be done here? >> well, again i mean i appreciate my colleagues perspective but i will tell you that as you look at the testimony. it is not jeff sessions job to anticipate what senator franken was asking him or should have asked him. if he wanted to go outside of the context of the campaign, the trump for president campaign and it's contacts and senator sessions contacts he could have. senator franken knows as part of the job that senator sessions had he would be meeting with ambassadors and quite possibly could have met with the russian ambassador and i love how some
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folks on the left bring in trump tax returns and campaign funds to try to muddy the water but it's a much simpler question than that and as a former federal prosecutor i don't get distract fwid circus atmosphere. i look very specifically at what was the answer? and i think based on the context of the question, senator sessions at the time answered the question. >> i think at this point it would be helpful to go back and watch that exchange so we can all decide for ourself ifs he answered the direct question. let's listen to this. >> if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the trump campaign communicated with the russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do. >> senator franken i'm not aware of any of those activities. i have been called a surrogate at a time or two. i'm unable to comment.
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>> he said if there's any evidence of having communicated with the russians in the course of the campaign, you can understand it's just a campaign question but that's not how you interpret it. >> no, the attorney general veered off of the question and volunteered that he had not had any russian communications when we know that he had two. he can't, the defenders of the attorney general can't just wave a magic wand over this scandal and the context is very important. it's not just that there are serious questions and the attorney general should have to answer. he should be cross examined. he can't just brush it off with a letter to congress. we need to understand was it willful or not. but it's in context where there have been so many issues about the russian investigation and the people in congress supposed
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to be looking at it and the whole context in which these possibly false statements were made including the president's ties to russia. my goodness. and turns out the trump campaign and possibly mr. trump himself. >> the attorney general is in charge of truth in our country allison. a different standard aplieplies. he had to leave his post for a lesser statement in the bush administration. nixon's attorney general had to plead to a misdemeanor for a lesser statement than what mr. sessions did. >> okay. thank you. obviously we'll see what happens next in this investigation.
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>> good debate there. a dramatic scene unfolding on capitol hill. republican senator rand paul going on a scavenger hunt. to find the gop's secret obamacare replacement bill. if it sounds tongue and cheek, that's because it was and yet it was real. was it being held under lock and key? we discuss.
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we want to see the bill. we have many objections. >> yes, there was a sense of theatrica lirks ty to it but this was real. members of the house energy and commerce committee were privately hammer out details and he wanted to see it and there's all of this talk of people.
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and cnn political analyst and offer of how is your faith, david gregory. >> it is only funny. it is true. he wasn't just paul. he did it in a big way he wanted journalists there. >> he is look for this secret room and going for room to room to figure out where the replacement bill is. watch. >> that's not good for our people. you are as upset with your party as i am. >> this was real though about what is going on. and it gets to the truth of the matter. one of two things are true. either they are so worried about this plan getting picked apart before they can sell it or they do not have a finalized working
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understanding of how to replace the aca. which do you think it is. >> it could be a good thing which is why people hate washington. >> regardless of what the answer is. >> not just democrats complaining about this process. it's kind of a communications break down among the republican ranks on this. i think perhaps bill is not completely ready yet and they understand, the republican leadership understands as soon as it is put out there newt gingrich is on last night on another network saying look within 24 hours this thing is going to be scrutinized so heavily they're going to have a sense of what's good in the bill and what's bad in the bill so they are deliberately trying to keep that out of the public eye. the big issue here is republicans. what they're talking about is a replacement plan is will it really cover the same amount of people and do you end up
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creating a new subsidy. and i talk to republican here last night who said, you know, conservatives may have to swallow hard and take it even if they on apologetic to it because it's what the president may want. >> why are they hiding from rand paul. i understand they don't want democrats to see it if it's not fully baked yet. >> there are a lot of rand pauls both in the house and the senate. there's people in the republican party who are not comfortable with a lot of the things that the republicans are going to have to do in order to get the bill passed and rand paul is really principle among them. he is one of those liberta rirks an leaning conservatives that's going to resist a lot of the things to create structure on the health care industry so it doesn't collapse if they pull the rug out from under obamacare so, you know, house leaders
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working on this bill in conjunction with the white house are trying to get something together that the be just enough support really and they can't do that if every single day bits and pieces of this bill are out there being torn apart. that being said i think, you know, rand paul has a point that doing this in secret does not bode well for the process. and i think that it's going to create political problems in and of itself for republicans that, you know, a couple of years ago for facing constituents saying how dare you sign a bill you haven't even bothered to read and i think this is going to be -- this issue in and of itself is going to come up again. no doubt about it. >> can the president overcome this so he can get on to bigger issues he wants to accomplish like tax reform that also have controversy. because you can spend all your time being torn apart by obamacare between the conservatives that say we want to repeal it and not replace it and those in the process of
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replacing it by creating a new subsidy and a new entitlement. >> it goes to the center of your economic profile as a family. >> yeah. >> this could very well wind up being right thereupon with your mortgage. we just had on a pretty fair broker i think, republican senator that said yeah i'm familiar with the details and then she said medicaid expansion, west virginia she is the senator from, those states need money given by the federal government to them to expand their coverage of poor people. you cannot have medicaid expansion the way it is right now with tax credits to individuals unless you almost double the cost of medicare but she said i think medicaid expansion will stay the way it sand you're going to get tax credits from people. >> that's a huge federal subsidy, right? >> expansion and medicaid on top
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of new tax credits. no, that becomes a huge issue. >> so the other top story we're following is u.s. officials say this man is a top russian spy. however moscow says their ambassador is a world class diplomat. we have a wild report from moscow, next. l edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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officials say the russian ambassador that met with several trump campaign advisers is a top
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spy and spy recruiter. moscow denies that characterization so who is the ambassador? nick robertson is live in moscow with more. what do we know? >> the topic certainly doesn't go away here. the spokesman today said it was sad that the outfall of all of this coming on in washington is impacting the diplomatic relationsh relationship. >> reporter: he is a 66-year-old veteran of both soviet and russian diplomacy. he spent many years in the united states and has been ambassador in washington for nearly a decade. >> i personally have been
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working so long that i know almost everybody. >> current and former top officials say u.s. intelligence consider him one of russia's top spy and spy recruiters in washington but russian officials scoff at the idea he's a spy master. >> trained as an engineer he cut his diplomatic teeth in the cold war and his first came as he tried to reform the soviet system. during his four years as a diplomat he held several key positions serving as the first russian representative at nato and the russian deputy foreign minister. he became moscow's man in washington months before president obama took office and the attempt to reset u.s.-russia relations an expert in the complex world of arms control he
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helped negotiate an arms reduction treaty between the u.s. and russia during obama's tenure. speaking at stanford university he sounded gloomy about the relationship. >> the worst point. >> and is often blamed about the atmosphere in the u.s. >> only foreign policy speech given by trump in april and just this week attending the president's address to congress. >> president trump saying that all of this attention. this is in his words president
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trump chris. >> appreciate that insight. >> and mike rogers and former house intelligence committee chairman. allison i have been unable to move past the story that you told us about your meeting and how you negotiated dealing with somebody at arms length when you believe he's the spy with the russian government and relate your experience and why this was all seen as standard operating procedure. >> i'm not convinced he is a spy at all. i want to make that clear. he is a very good, very polished diplomat for the russian government. i don't think he's a spy. i think he has a lot of spies
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working for him here in the united states. we need to put that into perspective. he is a very skilled diplomat. so he meets with lots of officials including u.s. senators even over the iran deal when that was all in process, many u.s. senators and house of representative members were meeting with the ambassador and others of the russian government so that's not a problem. those meetings should occur and have to occur. you always understand when dealing with the russians, pick up a snake, you're going to get bit so you have to have a conversation with the russians. they're always going to look for their best deal in this relationship and if they can go a little farther they probably will. if you know that going into a diplomatic meeting with somebody like tuchlt s. ambassador from russia then you'll be on solid ground moving forward. >> thank you for getting up so early to be on with us but this is your wheel house.
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this is what you dealt with. let's put to the side the whole discussion of why the attorney general didn't disclose and what he should do. let's just put all of that to the side right now. when you hear about these meetings what are the relevant questions and considerations from your perspective? >> first i doubt seriously that he's a staff officer for either of the russian intelligence services. he is an accomplished ambassador and the question is a bit moot because importantly he is well conne connected and you don't get to without knowing putin himself and being well connected. he is clearly also very well connected in the united states. it does appear he was doing his job as a good graeaggressive
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ambassador will taking control. what were the russians up to? what were they planning? we know from our intelligence services that the russians were planning an operation aimed at increasing the likelihood that donald trump could be elected as president. there could be no doubt that he was part of that because that was the russian policy so that -- he might not have played a strict intelligence role but there's no doubt that that was part of implementing the russian policy. >> is this serious to know or not? >> yes, the entire question of how exactly did the russians implemented this plan which the intelligence community said they were doing, how did they do that and critically was the trump campaign aware of and involved in and that's what we need to get to the bottom of she the
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senior russian ambassador in the united states. >> if you hear a retired cia chief saying that it sheds light on why there's so much concern over whether you could get to the truth of these questions in a politically compromised process we keep cleaning on the fact that you have three different investigations but as you well know very often when you have a lot of something going on, you have nothing going on. do you believe these questions matter and need to be removed from the politics of the process as much as possible? like the 911 commission did? >> russian information operation versus been around for a long time. they were there when i was an fbi agent and chairman of the house intelligence committee. i disagree that there's a certain conclusion that they want. what we do know is early on i think they were trying to embarrass one particular candidate and thought that would be helpful to them by weakening the next u.s. president going
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in. that was the intent in the operation. they have been engaged against the united states for a long time. predates steve's time in the cia and my time in the fbi. what we need to do is allow these investigations to happen. >> yes, there should be a special look at the information operation targeted at the united states in the election cycle. it wasn't to hack the election. it was to try to create chaos in the election and as we can see that part has been spectacularly successful and we need to focus on that. meeting with the russian ambassador in and of themselves are not inappropriate. this other piece is something that we'll have to be concerned with as we move forward >> yes, i appreciate it. have a good weekend and thank you. alisyn? >> attorney general jeff
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sessions recusing himself in the investigation. that's not far enough for some democrats. they want him to resign. senator richard blumenthal joins us ahead. your insurance company
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two new orleans police officers who happen to be brothers are using their love of music to help people in their community. they're going beyond the call of duty by enforcing the law by day and volunteers by night as high school marching band instructors. cnn's nick valencia has this really good story. >> reporter: the beginning of the day for officer james care and detective sergeant gregory johnson usually starts the same way. both say being police officers in new orleans has been a lifelong passion. but over the last few years, it's something else that's really brought them closer together. when they're not on the job, both volunteer teaching band students at mcdonagh 35 high school in new orleans. officer care leads the
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percussionists while detective johnson is over the color guards. >> here you should be picking up your feet, also. >> we know what the kids get out of it. but what do you get out of it? my joy is to see a kid going to college on a scholarship or parnl scholarship, anything that will help him and their family. >> just seeing them here, not in the street and not having to deal with them on the other side of the law, that's what i get out of it. >> always a plus. always a plus. >> reporter: officer caire says his life has become intertwined with the lives of the students he mentors. two years ago he recruited his brother to come along for the ride. everyone seems to have benefited. >> coming after school, put in work with us, stay out of trouble, off the streets with everything going on in new orleans. >> he's just nice and treats you with so much respect, and the fact that people are saying about police, it's not true. >> reporter: he makes you think differently about cops.
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>> yeah. >> i remember plenty of days i was on the porch right here in this same spot. >> reporter: since they were little kids, the two brothers have loved music, standing outside of the inner city new orleans home where they grew up, officer caire says it's all here where it started. >> saint augustine is right around the corner. sometimes they would be out practici practicing. >> reporter: the discipline music taught him that he tries to impart on his students. >> a lot of times they say i want to be great. you have to put the work in. y'all might say it's beyond the call, but it's just something natural. >> reporter: nick valencia, cnn, new orleans. >> what a great role model he is. shifting gears to this murder mystery. this shocking murder of 6-year-old jonbenet ramsey back in 1996, and it remains unsolved today. to this day, dogged investigators continue to work
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that case. this is the subject of tonight's episode hln original series "how it really happened." >> also found tracks and marks on the little girl's back and neck that he thought pointed to a stun gun being used in the case, that perhaps she had been taken from her bed and kept quiet because she had been stunned. >> i think that the stun gun is one of the best clues left behind by the killer as far as a clue, but it also may explain why jonbenet did not cry out when she was first abducted. i am convinced that a stun gun was used. >> lou detailed 10, 11, 12, 13 points that led him to believe that an intruder had committed this homicide and not an inside job by any one of the three family members. >> it's been 20 years.
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that one, as we all remember, gripped the nation. it was around christmas. it was so shocking, that she was so young. and i can't believe that investigators still have not cracked the answer to this. >> oh, i can. i do the interview with the people who have been looking at this for 20 years, one of them a cop, one was a writer, another one is a reporter. >> what do they think? >> two things. this is the most amazing thing. 20 years they've spent, they each come to different conclusions and i found them equally compelling. >> oh, my gosh. >> it's really worth watching. it is still the murder that people say they want to know more about, more than any other one when they're asked. you can catch "how it really happened" with hill harper tonight at 8:00 eastern on hln. it's a good watch. a lot of news. what do you say? >> let's get to it. >> i have recused myself. >> better for the country if he
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designed. >> i never had meetings with russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trump campaign. >> that's not true. >> democrats are lighting their hair on fire to get you to cover this story. >> what we've seen so far, scary, very scary. >> mr. kislyak is a well-known, world class diplomat. stop spreading lies. >> it was more than jeff sessions and michael flynn who met with this ambassador. >> i'm not going to deny i talked to him. >> we need the fbi to fully cooperate. at this point the director was not willing to do that. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning. welcome no your "new day." president trump blasting democrats for what he calls a witch hunt. jeff sessions recusing himself from investigations involving russia and the trump campaign. sessions is under fire. why? he failed to disos


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