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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper  CNN  January 22, 2017 6:00am-7:01am PST

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president trump. donald trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the united states. >> congratulations, mr. president. >> promising to be the people's president. >> this moment is your moment. >> and putting his stamp on the pomp and circumstance. ♪ ♪ i did it my way
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>> what does this weekend reveal about how he will lead? >> shall i keep the twitter going or not? >> plus, new action against obamacare. changes for homeowners and a meeting with the cia. >> i am with you 1,000%. >> trump got to work this weekend. his first moves as president, and what they might mean for you, and the women's march. >> giant crowds gather across the world. ♪ this girl is on fire >> and descend on the national mall on washington to protest the new protest. >> we can whimper. we can whine or we can fight back. me, heim here to fight back. >> is this the beginning of a new opposition movement? senate minority leader chuck schumer will be here in minutes. plus, the best political minds will be here with insights on an historic inauguration weekend.
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hello. i'm jake tapner washington where the state of our union is getting to work. the trump era has begun after an eventful and unique weekend here in washington. celebration as president trump was sworn in. >> hey, hey, ho, ho, donald trump has got to go. hey, hey, h ho, h ho. >> but also loud protests on the same streets where the trump family had paraded just one day before, as the women's march headed to the white house. president trump made his way to langley, virginia, headquarters of the cia where in addition to praising the intelligence officers and officials before him and assuring them that he was behind them 1,000%, the president falsely claimed that the media had concocted his feuding with the intelligence community leaders and he spent a, shall we say, trailblazing amount of time talking about his crowd size. >> we had a massive field of people, you saw that, packed. i get up this morning and i turn on one of the networks and they show an empty field.
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i said wait a minute, i made a speech. i locked out. the field was -- it looks like a million, million and a half people. >> we asked the trump white house for a member of the new administration to join us this morning, but they declined. i am joined now by the leader of the opposition, senate minority leader senator chuck schumer, democrat of new york. thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> good morning, jake. >> let's start with president trump's inaugural address, presented himself i think it's fair to say not so much as a republican or conservative but as a populist. take a listen. >> what matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people. >> during the lunch that followed the inaugural address. you were deep in conversation with president trump. what did you two discuss and do you see any areas where you think you can work with him? >> right. well, first, let me just say
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about his address. it was populist, but i'm worried he's using populist rhetoric to cover up a hard right agenda. if you look at his cabinet appointments, so many of them are not populist but hard right. you know. dr. price. he wants to end medicare as we know it. mulvaney wants to cut even research into health care, devos, cut public education, pudzer go against labor and his cabinet is very troubling and that's what i discussed. he said can you move my cabinet hey long. i said, look, with people who seem to be pretty mainstream, mattis, kelly, we'll approve them quickly but so many of your cabinet appointees, mr. president, are quite different than what you campaigned on and even what your speech was about, so i am really troubled at this populist rhetoric is covering up a hard right agenda which is way, way out of touch with what the american people want and even
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what trump campaigned on. >> let's talk about the cabinet. at this point in the obama administration president obama, then president obama had seven new cabinet level officials confirmed. trump only as of right now has two. do you think that you're going to be able to stop some of his nominees, or are you just trying to slow down the process? >> well, let me say this. first, this cabinet is unusually unique and a lot different than others. we call it the swamp cabinet, billionaires and bankers. the number of wealthy people, the number of people rife with conflicts of interest and the number of people who have disagreed with what trump has campaigned on is so much more than just any other cabinet we've seen, and so that means they need thorough review. thorough review so they don't have conflicts of interest, thorough reviews so we know, for instance, is dr. price going to try to privatize or end medicare when trump campaigned against it? and -- and are republican colleagues, i don't blame them with this cabinet, have tried to
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rush it through. advise and consent does not mean rush it through, ram it through, and they are all going to get many of them the controversial ones, and there are eight or nine of those, are going to get very, very thorough discussions on the floor. whether we can beat any of them, that will be up to republicans. if republicans use the staple standards they have used in the past. they will be beaten. mulvaney, for instance, didn't pay a household worker for four years. that was enough for republicans to oppose tom daschle and he never became secretary of hhs so we'll see, but we certainly feel that we have to bring to the american people how different this cabinet is, how hard right, how many conflicts of interest, billion airs, and let me give you one example. the one billionaire in president obama's cabinet penny prisker took six months because of the complex conflicts of interest, devos and mnuchin and ross have
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more complicated financial holdings than she did. >> that may be true but there are people who are obviously very easily be confirm who have not yet been confirm, one of them being congressman mike pompeo who has been nominated to be director of the cia. president trump visited the cia yesterday. i want you to take a listen to white house press secretary sean spicer last night. >> the cia didn't have a cia director to be with him today when he visited because the democrats have chosen -- senate democrats are stalling the nomination of mike pompeo and playing politics with national security. >> what's your response, sir? >> that's ridiculous. number one, we have never had a cia director confirmed on the first day. number two, there are very capable people watching over the cia, and, in fact, i told vice president on wednesday, i said, look, we need to have some debate on pompeo and why don't you ask brennan to stay. he was willing to.
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they refused. and, third, and most important, pompeo is going to have huge, huge power, and there are issues that have been very vexing to the congress. the old debate between security and liberty, so to have a debate on him for a few days. the vote is going to be monday night is what should happen, and i would say to all of my republican colleagues that instead talk about how many people should up at his inauguration. he ought to talk about how many people he's going to bring to the middle class. our republican colleagues, if a democrat had said this, so much
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against the tradition of deep hard wok republicanism that ronald reagan established, they would be all over him. if our republican colleagues would start talking a little bit about some of the problems when president trump goes off in this direction, maybe he wouldn't do it anymore. >> so far, just sticking with the cabinet for a second, so far, stir, you have voted for two of president trump's nominees, voted to confirm general mattis for defense and general kelly for the department of homeland security. which other trump nominees do you plan to support? >> look, there are some that are not controversial. i'm going to wait and hear the debate but this week you'll see a few more put into effect, but, again, advise and consent does not mean ram it through. some of these nominees came before the committees, before their conflict of interest papers were in. before it was clear that they wouldn't have conflicts of interest. many of them have controversial positions and for eight or nine of them there's going to be thorough, thorough debate.
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maybe even a few more. >> will you vote for your colleague, senator sessions is, as attorney general? >> i've already said i'll oppose senator sessions. he has a record on immigration, on voting rights and on civil rights that are so against what america is all about. >> will you vote for steven mnuchin for treasury secretary? >> i'm studying his record. i haven't taken a position. i'm going to wait for the debate on the floor. >> are there trump nominees that you already have made up your mind besides sessions, in addition to sessions, whom you will oppose? >> well, i certainly am really dubious of about eight of them because so many of them have conflicts of interest and positions that are -- that goes against the grain. you know, i await the hearings and i study the hearings, the floor debate, but in are eight or nine that i would have a very hard time voting for, maybe even a few more than that. >> can you tell us who they are. i imagine one of them would be mr. prewitt for epa head?
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>> his positions against clean air and clean water would turn america back for decades. it's -- it's, again, against the american grain. i haven't made final decisions on any of these people but i find it difficult to vote for him. >> let's turn to health care. president trump signed an executive order on friday that he said would have the effect of easing the burden of obamacare. what's your understanding of what this executive order will mean? >> well, let me first say this. they are in such -- they are in such -- they have so many problems with their repeal and replace. it's interesting. if you would have told me that at this point in time democrats would be united and on offense and republicans would be divided on defense when it comes to aca or the cabinet for that matter, i would have said, you know, you're wrong, but it's true, and we've had a very strong two weeks because they are in such a pickle. they don't know what to do. they can repeal, but they don't
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have any plan for replace, and the president's executive order just mirrored that. they said do good things, not bad things and do things that are -- that comply with the law. that's meaningless, and -- and it's because they promised everybody they were were going to repeal and now they have seen all the good things in aca, the 20 million people covered, pre-existing conditions covered, kids 21 to 26 get their parents health insurance. women treated equally as men, and they know that to repeal these things without finding a way to do them, town do them, would be catastrophic substantively hand politically so they are in a total pickle and this regulation does really nothing. >> let's turn to the supreme court. you recently said that you were absolutely willing to keep open the ninth seat, the scalia seat on the court. take a listen.
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>> it's hard for me to imagine a nominee that donald trump would choose that would get republican support that we could support so you're right. >> so you will do your best to hold the seat open. >> absolute ly. >> you will do your best -- here's the question. >> if the nominee -- let me just say this. >> go ahead. >> what i said on that show was if the nominee is out of the mainstream, we will do our best to keep the seat open. let's remember that of the last four supreme court nominees, two nominated by a republican president and two by a democrat, they had bipartisan and what you didn't show it on the air there, if the nominee is not bipartisan and mainstream we absolutely will keep the seat open. i'm hopeful that maybe president trump will nominate someone that will get bipartisan support but, yes, we'll fight it tooth-and-nail as long as we have to. >> for last four months
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president trump has had a list of 21 potential, worked with the federalist society on the list, saying they are all conservative judges. are you saying that not one of the judges on that lives 21 is in the mainstream? >> i haven't studied the records of those 21. i'm not going to comment on a potential nominee. i'm going to wait to see who the president nominates. my only plea to him, hope, nominate a mainstream person. not someone way out of the mainstream. >> i want to ask you about your appearance at the presidential inaugural on friday. >> yes. >> because you spoke, and i don't know what you could hear. i was farther away from president trump than you were, but there was a lot of booing. let's run a little excerpt of your speech. >> whatever our race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, whether we are immigrant or native born, whether we live with
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disabilities or do not, in wealth or in poverty, we are all exceptional in our commonly held yet fierce devotion to our country. >> could you hear the boos and were you surprised by them? >> well, i couldn't hear much. i was told about it afterwards, but it was amazing. that speech given with any other president, with any other audience would have been cheered. it's not controversial language to say we're all americans. it's not controversial language to reach out to others who might not be exactly like you, and so the fact that people didn't like it speaks poorly of them, not of what i said in the speech. they even -- when i said we should have rule of law i was heard booed. when i talked about sullivan ballou, a great civil war patriot who gave his life to his country and said there are some things greater than ourselves there were cat calls. wow.
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what kind -- what kind of situation is that? and, you know, i have to say something. the president-elect ought to lead. when his followers do things like that, he ought to speak positively about being inclusive and being american. the speech should have been aimed at bringing people together as ronald reagan's speech was, as franklin roosevelt's speech was, democrat and republican, so this is a -- the fact that saying these things which are usually accepted by just about every american melt the displeasure of the crowd doesn't speak too kindly of that crowd. >> senate minority leader, chuck schumer. >> i should say. >> just the people who booed. i'm sure it wasn't most of them. >> just the people who booed, got it. senate minority leader chuck schumer, democrat of new york, always a pleasure to have you on. thank you, >>i thank you. >> stay with us. the fiery response from the former cia director after donald trump's visit to the agency.
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welcome back. president trump traveled to cia headquarters for his first official visit in office. >> as you know, i have a running war with the media. they are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. [ applause ] and they sort made it sound like i had a feud with the intelligence community, and i just want to let you know, the
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reason you're the number one stop is exactly the opposite. >> president trump did in fact lash out in intelligence agencies in the wake of cnn's report that the top officials briefed him on russian claims uncorroborated according to a reliable british intelligence source the kremlin claimed they had information to compromise him. quote, intelligence agencies should never have allowed the fake news to creep into the public. one last shot at me. are we living in nazi germany? cia officials know who compared them to nazis and it wasn't the media. did that speech do enough to bury the hatchet? i'm joined by congressman devon nunez of california. great to have you here. >> thank you so much. >> usually you're out in california so nice to have you here in person. let's start by president trump's visit to the klay, an organization you know so well. an aide to john brennan who was the cia director until friday
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put out an extraordinary statementization, quote, former cia director brennan is deeply saddened andage remembered by donald trump's despicable display of self-aggrandizement in front of cia's memorial wall of agency heroes. what did you make of the speech and brennan's response to it? >> i found out a few days ago that donald trump was planning to go to the agency to swear in mike pompeo because there was an agreement in the senate that all the national security folks would be approved on the first day and that didn't happen, so i think it's important to remember that donald trump had scheduled that in advance in order to swear in mike pompeo. well, the schedule was already planld. i don't think he wanted to change his schedule and he went out there hand met with the cia and i think he was briefed, and, you know, the agents that were there, the cia employees, they were excited to be there, and in fact i spoke to a few last night who i thought maybe were there so i wanted to get their opinion on what they thought hand they said we didn't get a chants to
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go because it sold out so quickly. >> a lot of seats there. >> 400 seats. >> and he was received well, so i think, that you know, you're going to see at the highest level of the past administration, at that level i think donald trump had a lot of problems with and i don't blame him for having a lot of problems. there were a lot of leaks. >> so you -- you think this john brennan's response and also just how he's comported himself, you have an issue with if? >> look, the former director is entitled to his own opinion, but the fact remains that there were a lot of leaks that occurred over the course of the last 60 to 90 day is before in election that most people can attribute back to somewhere within the obama administration directly or the intelligence community, but what people are not talking about, which i thought donald trump said some things that were really important yesterday, he showed an understanding that the cia is the tip of the spear. when the cia gets things right, fewer people will die.
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he called radical islamic terrorists terrorists. he said they are going to go out and kill the jihadists around the world and they will be eliminate the. those were major statements that he made yesterday that nobody is covering. >> and what do you make -- just to note just for our viewers, we believe that mike pompeo will be voted on in the senate to be cia director tomorrow evening, monday evening, and it looks as though he will clear, he will be confirmed. what do you make of the criticism that is standing in front of the memorial wall talking about crowd sizes, that that was inappropriate? >> you know, look, donald trump is a citizen politician. he's really enjoying what he's doing. he's going to take the media on every single day. he's never been in politics, and i think you -- you're going to see more of this, and i've seen him on the campaign trail. he was just having a good time. as a matter of fact, this week, this past week, inauguration week, he was showing up to events he wasn't even scheduled to be at. i was at a lunch, supposed to be a small lunch and he stayed for
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45 minutes and talked and had a good time and so, you know, it was -- i think he was just out there to show support for the agency and, of course, like donald trump often does, he -- he's a very smart guy and he starts to talk about a lot of different things and has fun. >> just to bring this up one more time because i don't think this point of view has been adequately reflected in the public, especially by people like you, who are part of the intelligence community in a sense and being chairman of the house intelligence committee. there is this feud and has been this feud between leaders of the intelligence community and the obama administration and president trump, and you think that president trump in some ways has gotten a bad rap on it, that some of these leaders have been unfair to him. >> we don't know where the leaks came from. >> i broke the story and i can tell you john brennan had nothing to do with it. >> but there were hey lost leaks that came -- and it's not just on the last story. this goes back for 90 days, and so, look, as, you know, we always do, we'll look into the leaks and see if we find
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something, who knows. >> let's talk about some of these intelligence issues with mike pomp yore because senator bernie sanders is planning to oppose him and some democrats have raised concerns. in an op-ed pomp yore wrote, that he co-authored, congress should pass a law re-establishing collection of meta data and combing it with public publicly available financial and lifestyle information into a comprehensive searchable database >> we passed legislation to fix the meta data and it was bipartisan and mike pompeo was in that and voted for it and voted overwhelmingly in the house hand senate so i don't think we'll go back and revisit the meta data issue. what sgl what about the lifestyle? >> if you look at lifestyle of terrorists, foreign or abroad, absolutely, but on the american people, no. >> i want to also ask about the fact that obamacare, you heard
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chuck schumer saying in the previous interview that he thinks the democrats have had a good couple of weeks with obamacare because republicans, in his view, are in a pickle in his words because republicans don't know what to replace obamacare with because so many aspects of obamacare are popular. this is an issue that's northern to you. what will replace obamacare? >> yeah. i look at it in three buckets. health care is very difficult in this country to get right, so there's going to be what the administration can do with obamacare first. that's going to -- kind of one budget you're going to have the bucket on what we can do with the reconciliation process which requires 50 votes plus one in the senate, and then you will have longer term issues that have to be dealt with that need 60 votes in the senate, so a lot of what we're dealing with here is the way the senate is structured, and that's why you're -- you're -- there are a lot of good plans out there. i think the big difference between what the republicans want to do and the democrats is
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the democrats want your health care to be run right here in washington. we want the individual to have health care, and we want every american to have access to health care and we want that health care to be delivered locally, not by big government here in washington, d.c. because then you end up with constituents like you see out in california where we have no specialists who will see our medical patients or our obamacare patients and the that's not good. >> let me ask you a question about this outstanding issue that there's still these fbi investigation into whether associates of president trump had contacts with the kremlin. there's a "new york times" story talking about paul manafort, the former campaign chairman, roger stone parks longtime trump confidant and carter page, former foreign policy advisers. what can you tell us about this investigation and the intercepted communications? >> they would have to notify me, they should if that was the case at some point. we have not heard that, and i
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would say that, you know, we take our job of oversight very seriously on the intelligence committee. we will work in a bipartisan manner, and we've requested a lot of the -- we've requested all of the intelligence that went into the report that was -- that was issued here a couple weeks ago. we have yet to get that information. they made it available to us on thursday where we had to go out to the cia in order to look at it. that's not what we asked for. we want the information at the committee so that we can come through it so we can get to the bottom of this intelligence report, whether it was put together properly or not. >> so who is holding it up, the cia, the director of national intelligence? >> it was the obama straight who hadn't given it to us and only made it available to us if we went out into the agency. that's not what we requested. we had it delivered to the congress to come through the data to really understand what went into this record and clearly we will -- we will look at anything and everything and we'll follow the facts where they lead.
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>> congressman, it's always a pleasure to have you on the show. congratulations, you were just sworn in, a slightly smaller ceremony with your family to be a member of congress. always good to have you on the show. >> appreciate you having it first. >> coming up, the new white house press secretary takes the podium to talk about an issue on the mind of every struggling americans. how big were the crowds on friday. eels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. invokana® works around the clock by
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no one had numbers because the national park service which controls the national mall does not put those out. this is with a the largest
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audience to witness an inauguration period, both in person and around the globe. white house press secretary sean spicer berating reporters for the soyuz of the crowd arguing simultaneously there's no official numbers while also falsely asserting it was the largest crowd in history. lots to unpack here with me this morning. let's talk about it all with david axelrod, cnn senior political commonicator and congressman mia love, republican of utah and congressman republican mash somewhat blackburn of tennessee and former ohio state senator nina turner, a democrat. let's start with this debate about crowd sizes. it seems obvious that president obama had bigger crowds but so what. >> i have to tell you. i was sitting -- i was sitting at the podium there, and i could see a ton of people, lots of people. >> yeah. >> it was a great day. let's just move on.
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i mean, it was just -- there were a lot of people that showed up, and i was happy to see it. >> there were lots of people that showed up, david, what's going hon here. why would shean spitzer in the first press conference be talking about crowd size. >> one person cares and that happens to be the president of the united states and he works for the president of the united states. the real question is who can tell the president do not do this? this is not worth our time who tells him, when you go to the cia when you're speaking in front of the wall of armor. speaking to the armed services ball, don't get into politics and thank and honor the young people who are serving our country. someone needs to be able to do that or he's going to be diverted from the points that he wants to make. >> seems to me, congressman
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blackburn, that president trump, whatever the size of the crowd, whatever the ratings for the inaugural, he's the president and a lot of people are rooting for him and going down the bunny hole doesn't serve his own image. >> he has han opportunity to bring people to him at this point in time and let's do the tote board on the number of regulations we can get on the books, the number of executive orders we can rescind the number of -- the amount that we can reduce taxes. >> number of jobs you can bring back to this country. >> jobs that we can create, and i'm going to leave counting numbers on that. next four years from now. i want us to expand broadband enough in this country that we have more people than ever streaming the inaugural. >> when this happens, you -- first of all, we all as americans want him to succeed. >> sure. >> absolutely. >> but do you as a supporter of his and ever put your hands in
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his head say no, don't do that. don't say things that aren't true. you're standing in front of the wall of heros at the cia, don't talk about your crowds. don't berate a pool reporter who messed up. >> i'm cheering for the president and vice president to pull people to them and continue this movement of getting washington, d.c. reformed and pushing power and money out of this city and pack to the states and local governments. >> head never in hand? >> i am cheering. i am cheering. i am so for president trump and he is good on building relationships. he is going to build great relationships with capitol hill and he has built a great relationship with the american people and we are going to expand that. >> well, that's the question. the relationship he's building with the american people because as congressman blackburn points out there is an opportunity here and were you with the women's march yesterday, nina turner.
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i don't know that he has taken advantage of that opportunity to unite people. >> well, not yet, one would hope. i mean, good god, the numbers don't matter because he took the ost president so he is the president. so he has to get over and yesterday i talked to women and men from all walks of life and a lot of them were not necessarily there to protest the president himself as much as some of the policies and the things that they are concerned about. but he has to do more bridge-building and less talk about building a wall. there are walls in this country and it's not between him and folks that are trying to get into this country. it's really between him and some of the people who live in this country. >> let's talk about his inaugural address. he presented a very starkly populist vision of how he sees the country and what he wants to happen. let's take a look. >> from this day forward a new vision will govern our land.
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from this day forward it's going to be only america first. >> so he really took aim, congressman blackburn, at globalization and elites in both parties. not particularly a republican speech, not particularly a conservative speech. critics would say, you know, the ship has sailed on globalization. this is the world we're in. how do you do america first in the 21st century? >> i think you do it by thinking in terms of the short term and the long term, as you look at policies. how is this going to affect us now and how will it affect us ten years, 20 years, 0 years down the front road and that is the view that donald trump will bring to this administration. let's just not doing something thinking of the next election. let's think long term and what kind of legacy is this going to leave? what kind of path is it going to create.
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goodness in trade. we need to think about this as we look at manufacturing, bringing jobs back. we have to be thinking about the effects of these policies and what it's going to yield. tax policy and the changes that are going to be there, how is it going to affect families now and then affect their ability to built a nest egg for retirement. >> david, president obama came to office with a lot of ties to labor unions. he ended up being one of these members of the global elite pushing forward although one could argue that were many more in the deal for nafta, for example. is it going to be tough for trump to fight this tied of globalization? >> look, i don't think -- i don't think that -- as you said, i think that ship has sort of sailed. the question is that really the battle of today and tomorrow that the congressman talks about the future. you know, there's a greater
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threat to middle class jobs and wages from robots and computers than there is from china and mexico today. what is the plan for dealing with that. where are the people who are going to have example when driverless cars cam online this. decade. millions and millions of people. where are they going in the economy and where are they going to find productive work and where does that impact on wages and on family security? these are fundamental questions that people want the president to deal with. >> in fact, think the new labor secretary nominee is a big proponent of automation in the restaurants that he owns. everyone stay right here. coming up, women across the world taking across the streets yesterday to protest donald trump and his agenda including a star-studded march in his own backyard. how is president trump responding? that next. this is where real fans sit. up here it's all about the comradery. the bond you build within your section. you can see it all. literally. like the game, and the next county over and my house in la.
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we can whimper. we can whine or we can fight back. me, i'm here to fight back. >> democratic senator elizabeth warren at the boston women's march yesterday. huge crowds gathered around the world to speak out against donald trump and his agenda, but is it the beginning of a new protest movement or just a day long affair in the panel is back with me. nina, you were at the march in d.c. let me pup up these new tweets from president trump on the march. quote, watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election. why didn't these people vote? celebs hurt cause badly and a few minutes ago, another tweet. peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. even though i don't disagree i recognize the rights of people
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to express their views. it is a legitimate question, i have to say. why didn't these people vote? i'm sure a lot of them did, but i bet a bunch didn't. >> good god, jake. >> i didn't say that. >> i mean, the president doesn't need to get into these little spats with folks. they are exercising their first amendment right which is a beautiful thing, and the president should look at it this way. he knows how to move a -- bring a crowd out. he brought crowds of folks out all over the world, baby. he did that. >> should have added those numbers to his crowd size. >> president trump did that. he brought out the crowds. >> you assume we're not participating. >> i was not participating. i took a run with my husband and, you know, it was very difficult to get through, so we -- >> but you are somebody who has had concerns about president trump during the campaign. i know you're rooting for him now as every american is. >> yes. >> but what did you make of the marches? >> well, i can tell you one part of that tweet is true. a lot of the celebrities did not help. madonna dropping the f-bomb over
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and over again. i would not have brought my child to that event. i think that scarlet johansson, for instance, a window where she said i didn't vote for you but i want to support you, and i think that that's where we need to start coming together at this. what can we do in the next step is what can we do to help support women? and i'm not just talking about, you know, i'm talking about allowing women to become entrepreneurs, allowing -- my daughter wants to be a rocket scientist. what can we do to make sure that we empower our young women to become whoever they want to become, to have as many opportunities as possible to contribute to their communities, to their state and to their country. >> david, there is an opportunity here for president trump. there's already a lot of talk about ivanka's child care tax credit bill, legislation that she's putting together. there's an opportunity to reach out to a lot of women and do a lot of good for a lot of women. >> look, i think democrats and progressives will have to make had a choice. if the president actually
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advances a plan for paid parental leave and advances a plan for health care for everybody, if he truly wants to fight the pharmaceutical industry over these very high prices that medicare pays, then i think democrats are going to have to confront whether they want to fight or whether they want to make some progress. if he does those things. but, jake, he also has an opportunity through the way he conducts himself to send a signal that he wants to be president of all the people, and the two tweets are illustrative of a problem. the first tweet was divisive. there is a sort of dr. jekyll and mr. twitter quality to this guy, and the question is how do you -- the second tweet was the one he should have sent yesterday, full stop, end of story. >> do you disagree? >> and why he didn't. >> i just think the reason why he's there is because people like that just boldness that he has, you know. people say, okay. well, that's real. it's not scripted. i didn't have to think about it. >> that is true. >> and there are people that
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like that. >> congressman, that is absolutely true, but let's remember he, first of all, 46% of americans voted for him, 54% didn't. he goes in with the lowest approval ratings of any incoming president and now his job is to build on that and signal to the whole country that he wants to govern for all of america. >> i get it, burks you know, i just want you to know that we as americans also always look to washington for all of the answers, right? i think that's time for us to become the leaders also and conduct ourselves in a way that is reflective of what we want a leader to do. i think that's important for us to make sure that we're the ones that are sending positive messages out there. when i look at who is going to be the role models for my children i'm not looking to the p.i'm looking in in ing to mys >> we're speaking to the sense of the decorum of the office president and the vice president and those of us in elective office, and there is a
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responsibility that is there, and my hope is that president trump is going to continue to brings people in, just as he said in his -- his inaugural address, on access, creating access whether it's health care or opportunity. this is something that should unite us. i do hope that there were lessons from the women's march that yes, pushing forward for incentives on child care and doing something on these issues important. >> thank you so much. after the break president trump ditches his private plane for air force one. how do the perks compare? stay with us.
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abdominayou may have ibs. ask your doctor if non-prescription ibgard is right for you. ibgard calms the angry gut. available at cvs, walgreens and riteaid. on the campaign trial, president trump's private plane was called trump force one. after flying in style for years, the question is air force one now for donald trump really public transportation? rest of 2016 campaign season donald trump traveled in style than most of us and even his fellow candidates could imagine. he has a customized boeing 757 with extrav gent features.
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mr. trump's bedroom has yards and yards of elegant gold silk adorning the wall. a custom headboard as well as kvrtser were created to compliment. he has a custom design pillows embroidered with the family crest. >> reporter: he could take one of his personal helicopters. he gave joyrides to a couple lucky kids and members of the media at the iowa state fair. >> mr. trump? >> yes. >> are you bat man? >> i am not. >> reporter: he will have to say good-bye to his personal fleet. don't feel too bad. he's getting an upgrade. air force one. they will ride only on official aircraft leaving behind his prized possession that had become a symbol of his campaign from providing the background to some of his rallies to disrupting his rivals. >> that was pretty well
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orchestrated. >> reporter: it will be above the iconic plane that he once blasted as being too expensive on future. costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. cancel order. the order has not been cancelled yet. we expect president trump to enjoy the high-tech amenities for the foreseeable future. he's learn that air force one is more than a cushy ride. it's a flying white house. >> the goal is to do the same things he does on ground in the white house to do 45,000 feet in the air. other countries have no, ma't c close to what the use has. >> reporter: it does have defensive capabilities like no other plane in world including special shielding that protects it from a nuclear blast. it's equipped to evade missiles. even without the oppulent gold
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features, he will still find himself. >> traveling trump style. >> thanks for catching. have a great day. ♪ ♪ after becoming one of the largest broadband companies in the country. after expanding our fiber network coast to coast. these are the places we call home. we are centurylink. we believe in the power of the digital world. the power to connect. and that's what drives us everyday. ♪ oh the fishes will laugh as they swim out of the path ♪ "when the ship comes in" by the hollies ♪ and the seagulls they'll be smilin ♪ ♪ and the rocks on the sand it's so peaceful out here. yeah.
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courtyard is all about the game. eight men in the box! is that a good thing? not if we run the ball it's not!
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this is gps, global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live in new york. >> i donald john trump. >> today on the show the trump inauguration and four years to come. what the new president said on friday about how he es


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