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tv   BBC News  BBC News  September 21, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm BST

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this is bbc news. the headlines: the prime minister briefs the cabinet on how she plans to break the brexit deadlock ahead of her speech in italy tomorrow. she is expected to announce a two—year transitional arrangement. in mexico rescuers are desperately searching for survivors at a school which collapsed in the earthquake. these are the live pictures as the rescue effort continues. police make a sixth arrest in the investigation into the london tube bombing. police have been searching a house in south london. also in the next hour: ryanair boss rya nair boss michael ryanair boss michael o'leary warns his pilots not to misbehave. ryanair says it will make its pilots delay taking their annual leave to avoid further flight cancellations. and a warning overfridges with flammable backs. the consumer group, which? , says almost half of machines could be dangerous. good afternoon and
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welcome to bbc news. theresa may is expected to say to you new macro leaders that she would like a two—year transitional period —— expected to say to eu leaders. she is trying to break the deadlock which there seems to be between the eu and britain. sources are telling the bbc that she will talk about this idea of a transitional period or implementation period, depending where you come from on this, and this idea is something we have heard a lot about over the summer from people like the chancellor philip
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hammered but also people like liam fox who are on the other side of the artand fox who are on the other side of the art and when it comes to brexit —— philip hammond. the arrangement would be similar when we leave the single market. one of the crucial questions is whether the eu will ee, questions is whether the eu will agree, and about the money the uk continues to pay into the coffins of the eu during that time. theresa may is going to say that we will pay our dues —— into the cough is. this could amount to around 20 billion euros over that period and you can see why some in the cabinet like borisjohnson have been unhappy at this idea. in the referendum campaign johnson spoke about at this idea. in the referendum campaignjohnson spoke about taking back control of millions of pounds and it could be now we're heading to and it could be now we're heading to a situation where the uk continues to pay billions for at least a couple of years. the cabinet met this morning and they will be given
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time before the meeting in order to read the speech that theresa may will make tomorrow in italy. and then they held a very long meeting by cabinet terms, over two and a half hours, theresa may went round the table asking for input from eve ryo ne the table asking for input from everyone who was there. the idea behind this is to move on these negotiations so the eu can say a certain amount of progress has been made and then we can move on to talk about the relationship that there is between the two once we have left. so brexit doesn't quite mean brexit? no, not in march 2019, and some would argue that we are leaving the eu, we have triggered article 50 and thatis eu, we have triggered article 50 and that is going to happen. whether you like it or not. the question is, what happens immediately afterwards? we heard from philip hammond, you can see the figures leaving the cabinet, philip hammond, boris
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johnson, walking out of downing street, virtually arm in arm because these are the figures who have been leading very different arguments about what should happen and there is anxiety amongst those on the brexit side including borisjohnson, if he stays so aligned to the eu, the uk cannot take advantage of being outside and of forging free—trade deals with other countries. phase two is that —— fears that we won't be able to control immigration as many want to do, as well, that is the argument that has been raging, but it looks as if the cabinet has come to an agreement in the short term, but what hasn't been settled and can't be fudged the much longer, what happens afterwards. that is why people are still trying to make their argument within cabinet about what we should do afterwards. theresa may may talk about a bespoke
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trade deal with the european union, she is edging towards ruling out taking anything off the shelf that is all woody there, a canada style deal —— already there. her argument has always been that britain will look for something different. we have had a close relationship with the eu for 45 years and we should be looking for something which is three much idealfor the looking for something which is three much ideal for the uk. looking for something which is three much idealfor the uk. without wanting to sound too cynical, it is like kicking something into the long grass and the important thing is how on earth the eu is going to react. it is, but they have got to make progress, and although it looks like the delay will happen, it looks like we can't move onto the next age until the issue of money, and other issues, eu said citizens, the irish border —— to the next stage. there are many issues to be resolved but something —— son in the government
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are hopeful that something she says means that no eu will lose out because we are leaving and they hope that will make them think more generously when they think about our future trade deal with the european union. with that breaking news, thanks forjoining us. rescuers in mexico city are trying to reach a number of people they believe are still alive under the rubble of a school which collapsed during tuesday's earthquake. a senior official told the bbc a 13—year—old girl is sheltering under a table in the debris — and that crews have managed to pass food and water to her. the government has appealed to other countries to provide specialist teams and equipment to help search for survivors. rajini vaidya nathan reports from mexico city. after the horror of the earthquake, there is hope. these young children were pulled alive from the rubble of a primary school in the south of mexico city. rescuers searched overnight for others who may still be trapped. at least 20 children were killed here. it was on tuesday lunchtime that the
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powerful earthquake struck mexico. as buildings collapsed, people ran for cover. across mexico city, the search for survivors is continuing. as you can see, people are going in to try and help with the efforts. this six—storey office block, which you see in the distance, is the focus of their work. antonio and dolores‘ son, juan, worked on the fourth floor as an accountant. he called his parents every day. they last spoke hours before the quake hit. for the past day they have watched as rescuers picked through the rubble but there's still no sign ofjuan. translation: we still believe he will make it out alive. "i would dig him out myself if i could", antonio tells me. relief workers have beenjoined by hundreds of volunteers. many have turned up with their own tools to do their bit.
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we're building kits with first aid things like alcohol and band aids, and these things, and that kind of stuff, so they can bring these things to the people that need it. it's a good atmosphere because people want to help. all the mexican people here, all american people, english people, british people, a lot of people want to help and i think that it's good that a lot of people are here to help. at times the crowd was asked to be silent so rescuers could call out to any survivors still stuck in the debris. more than 20 people have already been rescued from this building, but as time passes the chance of people being reunited with their loved ones is becoming ever slimmer. we are going tojoin our correspondent in a moment, but we
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are going live to the school, hundreds of first responders, soldiers and teachers are there, hoping to help people who might still be buried under the classrooms. they are from a rooftop on the opposite side of the picture. they are commanding the situation, shouting orders from a tannoy, concentrating on the 13—year—old girland two concentrating on the 13—year—old girl and two others still believed to be alive under that rubble. anxious families amongst those looking on with the rescuers shouting for quiet every now and again as they tried to establish exactly how many people might still be alive in what is a race against time —— try. we will talk to our correspondent later on. a sixth arrest has been made
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by police investigating last week's attack on a london underground train. a 17—year—old boy was detained in thornton heath, in south london, just after midnight. the five other people in custody are all men, aged between 18 and 48. 30 people were injured when a homemade bomb partially exploded at parsons green. our correspondent matthew thompson is at southwark police station in south london for us now. that is where the suspects are being held. indeed, just behind me. all six we believe of the suspects arrested so far in this case being held by police under section 41 of the terrorism act. we can explain what that means, the act came into force in 2001 and it allows police to arrest anyone suspected of acts of terrorism for an initial period of terrorism for an initial period of 48 days and then they can extend it to of 48 days and then they can extend ittoa of 48 days and then they can extend it to a maximum of of 48 days and then they can extend it to a maximum 01:14 days after that. police were granted the right
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to hold one of the men, a 21—year—old syrian, until today, and then they have to release him or charging or apply for the period to be extended further, they can also hold an 18—year—old man who they arrested on saturday until this saturday. since then police have arrested four further people in the case, on tuesday evening in newport, south wales, 25—year—old man, a 30—year—old and a ao—year—old also arrested in new —— newport south wales. and they have made a six arrest in thornton heath in south london, so that is six addresses the police have searched, but only five of those are still active searches. the police say this is a very fast moving investigation and we will bring you updates when we have them. matthew, thanks for joining bring you updates when we have them. matthew, thanks forjoining us. ryanair‘s chief executive michael o'leary, has admitted
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a significant management failure at the airline, and says more flights may have to be cancelled. a group of ryanair pilots has rejected an offer of a bonus of up to £12,000 each to work extra shifts and help reduce the number of cancellations. our business correspondent theo leggett reports. even the boss of ryanair now calls it a significant management failure. it's certainly more than a little turbulent. the budget airline has had to cancel about 50 flights a day until the end of october because it doesn't have enough pilots available to fly them. at today's annual general meeting in dublin, chief executive michael o'leary had some explaining to do. do you feel under pressure? no, we're having a very good year. the company says it is planning to force some pilots to divert part of their annual leave until next year and says it doesn't need their consent but there are signs pilots themselves are taking advantage of the situation. ryanair has offered its pilots
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a cash bonus of up to £12,000 if they agree to work extra days, but in a letter seen by the bbc pilots representatives from bases across europe say they reject that proposal. they say it's simply inadequate and is meeting with great resistance from their members. they say what they really want is ryanair to come up with new contracts for them with different working conditions. they say that might be enough to stop pilots from looking for greener pastures or in other words moving to different airlines. ryanair‘s business model relies on keeping its costs down. analysts say it can ill afford major concessions to its workforce. ryanair pilots are regarded as well—paid but equally worked very hard. although the company will make some modest changes to make sure they keep pilots and attract new ones from competitors, there won't be room for any fundamental change. ryanair said today the crisis has already cost £22 million. the question now is how quickly
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it can resolve the situation and how much long—term damage has been done to its reputation. our reporter mike cartwright is at stansted airport. some other destinations that have been cancelled, lisbon, marseille, berlin, bordeaux, five of 19 destinations cancelled in and out, 38 fewer flights being destinations cancelled in and out, 38 fewerflights being handled by sta nsted, 38 fewerflights being handled by stansted, one 38 fewerflights being handled by sta nsted, one of 38 fewerflights being handled by stansted, one of ryanair‘s busiest airports. tomorrow 2a have been cancelled, 18 cancelled into the weekend and 1a on sunday, adding up to this grand total of 2100 flights cancelled and 315, 000 to this grand total of 2100 flights cancelled and 315,000 passengers affected. we have been into the terminal, speaking to ryanair passengers. they said they could not believe the
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company could treat customers this way, and they won't fly with them again, but others have said a cheap ticket is a cheap ticket will stop my actual flight was meant to be tonight, actually, and i had actually, and i had to cancel to finish my internship in berlin in two days just to get a flight home. if that was me i would be looking for compensation, if i'm on is, because that is my holiday and my time off and my time to relax and someone needs to be paying for that. every year i say i won't fly with them again because they treat the staff and the paying conditions, but then of course we say that, and then we go ahead and book again. cheap and cheerful. you should be entitled to around £250 compensation and that will rise
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to £450 for longer flights in the eu. all passengers have been told and erected to the website where they can get a refund for a —— have been told and directed to the website where they can get a refund ora website where they can get a refund or a different flight. the airline says 95% of their passengers will be re—accommodated but this is a story thatis re—accommodated but this is a story that is running and running for ryanairand that is running and running for rya nair and they that is running and running for ryanair and they are nowjust that is running and running for ryanair and they are now just trying to please passengers, but also please their pilots and their other staff. mike, thanks forjoining us. the headlines on bbc news: the prime minister breach the cabinet on her plans for the brexit negotiations ahead of a major speech in italy tomorrow —— briefs. she is expected to suggest a two—year transitional arrangement. emergency workers in mexico city are frantically trying to reach several children believed to be still alive under the rubble of a school which collapsed in tuesday's earthquake. they have apparently made contact
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with a 13—year—old girl. the chief executive of ryanair, michael o'leary, admits that there's been a "significant management failure", as the firm struggles to cope with thousands of flight cancellations. he says he might force pilots to change their annual leave to cope with the demand. in sport: there are claims that the suitability of mark sampson was raised with the fa before he was appointed. mark sampson was dismissed yesterday for what was called inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour. but the body denies knowledge of his issues before his appointment. chelsea have agreed to sell diego costa to his former club atletico madrid, if personal terms and a medical are confirmed, he will be able to move to spain injanuary. play has been abandoned at trent bridge with minimal play, as england looked to take a 2—0 lead in the odi series against the west indies, but that has now been abandoned. i will be back with more on those stories at 430. ten army instructors have appeared in court charged with abusing recruits on a training camp. they all denied the charges which include battery,
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assault and ill treatment ofjunior soldiers aged under 18. our correspondent dan johnson spoke to us earlierfrom outside bulford military court in wiltshire. this is a large case involving some serious allegations. there are 16 instructors in total who are accused, they were all based at the harrogate army foundation college, the main training centre for recruits as young as 16. ten of those instructors have appeared here at court and they have denied all the charges that they face but they have heard the allegations made by 12 young recruits who were on a training camp in scotland in 2014. they say they were punched by instructors and they were dropped from height and that they were spat on and had their heads forced underwater or into mud. some have said they had animal manure rubbed in theirfaces and one said he was forced to eat it. two of the instructors also face charges that they took belongings from young recruits. there will be a trial for those ten
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instructors here in february next year and the remaining six who are part of this case will appear here tomorrow morning. hurricane maria is continuing its path across the caribbean, and is now hitting the dominican republic. it hit puerto rico, leaving the whole island without power. homes have been destroyed and catastrophic flooding has been reported. a curfew has been imposed on the 3.5 million residents. our correspondent richard lister reports. after the wind, the water. early this morning puerto rico issued a flash flood warning, the massive quantities of rain mean people here are being driven out of their homes again. they have been urged to get to higher ground. but that's easier said than done. streets not already flooded are blocked by the wreckage of fallen trees and telegraph poles. the power is out across the whole island and cellphone towers are down as well.
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to our fellow citizens of puerto rico, they are front and centre in our thoughts and prayers and we want them to know that the federal response will be there and we are thinking of them first and foremost as they combat this very dangerous hurricane. it was the strongest storm to hit the island since the 1920s. with winds over 150mph forcing thousands to flee to safety. this is one of at least 500 shelters in puerto rico, but even here in this sports arena the sheer volume of water almost led to disaster. after a little while they were afraid that the roof was going to cave in on us so they ended up moving us to the second floor hallway where we have been for the past 12—15 hours. dominica was also smashed by maria. it's a smaller island than puerto rico and it is estimated
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that 70% of the properties here had their roofs blown off, and at least seven people were killed. that number is expected to rise. in the british virgin islands so devastated by hurricane irma, the official verdict is they have escaped the worst of maria. there is more damage, and rebuilding efforts have been set back, but recovery teams were already in place and hms ocean arrives tomorrow with more people and supplies. maria, though, hasn't stopped yet. it's heading across the dominican republic, lashing it with 100mph winds. storm surges are threatening people along the coast and as it heads north maria is gaining strength. president trump has said the us will increase its sanctions against north korea, he said the white house will announce the sanctions later today. he threatened to totally destroy north korea in a speech to the
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united nations earlier this week and he called the north korean leader kim jong—un rocket man. south korea's president has been addressing the united nations general assembly. he said the problem posed by north korea must be managed in a stable manner. translation: i highly appreciate the un security council's unanimous adoptions of the sanctions and resolutions with unprecedented speed and with tougher measures than previous resolutions. this clearly reflects that the international community is collectively outreaching and responding under one voice on the north korean nuclear issue and the problem occurring on the korean peninsula. people wanting to give up smoking are to be officially advised to try e—cigarettes — despite a lack of evidence about their long term effect. public health england is to include e—cigarettes in its annual stop—smoking campaign for the first time — the body says they can be helpful for people who want to give up. jenny walrond reports.
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over1 million people have used the stoptober challenge to quit smoking. the annual campaign has inspired over 1.5 million attempts to quit smoking since it started five years ago. the number of people successfully quitting is at the highest for at least a decade. success rates for people on the lowest incomes has gone up sharply. that may be down to e—cigarettes. more than half of smokers turn to e—cigarettes when they want to quit. according to research by the university college of london. we ask people why they quit. when you have got all the equipment, you arejust you have got all the equipment, you are just fundamentally paying for liquid and coils and that is
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fundamentally cheaper. i've saved roughly £2500 for not buying cigarettes. i'd had enough of cigarettes, i needed an alternative, i tried other things, cold turkey, but never worked. in england roughly 1596 but never worked. in england roughly 15% of adults smoked in 2016, an improvement on figures from 2010 when the figure was almost 20%, one in five will stop as they try to reduce that figure further, this yearfor reduce that figure further, this year for the first reduce that figure further, this yearfor the first time, reduce that figure further, this year for the first time, public health england will use the campaign to recommend people try e—cigarettes if they have struggled to give up tobacco in the past. experts admit it is not without risk but is significantly less harmful. they don't contain many of the nasty products in tobacco. they are about 95% less harmful than tobacco smoke. having said that, we all acknowledge
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that longer term research is needed. the number of people who smoke has steadily dropped in recent years, but it is still the main cause of preventable death in the uk. while experts acknowledge there is little evidence of the long—term benefits or harms of vaping, smokers are being advised they are more likely to quit if they combine e—cigarettes with local stop smoking services. three years after prince harry founded the invictus games, the uk's biggest team yet is on its way to toronto in canada to compete in this year's event. the athletes will be joining more than 500 men and women from 17 nations — who've served in the military and have been wounded in action. our correspondent tim muffett has been to meet members of the team. invictus, a latin word meaning "unconquered". at heathrow airport this morning, the 90—strong uk team heading
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to the invictus games in toronto were in bullish mood. it gives you that purpose, it gives you that goal. it gives you something that's been missing for so long. something that gets you up in the morning. what impact does taking part in the invictus games have? because you took part in 2016, didn't you? yes, it had a huge impact on me. it basically taught me to believe in myself. it taught me to just focus on what i can do and take as many opportunities as i can. devised by prince harry, the event was first held in london in 2014. a chance for injured, sick and wounded service personnel from across the world to compete at the highest level. let's be honest, no one really knew how big 2014's games were going to be. we honestly thought it was going to be some soldiers playing a bit of sports, and we had no idea of the magnitude of it. we had no idea it was going to be a sell—out crowd. the second invictus games were held last year in florida.
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craig winspear picked up a silver medal in the wheelchair basketball. he's hoping the uk team can go one better in toronto. definitely a goal this time, yes. craig was injured serving in afghanistan in 2011. my role was to go in search for ieds and dispose of them. unfortunately i was badly injured, i lost both my legs. taking part in an event like this, you are not sitting on the couch, you are pushing yourself, driving forwards. you want to do more, notjust in a sporting aspect, in life. with 17 nations taking part, this will be the largest invictus games so far. the sporting action gets under way in toronto on saturday, but for these 90 uk competitors, the journey begins right now. tim muffett, bbc news, at heathrow airport. we can now have a look at the forecast. the western side of the uk has
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brighter skies, but the eastern side has got whether going the other way, deteriorating. there's the band of rain creeping east very closely, not farfrom london, turning down here through the evening and that will move through the evening and that will m ove a cross through the evening and that will move across east anglia and the south—east before clearing away, we will be left with clear skies overnight, and it will be cooler compared with the last couple, with temperatures getting down to between 7-10. in temperatures getting down to between 7—10. in the countryside it will be colder, down into low single figures. friday, chill in the air, but sunshine to start the day, and a band of rain for northern ireland. the rain will eventually work into scotland, western parts of england and wales, and it will turn light and wales, and it will turn light and patchy in nature, across central and patchy in nature, across central and eastern england, it stays dry, temperatures not bad, 18 degrees in the afternoon. this weekend the weather is not looking too bad, sunny spells for the most part,
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reasonable temperatures but a band of rain coming in on sunday in the west. saturday will be the best day of the weekend. hello. this is bbc news with simon mccoy. the headlines: the cabinet has met in downing street for a briefing ahead of theresa may's brexit speech in florence tomorrow. the bbc has been told that the speech is likely to include a transitional arrangement of up to two years after brexit, potentially including continuing monetary payments from the uk to the eu. after tuesday's earthquake, rescue workers in mexico continue their seach for survivors among the rubble at a collapsed primary school. police have made a sixth arrest in connection with the london tube bomb, at an address in south london. ryanair‘s chief executive, michael o'leary, plans to make pilots delay taking a week of their annual leave, after the airline was forced to cancel 50 flights a day aft: can e airline was forced
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aft: can get 'line was forced aft: can get 'line was forcet i - to have just aft: can get 'line was forcet i - to havejust spilt watej, . aft: can get 'line was forcet i - to have just spilt watex down e tie. that is the - you .,ae\ n “an ‘ you see if you have high definition! mark sampson the former head of the england women's football team is not the only one under scrutiny. he lost hisjob the only one under scrutiny. he lost his job yesterday for what the fa called inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour with female players in a previous role. now the mp damian collins has called for a review about the way the fa have worked in all of this. it was they who appointed sampson after he left bristol academy but a few weeks later a safeguarding complaint was made against sampson relating to his time at bristol. an fa panel investigated and reported back in
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2015. later that year sampson was cleared to continue working in football. however, having been urged to re—examine the details last week, then the fa decided to terminate sampson's contract yesterday. then the fa decided to terminate sampson's contract yesterdaym senior executives in the football association were aware of problems with mark sampson, they would receive warnings and advice about his behaviour and they did not act upon that, then his position has become untenable. next week we will have a hearing of the select committee when eni aluko will give her description of what happened and senior fa executives will also discuss the handling of the affair. the fa dropped sampson yesterday and claims questions over his ability
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we re claims questions over his ability were raised will stop —— the woman in football group dropped sampson and claimed questions over his ability were raised when he was appointed. i'll swear, premier league club chelsea have agreed to sell the striker diego costa to his former clu b striker diego costa to his former club atletico madrid. the spanish international refused to return to london. he scored 20 league goals losses but will now move injanuary if personal terms and the medical are confirmed. the president of cycling's world governing body has left his bowl with, he says, his head held high, after losing the election for the presidency. the new president has vowed to get rid of the corruption
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which has left the body with he says a disastrous reputation. which has left the body with he says a disastrous reputationlj which has left the body with he says a disastrous reputation. i think the national federations understood that it was important to have a strongly to ship in uci, because the programme i shared with them is a very strong programme, but we need to have a strong vision for the future, with the stakeholders of professional cycling. this is what i will do. of course i will be focused and guaranteeing the credibility of the result, and specifically about the result, and specifically about the technological fraud. it is mission accomplished for one of the best boxers in the world and as andrei ward retires from the ring, he says he leaves the sport on the top of the mountain. he is regarded as one of the finest fighters on the planet having won all 32 of his contests. he is now 33
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yea rs old all 32 of his contests. he is now 33 years old and says his body cannot cope any more with the rigours of the sport. they have given up their fight against rain at trent bridge. play has been abandoned after the england and west indies had begun the second test. the rain put a stop to play today. a real shame. they will go in the next couple of days. water would have evaporated by now, jim would not! you have rumbled me! —— gin. let's get more now on the rescue effort in mexico city as they try to reach a number of people thought to be under the ruble of a school which collapsed during tuesday's earthquake. earlier i spoke to the former united nations under—secretary general for humanitarian and emergency relief, baroness amos. she described the issue in mexico as heartbreaking. there will be those parents, family
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members and friends who will be standing there hoping. there will be one or two people who are rescued at this late stage, and it is great to hear that those two children have been rescued. but time is running out. in fact, been rescued. but time is running out. infact, it been rescued. but time is running out. in fact, it has probably run out. in fact, it has probably run out. when they say they want international help, is there anything realistically which can be done? well, one of the things is of course it is the local people who are first of all the who tried to lead the rescue efforts. then it is the region, the county, the country. mexico have gone through this many times. devastatingly, just a week ago. and one of the horrible things about this is because they had a practice run soon before this
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earthquake, there is a worry that people didn't really respond as quickly as they should, because of that practice. what the international community can do is prepare when something like this happens, so that if they are asked to help, as in this case mexico have said any countries with large equipment to please help them by sending that equipment to be ready if asked. and the united nations, i know, will have disaster teams waiting in case they are asked. on a wider issue, you have referred to the terrible hurricanes and the devastation they have wreaked in the last few weeks. we see mexico city once again suffering an earthquake as it has done before. is there an argument to say isn't it time to look at where people live physically and think maybe it is time to move to places which are frankly safer?
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it isa to places which are frankly safer? it is a very difficult thing to do. i was at the united nations for five yea rs. i was at the united nations for five years. many countries tried to persuade their citizens to move from too close to the sea, too close to rivers, too close to areas where you might have a disaster. of course, there are countries where the entire country, the philippines, is prone to typhoons on a yearly basis. i think what you have to do is work with people, to help them understand. people's livelihoods are integrally connected to where they live. they depend on the sea, they depend on the river, because they are fishermen. they don't want to move. so it is something you can work with. many countries want to build better and encourage people to move inland but it is not an easy
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thing to do. you cannot, i think, just forcefully pick people up and move them. they will resist and there is a rights issue here. baroness amos talking to me earlier. an inquest into the death of the moors murderer ian brady has been reopened. brady, who along with myra hindley tortured and killed five children, died at ashworth hospital in may at the age of 79. an earlier inquest heard he died from obstructive pulmonary disease. ian brady and myra hindley‘s rhymes are infamous and he is still attracting media attention even after his death. at the inquest today, coroner christopher sumner said brady died from natural causes. he had heart failure linked to chronic lung disease. he had been a heavy smoker most of his life. he died in may at ashworth psychiatric hospital where he had been for more than 30 years and he had been an intermittent hunger strike, as he called it, refusing food on and off and had been force—fed through nasal
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feeding tubes during his time there. the inquest heard that he was not emaciated and had accepted snacks and meals at times from various carers. brady died without revealing where he buried 12—year—old keith bennett, a secret he has taken to the grave. for the families of other victims, this is an ordeal which will never be over. good riddance to him. ifelt will never be over. good riddance to him. i felt for the bennett family because he had the ace card, there was hope of finding keith bennett. now, unless something comes up with anything he has left, something he has written or said to someone, you know, he had visitors, ithink has written or said to someone, you know, he had visitors, i think that is the only way we are going to find keith. today's inquest would reveal what had been done with brady's
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remains but the coroner said that is down to his executor who's not commenting at the time. the coroner said his ashes must not be scattered saddleworth moor well most of his victims are buried. myra hindley died in 2002 and her remains were mated. her ashes were scattered in an unknown location by a prison officer. we may never know what has happened to brady's remains. nearly half of fridges and freezeers on the market have flammable backs. that's according to research by the consumer group which who are advising people not to buy them. they want manufacturers to stop making them because of the potential fire risk. earlier, i spoke to the broadcaster lynn faulds—wood who carried out a review for the government. lynn faulds—wood who carried out a review for the governmentlj lynn faulds—wood who carried out a review for the government. i think which‘s research is good. the fire service have done a greatjob in
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london showing how quickly plastic backed bridges burned. in america they favour their steel industry. they said appliances would be much safer if they have steel backs and their domestic industry get support for this. it is a case of common sense, isn't it? plastic at the back of electrical equipment will be more susceptible than steel? absolutely. we have a terrible problem in this country with things catching fire. i know they say most of them don't catch fire and it is rare, but every day of the week someone's tumble drier somewhere catches fire. and fridge freezers are rare at the moment, but it was a fridge freezer which caused the original problem which led to the terrible grenfell deaths. is this a lack of proper oversight in terms of the rule of law or is it not being
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properly policed? first of all it is about asking someone like me who did all this stuff on watchdog so i know the area. i was trying to get them to favour british industry because then we could make sure that it was safer than it is. but at the moment, a company with a risk assessment to bring something into britain, if they don't like that risk assessment, they can go and get another one which is much easier, as has happened with a fridge freezer which killed several people which was made by beko. i appealed to the government, dig out that review which you asked me to do which took months to do, and just do more on it because at the moment they are just tinkering around the edges. said the legislation is not there? the safety legislation is not there? the safety legislation is not strong enough. british standards, where i have also done lots of an reworked, they could
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come up with simple solutions to some of this and the governmentjust needs to take this much more seriously and i appeal to whirlpool, you are in so much trouble that which had to threaten to take them to court to say the tumble drier should not be left unattended and you should switch them off when you are not using them. you cannot switch off a fridge freezer, it is on all the time. and what on earth are we doing having plastic backs on products like fridge freezers when a lot of them have sheets of petroleum which you use for installation. it is sheets of that. we are showing pictures of the london fire brigade test now. there are sheets of flammable petroleum in yourfridge freezer for installation. there are all sorts of things which could be done better. we had someone from the chartered trading standards
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institute which says they're also the problem is they're not the people carry out the tests.|j the problem is they're not the people carry out the tests. i am an ambassadorfor people carry out the tests. i am an ambassador for london trading standards and i agreed to do that because trading standards has been so cut back. there are not the trading standards safety officers trained to do it, very few. the councils do not want to spend money and the councils pay 90% of trading standards‘ wages. they do not want to spend money on testing because they have been cut back as well and they have been cut back as well and they also do not want to go to court to ta ke they also do not want to go to court to take on big companies because it costs the earth. what has happened to your review? has it been shelved? i wish i knew which dusty corner it is hiding in. i came up with simple things. i even found a way to get the money for this but as far as i know they did not discuss this with
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anyone else. if they're watching now, what was the conclusion? the conclusion was the business minister who had not read it when she saw me, which is a great discourtesy after i have spent nine months working on something, she said she would hand it over to business. i would appeal to the present business and consumer minister, there was a working party set up after my review, that one reported at the end of march. it was finally published just before the parliamentary recess. that is a place to bury bad news as has already been said many times in the past. i would appeal to them, let‘s have a proper appraisal of this and get better products for the public, because if you live in a tower block now, and you have a fridge freezer with a plastic back, or you have a tumble drier which has not been modified yet, you will be a bit scared. and the chances are, if you
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are in those circumstances you do because nearly half those appliances are aimed at the lower cost on the market is matt yes, because it is cheaper and it is cheaper to send them overseas with plastic backs. let‘s see british industry having steel backs which will help keep people in industry in this country. we have got to understand that the cheaper products are not as safe as the ones which are better built and try and buy a better product. it will last longer in the long run. lynn faulds—wood talking to me earlier. in a moment a look at how the financial markets in europe closed the day, but first, the headlines on bbc news: the prime minister is expected to suggest a two—year transitional arrangement for leaving the eu. rescuers continue to search in mexico city and have apparently made contact with a 13—year—old girl.
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the chief executive of ryanair, mike michael o‘leary says he may force pilots to cancel the annual leave. hello, iam pilots to cancel the annual leave. hello, i am alice baxter. let‘s see how the markets have ended their trading in europe. the us federal reserve signalled another rate rise was on the cards this year, taking many by surprise. but a stronger dollar hampering heavyweight commodities, exposed miners which make up a big part of the ftse 100. miners which make up a big part of the ftse100. shares in construction and services firm kier group went
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soaring 7.8%. the uk group says it remains confident that its main businesses are relatively unaffected by brexit uncertainty. it was also a good day for the speciality chemical companyjohnson good day for the speciality chemical company johnson matthey. it good day for the speciality chemical companyjohnson matthey. it said it would invest an initial £700 million in expanding its battery material business in 2018, aiming to capitalise on growth in the electrical car market. lastly, i wa nt to electrical car market. lastly, i want to talk about manchester united which today reported record revenues for the 2017 financial year. that is largely thanks to a huge rise in domestic tv revenues during 2016—17, the first season in the current three—year uk broadcasting deal. in a year when the club won both the europa league and the efl cup, it also signed 12 sponsorship deals and
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saw commercial and match day reve nu es saw commercial and match day revenues increase. we can get more on these withjustin urquhart stewart. really good to talk to you as ever. let‘s begin with the good news for manchester united today, reporting record revenues, largely down to this increase in cash from its tv revenues? absolutely. these are record figures, not only in terms of income coming in but in terms of income coming in but in terms of income coming in but in terms of operating profits as well. this is the first year of the three—year deal giving us a wash of cash coming through. where is the money going? not surprisingly, on the ever—increasing cost of players. they did have the record last year but that was overtaken by paris saint—germain recently. the cost is mainly going on wages for players and they seem to be going up at 13% which is pretty generous for them. pretty generous indeed! i am glad
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they are doing well. let‘s talk about. many people may not have heard of but it was the top gainer, this catalyst maker johnson heard of but it was the top gainer, this catalyst makerjohnson matthey. they are looking to get into the electrical vehicle market. they are looking to get into the electricalvehicle market. it they are looking to get into the electrical vehicle market. it is fascinating. it is a business which is primarily focused on catalytic converters for ca rs is primarily focused on catalytic converters for cars to try and extra ct converters for cars to try and extract nastiness out of the exhaust pipes. as cars are changing they are going to either hybrids or full electric. so converting this business, quite literally converting into a battery—powered structure, so it is focusing on techniques for that for an industry which will be worth 30 billion. the chief executive said they feature proving the business because it will be highly regulated and there will be restricted amount of competition and they are the ones who are investing money and that is why the shares shot up. they did. i think we will
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be talking about the electrical car market much more in the days and weeks to come. let‘s talk about construction now, a major area of the uk economy, often thought of as a bit ofa the uk economy, often thought of as a bit of a bellwether for the the uk economy, often thought of as a bit of a bellwetherfor the uk economy, kier, the construction firm. there shares shot up today. they believe their businesses u naffected they believe their businesses unaffected by brexit uncertainty. they are a firm whereas long as they can get large indestructible jets they are a firm whereas long as they can get large indestructiblejets in place, they have —— as long as they can get large infrastructure jobs place, they have —— as long as they can get large infrastructurejobs in place like king‘s cross. they have been signing up record contracts. other businesses in this area have not done very well. the figures up until 2020 looking promising and so
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shares go up. justin, good to talk to you. thank you. let‘s have a quick look what is happening in the states. perhaps we cannot bring you what is happening. there are some early profit—taking going on. the federal reserve unexpectedly retained its hawkish outlook for interest rates on wednesday. we also seeing the dollar falling back against the euro but firming up against the euro but firming up against the euro but firming up against the safe haven of the yen, the japanese currency. on wednesday, the japanese currency. on wednesday, the dollar rallied strongly against most of those main rivals and the dow reached a fresh record high so we will keep a close eye on that. you can keep in touch with me and the rest of the team on twitter. and as ever there is more on our website. that is all from me.
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thank you, alice. some breaking news, we are hearing that william g stuart, best known for presenting the channel 4 quiz show 15 to one has died will stop he was a successful producer and presenter. william g stuart has died at the age of 82. plenty more to come at 5pm with jane hill but let‘s get a weather update with chris fawkes. thank you. we will take a look at what hurricane maria is up to. it has devastated the power in puerto rico. it is bringing hurricane force
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winds and torrential rains to the dominican republic. if you are going there on holiday of the next few days, bear that in mind. there will be some damage from that. it is heading towards the turks and caicos islands and then out to the atlantic. the next place it could make landfall is asked in the uk. it will not be a hurricane, just the re m na nts of will not be a hurricane, just the remnants of a storm system but that is in the first weeks of october so some way off. we have had a band of rain edging slowly eastwards. it is knocking on the door of london at the moment. it will be clearing away from east anglia and south—east england tonight. it will be a cold night tonight, colder than recent nights. in northern ireland temperatures will be picking up through the night. the reason, cloud, rain and wind are all heading in to start the day. a wet and windy start. the rain will be pushing into
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scotland, western parts of england and wales as well. as it does so through the afternoon the rain will probably turn lighter and more patchy in nature. in northern ireland there will be some sunshine. for most of the day the eastern counties of england stay dry and temperatures not doing badly. this weekend, reasonable weather to come. probably saturday is the better of the two days. it will be reasonably warm but we do have some rain on the way across warm but we do have some rain on the way a cross western warm but we do have some rain on the way across western areas on sunday. this is the weekend forecast. on saturday south easterly winds flowing in across most of the country. some reasonable temperatures. probably then rather cloudy will stop on sunday a band of rain edges into western parts of the uk. eastern areas staying dry with some sunshine. reasonable temperatures for the time of year. a
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mixture of bright sunny spells and showers coming into northern ireland. temperatures dropping back to 16 degrees or so. not bad conditions for most of us during this weekend. saturday is the better of the two days. that is the weather. this is bbc news. today at 5pm: theresa may is likely to propose a transitional arrangement between the uk and the eu of up to two years after brexit, the bbc understands. long meeting, ministers? she briefed senior ministers on the eve of one of her most important speeches since the general election — when she will try to break the deadlock in negotiations. it‘s expected that the uk could be willing to pay into the union during the transitional period. giving billions of pounds to the eu after we come out, it‘s not really what i think, it‘s not really what the cabinet thinks, what are the british public going to say to that? florence is quite the backdrop for a
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speech of this importance. the europeans are keen to hear the detail, but will it shifted the impasse in the negotiation?
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