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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 19, 2020 10:00pm-10:31pm +03

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no troll and all of these cases fear is to terrorize accuse the other part of this . there's no consequence for this dream. on out is there to stand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter how we take it, we'll bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. president trump insists he has a very clear and viable path to victory, as georgia professed to announce the outcome of its statewide recount. so we are in told this is our jazeera live from london, also coming up. this is a part of israel, the central part of israel, and my pompei. it becomes the 1st u.s. secretary of state to visit the occupied golan heights and an illegal israeli
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settlement. americans are advised not to travel for thanksgiving. as covert inventions continue to surge, but there's more positive news on the vaccine front. 16 people killed and 350 detained in a crackdown on protests triggered by the arrest of ugandan pop star turned politician bobby wine class. i sincerely and unreservedly apologize. australia's military finds credible evidence that it elite soldiers unlawfully killed 39 afghans election officials in the us state of georgia set to announce the outcome of a painstaking manual recount a vote. it's expected to confirm that joe biden is the 1st democrat to win the state in nearly 30 years. but president trump maintains he has, quote,
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a very clear and viable path to victory in the state. he's treated thousands of uncounted votes discovered in georgia, counties where the much more important signature match takes place. the state will flip republican and very quickly get it done. tagging, brian kemp, the state's republican governor. well, trump campaign is pursuing battles in several states where there is a slim but clear biden majority. the former vice president is ahead by around 14000 votes in georgia in wisconsin. he leads spy around 20600 votes, but the trump campaign has paid more than $3000000.00 for a recount in 2 counties that in pennsylvania biden leads by $45000.00 votes. but trump's campaign says the republican controlled legislature should choose the winner and in arizona where biden is 10000 votes ahead. the local republican party is also going for delay to the official results of to
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a sample of ballots is recounted. i want house correspondent can be how could, joins us live from washington d.c. . can they were expecting that news out of georgia regarding the election recount? can we expect? yeah, it, we should have been here by now. we were expecting it by midday local time. here in eastern standard time in the united states and that has come and gone. but what it is expected to confirm is that this hand count of ballots, which we should point out, was triggered by state law and not by the truck campaign, because it was such a close result between donald trump and joe biden. that this will confirm the lead of about 14000 votes. now, it is possible that that lead could be reduced even further because there has been some reporting that there were some uncounted votes that were discovered in georgia . but the general consensus has been that this still won't overturn the narrow lead that joe biden has over donald trump, that it may reduce it from 14212800. so still not enough to undo
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the result that has been projected, as donald trump has claimed. so we're watching for that very carefully in time is of the essence for the trump campaign. if it was to try and challenge these results because once released, if it is very close, they could and do you have the opportunity to request one more recount unclear if they're going to do that or not. but the votes are to be certified in that state. the u.s. state of georgia on friday, so it's a very tight timeline for any sort of recourse should the trump campaign choose to do so. and in the meantime, the republican news conference did happen with rudy giuliani at the helm. what's he been saying about trump's path to victory? yeah, well donald trump did on social media say that this would show the clear path to victory that this would overturn the projected result that has joe biden, that currently as president elect. and there were a lot of new revelations in the press conference. what was alleges,
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much as what we've heard in the past with respect to people who are dead that are voting, that there has been a coordinated effort in number of democrat controlled cities to make sure that joe biden received more votes than donald trump. they say this happened through algorithms in a number of states using dominion voting machines. they allege they also allege the campaign that is, that this was done using outside money for an intervention in a cordon, a did attack. take a listen. what we're really dealing with here in uncovering more of the day is the massive influence of communist money, venezuela, cuba, and likely china, and the interference with our elections here in the united states. the dominion voting systems, the smartmatic technology software,
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and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well. not just a minion were created in films invented by a law at the direction of hugo chavez to make sure he never lost an election after one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out. we have one very strong witness who has explained how it all works. and we should remind our viewers that hugo chavez did die in 2013, so it's unclear what the connection is there. if this was past work that is still having repercussions that is unclear. so much of these allegations are unclear, including the evidence which the campaign says will be unveiled in another court challenge in georgia. they are also calling on the department of justice to investigate further. we can tell you is up to this point, many of the truck campaigns lawsuits have not stood up in court. and in some cases they have even been withdrawn by the campaign itself. committee,
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how can i thank you very much indeed. my phone pay has become the 1st u.s. after state to visit an illegal israeli settlements in the occupied. west bank is also become the 1st to set foot in the occupied golan heights in pairs, in israel, as part of a 10 day tour of the middle east. and europe earlier, he met israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and said illegal settlements can be quote, rueful, and proper. on pay also said the u.s. would be stepping up action on a boycott movement against israel. we will regard the global any to israel b.d.s. campaign is anti semitic. i know this sounds simple to you, mr. prime minister. see if it seems like a statement of fact, but i want, you know, that we will immediately take steps to identify organizations that engage in hateful b.d.s. . gondor can withdraw us. government support for such groups are a force that has moved from ramallah in the occupied west bank leave palestinian
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reaction has been pretty strong. senior members of the palestinian leadership saying that the united states through this action is now not just a sponsor of the israeli occupation, but an active part in it. this was a visit to the sangatte settlement opposite the palestinian town of algeria in the occupied west bank just very close to ramallah. it's an area where there are a lot of us palestinian joint nationals who say that this visit has taken place on the stolen property. what it was visiting was a winery which was involved in a court case last year in the european court of justice, which ruled that all products coming from israeli settlements, including the wind from this settlement, had to be labeled as such. not simply as israeli. it was shortly after that that declared a change in u.s. policy that it would no longer automatically look at settlements in the occupied west bank as contrary to international law. and so as well as being the 1st u.s.
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secretary of state to make such a visit itself a very controversial and surprise. at the same time, the u.s. state department said it would now mandate all products coming from settlements in the occupied west bank into the u.s. market, simply as made in israel or products of israel. so in a way that's yet more controversial, because it essentially says that the u.s. views these areas as integrity to israel, whether there's been actual annexation or not more americans are currently in hospital with corona virus than at any time in the pandemic. so far, 79000 people are currently admitted as infection rates climb, there's been an alarming rise in new york where people have been joining hours long queues to be tested, had effects giving next week. schools have now been shot in new york city in
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a bid to curb a rising rate of positive tests. and americans have been strongly advised not to travel for the holiday. the country passed a quarter of a 1000000 deaths on wednesday with more than 11 and a half 1000000 cases occurring arise vaccine developed here in the u.k. is showing promising results when it comes to protecting those groups most at risk from the virus. early results show the candidate produced by the drug from astra zeneca promote a strong immune response in over seventy's is the 3rd bit of good news from a major western pharmaceutical firm this week. as challenger reports,, more good news in the fight to get corona virus. this time from the u.k., after 99 percent of volunteers, given the oxford astra, zeneca vaccine, developed antibodies to cope with 19. these are the results from the phase 2 trials using 564 until his results in the largest phase. 3 trials will be published in the next few weeks, but the powerful immune response is generating an adult over 60 is particularly
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promising, as typically vaccines don't work as well in older people. the editor of the scientific journal that reviewed the data, says this vaccine is different to those produced by madonna and pfizer, by antec bones about scenes are based on a technology called m. r.n.a. . this vaccine is different because the spike protein, which is what provokes the immune response, is a recall of novarro vector a. busy virus which the cell its hates entry by protein into the human the oak said that scene had been a front runner in the global race, but was overtaken by rivals, madonna and pfizer. their phase 3 trials showed more than 90 percent effectiveness and the now pressing ahead with distribution plans we have of course to create or to his asian approval. if there,
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if everything goes down quick start to mix in, kill your and united states in the 2nd half to stand. and, and you can see that, of course, as a christmas present, even want to prove, there will be huge challenges in manufacturing in supply chains. pfizer's vaccine needs to be stored at minus $75.00 degrees celsius, which could hamper distribution asked. here, what does my feeling? meanwhile, countries are scrambling to sign contracts to secure doses for their population. china's sign novak is already arriving in brazil. the country hit hard by current virus is importing some 46000000 doses to be used if it is approved. al-jazeera cases across africa have now passed 2000000 with at least 48000 deaths. and it's feared the actual figure could be much higher as testing rates a quite low cross the continent. in the past 28 days,
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cases of increase compared to the previous month in $1000.00 countries in the region including countries like kenya, geria, ghana, and armitage reece is following developments from nigeria's capital abidjan. this seems to be some for tea or some kind of fatigue of the past 2 of africans. we just came back from an election in ivory coast and what you notice there and in across many sub-saharan african countries is that people where very few people were massed this days. social distancing is still a problem, and crowds gather in large numbers. most of the people you see in such crowds don't wear a face mask. experts are warning that as the how much and dusty amateur season kicks in. in a few weeks or a few days. we're going to see we are going to see a lot of cases of covered 19 for example in nigeria for the last 2 months, only a few dozen cases were reported each day. but today,
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at the center for disease control, the released its results saying that in the past 48 hours, more than 200 cases were recorded. and it warned that this could increase as people abundant safety precautions use of trees. and of course, social distancing. the, the issue of what seems is good news for many africans, but remember, this is a very, very hot continent. most part of the continent is very hot. the storage of these boxes is a problem with a shortage in electricity supplies. and all that could be a problem delivering such data storage areas. hard accessible rural areas will also be a contributor affected. while these boxes may not necessarily which people quickly still to come this half hour. if your piece says its forces are closing in on the capital of taking a region, and to bring back the people who fled to see don and hungry and poland going to battle with you at the banks. latest summit after vetoing its coronavirus recovery
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plan. hello folks. not been a problem the last couple days throughout most essential eastern europe. it is still in a beer in central part of spain in madrid. this was the case yesterday morning that slowed to shift is but the air is moving fairly quickly. elsewhere in europe, all of it coming from in the atlantic, particularly strong in the baltic. that's easing of the next 24 hours. stormy weather seems likely to develop in the eastern med and also in the central med. indeed, the forecast of any of these morons will take, but i'm, if you like, becomes a wet one by saturday after a rather quiet start on friday than most of the european plane is colder. now, sunny, best of time by day unless you happen to be in scandinavia as to when the night was
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windy is friday, admittedly, but still breezy and snow is showing up in norway rather than rain. so i was out in the central med will affect the daughter of africa, tunisia, libya, and increasingly egypt who will see this on shore breeze increasing amounts of cloud and rain won't be particularly pleasant. look at tripoli's forecasting for the 17 degrees magazine, 18. obviously, most of north africa is fine, but there is still showers, reaching as far west as liberia, even sierra leone, but only really on the coast of france once had, a vast empire spanning several continents. but by the 1940, s., the french were forced to confront reality demands for dependence. and a fast part of a new documentary series, al-jazeera looks at how the colonial unrest conflict in our jury up
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a full scale war in and do china, blood and tears. french to colonize ation on al-jazeera earth. among the top stories here, nonzero election officials in the u.s. state of georgia, a set to announce the outcome of a manual recount which is likely to confirm that joe biden is the 1st democrat to win a state in nearly 30 years. might compare has become the 1st u.s. search of state to visit and any go israeli settlement in the occupied west bank and the occupied golan heights. and more americans are currently in hospital with coronavirus than at any time during the pandemic. so far,
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$79000.00 people are currently being treated us the centers for disease control has advised against travel. over the thanksgiving holiday, a standoff between ugandan police and opposition protesters has intensified with at least 16 people now known to have died and hundreds arrested. security forces shot rubber bullets at supporters of pop star turned politician bobby wine, while crowds set up roadblocks and lit fires. and large demonstrations began when police arrested the presidential candidate on wednesday, accusing him of breaking coronavirus rules. all the police are doing is just to touch the news poppy, while you're supposed to be campaigning in the villages, but he's in jail again. they are just wasting his time. welcome. we're busy in nairobi in neighboring kenya and says they'll thirty's. do you still have options to easy on rest spokesman says he's in a high security police facility,
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which is in the eastern city of ginger. that's not so far from where he was arrested when he was campaigning. police haven't confirmed where he is, but the winds lawyers and the spokesman of complaining as and being given access to legal representation or to his medical team. they're worried that he might be injured. they're waiting to see if or when he might be produced in front of a court. yesterday's wife shared on social media media. what appeared to be a charge sheet saying that he'd be charged with offenses relating to causing the spread of disease that refers to the rallies that have been holding which visibly have much larger crowds than the ministry of health to the limit of $200.00, which is all sensibly to prevent transmission, or the other thing that might happen is that what we wind might be taken back to his home, discretely he's been arrested several times before and often the security services with bobby wine and with other prominent opposition,
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politicians in an attempt to quell the unrest try to just take those people home maybe late in the night, so that people don't continue protesting on the streets. but they certainly face between a couple of tough options. now there's nearly 2 months to go before this election. and if they allow these rallies to continue, that says well local calling to the government will be problematic for covert 19, although his supporters believe these restrictions are simply to stop people seeing how popular a year the fight for ethiopia's northern region is moving ever closer to the area's capital, the prime minister says his forces, a closing in on mccully and local rebel forces said number of students were injured when a government air strike hit the city's university or the european government has not responded to this specific claims. it has previously denied targeting civilians . we have a doctor who is in ethiopia's capital, addis ababa. he says, the government is still working out how badly people have been affected by the fighting. i don't think,
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given the government knows the true extent of the humanitarian situation on the ground. that's why they said today that they are sending a task force to look into the gravity of the situation on the ground. even before the war started, there were hundreds of thousands of people who depended on food aid in to grow. we didn't. they had to be fed by the charities. the charities have been unable to replenish their talk of relief, food in the past 2 weeks. vehicles laden with relief and food supplies. us talk at the border that you created in the house with them how to region. we've been informed of long queues for bread, not just mckenna, but all the other towns in the region that there are also of the thousands upon thousands of refugees from the trail who live within the region and the humanitarian sources. tell us that this is, this has gotten worse, the puter,
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the fighting has been going on and it's only bound to get worse. and then that hole of people to the ton. i don't know how they're going to cut it out, but these people fresh out of their homes. they've seen the amount of, you know, impunity and a tux got to because the neighbors, the musts, a kind of people, particularly in small towns like my country where hundreds of people were beheaded with knives and machetes. so it's highly unlikely that those people of the trucking all the way to saddam would be able to return soon as the government is putting it in australian military has found what it's called credible evidence of multiple war crimes by its soldiers in afghanistan, including the unlawful killing of $39.00 prisoners and civilians. a long way to inquiry says there was a culture of secrecy, deceit, and cover up in the special forces. it's like aig has more from australia's capital can breath nearly 2 decades after the 1st destroy in troops were deployed to
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afghanistan astray as military faced up to some brutal truths, 23 incidents of alleged killing of 39 people in inquiry commission defense force can times what it says is credible evidence of war crimes in afghanistan carried out by the latest rally and special forces soldiers, including initiation executions with junior soldiers were encouraged to kill prisoners and planting weapons on bodies to conceal unlawful behavior. i sincerely and unreservedly apologize for any wrongdoing by australian soldiers. the inquiry says none of the killings took place in the heat of battle. the victims were unarmed and has recommended 19 soldiers. they investigated. the responsibility lies not only with those who pulled the trigger, they respect the laws of these training government,
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successive governments who taken a very short time approach, thinking about what should have been a long term strategy. the report also outlines a culture of secrecy and deceit within a stray special forces. it found no evidence that senior leadership knew of any alleged offenses, but it was a failure of higher command to not correct the toxic culture. well before your investigation. court for a special investigator will be appointed to prepare evidence for any possible war crime prosecutions. a process that will walk the inquiry recommends compensation be paid even before the findings end up in court. a move welcomed by families of victims in afghanistan. also want at the victims to be eventually participating in the legal proceedings and not only in this investigation, but also more importantly in the legal, the legal proceedings. and ultimately little is decision of justice. of all the
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rules. a stray leader has been involved in afghanistan was the longest. these new revelations will no doubt cast a shadow over strongly. his role in the complete gauge, al-jazeera cambra, pakistan's prime minister says his country will work to reduce violence in neighboring afghanistan, following an increase in taliban attacks. iran can made the pledge during his 1st visit to afghanistan since taking office where he met the afghan president. ashraf ghani. peace talks between the taliban and the afghan government began in september . but have since stalled, pakistan is seen as having a key role in the talks with influence over the taliban leadership. e.u. leaders are locked in a budget standoff with 2 of the blocs, eastern european members butting a multi-billion dollar. coronavirus relief package in jeopardy crisis talks are taking place at a virtual summit after both poland and hungary vetoed the budget. earlier this week,
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officials are anxious to approve the 7 year budget, which includes $887000000000.00 in support for its economies to recover from a pandemic. that's fit into about her who's in paris, so it is here trying to resolve this crisis over their budget and coping recovery fund and it's being held up by poland and hungary. what we're going to tell us about why yeah, that's right. e.u. leaders have been hoping to finalize this budget really and get it ready to be up and running its the budget for the next 7 years, including this huge coronavirus, a recovery fund more than 8 $100000000000.00, but it is being held up by poland and hungary who have vetoed it at the last minute . now the reason these 2 countries have done this is they say they do not like the fact that within this budget, there is a plan for a mechanism which would allow the e.u. to withdraw any future funds from any member state. if those member states were
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deemed to violated the so-called rule of law. now what the rule of law is basically the use values and democratic principles. and over the past few years, the right wing governments in both opponents and hungry have been repeatedly criticized by the e.u. who said the, those countries, governments are, are violating the rule of law. they're violating things like freedom of the press. freedom of the judiciary women's rights, and therefore poland and hungary are worried, of course, that they're going to have funds withheld from them. they say this is simply unfair because they use acting against other member states because of political and ideological differences. so they want that mechanism with or the problem is it is holding up this huge coronavirus budget, which is absolutely essential right now as many countries in europe battle this 2nd wave we've heard from the top ph. so saying there's a covert death in europe. every 17 seconds an extremely urgent situation,
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the money is needed to try and help the economies that have been battered. boners, not hungry, are also set to benefit greatly from those funds. but as far as we understand, there is no resolution to this dispute, and we heard from the elise a actually you gave a briefing going into this meeting saying that they don't expect there to be any reason resolution in this particular summit. and another thorny issue on their plate that how is that going? yes, briggs's, of course, are on the agenda for you leaders because the december 31st deadline is looming., that is the end of the transition period. when the u.k., the, you'd hope to have a deal. well, there is no deal yet on the table or anything for the e.u. leaders to be looking at. and what we know now is in the past few hours, in fact the u.k. and euna go sheet is have actually had to suspend their talks because of a covert case in the e.u. use negotiating team. so that's going to delay proceedings even more. there are
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still differences between the 2 sides over fishing rights access to u.k. waters, the so-called level playing field, which is about fair competition and also governance. how do you actually in force, the rules of any future trade deal? so still differences over those which need to be ironed out. we understand that the negotiating teams had hoped to have some form of deal perhaps next week. but with this new delay, it's unclear whether or not that will happen either way from the e.u.'s point of view, time really is running out in more ways than one pea cause they need to have a deal well in advance of that december 31st deadline because needs to be translated into 27 languages, the languages of the member states needs to be pored over for any legal issues and ratified by the e.u. parliament. and as i said, the deadline keeps moving into her butler. thank you very much. the spanish government has opened a 2nd holding facility for refugees and migrants on the canary islands. after the 1st camp there was overwhelmed. the canary islands are part of spain,
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but lie 100 kilometers off the coast of west africa. one of the shortest sea routes to european territory around $200.00, people were transferred from the old facility, which was housing 2 and a half 1000 people, almost 6 times its capacity. but local residents have been protesting against the new campaign, saying the islands can't cope with thousands of arrivals from africa. monday can catch up any time on our website address for that is al-jazeera. dot com. one of the top stories on our 0 election officials in the u.s. state of georgia, a set to announce the outcome of a painstaking manual recount of votes. it's not hard to confirm that joe biden is the 1st democrat to win the state in nearly 30 years. the president trump maintains he has a very clear and viable.


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