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tv   Karibskii uzel  1TV  October 28, 2022 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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and now, when this happens, and this will inevitably happen, when it wakes up, the second i of the west, in fact, more deeply responding, to those normal people like us who live there, he will be horrified by this. he will say, lord my god. yes, it's just a payment for the destruction of us is given. well, then this second self of the west will wake up. this will be our second front. understood, friends, i ask very briefly. okay, unfortunately. i want everyone to speak up all the time with very little questioning. i would say when destruction of cultural layers. we always understand that this is the threshold of some great hostilities, because this is the main claim of one civilization and your culture to another. by the way, as it were, not as correct as our correct one is always a prologue of some kind, it is always a prologue. yes, when starting to ask those who make such claims, what they can ask to give in return, so that it would become a model of culture, well, on the other hand, there is nothing of the kind, because it is also culture. you know, it's a culture that, uh,
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between which there is a border on the belt, there is below the waist, there is culture above the waist, so when the culture below the belt tries to cling to e, let's say to deny the culture that is above the belt, but of course, what wins best is an important thought. that's what always, really, remember, yes , something four hundred and one degrees fahrenheit bradbury yes, nazi practices of burning books and so on. it's always, unfortunately, it's always prologue. although we are already we are already inside this, so to speak, cultural, between, there civilizational war, nevertheless, please, why, but toughly present. wait, confrontation direct. well , as i understand it, now the prologue is going back somewhere to ensure that the real deep west wakes up . unfortunately. i don't quite agree, because this prologue swings the pendulum in a completely different direction. yes, this is a prologue to the emergence of ultra-right nationalist movements in europe that will, in contrast, oppose these ultra-left
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and ideologies. e cosmopolitanism to globalism. well, you know how you want lgbt and so on radicalism european, uh, liberal nationalists and for liberal totalists can only be the same totalitarians, only he is right when the pendulum of the pendulum of the report first in one direction, then only the poet in the other, then there will be some chance that he will normalize and stabilize. unfortunately. soon it will not be a european disease, but a totalitarian disease. this left-wing liberal, it is so deep and so strong that, unfortunately, it will not be possible to uproot it quickly, we need to live somehow, we will live without this europe later, when she comes to her senses. perhaps we will restore cultural political relations with her to a normal level of neighborly goodness. well, by this time there will also be another country, and yesterday, by the way, putin spoke about endless liberalism. remember, he still well
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, anyway, by the way, he quoted very interestingly, we repeat. next week, let's do a part to discuss, uh, and the reaction of the western, so to speak, media and leaders to putin's speech and, in fact, very much, of course. repeat this is a separate genre. surprisingly captivating. remember, he said that infinite, infinite, like permissiveness, freedom gives rise to endless despotism. well, in fact , gevorg said it in other words now, and europe, the most interesting thing for me, so to speak, we all understand what these practices are. they're kind of wild. they're barbaric, they're terrible, they don't fit at all. this is what we used to think of europe in general. well , completely to me, the most interesting thing is how europe itself looks at it, how europe itself, uh, itself feels. here is how she feels herself in these circumstances. it seems to me that this is the most intriguing thing, we will also talk about it. well, just in case, for everyone. now we're leaving for the weekend. after all, for you lovers, small and big lovers of art. i want to share this form with you just in case. so, is there any artist in the world
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who was born in omsk worked in kiev in saratov kazan studied in st. petersburg, you know this is a kiev artist from the point of view, of course, ukraine but also from recently europe is such a paradox thank you all for your attention, see you soon. as a result of almost half a century of confrontation in october 1962, the ussr and the usa found themselves on the brink of nuclear war. this happened after us air reconnaissance discovered the presence of soviet ballistic missiles in cuba, on october 23, soviet and american troops, including nuclear strategic forces, were transferred to a state of high alert.
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development and implementation of the entire operation for the delivery of soviet weapons to the club, including ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads were entrusted to the general staff, the ussr as the head of the operational department, i turned out to be the main developer of this operation, putting pressure on the khrushchev balance of forces. at that time, nuclear forces between the
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united states of america and the soviet union, and this ratio was one to 17 in favor of the americans. the operation was codenamed anadyr the level of secrecy was so high that they did not know even khrushchev's closest aides. i remember that lebedev from the central committee called me and said oleg alexandrovich if you are standing, because what i will tell you now will stun you. well i'm celestial on and he told me that you know the decision was made to place our uh, nuclear-tipped missiles on kupa and i have to say that really i was dumbfounded to ensure secrecy. the loading of missiles, warheads, tanks,
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aircraft, guns and people took place in five ports of the soviet union. during the day, they loaded the ship, mainly agricultural equipment. at night , military cargo in july, the first ships went to cuban ship captains had maps for the entire oceans. they did not know where they were going, let's say from the black sea those that the ships they were walking, they only recognized, when they passed, ibraltar. so they were tasked with opening the package after the passage of gibraltar. they opened in this package the order you should go to the club port designation such and such in order to mislead nato intelligence was announced the beginning of a large-scale ocean
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exercises of the soviet military bridge. by october 13, 85 ships had almost completed the delivery of troops and there were no more than a dozen ships on the way. sky said, that's when everything will be ready in cuba , including a rocket. you will convey to me with such a phrase the harvesting of sugar cane is going well. repeat i repeated the sugar cane harvest is going well. among the orders for the troops in cuba were such that all commanders and rank and file should only be in civilian clothes. rocket
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troops to be 100% ready and in the event of a war by the us imperialists, on a signal from moscow, strike at the most important objects in the territory aggressor. the harvesting of sugar cane, as well as the installation of rockets, were successful. on october 13, 1962, a q2 reconnaissance aircraft took off from edwards air force base in california and headed for cuba . the pilot was supposed to take photographs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cities of san cristo bal and los palacios. in the afternoon of the next day, two returned to base. on the morning of october 15, experts began to decipher the negatives. immediately, traces of work on the
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construction of launch sites for missiles, tractors , tankers and the missiles themselves, covered with camouflage , were discovered. tarpaulin. on the evening of october 15, mcgeorge bande, the president's national security adviser, received the photographs and an accompanying report. but he decided that he would not tell the president this stunning news for the night. it was already morning in moscow. khrushchev woke up early and was in a good mood the day before, intelligence reported that everything was calm in washington. on the evening of october 16, us president john f. kennedy convened a crisis council
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. they have enough power to blow us up here . never before have they thrown advice. such an open challenge should never be airstrike, and we'll sweep those missiles before they're ready to launch. the most real threat will arise only in the case of a military solution to the problem. it is necessary to start negotiations and at the same time blockade. under pressure from kennedy, the decision was made to hit the cube. the date of the strike was also set for saturday 20 october. john f. kennedy's first reaction was to get those missiles out of cuba quickly and without a trace. naturally, using force. you need to understand what he felt these days to him the ussr promised dozens of times through intermediaries that they do n’t even have plans to supply missiles to cuba, makes a statement that the united states will never allow
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russian missiles to appear on the club, and now he has confirmation that khrushchev and company lied to him, until nadi didn't want to be lied to his personal political prestige was at stake, because his statement was the official statement of the country and government. he said american nation. do not worry. i myself will personally check and do everything so that cuba does not become soviet nuclear missile base. and so that his first reaction was the reaction of a bitter , broken and angry person. he just wanted to remove those missiles, and that was it the next day cia director john mccone spoke at the board meeting. the united states should issue an ultimatum to the soviet union, threatening immediate military
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action if the missiles were not dismantled within 24 hours, the best way to resolve the crisis. this is a combination of a hard blockade with a public demand for moscow to remove the missiles. but blockade is a very slow death. it will stretch for many months. i doubt that the ussr will respond to our military strike on cuba by launching missiles. after leaving the meeting, john f. kennedy went to the oval office for a previously scheduled meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of the soviet union andrei gromyko gromyko went to meet the task from khrushchev to probe the americans do they know anything about the operation, anadyr kennedy already had photographs of our missiles on his desk, but did not
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show the coffins. he asked mr. minister. right whether that in cuba posted? offensive weapons offensive weapons he did not directly ask the question that he made my situation easier. of course, i would give a decent answer. if he asked. direct question is there our nuclear missiles in cuba, but i repeat, he did not ask such a question. uh, he uh made a statement. in the sense that, according to the data of the government of the united states of america on cubes, there are offensive weapons that can be used against the united states, i told him in response. in cuba offensive weapons
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completely out of the question. it was a rough lie that blew up kennedy. and by the way, i think it influenced his statement in which he emphasized the secret placement, if the secret can be expected from the soviet anything, even a primitive blow. cuba, well, khrushchev thought in a completely different way. missiles in cuba. this is a signal to the americans about his home. do not attack us so to speak, people are serious. you are attacking us now, which means there will be a nuclear war. just like we attack a nato base somewhere in germany, france or turkey. and here he is
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i hoped that this step would rise, it would not cause any war. meanwhile, in the united states, preparations for a massive attack on cuba and the landing, scheduled for october 20, were in full swing. however, on october 19, disagreements began again in the white house on what to do to strike or still start a blockade and negotiations? opinions divided robert kennedy and others insisted on an immediate strike decided to wait for the analyst's report to the cia cia experts concluded that any us military action would entail a retaliatory nuclear strike of the ussr as a result of the escalation of cuba will disappear from the face of the earth. the soviet union will be
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almost completely destroyed, but before that the soviets will have time to destroy most of the military and economic installations of the united states and approximately 80 million americans. the outcome of all this would be that the ussr would, of course, be much more destroyed than the us it was more perfect. we had better means of delivering these weapons, but at what cost?
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to completely change the entire course of life on earth. such an outcome for the united states was recognized absolutely unacceptable. after this damning report by the cia, the attorney general's brother robert kennedy, who had previously been a strong supporter of the attack on cuba , changed his position dramatically. it was saturday, october 20, that president kennedy was silent. no
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one told khrushchev, it's clear that taina to place nuclear-tipped missile planes and 40,000 soviet soldiers in cuba is absolutely impossible. and it was a miscalculation of the vote, and no one here on our soviet side developed such a model. that the base will be discovered and necessary will have its own script, as it is customary to say now for an answer? at the beginning, khrushchev decided that the missile would be launched immediately in the event of an invasion of cuba. but a few days later, a new order came to cuba to launch the missile only on the personal instructions of nikita sergeevich khrushchev, but was khrushchev ready in the event of an attack on cuba to give the order to launch a nuclear strike on the us yes or no?
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found the strength to show responsibility wisdom. deployment of us jupiter rockets in turkey radically changed the whole balance of power , this was the beginning of the caribbean crisis, in contrast to western history, the agraphs of which are trying to present as the root of the problem of placing our missiles in the kitchen in cuba, we answered that the united states had already done the soviet union from the united states proceeded military security threat. the ussr, many have already withdrawn, realizing how much the world was hanging by a thread, they understood that before the war, not even one step of apollonda. and now we are talking about creating, direct threats to our security right on our borders world on the brink lessons of the caribbean crisis premiere sunday at
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first khrushchev's plans did not include the use of these missiles. he just wanted those missiles to have an effect. it was such diplomacy of force. he wanted to sort of give the americans a political slap in the face to treat the soviet union with the respect that the soviet union deserves on the evening of saturday october 20th after long and nervous discussions, john kennedy asked the council to vote. secretary of state dean rusk minister
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defense secretary robert mcnamara attorney general robert kennedy assistant to the president for national security mac george bundy and the majority of those present voted in favor of the blockade. it was a historic decision john f. kennedy began preparations for a televised address to the nation. over the past two days, it has become completely clear to him that soviet missiles from cuba with an air strike without causing a soviet retaliatory strike are impossible to remove if he reacts forces to a soviet provocation, and he did. october 22 in the kremlin
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for the first time since the beginning of the crisis , there were serious reports of unusual american military activity in the caribbean. and that some very important statement by us president john f. kennedy is expected any minute, khrushchev urgently convened the presidium before the meeting. he suddenly shouted at the minister of defense rodion malinovsky, we do not want to start a war. we just want to keep the us intimidated about cuba, as if khrushchev wanted to be heard and understood. by that side of the ocean. nevertheless, khrushchev sent a telegram to the commander of the soviet troops in cuba, a general from sepliev, in the event of a landing, recommending the use of tactical nuclear
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weapons. but without instructions from moscow, in no case should they use r12 ballistic missiles. at noon on october 22, the americans announced that kennedy was to address the nation with an important message. we knew what it was going to be, we knew they had found the missiles. we were waiting for this and were sure that it would happen. 15:30 we announced the alarm, and 2 hours before the speech itself, we
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declared full combat readiness, the situation became dangerous, everything could happen on october 22. the president of the united states addressed the nation. he told the americans about soviet missiles in cuba and the quarantine to which all ships going to cuba without exception would be subjected. kennedy also openly declared preparations for an invasion of cuba. in the event that the ussr does not immediately withdraw its missile from cuba, that the united states will consider the launch of soviet scuba missiles as an attack by the ussr on the united states, which will naturally entail a retaliatory us attack i urge khrushchev to stop and remove this treacherous provocative and stupid threat to peace and stable relations between our nations. i urge him to abandon his plans to conquer the world. i have no doubt that kennedy was an intelligent man, that he was a prudent and much more noble opponent than his entourage. but he also knew how and what ropes
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to pull. he used this situation very skillfully. he announced publicly that he had been deceived. here he was told that there were missiles in cuba. no, they are there in fact, it means that the task of these missiles is to suddenly attack the united states and he accused the ussr of deception. fidel warned kennedy of possible reactions, but they did not listen to him. by the way, i am sure that kennedy was still scared enough and would not have dared to attack. on the night of october 22-23, khrushchev entered the president's meeting room. red as a cancer and said, comrades, lenin's case died, the president of the penalty presented an ultimatum withdraw the missiles immediately
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for three jokes in a wide that send him was punished? american reaction seemed to khrushchev excessive and absurd. he did not think that cuba for many decades was considered almost a backyard, the usa khrushchev did not take into account the fact that america had already secretly divided the world into two spheres of influence, russians were and one where russians should not be masters. he did not take into account that no one ever in the history of america threatened the security of the territory, the united states especially from the former backyard.
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how could khrushchev do this to me? he and his office are literally locked in a closet for 6 days, go underground. so say they talk there they decide what to do, and at 7:00 pm on october 22, kennedy announces to the whole world that the united states is beginning a blockade of cuba, and the blockade is an act of war. now it's khrushchev's turn to think how this kenadi could do this to me. why didn’t he just call or diplomatic mail didn’t send no instead, khrushchev declared war on me, i didn’t understand. america america
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did not understand khrushchev's distrust and the arms race made the most acute crisis inevitable, the fate of all mankind was at stake. that night, when the presidium of the flight bureau was thinking about what to do in the event of an american attack on cuba on october 23, it was decided that the ussr should respond with a nuclear strike on the united states, but this did not happen that night. in the morning, khrushchev dictated his first letter to kennedy. the letter was blunt and threatening . the blockade is a violation of international norms and soviet ships will ignore the american quarantine, he also accused kennedy of the us
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pushing the world into an abyss. the ussr will be forced to take any measures it deems necessary. let's say america's number one readiness, that is, in missiles were docked warheads the pilots were sitting in the planes the americans did the same thing lifted strategic aircraft into the air. on the night of october 23-24, khrushchev did not go home, but stayed in the kremlin, i was ready for any bad news and wanted to be able to react to them immediately, while khrushchev was sleeping general pliev. in
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cuba, he ordered the soviet troops to be ready to repel an american attack along with cuban troops at any moment. perhaps on the evening of october 24, khrushchev nevertheless made a decision in the event the us attack on cuba, he will respond with a nuclear strike against the united states, this is evidenced, the next at that time at the baikonur cosmodrome were preparing for the first flight of a rocket with an automatic station to mars in the history of mankind. our rocket was at the starting position, we were preparing for launch. at this moment, the command of the test site received an order from moscow to release the launch pad of some kind of mars. when it comes to the outbreak of the third world war and put
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the same rocket on the starting position with a charge of 3.5 m, aimed yes, the united states, the attention of the whole world was riveted to the ocean near cuba . , that is, the usual torpedo topics and then there is one nuclear aircraft carrier only for you. it was the captain of this submarine, not nikita khrushchev, who decided to start a war. when these ships approached the quarantine line, i
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was still a child. i was at school in the classroom set up a tv and we all watched reporter walter limping around moving ships. closer and closer to the quarantine line, and suddenly he said so thoughtfully, it seems to me that the third world war will now begin. then he brought the earpiece to his ear and exclaimed oh god the ships stopped facing each other. right next to the line. the quarantine ships stood, not moving for more than 2 hours, and then god's will, as we then thought, the soviet ships turned around and headed towards the ussr . to be honest, sometimes i think that if khrushchev if he didn’t retreat then we wouldn’t be sitting and talking now. she was taken to moscow like a prisoner, fearing a conspiracy, they didn’t let anyone in at the age of 17, a widow without a house, without money, without a person who can be relied on yesterday. she was a duchess without a dukedom. for many years she
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endured the need for everything, depended on strangers , and today she was offered the imperial crown. yes, they were going to make her a pawn in someone else's game, but the russian princess believed when she returned to her homeland. she can take care of herself. why would it imperia anna ioannovna was not worth the premiere on november 4 at the first, she did not believe her luck. can she really breathe freely now and arrange life at her own discretion, because nadezhda collapsed overnight for your beauty in a mobile application for 649 rubles 190 absolutely everything for your beauty and not only in the application, when there are
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but being checked, as you understand, is not cancelled. more than 420 outpatient cancer care centers throughout the country, free of charge and close to russia's national projects what matters here and now, american strategic aviation was ready for a global strike on cuba. plays general. he ordered the redeployment of soviet nuclear warheads closer to the starting positions. in one of the new jersey command posts decided that the russians had already begun to attack and informed the pentagon that the us should immediately launch missiles, fortunately the officer in the pentagon who received this information simply ignored it. khrushchev, of course, understood that after
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the first shot, diplomacy would go to war yesterday, and the generals were brought up differently. they will defend themselves in cuba with more than 60 tactical nukes bombing cruise missiles and the wrong conversation allowed them to be used. no, your connections are under attack. i'm being bombed. and you know, take everyone bomb. immediately, of course, in this case, they would have used this tactical nuclear weapon. on the night of october 24-25, khrushchev decided that the
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time had come to immediately stop this crazy run towards nuclear war. tomorrow may be too late. khrushchev began to dictate a new letter to kennedy . mr. president, you and i should not pull the rope by two ends now. the stronger we pull it, the stronger this knot of war will be tied. at this time, in cuba, fidel castro arrived at the soviet embassy, ​​he and the ussr ambassador aleksey alekseev sat down at the table, drank beer and said fidel was going to write a telegram to khrushchev, if the us attack on cuba was really carried out, then there would be an opportune moment to think about eliminating such a danger forever. you want to say that we must deliver a preventive strike against the enemy,
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we must get ahead of them and, in the event of aggression against cuba , wipe them off the face of the earth. went to moscow in moscow , khrushchev asked the members of the presidium do you think the americans could attack us today? he received no answer, and he dictated another kennedy's letter we agree to withdraw from cuba everything you consider offensive, but the united states must withdraw its similar weapons from turkey and give guarantees that cuba will not be attacked. reconnaissance aircraft q2 the pilot was killed. upon learning of this, kennedy was shocked.
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he asked several times, as if not believing his ears, two of them were shot down. but this is an escalation. how can all this be explained by khrushchev's night message and beaten? the president was faced with a nightmarish dilemma. there was just a hope that a nuclear catastrophe could be avoided and suddenly. all us policy dictated that he strike back immediately, but kennedy decided against all odds to continue negotiations. he sent his brother robert to meet with the soviet ambassador anatoly dobrynin. the president is under intense pressure to order the start of hostilities, but he understands that a retaliatory strike will be followed by a chain reaction that will be impossible stop. and what about turkey if this is the
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only obstacle, then the president sees no insurmountable difficulties in resolving this issue. having heard this, dobrynin rushed to the soviet embassy to inform moscow on sunday, on the 28th , a meeting of the president of the central committee was convened ; in kennedy's conversation it was said that uh the situation is getting out of control, that there are quite a few people whose hands itch to
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fight, so to speak, with the soviet union, that the president cannot restrain such moods for a long time. and that, therefore, they should receive an answer to the proposal that he made, but receive it on sunday, the 28th, or put no khrushchev and everyone present understood tomorrow on monday the war khrushchev decided not to waste time on ciphering the answer, but to transmit it in clear text via moscow radio. moscow speaking moscow speaking


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