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Poster: MichaelnSF Date: Jan 29, 2007 4:29pm
Forum: sflan Subject: sflan DHCP Server Down?

Hello. I haven't been able to get an IP address from sflan for a couple of weeks. Is the DHCP server down?

When I try to check node status with the SFLan Map link that points to the server, I get a message that woody is down. I read somewhere in an old post that woody is/was the DHCP server for sflan.

Could someone check on the DHCP server please?
And thank you to the volunteers who keep sflan running.

Reply [edit]

Poster: Ralf Muehlen Date: Jan 30, 2007 8:22am
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: sflan DHCP Server Down?

We upgraded woody to new hardware, which keeps flaking out. Till we have that fixed, we deployed a substitute DHCP server running.
This post was modified by Ralf Muehlen on 2007-01-30 16:22:01