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Poster: steffenyount Date: Oct 27, 2003 1:50pm
Forum: sflan Subject: problems with WET54g bridges

Hello again,

So, I recently bought a linksys WET54g and I have been experiencing frequent failures with the device.

I believe that my problems are heat related, becasue the box becomes unresponsive and the power light turns yellow after:
a) the box being exposed to direct sunlight on a hot day and/or
b) heavy use of the settings webUI pages

I have found that cooling the box in my freezer for a few minutes resurects it for a time, but I want to know: is this behavior normal for WET54g's?

Have any of you heard of or seen problems like mine with WET54g devices?

Is my box just a lemon?

Should I return it for a refund or get it replaced?

FWIW: I called up the Linksys tech support line, and they told me that they hadn't heard of any people with overheating problems like mine...

Kind Regards,

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Poster: googlegoogle Date: Oct 27, 2003 4:17pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: problems with WET54g bridges

I had similar problems with a WET11 bridge. It all began one particularly humid and hot day. After that point the device used to fail after every few minutes of use. I tried cooling it by directing a fan at it, but it just failed every few minutes after unpluging it and pluging it back in. Mine was under warranty (as your WET54g should be, it hasn't been out long enough for it to possibly be out of warranty). I sent it back and they sent me another one (I guess, I didn't write down the MAC or serial before sending it off, so I don't know if it's a replacement or my original fixed. (But that's irrelevant to this...) Works fine ever since. It doesn't matter that they haven't heard of the problem before, if it isn't working properly they will take it back and fix or replace it. Luckily for me I just used it to connect my laptop downstairs to the router upstairs and I also had a PC Card to fall back to (however it frequently had reception problems in my metal-ducted furnace heated house...). Good luck to you. One other interesting(ish) anecdote is that I have a habit of disassembling my electronic equipment and having a peak inside. Of course, this usually messes up the warranty seal. (I don't bother trying to conceal my entry to _my_ property.) However, my WET11 was probably the only device in a while that I hadn't opened up. So my warranty seal was still intact. Quite lucky...

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Poster: googlegoogle Date: Oct 27, 2003 4:27pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: problems with WET54g bridges

Oh, and further to your questions. (I didn't really answer any of them.) I would suspect your particular box just had the problem. My new WET11 has been working fine ever since. I would suggest getting a warranty return. (If you've had it less than the usual 30 days - depending on where you bought it - it's probably simpler to return it to the store and get a replacement or refund - hopefully you've bought it at a reasonablly reputable retailer with a good return policy.) If you return it to linksys you have to pay to ship it to them, and wait for that, then wait for them to ship it back. The other options are express shipping and cross shipping, which is even more expensive. They ship you a replacement while you ship them the dud at the same time. Fastest method, but most expensive. That's been my only complaint about the linksys warranty process, having to pay to ship it to Irvine, California. (Which is quite distant from my location on the opposite corner of the continent...) Hope this finally helps.

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Poster: steffenyount Date: Oct 29, 2003 1:46am
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: problems with WET54g bridges

Thanks for the advice...

I returned the WET54g and got a WET11 instead (about 1/2 the cost)...
