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Poster: steffenyount Date: Oct 21, 2003 9:50am
Forum: sflan Subject: How much does a node cost and what do I get for it?


I've recently moved to SF and I'm not really interested in getting broadband internet access thru DSL or Cable since they require a phone line or cable TV hookup.

How much does it typically cost to get setup to use the sflan? How much would it probably cost me?

How much electricity does a typical node use?

Does access to the sflan get me broadband speed (or faster) access to the internet?

My place is on top of Potrero Hill with a lovely view towards the west. Address: ~ 847 rhode island St. in San Francisco. Will my location give me good access to the sflan?

FYI: If going thru the sflan makes sense for me, I still would need to talk to my landlord about mounting an antenna and getting roof top access.

-Thanks in advance

Reply [edit]

Poster: mpeterson Date: Oct 21, 2003 4:37pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: How much does a node cost and what do I get for it?

Actually, BARWN has a node @ 692 DeHaro Street. Have you NetStumbled/etc to see what's already available in the hood?

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Poster: steffenyount Date: Oct 21, 2003 4:58pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: How much does a node cost and what do I get for it?

nope I haven't tried that net stumbling thang yet...

I fear that there is hill blocking my place from 692 DeHaro St, but tomorrow evening I'll try to check it out using netstumbler and a win2k laptop with a built in 802.11b NIC

Do you know where I can find out more info about the settings I'd need for using that BARWN node?


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Poster: steffenyount Date: Oct 24, 2003 2:54am
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: How much does a node cost and what do I get for it?

NetStumbler is way cool!!! I found at least 4 open wireless networks advertising DHCP and internet gateways. One even does +630kbps internet uploads. Thanks for the tip!!!

Is it illegal to use these networks without the owner's permission?

Unfortunately, the BARWN node @ 692 DeHaro Street is not reachable using my laptop from my house, though I did detected it while driving by DeHaro street.

Has anyone developed the technology to do IP load balancing accross multiple wireless<-->dsl<-->internet links?

Otherwise, I was thinking it may be an interesting project for me to try to build a load balancing, multiple wireless, linux/zebra, gateway router.

Do sflan nodes already do this kind of routing?

Thanks for your answers,

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Poster: my13 Date: Oct 24, 2003 3:47am
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: How much does a node cost and what do I get for it?

Let's just say the ice is a little thin if you're using 802.11b networks without the owner's permission.

In any event, if you can associate with any node with an essid matching sflan*, you're welcome to use it. I'd be particularly interested to see if you can see sflan7_0 from your roof.


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Poster: steffenyount Date: Oct 24, 2003 3:53am
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: How much does a node cost and what do I get for it?

Once I find my charger, I plan to charge my digi-cam battery, compile some panoramic pictures from my roof and post them on the web.

I haven't looked twards sflan_7 from my roof top but I think there may be some houses in the way.

I do believe that I have a satisfactory view twards the west of sflan_11 and Bernal Heights.

The pictures will probably tell you more....
