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Poster: Brad Leblanc Date: Nov 27, 2006 9:33am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: why OGG ?

Ogg is not lossless, it's an open source alternative to MP3.

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Poster: kwaved Date: Nov 27, 2006 12:25pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: why OGG ?

Dooh ! Now it makes more sense ... why 2 MP3 encodings?

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Poster: Itchin Date: Nov 27, 2006 12:59pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: why OGG ?

low bitrate MP3 for streaming, higher bitrate for better quality MP3 downloads.

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Poster: Tyler Date: Nov 27, 2006 4:42pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: why OGG ?

for some people on dialup (Hard to believe they still exist, but they are still there in the double didget percentages) low bitrate streaming is the only way they can listen to an uninterupted stream ... for most cable internet users, the VBR is fine and sounds a lot better (rightfully so).

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Poster: kwaved Date: Nov 27, 2006 6:16pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: why OGG ?

So LMA is providing the low-def MP3 derivations for the ever decreasing percentage of humanity that uses dialup? That seems like a lot of effort, and certainly measurable harddrive space, for not much payoff, don't you think?

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Poster: greenone Date: Nov 27, 2006 7:03pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: why OGG ?

Disk space is not a problem from what I've read elsewhere. The LMA takes up a drop in the bucket space-wise compared to stuff like the Moving Images archive. Bandwidth is at a bit more of a premium, and (just speculating here) having the 64k streams and mp3's available may make it easier for more stuff to be sampled at lower bandwidth, which frees up more space for heavier downloads.

It's also more about the Internet Archive's mission: "universal access to human knowledge". Keep in mind that the LMA is also a small fraction of what's available at the Archive, and while those of us who enjoy broadband might appear to be in the majority, worldwide that's not necessarily the case. :)

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Poster: xtifr Date: Nov 28, 2006 5:54pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: why OGG ?

What I'd like to see is the VBR MP3s removed. You're absolutely right that the low-bandwidth MP3s will continue to be useful for the foreseeable future, since the world is a little bigger than just the US. But the VBR MP3s make no sense at all. Anyone who has the bandwidth to stream those also has the bandwidth to get Ogg support (assuming they don't already have it, which many people do and don't realize). The Oggs are slightly smaller and higher quality than the VBR MP3s.

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Poster: gmcgill Date: Nov 28, 2006 7:17pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: why OGG ?

But there are only a limited number of OGG portable players while mp3 players are ubiquitious. I personally download the flac/shn files AND the vbr mp3. The flacs I play on my home setup and the vbr's I use directly in my IPOD. Of course I can create vbr mp3's from the FLAC files, but this saves me several steps (given that most of the mp3 files already have the song names etc. filled in--in fact, I use foobar2000 to create the FLAC tags automatically from the MP3 file tags, saving even more steps). And I like the fact that the vbr mp3's are created with a good quality encoder (LAME).