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Poster: Brad Leblanc Date: Oct 7, 2006 7:07am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: incomplete files

With the old set-up here you would get a "MD5 verification failed" message. This is what happens in the new system too, although for a period of time we were unable to implement that. It will do this right now. To get the system to run your MD5's, you can hit the "derive" button in item manager. Regardless of whether you allowed lossy files or not, it will run the included MD5 and give you the results in the task history. Let me know if you need clarification on any of this Jesse.
This post was modified by Brad Leblanc on 2006-10-07 14:07:29

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Poster: JHurlbs81 Date: Oct 7, 2006 12:03pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: incomplete files

Thanks Brad. Very helpful as always.


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Poster: JHurlbs81 Date: Oct 10, 2006 6:16am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: incomplete files

I guess the one remaining question I have is this: Is there a way to run the MD5 in SmartFTP. Basically, I'd like to know if my filesets are complete before the item goes live. It was nice to get the email telling me there were errors, but why then is the show available for download? Shouldn't the MD5 failure prevent that. It kills me to find out there is an error after hundreds of people have already downloaded.

Thanks is advance,

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Poster: greenone Date: Oct 10, 2006 7:26am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: incomplete files

There's no way that I'm aware of to run the md5 remotely, but that's the absolute first thing that the system does when you check in a fileset, so you should get the failure email immediately if there is one. If there is a failure, it also prevents derivatives from being made, so the only erroneous file up there would be the lossless one you uploaded (rather than having to clear out some bogus mp3/ogg files).

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Poster: JHurlbs81 Date: Oct 11, 2006 3:53pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: incomplete files

why does it let the show go public with MD5 errors? The old system didn't do that..?


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Poster: greenone Date: Oct 12, 2006 10:52am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: incomplete files

why does it let the show go public with MD5 errors? The old system didn't do that..?

I think it's because the old system handled contributions manually, with the files having to copy from the upload server to their final destination, so there was much more possibility for failures or problems, what with all the movement.

The derivations still hang and the users are still alerted, and the admins are still able to freeze shows that they see fail the md5 for longer than a day or two, but each system has its pros and cons.