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Poster: Kimo C Date: Nov 15, 2005 2:18pm
Forum: sflan Subject: SF Techconnect The FIX IS IN

Folks, the Fix-IS-IN for Wifi in SF unless you take a moment below.

We aren't against WIFI we just think maybe it might be good to see what is being considered and to provide suggestions to real people. Not just emails sent off to a generic email address that some low level analyst reads, maybe.

Do you care about your online anonymity?
Your Financial Privacy?
Are you concerned about being tracked all the time by your WIFI connection?
If you drop your land internet connection to save money do you expect WIFI to work better than cable does?
Do you want WIFI to work on BART or MUNI?
Do you want WIFI to work after the Earthquake Disaster?
Do you want WIFI to work well enough to get rid of your land line? cell phone? Cable TV?
Do you think that Nonprofits should get help to get online?
Do you think that this might help with the Digital Divide?
Do you want local advertising dollars in Newspapers for display ads and Yellow Pages to go to a Search Engine?
Do you want a default search engine that promotes local and unique businesses rather than Big Box retailers on the top listings?
Do you want to make sure that if you start using all these free features that you aren’t later charged for them?
Do you think the city could save a bundle of money standardizing on WIFI for communication rather than all the incompatible special public safety radio networks that make vendors rich?

If so, please leave a voicemail message with John Avalos, 554-7969 and send him an email at

Please do this as soon as you get this: leave the voicemail and send the email 24/7. This is time sensitive. Please CC me

If we don’t have hearings before the end of November! the RFP will be written and released – at that point it will be almost impossible to change.

He is with Supervisor Chris Daly's office, they are almost convinced to take up this fight but they are scared because it sounds Techie to them rather than realizing the Public Policy issues at hand.

Let John know your name, phone and email and importantly your organization if you represent one.

Let John know you are upset about the secrecy regarding Techconnect Wifi and think the Public should be able to help shape the RFP before it is released. San Francisco is the only city in the Nation rolling wifi infrastructure with no public hearings.

Also please do the same for:

Boris Delepine Aide to Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi
(415) 554-6758 please CC

Ask Boris for the special LAFCO meeting BEFORE the RFP is created. And again, your name, phone, email and organization if you represent one.

*And* , Aide to Ammiano 554-5144

When the Public Hearings are setup we will arrange for Live wifi, Live video and audio streaming, Live blogging and Live chartroom.

We are also going to see if we can do proxy public comment for people who can't attend.

If you represent an organization, please request that they send this out to their membership ASAP.

Real-time Blog INFO:

SF Bay Guardian Lead Editorial on the Secrecy:

SF Bay Guardian Feature story on the Secrecy:

Another Important Source of SF Wireless issues (Media Alliance):