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Poster: Ralf Muehlen Date: May 31, 2005 2:27am
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: Bernal Heights and vicinity

The antenna site on top of Bernal Heights is owned by American Tower Corporation. Their business is to lease tower access for money, so they won't give us access for free.

So far, the best way to expand SFLan has been to find private homes willing to host a node. Our longest link is 22km, but we prefer to keep distances shorter (less than 5km).

One option to get around Bernal Heights might be to shoot from sflan47 to the houses on the north flank of San Bruno Mountains, and relay from there.

If you find sites willing to host an SFLan node, please e-mail me, and I'll come out for a site survey.

With regard to meetings, there used to be regular meetings of BAWUG, but they haven't happened for a couple of months. If more people are interested, we could have SFLan-specific meetings...