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Poster: ARossi Date: Jun 8, 2010 3:21pm
Forum: forums Subject: Please call your Senator, help save jobs

Dear Citizens,

IMG_0134-1.JPGI am asking you to call your United States Senator at (202) 224-3121 after you read this email. Please ask him/her to vote to PASS Bill S4213, the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010.

Bill S4213 is pending in the US Senate having already passed the US House of Representatives. When the (202) 224-3121, the operator answers, you will need to give your state and ask for your Senator. Please call your Senator now.

Why should you do this?
Bill S4213 would secure the jobs of over 125 parents at the Internet Archive for another year, and many others all over the country. We have employed these citizens to help digitize books and microfilm to rebuild the library system. We have been able to employ these parents based on this year's federal subsidy.

Previously approved but unspent monies will end September 30, 2010 unless this bill is passed putting our jobs, and jobs all over the country, in jeopardy.

As of April 1, 2010, only 24.1% has been spent in California according to

Why am I sending this 'call to action' out?
I head up the Books Program at the Internet Archive, a 501(c)3 non-profit, where we digitize books for free public access. We have been able to put 125 unemployed and underemployed parents people back to work helping us build a free on-line public library. Because of the work of these people and the rest of our team, we have in the last year put 250,000 books up online for all Americans to use, to improve their skills, their knowledge and their competitiveness. If this program is extended, we can put another 300,000 to 500,000 items up on line, free for all. Passing bill S4213 will allow us to keep 125 people working and they can help put hundreds of thousands of items online for all Americans.

What else can you do to help?
Please forward this email to friends in your state and other states. This bill will impact Americans in all states.


Robert Miller

Director of Books
Internet Archive
415 640 1092

Reply [edit]

Poster: Detective John Carter of Mars Date: Jun 14, 2010 4:23pm
Forum: forums Subject: Re: Please call your Senator, help save jobs

This post was modified by Detective John Carter of Mars on 2010-06-14 23:23:50

Reply [edit]

Poster: Detective John Carter of Mars Date: Jul 22, 2010 6:03pm
Forum: forums Subject: Re: Please call your Senator, help save jobs

edit: signed
This post was modified by Detective John Carter of Mars on 2010-07-23 01:03:37

Reply [edit]

Poster: Detective John Carter of Mars Date: Sep 26, 2010 5:20am
Forum: forums Subject: Re: Please call your Senator, help save jobs

@signed but with the jobs part left out now,8599,2020783,00.html
This post was modified by Detective John Carter of Mars on 2010-09-26 12:20:29