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Poster: ARossi Date: Jan 5, 2010 11:38pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Please help doll up the Band Pages!

Hi Monte,

You have rights to make changes to any item you uploaded automatically, but to be able to modify a collection page an archive admin has to grant you those privileges manually.

I just did that, so the next time you log out and then log back in, you should see an "Edit item" link up near your name in the header (top right corner).


Alexis - IA

Reply [edit]

Poster: dead-head_Monte Date: Jan 7, 2010 9:58am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Please help doll up the Band Pages!

Thanks. I'm here to help. But that didn't work for me. I still do not have "edit item" available on the Arabesque details page. I have to figure out something for a logo that works, and create a usable image in the first place, anyway.

However, I've looked at the entire list of bands on the LMA listing. I see what you guys are talking about. I think I found something that works well for the Arabesque band. Now I can create the 160px wide image. And then I'll lay out an upgraded HTML presentation for the SBD items.

Reply [edit]

Poster: ARossi Date: Jan 7, 2010 11:49am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Please help doll up the Band Pages!


Hmm. I did make the permissions change, so let's figure out what's up. Usually people either can't find the edit link (screenshot is attached with it circled) OR they didn't log out of the site, and then log back in (necessary for privs to take effect). Do either of those suggestions help?


Attachment: edit_collection_link.jpg

Reply [edit]

Poster: dead-head_Monte Date: Jan 7, 2010 6:18pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Please help doll up the Band Pages!

Your attached pic is correct, but I don't get that on my end. Yesterday, I tried logging in and out numerous times -- over several hours. No good. I tried using Internet Exploder, Opera, and Firefox. In Firefox's case (my main browser), I even deleted my cookies, temps, history... everything. I just tried those 3 browser again... just now. No good. Some people misspell my name, and some people get first/last backwards.

new Arabesque logo for you
both items are upgraded

arbsq80-07-xx.sbd thank you largely eTree and Internet Archive -- peace from Monte --

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Poster: ARossi Date: Jan 8, 2010 6:00pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Please help doll up the Band Pages!

Ah ha! It's a bug. You DO have permissions, but for some reason the Edit link isn't showing up. But you can still edit the collection by replacing /details/ in the collection page url with /edit/. So

Give it a try and let me know if you see any problems.

Alexis - IA

Reply [edit]

Poster: dead-head_Monte Date: Jan 9, 2010 8:41am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Please help doll up the Band Pages!

Your link is the direct path to the edit item page for this collection. Access should have been granted from the Details page. But nothing has changed. The IA host is still denying access to the MetaData Editor. The problem is still there. Thanks for trying. Here's my screen view, returned from IA host. And another quick question for you: How do I change my password?

Reply [edit]

Poster: ARossi Date: Jan 7, 2010 7:48pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Please help doll up the Band Pages!


Yeah, I don't know what's going on with the permissions. Everything looks right on my end, so I'm a bit mystified. If we get it figured out, I'll definitely let you know!

I went ahead and put your logo up on the band page. The band browse page only updates once every 24 hours, so it'll be a little while before that shows up.

Thanks for all the help!
