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Poster: Brak Date: Dec 26, 2004 10:04pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: Lose admin web interface in dhcp bridge config - Senao CB3

Dumb question. Do you need to be able to access the bridge over it's IP interface while you are not on a box that's downstream of the ethernet interface of the bridge?

If all you want to ensure is access via the 80 foot cable, perhaps you can simply assign the bridge's ethernet interface a private IP that you are able to presumably reach via one of the boxes on your local network. Not sure if this is acceptable. I assume it is agnostic about it's static IP address being logically located on the subnet which it is bridging.

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Poster: Greg Forrest Date: Dec 27, 2004 3:36am
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: Lose admin web interface in dhcp bridge config - Senao CB3

No. Once it is setup and on the tower, I would not need access it on the wireless side. Static IP: Excellent idea. Can one set the wireless side of the bridge to a static IP - in the range assigned by sflan22's DHCP server, and be assured their DHCP server will not reassign that IP address to another user employing DHCP? Maybe this is what you are suggesting. I don't recall if I tried this. But I just attempted this with my access point and it works. Greg
This post was modified by Greg Forrest on 2004-12-27 11:36:39

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Poster: Brak Date: Dec 27, 2004 12:27pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: Lose admin web interface in dhcp bridge config - Senao CB3

Actually, no, that's not exactly what I was suggesting. However, you bring up an important point. I was thinking of you assigning a static IP in the RFC 1918 (private) range to your bridge.

The IP address assigned to the bridge should have nothing to do with the subnet that the bridge is bridging. The DHCP request from your client computers would traverse the bridge and head into SFLAN no matter the IP of the bridge itself.... As far as the Senao is concerned, it is simply passing packets back and forth between the wireless and wired link.

All you would need to ensure is that a host on the wired side can reach the private address on your bridge.

I would advise that you not assign an IP from SFLAN statically to any device, whether client or bridge. While it may theoretically work, it isn't really a good thing to do.

Try doing it with a private IP.

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Poster: Greg Forrest Date: Dec 27, 2004 3:04pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: Lose admin web interface in dhcp bridge config - Senao CB3

Your explanation helped. I configured the bridge for static on a private IP, and set the Ethernet client devices for DHCP (IP and subnet mask) and they were assigned an appropriate IP address. In the case of sflan, I suspect the address assigned would be a routable one.

When setting the bridge for static, it appears that the gateway setting is ignored as the one I gave it was known worng, and it did not care (it knows its wireless interface *is* the gateway?).

Not sure why my earlier conclusion was different. I will try and connect to sflan22 when the weather clears. This will allow me to fine tune things for good throughput.

Now - if I could only get a directional antenna installed at sflan22 towards me....!

Thanks for your time.

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Poster: Greg Forrest Date: Dec 28, 2004 10:28am
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: Lose admin web interface in dhcp bridge config - Senao CB3

Final update:

The above configuration worked fine, although it is a nuisence to go back and forth between static and dynamic on the Ethernet side while fine tuning things on the bridge (RTS/CTS, etc).

However, the reason the static bridge setting did not work last time was that I did not assert the "Clone MAC" setting in the bridge - this sets the bridge's MAC to that of the PC on Ethernet. When this is not set, the PC's client DHCP did not functions with sflan22.
