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Poster: Matt Sweeney136 Date: May 10, 2024 10:55am
Forum: general Subject: Re: Inappropriate username and behaviour in reviews

"Where's your proof that I would stoop so low in the manner you just described?! Oh, wait..."

Wait for what? For me to explain that you clearly and completely missed my point, which was that of all the awful things being posted to IA, THIS is the kind of thing that upsets you?

The key phrase in my original post was "...objecting to..." Check it out.

Having said that--YES, Jeff Kaplan--I hear you, and will stop replying to ridiculous posts here. I should have realized that the common wisdom against reading any online comments holds true on IA as well. Because obviously, this way madness lies.

I'm not sure exactly what kind of person would consider it a "Win" that this dipshit's silly comments have been deleted, though.

Personally, I would have focused more attention on all the racist, fascist, misogynist content that the site is drowning in. I guess making a bad joke is objectionable, but advocating for violence and genocide is free speech. And YES, Bringer of Preservation--I know that load is not yours alone to carry.

But I think your comment says more about you than it does about IA.

PS: Still waiting for someone to explain *exactly* how this sort of thing is harmful and *exactly* who suffers from it.

I'll be over here, holding my breath waiting...
This post was modified by Matt Sweeney136 on 2024-05-10 17:20:42
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This post was modified by Matt Sweeney136 on 2024-05-10 17:55:07