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Poster: botewer684 Date: Apr 7, 2024 12:17am
Forum: general Subject: Re: When the 'failed to fetch' error appears, does this error come from the 'wayback machine' page or from the destination web page?

The "failed to fetch" error typically originates from the destination web page rather than the Wayback Machine page. This error indicates that the browser or application attempting to access the webpage couldn't retrieve the requested content from the server. It's likely caused by issues with the server hosting the page or network connectivity problems. If you encounter this error while trying " Trulicity UK " it suggests that there may be temporary technical difficulties with the website or server.

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Poster: helpdesk_Support Date: Apr 7, 2024 6:59am
Forum: general Subject: Re: When the 'failed to fetch' error appears, does this error come from the 'wayback machine' page or from the destination web page?

There seems to be some confusion between two distinct errors. However, when it comes to an error from the destination page, there are four potential scenarios, outlined as follows:

The first possibility is that the snapshot is successfully completed, and it will be displayed in blue. The second option is encountering a 3XX redirection while attempting to access the destination page, which will be indicated in green. The third scenario involves a 400 or 4XX webpage error, highlighted in orange. Lastly, an error originating from the server hosting the destination page, whether it's a 500 or 5XX error, will be marked in red. The snapshot will be captured, and the information will be archived.

Please look at the attached files.

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However, the 'failed to fetch' error occurs when the Wayback Machine attempts to retrieve a snapshot but encounters an internal issue, such as missing files, difficulty locating the file, database problems, among other factors involved in reconstructing the snapshot. Something has gone wrong, resulting in the 'failed to fetch' error.

Attachment: error.PNG