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Poster: Nomed70 Date: Jan 16, 2024 3:45am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: well I defilter

I use photo-manipulation software almost daily.
Many of these modern programs have a 'filter' function which will group sections of an image based on the color of the pixels.
If the pixel strength is below a certain parameter it will be grouped with a nearby group.
Look to Mr Hendrix's right hand fingers for a clue to the time difference between the two images.
More than likely the left hand moved below the stage light and created a shadow causing the darker image and the resulting higher contrast.

In pre-digital printing, film type and developer timing could be used to create the same effect as software but with often less skillful results.
In the case of the Mr Hendrix images the "glove" looks to be due to either a poor acid resist etch time or heavy handed contrast lighting.

(Ask me about more information of half-tone rotogravure engraving of the 1960's for a guaranteed sleep aid.)