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Poster: Nomed70 Date: Oct 28, 2023 4:32pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Don't go now! I called the pizza dude.

I've noticed the drop too. But the doorbell has not rung yet.

Right now, someone, somewhere, is clicking on a show for the first time. One day they'll notice the collection has a Forum and post a critique. Then the most amazing thing will happen.

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Poster: Dudley Dead Date: Nov 1, 2023 10:47am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Don't go now! I called the pizza dude.

There still are new transfers being posted, and the continual flood of CD releases, but it seems everyone is all talked out . As been going on for years, and we been noticing it for years . I toss stuff out, but when you don't get much , or comment, it's sort of quiets the conversation . I find I don't respond to things I might have before myself . The sense of ennui pervades here . I’m still listening ! One of the reasons I'm so slow with these multiple posts, the 1969 thing for instance, is that I don't want to turn the forum into the Dudley Dead blog ! I knew we had problems when, in my 1969 go through, at first, I would try to cover the the dead shows from a particular month . But I would get no response, even negative . I thought fans of the old psychedelic Dead might show up with some comments . Oh well m still going through shows , still love the music .

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Poster: Jim F Date: Nov 1, 2023 4:02pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Don't go now! I called the pizza dude.

I still check the forum prerry much every work day (been here since around 2005). On my down time I peruse Deadlists and the LMA to plan out the shows I want to listen to over the next week or so and always find myself checking the forum. For the last 4 years I've been systematically working my way through tours and eras, I would personally love to see discussions about that sort of thing, but I also think we've all heard these tapes dozens of times and have said about as much as we can about them. I guess we'll have to wait for another offshoot project with a controversial choice of guitar player to see some action here.

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Poster: SomeDarkHollow Date: Nov 1, 2023 12:25pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Don't go now! I called the pizza dude.

Then the most amazing thing will happen...

WT's colostomy bag ruptures?

Sorry, I just gotta be me.

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Poster: user unknown Date: Oct 28, 2023 6:26pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Don't go now! I called the pizza dude.

Like Willie said, "And tomorrow starts the same old thing again."
Traffic here does seem to pick up around the holidays so with several upcoming, maybe some of the OG "Llama Farmers" will be checking in.