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Poster: Nomed70 Date: Apr 2, 2023 4:47am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Mr Kaplan - Thanks for sharing

As you may know, this and many other posts are full of "spam" or dangerous links. Someone who is not a regular Internet Archive user may click them and go to an unpleasant site. I do not know of a way to code to automatically remove such items but if the phrase "Thanks for sharing" caused an immediate warning on the post it might reduce the danger.

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Poster: worldrambler Date: Apr 2, 2023 3:41pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Mr Kaplan - Thanks for sharing

Another strategy might be to add offensive links to an automated blacklist which alters the URL slightly if it is ever reposted, thus making the link useless. For example:

Notice I changed the URL only slightly which is not too easily noticed but the link will now lead users nowhere. Many spammers will run bots to repost the same link if they detect their post has been removed but probably won't check too closely too see if their link was altered and neutralized. Spammers can use a script to change many elements of their post to defeat spam filters but they will still need to rely on posting a URL with a specific domain name and TLD which won't change, or they might have just a small pool of URLs to work with. Things get a bit trickier if the link is a bare IP address but I've yet to see spammers do that.

Hope this helps.

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Poster: Nomed70 Date: Apr 3, 2023 3:34am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Mr Kaplan - Thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing worldrambler. OOPS!

I bet the IA is still too busy with other chores at the moment. The recent court issue and the the possibly related machine attacks would keep me busy for a while.

And "bare IP address"? I haven't heard that in a long time. Were you brought up on a ladder logic circuit?