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Poster: rkumar Date: Dec 4, 2008 6:48pm
Forum: texts Subject: Re: Flip Book Format

I updated the documentation with a "How the Book Reader Works" section that talks about the images that the new flip book uses.

The flipbooks aren't created from the pdfs but from a stack of cropped and deskewed images. This image stack is used to create the flipbook, the pdf, and djvu file.

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Poster: rkumar Date: Dec 4, 2008 10:53pm
Forum: texts Subject: Re: Flip Book Format

Also, to convert existing pdfs into a stack of images for use with the flip book, you can use ImageMagick or GhostScript.

You can use the ImageMagick 'convert' command to do this:

convert input.pdf page%03d.jpg

You can learn more about ImageMagick at