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Poster: steffenyount Date: Sep 9, 2004 6:21pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Is sflan's ISP blocking Port 25 Relays?

Is sflan's ISP blocking Port 25 Relays?

Newly, my sendmail started having trouble sending out my mail. It seems that I can reach port 25 within the sflan IPs, but that I cannot connect to any port 25 out on the Internet.

My traceroute is showing a path through "" instead of the more familiar "" and "traceroute -p25" doesn't seem to make it past the last named server of "". (Did the sflan ISP change?)

Also, nmap seems to think that port 25 on the following external smtp servers are filered:

Any suggestions?


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Poster: steffenyount Date: Sep 16, 2004 7:29pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: Is sflan's ISP blocking Port 25 Relays?

Has anyone else been able to connect to an outside mail sever using port 25 from SFLAN recently?

Do I need to be using some special SFLAN mail relay or something?

Anyone? Please?

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Poster: Ralf Muehlen Date: Sep 20, 2004 5:26pm
Forum: sflan Subject: Re: Is sflan's ISP blocking Port 25 Relays?

Port 25 is rate-limited to prevent drive-by spamming.

I'll address your particalur situation in a e-mail.
