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Poster: Mericomp Date: May 12, 2004 8:51am
Forum: petabox Subject: Re: Supplier for the 1u racks?

Meridian Computer Systems,1584 Meridian Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 - Sam Mortazavi - - Tel. 866-238-2265

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Poster: Kz Date: May 19, 2004 3:02am
Forum: petabox Subject: Re: Supplier for the 1u racks?

I think the original poster was asking for the 1u rackmount _cases_
I'm deploying a similar system (not as big, should start with 10TB), and of course i'm using VIA mini-Itx mainboards; but it's so hard to find 1u cases with 4 drive bays. In the end, i've settled for a nice 3bay case from (but i see they now have a 5bay case for mini-ITX...)

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Poster: Jeff Anderson-Lee Date: May 20, 2004 6:01am
Forum: petabox Subject: Re: Supplier for the 1u racks?

At UC Berkeley we are also working on a large storage system and having trouble with 1U cases. Short of having a custom case designed (which we are considering) we are looking at the RM1012 from Synergy Global Inc, which is an inexpensive case for 3x 3.5 plus 1x 5.25. With a set of rails you can install 4x 3.5 disks. It's a bit long, but can convert to center-mount and has room for one PCI card (with ribbon cable riser) if you want to experiment with 1000bT instead of just 100bT (as we do). [No ties to the company other than we bought one case so far.] Followup: This case has a soft power switch but no reset button.
This post was modified by Jeff Anderson-Lee on 2004-05-20 13:01:58