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Poster: JTW Date: May 11, 2004 4:35pm
Forum: petabox Subject: How is this filesystem seen?

Just a couple of questions...

Is this a sort of SAN / Clustered File-system?
How is the file system seen on the Network or Mounted?
Are they drive-arrays RAID 1/0, 5 or JBOD?
Are the drives hot swappable?

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Poster: bgb Date: May 12, 2004 9:07am
Forum: petabox Subject: Re: How is this filesystem seen?

Is this a sort of SAN / Clustered File-system? No.

How is the file system seen on the Network or Mounted?
via the open source Alexa utilities and custom applications for the Wayback machine and the Recall search.

Are they drive-arrays RAID 1/0, 5 or JBOD?

Are the drives hot swappable?

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Poster: Mahmut Kursun Date: May 15, 2004 10:17pm
Forum: petabox Subject: Re: How is this filesystem seen?


I can´t find any information on the "open source Alexa utilities".

Is there any URL to them?

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Poster: dunno Date: May 5, 2005 2:17pm
Forum: petabox Subject: Re: How is this filesystem seen?

this provides a bit of information that's closely related to the alexa file system mystery