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Poster: tracey pooh Date: Nov 21, 2018 12:48pm
Forum: forums Subject: Re: FTP is down for 2 weeks

totally agreed.

I've moved a bit in the .org (a ton over the years, actually - but am still
100% tech/coder/geek) so it wouldn't be for me to prioritize and do.

But the teams here _are_ at least quite aware the http uploader/editor needs a massive amount of rework and modernization -- the underlying tech is probably easily 8y+ old as its primary basis for the editor -- and 5y+ for the "new" http uploader.

It will take them some time to sort out and do...
I'll try to keep FTP going long as we can...

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Poster: BNRToast Date: Nov 23, 2018 5:06am
Forum: forums Subject: Re: FTP is down for 2 weeks

Hi Tracey and thanks.

We don't see your name in the postings as often anymore but it is nice to know you are still somewhere in the background. You have been very helpful to me and the others at OTR over the years.
Thanks again.

Crink On!


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Poster: World Of Longplays (OLD) Date: Nov 21, 2018 1:54pm
Forum: forums Subject: Re: FTP is down for 2 weeks

Thats great to hear :)