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Poster: SomeDarkHollow Date: Apr 10, 2017 6:04am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Can we tone down the dead chatter a bit?

Are you saying this was when the original gauntlet was thrown down? Well, never let it be said that we don't know how to respond to a challenge. He wanted less Dead talk? Looks like he got his wish, for the torrent of entirely non-Dead garbage that was soon to leave the Forum awash in juvenile innuendo, overtly sexual advances, outright hostility and anti-French sentiment surely was right up his alley.

Yes, up his alley. Be careful what you wish for.

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Poster: TwoNucker Date: Apr 10, 2017 12:17pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Can we tone down the dead chatter a bit?

That was exactly my reason for the posting reference. It may be the first public mention of a Grateful Dead collection in the Internet Archive.The date of the actual collections creation is still outside my knowledge.
It may have been started in May 2006 . I hope someone has hard data about it. Reviewing the files and postings suggest that date. It would be interesting to know who worked on the original set-up. I am also interested if any of the early posters remain to this day. And I am also wondering where my car keys are.

Does anyone have any thing firm from the early days?