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Poster: Tyler Date: Sep 4, 2016 5:13am
Forum: audio Subject: Old (1880's - 1920's) records being played (videos)

pretty cool collection of 'old records' being played and the film of the playing being posted on youtube. i'm sure some of these 'old recordings' are on but anyone with a pointer of a collection name? if not yet, these should all be captured and added!

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Poster: ChronicKristinitis Date: Sep 12, 2016 11:47pm
Forum: audio Subject: Re: Old (1880's - 1920's) records being played (videos)

You're welcome to upload them on your own, but Youtube's audio is TERRIBLE. It would not be worth saving, honestly.
Audio and Old Time Radio listeners want to hear the audio in the BEST possible type of file available, FLAC is not THE best, but it's better than most free stuff out there and it is easy. Personally it would not be worth the server space to save Youtube videos of someone playing "old records". It is a waste of video, why bother with it when you can have the audio in MUCH better quality (less compression) and also not have to deal with using all that server space to save a video?? Video is for.. you know, moving pictures. Audio is for audio.