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Poster: ARossi Date: Oct 8, 2015 5:21am
Forum: forums Subject: Re: Missing Restriction - Where'd It Go?

Hi Brian, When you upload files, you can choose a license for the them during the upload process. Click on the License field and then choose the appropriate options, like "Prohibit Commercial Use." See for a screen shot of this. Thanks, Alexis
This post was modified by ARossi on 2015-10-08 12:21:40

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Poster: Wang jana Date: Jan 24, 2020 7:05am
Forum: forums Subject: Re: Missing Restriction - Where'd It Go?

I found a snapshot of the website of a cult organization, and I hope you can delete it immediately. Make Internet archive a healthy platform. This website has many reactionary comments, such as forcing someone to launch a political party or other social organization to deprive them of their political rights and freedom, which seriously violates human rights. Please delete this snapshot immediately and create a healthy Internet Archive environment together.Please delete this snapshot:

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Poster: Wang jana Date: Jan 24, 2020 5:52pm
Forum: forums Subject: Please delete a snapshot for cult organization

I found a snapshot of the website of a cult organization, and I hope you can delete it immediately. Make Internet archive a healthy platform. This website has many reactionary comments, such as forcing someone to launch a political party or other social organization to deprive them of their political rights and freedom.Please delete this snapshot:
This post was modified by Wang jana on 2020-01-25 01:52:58

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Poster: saxandviolins Date: Jan 17, 2024 10:29am
Forum: forums Subject: Re: Missing Restriction - Where'd It Go?

how do we know that the person opining (OFF TOPIC from the OP) in this thread that epoch times publication is a cult is right or if they didn't just like the group's opinions? I don't care for the Epoch Times newspaper which has been in some news stands before, but I don't think everyone should be prevented from reading an article ranting about a political party. If an author, the publication, or a court judgment (such as for a slander ruling) asked to have it excluded, that would be different.

But otherwise trying to control what people can read turns us into a totalitarian state. How can the rest of us learn about something that was said if we can't read it to judge for ourselves? Are we going to censor every work we don't like by someone else? Just because Wang Jana has judged someone else's work to need deleting does not mean in THE USA, where is based, we should be able to read all that is put up -- EXCEPT for:

- things someone posted to a group forum without realizing it would wind up in public some day mirrored here outside the original platform or
- something the author/publisher wants excluded.
- perhaps pornographic photos or something like that could be removed, none of which is involved here.

Freedom to decide for ourselves what we think was the point of the First Amendment, which is the standard that marks us as different from many other nations in freedom of speech, and which standard (applying to our government) US organizations should aspire to uphold.

We are not China. While I don't care about the political party at issue that Wang doesn't like being criticized by the "cult", I should be able to read the ravings of someone criticizing a political party if I want.

Generally I skip reading Epoch Times but I want to have the right of choice and that is what the US is about -- free speech. China does not have such rights so they shouldn't come over to a US organization and tell other people what they can read EVEN THOUGH I might not care to read the article either. I would like to come to that conclusion myself without being dictated to by Wang Jana.

I don't have any negative opinions about their political party but China and other nations (including France, Germany, the UK and Brazil, which are other nations that sometimes try to censor US media platforms) need to respect freedom of speech instead of trying to control US libraries and media platforms.

In the US, we are supposed to be able to read the works of ANYONE and decide for ourselves we don't like their views whether they are a "cult" some don't like or not.
This post was modified by saxandviolins on 2024-01-17 18:29:52