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Poster: tracey pooh Date: Jul 15, 2015 10:06pm
Forum: movies Subject: Re: new video/audio player 'opt in' is live!

yes that should be fine.
we typically aim for 320px as the narrowest pixel width mobile device we see/target (when in portrait mode).

you can do CSS "media queries" to try to expand your player "edge to edge" (so no margins/padding/space) on left or right and make the embed code be width="320" and that should do fine and still be full-featured. (we have to make sure everything on our site looks OK at 320px wide -- so we're pretty "signed up" to keep that working 8-)

hope that helps!

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Poster: Fábio Costa Date: Jul 16, 2015 5:49am
Forum: movies Subject: Re: new video/audio player 'opt in' is live!

Just me or Internet Archive embed player is incompatible with Firefox Mobile?

Tested under Android 5.0 Lolipop, Firefox Beta...

Firefox Desktop, Opera (Either Mobile, Mini and Desktop) and Chrome (either Desktop and Mobile) worked okay

The page in question

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Poster: Dupenhagen Moonbat Date: Jul 16, 2015 8:36pm
Forum: movies Subject: Re: new video/audio player 'opt in' is live!

If you're talking about Fate Masters Apresenta Episódio 3 - Fate Masters na Anime Friends 2015, the correct URL is .

Note that the page in question did exist in the rpg folder of on July 14, as evidenced by
Google's cache thereof.

You're probably suffering from a case of browsercachenotconformingtorealityitis -- very bad this time of year.

May I recommend Chrome's Incognito (Ctrl-Shift-n) mode, which has no such thing as a browser cache? I can attest that I've had far fewer headaches since finding this gem, and the 3-key game of Twister is far faster than the usual browser cache clearing ritual. While winding up with another's nose in my arse is not everywhere and always altogether unpleasant, I don't always have the time.

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Poster: Fábio Costa Date: Jul 17, 2015 11:48am
Forum: movies Subject: Re: new video/audio player 'opt in' is live!

Sounds like the problem is with Firefox Mobile. It showed a message about 'video' tag and (in Incognito Mode), pushed the podcast file as a download About the link, it was me that worked it wrongly just a bit before post this, changing the category of the post. Now he's back to rpg folder. PS: added a screenshot from my Tablet with Firefox Mobile opened in the podcast page. The Tablet is a LG V480, Android 5.0
This post was modified by Fábio Costa on 2015-07-17 18:48:38

Attachment: tmp_25957-Screenshot_2015-07-17-15-44-171290539440.png

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Poster: Fábio Costa Date: Jul 16, 2015 5:53am
Forum: movies Subject: Re: new video/audio player 'opt in' is live!

The embed player is not working in Firefox Mobile.

Also tested in Chrome and Opera (either Moblie and Desktop) and Firefox Desktop, all of them worked

The page: (in portuguese)

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Poster: Fábio Costa Date: Jul 16, 2015 6:01am
Forum: movies Subject: Re: new video/audio player 'opt in' is live!

The embed player is not working in Firefox Mobile.

Also tested in Chrome and Opera (either Moblie and Desktop) and Firefox Desktop, all of them worked

The page: