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Poster: tracey pooh Date: Mar 22, 2015 12:00pm
Forum: oldtimeradio Subject: Re: Horrible upgrade, but maybe there's hope

re: (1) OK, so some parts of the BETA are not great -- but they are tips of hand to areas we want to improve and go after ASAP. So for example, the "Related Videos" and the "People Also Found" (at the bottom of BETA /details/ item pages) are pretty weak stabs at trying to get *something* with some tangential relation to the item one is looking at. What idiot came up with the algorithm in place now that makes (too often) such crappeh recommendations? [ raises hand slowly 8-) ] We were trying to get a way to "move sideways" from item to item at (like most "big content" sites do) and we honestly haven't had enough time or brains at making that better. That's high on my list for us to improve -- and we are *HIRING* so if anyone know's great search people/experts (we are using SOLR and ElasticSearch) and/or people good at "recommendation engines" -- we want to talk to you! 8-) Anyway, point being, I'm hoping we can get the results better and more relevant over just a bit of time, rather than spend time trying to set it up so folks can and can understand how to disable related videos or something...
This post was modified by tracey pooh on 2015-03-22 19:00:42