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Poster: Tyler Date: Oct 13, 2014 7:01am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: cleaning the music collections: redoing old mp3's

I think 'freshening up' the music file collection and the derivative mp3s is a good thing. with file types evolving over the years, having the track_64kb.mp3 file around still doesn't make sense (originally for those on dial up connection back in the early 2000's).

Here's an example of a 'current derivative' show:

Here's an example of the old 64kb.mp3 style derivatives from 2003 (derivatives run in 2007 I think)

I assume the track.mp3 that is still made still uses the variable bit rate encoding (VBR) but just the system doesn't append the file name with 'vbr' like it did in the old days to differentiate between the _vbr and _64kb.

I say roll it out LMA wide and freshen up the file sets!

(I assume it will also get rid of the old files but the will get re-generated and kept still, as is the case with current show derivatives).

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Poster: brewster Date: Oct 13, 2014 9:48am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: cleaning the music collections: redoing old mp3's



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Poster: Tyler Date: Oct 14, 2014 7:27pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: cleaning the music collections: redoing old mp3's

then I say hit derive.php on the whole LMA and let it run! probably will take a week or so to re-generate everything and then we can chase the few weird hickups, but I think its a good thing! probably end up with space afterwards as well given that there will be a whole bunch of 64k mp3s and 64k mp3 zips that will no longer be on the servers ... (not that space is an issue it seems, and this won't open up 'that' much).