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Poster: Sean_0000001 Date: Feb 14, 2014 1:10am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: The_Bus Project and etree forums

Hey, I've been following the Bus project ever since the Grateful Dead released the Europe '72 tour, and I used to be able to follow the progress on the etree forums. But I've been having a hard time loading the etree forums since this new year. Does anyone know if the forums are down on etree? Or have they updated to IPv6 and my computer can't read it?

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Poster: Monte B Cowboy Date: Feb 14, 2014 4:34am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: The_Bus Project and etree forums

Years ago I created an index that links to Salah's collections. I extracted it from etree's forums.

- etree's forums page is not working today. [ ] ??
[ when I used the Wayback Machine, it worked. ]

However, etree's torrent and database pages "are working" today. I sure hope they fix the forums page.