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Collections of items recorded from television, including commercials, old television shows, government proceedings, and more.

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Unsorted Television
by 20140830

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RLM 20140830
Topic: 20140830
Unsorted Television
by 4Nerds

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Un espacio donde cuatro nerds se juntan para discutir sobre los estrenos más recientes en cine y televisión, además de comentar las noticias del momento. 4Nerds está compuesto por Edith Sánchez, Alonso Noriega, Melvin Jiménez y Alberto Molina. Si quieren seguir la conversación nos pueden seguir en @HtidEA, @alfnoriegaf @melvslog y @AlbertoMoolina donde también podrán leer nuestras publicaciones en diversos medios.
Topics: cine, series, tv, series
Unsorted Television
by 91.3FM WBNY

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The Super-Friends discuss AGENTS OF SHIELD, and give their impressions of NBC's recent announcement to bring JOHN CONSTANTINE to television. Also, Super-Friend Sean Brennan reveals a touching father/son/murder moment from his childhood!  Featured Super-Friends: Sean Dwyer, Shaq Baker, and Sean Brennan.    
Topics: 91.3FM WBNY, comics, comedy, batman, superman, iron man
Unsorted Television

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Unsorted Television
by ASC

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Description:  Producer Emily Hund brings us a piece addressing how media researchers navigate the space between critique and consumption. She presents three narratives from students who love TV, despite—and sometimes especially—when it runs up against their value systems.
Topics: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, 3620, pop culture, Kardashians,...
Unsorted Television
by ASP Stuff Radio

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This relatively short episode is dedicated to (mostly) games since in episode #63 ASP primarily focused on Santa, Krampus and politics with no time left for a fun game.  Plus, games seem to be the theme in television these days: Ellen DeGeneres ' Game of Games , The Rock's Titan   Games and HBO's Game of Thrones .  So, sit back, play along and enjoy listening to Alberotle, Steveocates and Paulato have a metaphorical hand in the following two games that doesn't involve smashing large concrete...
Topics: games, balderdash, word sneak, fun
Unsorted Television
by Acratador/Radio Topo

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Un poco de análisis, de darle una vuelta a la realidad mediática, a lo que viene de medios convenientemente pagados y guiados. Confrontamos dos opiniones sobre Operación Palace de Évole. También miramos a Ucrania para terminar el programa. Pero antes noticias que atañen a la especulación y los espacios okupados y a los movimientos sociales en general. No podemos quedarnos quiet@s. Y, por supuesto interesantes convocatorias como el cartel que adjuntamos.
Topics: acratador, radio, topo, zaragoza, ucrania, television, evole, anarquismo
Unsorted Television
by Adam Hulbert and Adam Zielonka

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Cathode Immersions aired on 2SER 107.3 radio in Sydney Australia, weekly between 2002 and early 2005. The sound from free-to-air television was remixed in real time and simulcast with the television signal. Radio 2SER was a significant broadcaster within the region, but as a community station that relies on voluntary support, had chosen to eschew latency restrictions. The public nature of the television broadcast and the lack of perceptible latency of radio transmission afforded an uncommon...
Topics: community radio, xenocasting, broadcast, convergence, sound design, media, radio, experimental,...
Unsorted Television
by Adela H.R.

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Muerte de los medios masivos II. El fin del cine y el fin de la televisión. 
Topics: comunicar-te, comunicación, medios, nuevas tecnologías
Unsorted Television
by Adrian Vance

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Cheri Honkala, head of  the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign  is organizing a ‘fart-in’ to be held on July 28 at Philadelphia’s WellsFargoCenter during Hillary Clinton’s planned Democratic nomination acceptance speech.  It she pulls it off it will be a first in the history of politics. We can only wonder if the Guinness Book of Records will set up a new category or if it will make Wikipedia.  It will be one thing television will not be able to "bring to your living...
Topics: Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky, DNC Convention, Fart In
Unsorted Television
by Agata Stanisz

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Tv series sound. Św. Marcin street - inside the building of The Faculty of Historical Science.
Topics: tv, television, fieldrecording, collegium historicum, poznań
Unsorted Television
by Agata Stanisz

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Fieldrecording made during field pilot reseach (Moving modernization project conducted in the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan by Agata Stanisz and Waldemar Kuligowski). Soundscape of  the Las Vegas restaurant in Mostki village. Recordist: Robert Rydzewski. Editor: Agata Stanisz
Topics: ambience, restaurant, television, noise, people, music, eting, robert rydzewski, agata stanisz,...
Unsorted Television
by Agata Stanisz

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Fieldrecording made during field pilot reseach (Moving modernization project conducted in the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan by Agata Stanisz and Waldemar Kuligowski). Soundscape of the Las Vegas restaurant near of the national road no. 92. Mostki village. Recordist: Robert Rydzewski. Editor: Agata Stanisz
Topics: ambience, restaurant, television, noise, people, music, eting, robert rydzewski, agata stanisz,...
Unsorted Television
by Agata Stanisz

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Fieldrecording made during field pilot reseach (Moving modernization project conducted in the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan by Agata Stanisz and Waldemar Kuligowski).Sound of russian tv chanel (for Russian truck drivers and tourists) in Motel Marco in Torzym (Lubusz). Recordist and editor: Agata Stanisz. Recoder: marantz pmd661 mkii + shure vp88.
Topics: tv, television, tv chanel, russian, fieldrecording, road studies, anthropology of motorway, agata...
Unsorted Television

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A través del DNU 690, el Gobierno nacional declaró como servicios públicos a la telefonía celular, Internet y la televisión por cable y congeló las tarifas hasta fin de año. Ayer, se sumó el dictamen favorable de la Comisión Bicameral del Congreso Nacional de Control de los Decretos de Necesidad y Urgencia. En Ahijuna FM 94.7 conversamos con Pablo Carro, diputado nacional por Córdoba y presidente de la Comisión de Comunicación e Informática de la Cámara de Diputados: “Las...
Topics: Conectividad, Telefonía Celular, Internet, TV por cable, Tarifas, Comunicación, Pablo Carro,...
El gobierno nacional anunció un plan para facilitar el acceso a los servicios de telefonía móvil y fija, Internet y TV paga. En #EltiempoNoPara dialogamos con Gustavo López, vicepresidente del Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM): “Por muy poco dinero la gente que tiene un ingreso familiar menor a dos salarios mínimos, vitales y móviles (40 mil pesos) podrá acceder a telefonía celular o fija, Internet o a televisión paga".
Topics: Conectividad, Comunicaciones, Televisión paga, Internet, Telefonía celular, Telefonía, Derechos,...
Daniel Valenzuela lleva más de 20 años en el cine, el teatro y la televisión argentina. Comenzó su camino a fines de los noventa, en películas que retrataron la crisis económica y social producida por los gobiernos neoliberales. Fue dirigido por Adrián Caetano, Ana Katz, Pablo Trapero, Lucrecia Martel y Damián Szifron, entre otros directores y directoras. Hoy es Secretario de Acción Social de la Asociación Argentina de Actores.Dialogamos con él sobre su infancia en Misiones, su...
Topics: Entrevista, Día nacional del Actor y la Actriz, Actrices, Actores, Asociación Argentina de...
La Jefatura de Gabinete publicó los datos vinculados a la distribución de pauta publicitaria oficial. En un año marcado por el ajuste en políticas públicas, el Gobierno gastó 2.177 millones de pesos, casi el mismo monto de 2018. En Radio Ahijuna FM 94.7 hablamos con Agustín Espada, investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y el CONICET: "En años electorales los gastos en publicidad oficial suben mucho y este Gobierno no es excepción". Además, confirmó que la...
Topics: Pauta Oficial, Publicidad Oficial, Comunicación, Gobierno, Investigación
El especialista en políticas de comunicación analiza la actualidad de canales de televisión, productoras y radios comunitarias. "El fortalecimiento de los lazos con la comunidad es la única manera de sostener un proyecto a largo plazo", afirma Rossi. Y agrega: "Hay 300 medios comunitarios en el país y dos tercios está organizado en redes, lo que refuerza la idea de que nadie se salva solo".
Topics: Medios Comunitarios, Comunicación, Radios Populares
Unsorted Television

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A través del DNU 690, el Gobierno nacional declaró como servicios públicos a la telefonía celular, internet y la televisión por cable y congeló las tarifas hasta fin de año. En Ahijuna FM 94.7 conversamos con Damián Loreti, abogado, especialista en derecho a la comunicación y candidato a relator especial para la Libertad de Expresión de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. "Me parece muy bien considerar esta medida en un mundo donde el 45 % de la población de...
Topics: Comunicación, Conectividad, DNU 690, Servicios Públicos, Internet, Telefonía Celular,...
Seguimos celebrando el centenario de la radio junto a sus protagonistas. En #ElTiempoNoPara, conversamos con María Mercedes Di Benedetto, integrante del Consejo Profesional de Radio de Argentores, guionista de radio y televisión y docente: “En la nueva ficción, que aparece en estas nuevas tecnologías, hay un camino que hacer en cuanto a la formación. Es momento de escuchar otras cosas, de leer mucho, de saber como hacer un guión y después cómo ensamblar eso con la música y los...
Topics: 100 años de radio, radio, Argentina, Ficción, Historia, Radioteatro
A través del DNU 690, el Gobierno nacional declaró como servicios públicos a la telefonía celular, Internet y la televisión por cable y congeló las tarifas hasta fin de año. En Ahijuna FM 94.7 pensamos los alcances de esta decisión en este caso conversamos con Gustavo Lopez, vicepresidente del Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM): “Lo único que se modifica es que las empresas para aumentar tienen que pedir autorización al ENACOM justificando el aumento”. Además, afirmó que...
Topics: Conectividad, Internet, Telefonía Celular, ENACOM, Servicios Públicos
Unsorted Television

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Esta semana, la Comisión Nacional Electoral confirmó quienes serán los y las periodistas que van a moderar el debate presidencial televisivo entre los seis candidatos que sacaron más del 1,5 % de los votos en las PASO. Los elegidos y elegidas para el primer debate, el 13 de octubre en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral de Santa Fe, son  María Laura Santillán, Rodolfo Barili, Gisela Vallone y Guillermo Andino. En Radio Ahijuna FM 94.7 charlamos con Diego Rossi, especialista en políticas...
Topics: Debate, Televisión, Elección, Presidente, 2019
Diego Rossi, asesor legislativo y especialista en políticas de comunicación, analiza los puntos centrales del Plan Conectar 2020-2023, que tiene el objetivo de universalizar el acceso a los servicios de telecomunicaciones en todo el país. ARSAT 3, Red Nacional de Fibra Óptica, Televisión Digital Terrestre y un nuevo Data Center.
Topics: Conectividad, Comunicación, Argentina, Telefonía Celular, Internet, Derechos, Acceso,...
A través del DNU 690, el Gobierno nacional declaró como servicios públicos a la telefonía celular, Internet y la televisión por cable y congeló las tarifas hasta fin de año. En su columna semanal en Ahijuna FM 94.7, Diego Rossi, especialista en políticas de comunicación, analizó las repercusiones del anuncio: “Pensemos en escuelas, hospitales y lugares de atención pública como ANSES: mejorar la conectividad es una tarea que involucra a casi todos los sectores de la administración...
Topics: Conectividad, Telefonía Celular, Internet, Derechos
Unsorted Television
by Al Caiola

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Al Caiola gave buyers of instrumental guitar albums an alternative to Duane Eddy in the '60s, releasing numerous albums in a style roughly comparable to electric guitar proponents such as Eddy, the Ventures, and the String-A-Longs. Despite his active recording career, his albums never charted, and he had only a few charting singles, the biggest of which was his version of the theme from the television series Bonanza. That song is included on Golden Hit Instrumentals, with Caiola's renditions of...
Topic: Full
Unsorted Television
by Alan Bagh

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Episode 4 of The Alan Bagh Show “Interview with Actor Kevin Michael Martin” with Alan Bagh. Listen to inspiring and educational stories about film. In this interview, Kevin discusses some of his early films. Also, Kevin discusses the dos and don’ts of film making.  Lastly, Kevin discusses with Michael Bay on the Show "The Last ship." If you want to keep up with him, follow Kevin Michael Martin on Imdb, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Please subscribe to hear more inspiring...
Topics: alan bagh, alanbagh, the alan bagh show, la, birdemic, actor, producer, writer, film, movie,...
Unsorted Television
by Alan Patterson

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On today's show, we pay tribute to the dearly departed Mary Tyler Moore and Allman Brothers Drummer Butch Trucks.  We also celebrate the birthdays of Steve Marriott, Elmore James, Etta James, Alicia Keys, Susanna Hoffs and pioneering Television Comedian Ernie Kovacs.
Topics: Mary, Tyler, Moore, Butch, Trucks, Allman, Brothers, Elmore, James, Ernie, Kovacs
Unsorted Television

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On our second Halloween Special, we feature Spooky Tunes from Pink Floyd, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, CCR, Nina Simone, Ian Lloyd And John Ford, Jimi Hendrix, The Unholy Modal Rounders, Television, The Open Mind, Howlin' Wolf, The Move and Many More!
Topics: Halloween, Strange, Things, Jimi, Hendrix, Screaming', Jay, Hawkins
Game Shows Archive
by Alan Thicke

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Whew!  was an American game show created by Jay Wolpert that aired on CBS from April 23rd, 1979 to May 30th, 1980, and was hosted by Tom Kennedy. The show is notable for its unique format and animated intro created by Hanna-Barbera. The object of the show is that two contestants go head to head to correct "bloopers" in a variety of statements (ex: A favourite accordion song goes "Lady Of Spain, I Abhor You" Correct answer: Adore). The show wasn't very popular during its...
Topics: Whew!, game show, music, Alan Thicke, soundtrack, lost media, OST
Unsorted Television

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July 6, 2014  Alan Watt  Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Most are Unable to Find Who Makes Up Their Mind" © Alan Watt July 6, 2014 Mind Control - Insertion of Politically-Correct Updates - Voice-to-Skull Technology - Electronic Frequencies - Real Archives - Advancement by Not Asking Questions - Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley - Images and the Subconscious - Subliminal Projection - Age of Television - Suggestibility - New Feudal System - Search for "Happiness" -...
Topics: Mind Control, Political Correctness, Voice-to-Skull, Frequencies, Archives, Brave New World...
Unsorted Television
by Aless Nox

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Homeless Maddy is a reading of an original fiction work by the author AlessNox. This story was inspired by the television show Sherlock. Summary: If you sit in the right place, you might meet the guy in the long coat and make a little money. Maddy meets Sherlock Holmes planning to make a pound or two, but gets more than she expected.
Topics: Sherlock Holmes, Homeless, crime, life, love, friendship, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, poverty,...
Unsorted Television
by Alex Stebor (ChiptuneMaker588)

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Hi My Name is Alex Stebor (ChiptuneMaker588) I maked Chiptunes (also known as Chipmusic or 8-Bit Music) I love Chiptunes. I like Video Game Music and Television Music.
Topics: Electronic, 8-BIT
Unsorted Television
by Alexander Hall

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Audio recording of a paper titled, "Framing evolution and religion on the BBC,"  Written and presented by Dr Alexander Hall at the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture's 10th anniversary conference at the University of Florida in Gainesville on 14th January 2016.
Topics: history of science, media studies, science and technology studies, BBC, evolution, religion,...
Unsorted Television
by Alexandre Zelkine

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Alexandre Zelkine performs the Breton folk song "Silvestrik" in French on episode 24 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, French music, Breton music, Alexandre Zelkine
Unsorted Television
by Alexandre Zelkine

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Alexandre Zelkine performs Jean Ferrat's "Nuit et Brouillard" (Night and Fog) on episode 24 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, French music, Alexandre Zelkine, Jean Ferrat
Unsorted Television
by Alexandre Zelkine

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Alexandre Zelkine performs the Soviet victory song В путь (V Put - Forward) on episode 24 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, Russian music, Alexandre Zelkine, War songs, World War II
Unsorted Television
by Alexandre Zelkine

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Alexandre Zelkine performs "Vdol da po Rechke" (Along the River) in French on episode 24 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, Russian music, Alexandre Zelkine
Unsorted Television
by Alexandre Zelkine

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Alexandre Zelkine performs the Israeli cowboy song "Aravah" in French on episode 24 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented the histories of...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, Israeli music, Alexandre Zelkine
Unsorted Television
by Alexandre Zelkine; Pete Seeger

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Alexandre Zelkine and Pete Seeger perform the traditional Russian folk tune "The Moon is Shining" on episode 24 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, Russian music, Alexandre Zelkine, Pete Seeger
Unsorted Television
by Alexandre Zelkine; Pete Seeger

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Pete Seeger and Alexandre Zelkine perform Коробе́йники (Korobeiniki - The Peddlers) on episode 24 of Rainbow Quest ( Rainbow Quest was a television program produced for one series run in 1965 and 1966 by the Advertisers Broadcasting Company for UHF station WNJU-TV in the New York City market. Throughout the show's 39-episode run, writer and curator of American folk songs Pete Seeger hosted many guest musicians. He also himself presented...
Topics: Pete Seeger's Rainbow Quest, Folk music, Russian music, Pete Seeger, Alexandre Zelkine
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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March's exclusive spotlight features CTN producer Tim Nagae & host Dean Cole of Senior Moments. Looking back at how the show began in 2001 and highlighting it's award winning accomplishments. Program premieres include CTN Artist's Spotlight featuring Doug Jones, Atheist Speak Up by Marty Maier, CTN Tours- Boy Scouts of America, Michigan WWI Centennial News Report by Dennis Skupinski, The Dan Bifano Show by Dan Bifano, Grace Christian Fellowship Church by Dave Chikosi, Fitness Fellowship by...
Topics: Program, premieres, community producer, Michigan Atheists, Dennis Skupinski, Dan Bifano, Derrick...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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The exclusive spotlight is with community producer and amateur historian Dennis Skupinski discussing his Michigan WWI Centennial News Reports. Program premieres include Teaching in the Word by community producer Johnnie Joplin, Atheist Speak Up by community producer Marty Maier, Conversations, Senior Moments, FYI, Ward Talk, Green Room, CitiTV Sports and Candidates Comment. Listen to learn more! 
Topics: community producer, amateur historian, Dennis Skupinski, Michigan WWI Centennial News Reports, new,...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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May's  On Air with CTN  exclusive guests are Ingrid Ault & Myra Poplin from the Washtenaw Indie Awards sponsored by Think Local First and The Ann Magazine.   Program premieres includes Dennis Skupinski's  Michigan WWI Centennial News Report Home Front Kalamazoo County Part 1 , Johnnie Joplin's  Teaching in the Word: Jesus Christ our Triumphant King & God Given Wisdom, Dan Bifano's The Dan Bifano Show, Dave  Chikosi's Demons Over Demonic Delays, Dave Chappell's Recipes for...
Topics: Program, premieres, community producer, Michigan Atheists, Dennis Skupinski, Dan Bifano, Dave...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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August's  On Air with CTN  exclusive spotlight showcases Bonnie Gabowitz the newest host of a CTN original series Ward Talk.   Program premieres include Dennis Skupinski's  Michigan WWI Centennial News Report , Johnnie Joplin's  Teaching in the Word,  Dan Bifano's  The Dan Bifano Show,  Dave  Chikosi's bible sermons,  Marty Maier's  Atheist Speak Up , James Dickson's  Fitness Fellowship , Robert Hornbacker Jr.'s Comedy Shows, Dawn Farm's History of Alcoholic Anonymous , Patricia...
Topics: On Air with CTN, August, 2014, exclusive spotlight, Bonnie Gabowitz, Ward Talk, Dennis Skupinski,...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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The exclusive spotlight is with executive director Maura Thomson from Main Street Area Association (MSAA) of Ann Arbor. MSAA is a membership association of local business, organization and individuals from downtown Ann Arbor who help promote Main Street's rich history and offer family friendly events; like Santa's Mailbox, Midnight Madness, Festive Friday, Restaurant Week and much more.  Program premieres include Santa Satellite Network, Teaching in the Word by community producer...
Topics: Maura Thomson, Main Street Area Association, MSAA, downtown Ann Arbor, family friendly, Santa's...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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The exclusive spotlight features community producer Marty Maier of Atheist Speak Up.  Atheists Speak Up is a Cable Access television show produced by Michigan Atheists. It is produced here at CTN and  cablecasts  on 5 other cable channels in Michigan.  Highlighting the  2013 Volunteer Recognition Awards Program/ Program premieres include  Bone Zone 2 and 3 by c ommunity producer Robert Hornbacker, Jr. ,  Michigan World War 1 Centennial New Report # 20: Ford Pays $5 A Day  by c...
Topics: Program, premieres, community producer, Michigan Atheists, Bone Zone, Robert Hornbacker Jr, Dennis...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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The exclusive spot light features Executive Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Christine Schopieray here to discuss the Mayor’s Green Fair. Program premieres include Touring Tree Town created by CTN Interns Phil Boos, Kailani Buckner, Korrine Miller and Renea Sperry, Sad Tire Theatre by Community Producer Michael Pilon. Michigan WWI Centennial News Report #13 by Community Producer Dennis Skupinski, Access Ann Arbor featuring Arborvitae Women's Center & People Dancing, Ann Arbor Public...
Topics: exclusive, spot light, features, Executive, Administrative, Assistant, Mayor, Christine Schopieray,...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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The exclusive spotlight is  Ann Arbor Public School's  director of communications, Liz  Margolis here to discuss the beginning of a new school year for students and administration. Program premieres include  Teaching in the Word by community producer Johnnie Joplin, Michigan's WWI Centennial News Report #16 by community producer Dennis Skupinski, Trans Being & Just Because I Am by documentary filmmakers Gabriel & Juan Javier Pescador, Huron High Presents, Conversations,  Senior...
Topics: exclusive, spotlight, Community, Producer, Ann Arbor, Public, Schools, Ann Arbor Public Schools,...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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April's exclusive spotlight features community producer Laurence Miller to learn more about his first feature film Growing Grapes for the Future. Program premieres include Atheist Speak Up by Marty Maier, CTN Tours- Boy Scouts of America, Michigan WWI Centennial News Report by Dennis Skupinski, The Dan Bifano Show by Dan Bifano, Grace Christian Fellowship Church by Dave Chikosi, Fitness Fellowship by James Dickson, Chalk Work of David Zinn by Dave Chappell, Black Caucus Private Prison Forum...
Topics: Program, premieres, community producer, Michigan Atheists, Dennis Skupinski, Dan Bifano, Boy Scouts...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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The exclusive spotlight is with Community Producer & Host, Dan Bifano along with Co-host, Nicole Antonette and a special call in with Co-host Herm from the Dan Bifano Show.  Program premieres include  Touring Tree Town, Michigan's WWI Centennial News Report #15 by Community Producer Dennis Skupinski, A special Disability Concerns marathon in loving memory of Host, Tom Bayer,  Senior Moments, FYI, Happy Tails, Ward Talk, Conversations and more. 
Topics: exclusive, spotlight, Community, Producer, Host, Dan Bifano, Co-host, Nicole Antonette, Herm, the...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Dana Denha

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The exclusive spotlight is with executive director Ingrid Ault with Think Local First of Washtenaw County discussing the impact of supporting local business and Think Local First's upcoming events. Program premieres include Affordable Care Act & Health Care Options in Michigan by community producer and board member of Washtenaw County Democratic Party Rodrick Casey, Teaching in the Word by community producer Johnnie Joplin, Veteran's Day marathon, The Drexel Interview, The Northwood...
Topics: community producer, Think Local First, Washtenaw County, Ingrid Ault, Northwood, Veteran's Day,...
Unsorted Television
by Alysha Mae & Melissa Cohn-Bondy

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The exclusive guest this month is Community Producer, Frank Melton. Melton has been volunteering with CTN since 2001 and is the producer, director and host for 2012 and the recent After 2012 . He also producers short films using CTN's remote gear. Listen to learn more about Melton's past and present experiences at CTN.  Program premieres include Dennis Skupinski's Michigan WWI Centennial News Report #12 , Roderick Casey's EMU Private Prison Conference, Access Ann Arbor with the Y'ASSO Greek...
Topics: exclusive guest, Community, Producer, Frank Melton, volunteeri, CTN, 2012, After 2012, Program,...
Unsorted Television
by Amanda Mangan

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A Christmas Tree Miracle will be making its US television premiere. The film's director JW Myers and writer Ty DeMartino discuss how they feel about the premiere.
Topic: Christmas Tree Miracle
Unsorted Television
by Amanda Reyes

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Welcome back to episode 9 of the Made for TV Mayhem Show. It's all about monsters, as we look back at the cult classic Gargoyles (1972), and the creepy mud monster TVM The World Beyond (1978). We also get goofy for the X-Files, read feedback and more!
Topics: Made for TV, classic television, monsters, horror, retrospective
Unsorted Television
by Amanda Reyes

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We're celebrating the 30th anniversary of the classic tele-horror flick The Midnight Hour and we're talking about watching small screen scares on Halloween!
Topics: made for television, horror, Halloween, classic televsion
Unsorted Television
by Amanda Reyes

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Well, it's that time of year again! We welcome back Christmas television expert Joanna Wilson and discuss the 1971 (maybe) holiday thriller A Little Game, and then we play a little game ourselves. We had a great time recording and we hope you enjoy listening! Thank you for making 2017 an incredible year for the gang at the Made for TV Mayhem Show and Happy Holidays!
Topics: holiday television, classic tv, made for tv movie, thriller
Unsorted Television

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Welcome to part one of our two part holiday TVM spectacular! We bring in Christmas Television expert Joanna Wilson and get all the deets on holiday horror and holiday saccharine with our look at Home for the Holidays (1972) and A Very Brady Christmas (1988)!
Topics: Holiday, Christmas, Made for Television, Television, classics
Unsorted Television
by American Broadcasting Company

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ABC ID (1994)
Topics: TV Ident, American Broadcasting Company, Television, 90s, Broadcasting, VHS, Entertainment
Unsorted Television

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Amy Heart is a queer storyteller and social justice advocate, dedicated to lifting the voices of trans girls and trans women everywhere.  From 2002 to 2013, Amy worked exclusively in non-profit community television as both educator and community organizer. Since then, she has focused her energy on ‘unlearning’ white supremacy, studying disability justice, building strong relationships with other trans women artists, and helping people become fluent in modern technology. Amy has a...
Topics: transgender, transsexual, trans woman, queer, LGBT, vulnerability, feelings, trans kids, trans...
Unsorted Television
by Amy Heart

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Amy Heart is a queer storyteller and social justice advocate, dedicated to lifting the voices of trans girls and trans women everywhere. From 2002 to 2013, Amy worked exclusively in non-profit community television as both educator and community organizer. Since then, she has focused her energy on ‘unlearning’ white supremacy, studying disability justice, and building strong relationships with other trans women artists. Amy has a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Film Studies from the University...
Topics: transgender, transsexual, trans woman, trans girl, performance, spoken word, poetry, queer, LGBT,...
Unsorted Television
by Ana Castrillo

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Lo más hilarante de la televisión nacional en un mix de audios.
Topics: humor, TV, radio
Unsorted Television
by Ana Castrillo

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Sección humorística del programa que recoge lo más hilarante del al televisión nacional.
Topics: humor, cantando famosos
Unsorted Television
by Ana Castrillo; Ricardo Serruya

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Aprovechamos un hecho sobresaliente de la televisión nacional para unir dos secciones. Por un lado, escuchamos las palabras del ex presidente Eduardo Duhalde en la pastilla irónica, quien advirtió que podríamos estar en la antesala de un golpe de Estado, como en 1976. Por otra parte, repasamos la trayectoria de Duhalde, un Político de Morondanga. 
Topics: Duhalde, golpe de Estado
Programa Radiofónico de Ana Catarina Velez A Radio Broadcasting by Ana Catarina Velez Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho High School Oficina de Multimédia Class of Multimedia Prof. João Soares Santos O projecto ESMAVC Radio Station consiste na criação de conteúdos áudio digitais que poderão ser escutados através da internet ou transmitidos por outros meios de comunicação. Esses conteúdos são temáticos, congregam textos, locução, sequências musicais, ruídos, efeitos sonoros e...
( 1 reviews )
Topics: Sam Peckinpah, Ana Catarina Velez, ESMAVC Radio Station
Unsorted Television

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Programa Radifonico de Andreia Filipa Silva/ A Radio Broadcasting by Andreia Filipa Silva Maria Amalia Vaz de Carvalho High School Oficina de Multimedia / Class of Multimedia Prof. Joao Soares Santos
( 1 reviews )
Topics: Musicais da MGM, MGM Musicals, On the Town, An American in Paris, Singing in the Rain, Brigadoon,...
Unsorted Television
by Andres Ruiz Moreno (Andresh, Viejo Estilo)

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43. POBRE DIABLO                 Se trata de una persona que no soporta la mentira y el engaño, un punto de vista, un caso de ser engañado, no hay duda de que la recuperación es la misma, aunque el final ha sido comprobado, la veracidad del dicho "El pez gordo se viene al chico" , a lo cual se ha llegado a causa de la costumbre, por lo que cree que debió recuperarse desde el principio aunque fuera muy pequeño el mal, o que se hicieran mayores inconvenientes por el...
Topic: Sentimientos
Unsorted Television
by Andrew Fedorov, Reza Sayeed, and Noah Harouche

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First we introduce the show. Then we interview Chris Berry, Professor of Film Studies at King's College London, one of the foremost scholars of the Chinese blockbuster, and a former employee of China Film, the old state monopoly, about the how the Chinese film industry we know today came to be. We close out on a conversation about the Ex-File 3 with Tina Shen, who's worked in the Chinese television world and whose short film Recipe is coming soon. When we started working on this show, The...
Topics: China, Chinese, Film, Movie, films, movies
Community Audio
by Anglia Garage

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Radio advert for Anglia Garage a car dealership on Derby Road, Ipswich.
Topics: car dealership, Anglia Garage, fm radio, advert, commercial, radio advert, radio commercial
Unsorted Television
by Annie Chernich/Rob Zappulla

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Weekly indie radio show from WTBU at Boston University. January 2013-Present.
Topics: WTBU, Boston University, In the Name of Li'l Sebastian, college radio, indie, television, music,...
Unsorted Television
by AnotherBenG! Production~DJ Ben G!

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The Funk Show 5.1 welcomes, Malcolm-Ali Davis, Actor/Dancer/Singer! Malcolm shares his experience with,The Lion King, acting with Anika Noni Rose, and Will Smith, as well as his Dancing career. Listen to the Funk Show 5.1 and find out where Malcolm's been and who else he has met and shared the stage with. Malcolm brings the passion of "Luther" as he croons a classic Luther Jam for you! Malcolm-Ali Davis is a 17-year-old Triple Threat Entertainer (Actor/Singer/Dancer) that has...
Topics: MALIDAVIS, Ben G, AnotherBenG, Funk Show 5.1, Malcolm, Malcolm-Ali
Unsorted Television
by Anthony Bachman, Jason Clark, Josh Hawkes, & Francis Fernandez

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All new CMYK TV talking the latest episodes of The Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, Agents of SHIELD and iZombie. Hosts Jason Clark, Josh Hawkes, & Francis Fernandez also talk a little bit about the new Joker, the Powers season as a whole and some comic book tv news.
Topics: Arrow, Flash, Agents of SHIELD, Powers, iZombie, Gotham, comic book, television, movie, Joker
Unsorted Television
by Anthony Bachman, Jason Clark, Josh Hawkes, Francis Fernandez

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CMYK TV this week is all about the mind blowing new episodes after a long hiatus from the Arrow to the Flash, with new show iZombie, recurring show Agents of SHIELD, and Playstation Network Exclusive, Powers. It's all that and much more on this week's CMYK TV.
Topics: geek, nerd, television, review, Marvel, DC, iZombie, Arrow, Flash, Agents, SHIELD, Playstation,...
Unsorted Television
by Anthony Bachman, Jason Clark, Josh Hawkes, Francis Fernandez

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CMYK TV is bringing you the latest in Comic Book TV from Agents of SHIELD to Supergirl. There's even a little nostalgia from shows like Smallville. It's everything you're looking for in your comic book tv, and more on this week's CMYK TV.
Topics: cmyk, superman, smallville, supergirl, arrow, flash, agents of shield, lucifer, preacher, the...
Unsorted Television
by Anthony Bachman, Jason Clark, Josh Hawkes, Francis Fernandez

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An all new CMYK TV catching up on last week's Flash & Arrow, while discussing the latest iZombie, Agents of SHIELD, and Powers. Also some new from Wondercon and Phillycon.
Topics: geek, nerd, comic book, television, tv, arrow, flash, agents of shield, marvel, dc, daredevil,...