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tv   wusa 9 News at 11pm  CBS  October 25, 2015 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT

11:00 pm
i-it's my day off. no, i have plans today. okay. okay, fine. (sighs): yeah, i'll-i'll be there. (sighs heavily) (birds cawing) mundo: krumitz! the riddle said something about "young blood." look at the numbers on that grave. it's the grave of a child. ooh. avery? we found it. "along with your blood, it's your soul i crave. "leave a token of your loyalty to prove you're brave." token of loyalty. guys, we got blood. russell: where? ryan: ooh, looks fresh. ooh. okay. this is a... hyperspectral lens.
11:01 pm
can measure the oxygen level in blood. can tell you within a five-minute window how long blood... has been outside of the body. (shutter clicks) (burbling) (rapid beeping) his blood's less than an hour old. all right, that means jacob and luke can't be that far ahead. ryan: elijah, look, a blood trail. (shutter clicks) there's some blood. here. (whimpering) it's okay. it's okay. i'm not gonna hurt you. my name's avery. what's your name? (crying and gasping) timmy. elijah, call the paramedics. timmy? timmy, okay, i'm gonna put some pressure on this, okay? i'm gonna hold your hand up, i'm gonna get you to a doctor, timmy. no. no, i have to keep going!
11:02 pm
i need to make it to the end! yeah, settle down, settle down. i'm gonna stay right here with you. it's okay. where are you going? to go meet red crone? timmy, what makes you think red crone is real? people talk about her online. they've seen her. and she sent me a present. a present? an app... on my phone. it popped up like magic. she chose me. have you seen any other kids on this treasure hunt? no. has anyone else spoken to you about red crone? no. i have to keep going. no, no, no. i'm the chosen one. i'm the... honey, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. honey, honey, okay. shh, shh. let's get... (crying) (garbled radio transmission) i'm worried, d.b. timmy was invested to that legend to the point of delusion.
11:03 pm
they're not just fans, they're fanatics. we need to shut this site down. the riddle is asking them to leave a token of their loyalty. if they have to prove their devotion at each step, they'll grow more and more indoctrinated along the way. he's brainwashing them. and if they're required to physically hurt themselves this early on, imagine what they'll be required to do when they reach the end. i found additional blood at the gravestone. it was dried. if it belongs to either jacob or luke, then they're further ahead than we thought. how much further? eight hours. eight hours?! who knows how many steps there are to this treasure hunt? we don't have time to play this sick game. we have to skip to the end now. this app is sophisticated. and it puts phones in airplane mode, killing gps and cell reception. yeah, but the game and internal compass keeps running. no clues as to jacob and luke's location on friendagenda.
11:04 pm
ve ran, who's henry? i... i'm sorry. did you go through my phone? no. did you hack it? no, i just seen a text pop up on your screen. oh, okay, so you did go through my phone. no, it was unlocked. it right in front of me. thought it was elijah texting again. okayll, we, that text is private, nelson. it's none of your business. oh, yeah? 'cause the last time i checked, we was all up in each other's business. (door creaks open) (man coughing) when i was analyzing the code for the app, i found a bunch of leftover dead code. i mean, our target built trhis easure hunt off the framework of another app.
11:05 pm
so avery was right. he is just a script kiddie. he found an app that had all the functionalities he wanted-- a game called panda pavilion. then wrote code on top of it. look at what happens when i activate the paths to the dead code. did you contact the developers of panda pavilion? yup, but get this. they only sold 34 downloads because there was a competing app that was way more popular. so basically, our target knocked off a cheap and unpopular knock-off. which is gfoood r us. our target has to be one of the 34 people who downloaded that app. he had to pay for it somehow. well, maybe that's where he made a mistake. he could have used his personal credit cards. that should get us his name and address. yeah, you're right. i'm on it. krumitz: i imaged oliver crispin'c's mputer. found a ton of media files, but no child pornography. look where he keeps his supplies.
11:06 pm
he's left-handed-- a common trait among pedophiles. these children-- their images, their eyes-- they're almost too innocent. mundo: they're all wearing nightgowns. it's creepy. that's part of the mythology. the fire in the orphanage happened in the middle of the night. look at this perspective. oliver is viewing the world through the child's eyes. it's a subconscious attempt to identify with their innocence. he's a non-contact pedophile. non-contact? it's likely he's never physically acted on his urges. he's been able to suppress them for a long time using his art and his fantasies as an outlet. then what's the point of the treasure hunt? clearly, he's luring luke and jacob to do something. no, he's planning to act. to lose his virginity, so to speak. he has fixated on this moment for a long time. the treasure hunt is his foreplay. it's sick. guys like this should be put down like dogs. hey, guys? oliver's a court illustrator, and i just found this e-mail.
11:07 pm
"preliminary hearing has been moved to courtroom b." 3:00 p.m. 3:35. he's in court right now. go. okay, everyone, let's call it a day. court's adjourned until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. fbi. woman: oh. fbi. oh. oh, sorry. hey! elevator. easy, man. fbi. (door creaks open) fbi. tonight we come to let loose.
11:08 pm
tonight we come to dance. they try to put us in a box, they try to categorize us. saying: we gotta dress like this, we gotta talk like that... but we say no more! ♪ spirit use your wings. freedom! ♪ tonight we change things. freedom. freedom. thiproof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out ...with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis serious,sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems,
11:09 pm
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11:10 pm
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11:11 pm
narratorjeremy mcpike -ate, who supports school funding. thinks women should make their own health care decisions. and favors background checks on all gun sales. hal parrish? as mayor, he slashed education. fought to block women's health clinics. parrish gets an "a" from the gun lobby - they oppose background checks to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. virginia extreme or mainstream? vote mcpike for virginia.
11:12 pm
feinblatt: everytown for gun safety action fund sponsored this ad. all of our legendary racing heritage. all of our pioneering four wheel drive experience. come together in one amazing new vehicle. this is the all-new gle coupe. a mercedes-benz suv with the heart and soul of a race car. raven, our target's on the move. put out a bolo, and an apb on his car. are we tracking his cell phone? his cell plan was recently canceled. if he has a phone, it's a burner. look, elijah, krumitz sent me what he imaged from oliver's home computer. i found photos of five trigger images for his treasure hunt. i analyzed the metadata and pulled gps coordinates for all of them. raven: okay, we mapped them out. the boys are headed to stony creek state park. mundo: guys, that's a pretty big park. nelson: yeah, i know but
11:13 pm
we're stuck. the decoder doesn't work on the tlastrigger image. it should be giving us a blackbird and riddle that leads to the final location where the target's meeting the kids, but it's not working. what's the image? it's an eye carved in a tree. we have the gps coordinates, but that's as far as we can get you. all right, send the coordinates. we'll just have to go there and figure things out on the ground. (siren blaring) all ri tght,his is the spot. we're looking for this image carved into a tree. take those, pass them around. (overlapping chatter) what? the cracks in the bark, and look at the carving. see that white right there? that's fungus. this tree has oak wilt. it's rotting from the inside out. all right, we're looking for a... a tree with a lot of dead leaves on it.
11:14 pm
got anything? right there, that's it. it's got dead leaves. (indistinct radio communication) man: yeah, over there. man: down this gulley? man 2: well, go ahead check it out. man 3: check your perimeter. hey, guys? man: come on, guys! over here! it's one of their hats. the boys have been here. (sighs) okay. man: tell them to come back! krumitz, here! here! here. (panting) man: keep your eyes open! it's in this area! ryan: you got it! "welcome to the wilderness. you're almost there. "i can sense your soul around me. come to my playground if you dare." nelson? all right, avery, i'm here. i see your location on the satellite. the new compass heading is one-nine-five. do you see any structures on that path?
11:15 pm
uh... looks like an abandoned schoolhouse. i'm sending the coordinates now. let's get this son of a bitch. new coordinates. swat on me. man: copy that. man 2: bring 'em in. (sighs) (breathing loudly) (exhales loudly) all right, go! go! man (over radio): we're a half mile out on that. (breathing loudly) woman (over radio): ...location, guys. location. (crying) (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) (gasps) go! go! (indistinct shouting) man: clear! fbi! fbi! clear! clear! clear! (knocking) (door creaks open)
11:16 pm
jacob, luke. hi. hi. red crone is waiting for you. what the hell happened? they should be here. nelson, are there any other structures along the current heading? no, the schoolhouse is the only one for the next 18 miles. expand the search area in all directions. look for any structures within a five-mile radius of the trigger image. cross-reference property records. look for something, anything, that can be our target's hideout. d.b., krumitz, we missed something. go back to the trigger image, decode it again. anything? i'm getting the same thing, avery. something is not right. we missed something. maybe it's the riddle, or maybe we're looking at this wrong. maybe we just need to slow down here, you know, and-and think like a kid, okay? we need to think like a kid. man: keep your eyes open. wait a minute. i have an idea.
11:17 pm
look at that. krumitz: holy crap. it just changed. russell: "welcome to the wilderness, "be afraid of the night. i can sense your soul around me. search the woods for red light." avery... there are two riddles, one for adults and one for kids, depending on the-the tilt of the tablet. the decoder's using the tablet's gyroscope to distinguish between an adult perspective and a kid's. nelson: that's why i couldn't get it to work. i had the decoder at the wrong angle. oliver did this on his last trigger image as a safeguard. to throw adults off his trail. mundo: to throw law enforcement off the trail. avery: what is the new compass heading? two-seven-zero. 75 degrees off the old heading. it's an old theater. used to be part of a resort that closed down in the '70s. send me the coordinates. (trilling) it's about a half hour away. elijah!
11:18 pm
elijah! wait for backup! (engine starts) come on, move out! (creaking) (door creaking)
11:19 pm
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11:21 pm
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11:22 pm
the artificial heart, this ielectric guitarsdoers, and rockets to the moon. it's the story of america- land of the doers. doin' it. did it. done. doers built this country. the dams and the railroads. ♪john henry was a steel drivin' man♪ hmm, catchy. they built the golden gates and the empire states. and all this doin' takes energy -no matter who's doin'. there's all kinds of doin' up in here. or what they're doin'. what the heck's he doin? energy got us here. and it's our job to make sure there's enough to keep doers doin' the stuff doers do... to keep us all doin' what we do.
11:23 pm
elijah! wait for backup! (panting)
11:24 pm
oliver crispin, fbi. keep your hands where i can see them. (grunting) where are the kids? (grunting, panting) jacob, luke, you okay? did he hurt you? no. my name's elijah. i'm here to help. stay right where you are. be right back. crispin: it was just a game. i just wanted to scare them. i wasn't gonna hurt them. they wanted to play. they wanted it! (grunts) they wanted it! (grunting, panting) (panting) what did you say? they wanted it. (grunts)
11:25 pm
in the bathroom. (grunts) you son of a bitch. elijah! where are the boys? there. okay. it's-it's okay, it's okay. you're gonna be okay. you're safe. it's okay. i'm agent avery ryan. i'm here to take you home. (boys crying) (distant siren whooping) (indistinct radio communication) man (over radio): hey, uh, i'm gonna be here another 15. do me a favor. then i'm gonna show you something really cool. cut it in half. there you go. nice. all right, i'm gonna put this here and... i asked you to cut this in half. what's wrong with you? you're supposed to cut it in half-- is there something wrong woman: jacob!
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with your scissors? what... luke! mom! mom! dad! dad! (crying) jacob: i'm so glad you're here. (indistinct radio communication) agent pierce? it's daniel krumitz. (chuckles) i got good news. the boys are safe. we caught the guy. yeah. yeah. no, no, no. you don't have to... dinner? me? this is daniel krumitz. you know that, right? (chuckles) i do have the magic touch. (chuckles) pizza sounds great.
11:27 pm
krumitz. you crossed a line tonight. you didn't wait for backup. you put yourself in danger. (scoffing) you're going through something, elijah. i get that. but working out your aggression on the job is not an option. that's not what happened here tonight. i made sure that those kids were safe. and our target, he got what he deserved. you've been throwing a lot of punches lately. i always follow protocol. in this case, you didn't. i'm taking you out of the field. you what? avery, come on. just until you get your head straight. elijah, this is not you. (crickets chirping)
11:28 pm
if you came here to lecture me about not making that appointment, you can save your breath. chicken soup. from michelle. you look like hell. so do you. least i got an excuse. avery took me out of the field today. (exhales) i guess stubbornness runs in the family. (chuckles) fourth grade. joey baumgarten. remember? yeah. pushed me off my bike, punched me in the face, let the air out of my tires. you pushed your bike all the way home crying. do you remember what you said to me?
11:29 pm
oh... you said, "son, you take as much time as you need. "but when you're ready, you're gonna fight joey, and you're gonna win." two days later, you drove me to the park. i found joey. and i won. dad, you got cancer. now, you and i both... need to come to terms with that in our own way. so take as much time as you need. but when you're ready... we're gonna fight. and we're gonna win.
11:30 pm
(sighs) (keys clacking) hey. about earlier... i'm sorry. who you text is your business. he's my study partner. henry. study partner? oh, uh, a'ight. (chuckles) study partner. no, nelson. we-we actually study together. for our ged. isn't that for people who didn't finish high school? well, i faked my high school diploma a few years back. didn't matter when i was hacking, but... now it's, um...
11:31 pm
white hat rubbing off on you? yeah. something like that. it's just something that i need to do for... for me. right. and i'd appreciate it if you could, uh, keep it on the d.l. oh, girl. (scoffs) you know me, i'm the king of keeping things on the d.l. oh, you're the king, huh? nelson: you know i'm the king. i've come to bid you good night. i'd say "sleep tight," but i know that's easier said than done these days. come on, that's it? no meditation exercise? no stinky insomnia tea? you're giving up on me? yep. did you reschedule your big date? oh, yeah. uh, no, not exactly. apparently the good old-fashioned excuse "i had to work" is no longer believable. (laughs) oh... what about you? when's your next shrimp cocktail with director silver? i tried to reschedule a sit-down, but apparently he's still mad at me for not taking the deputy director job.
11:32 pm
aw. well, we're a couple of sad sacks, aren't we? mmm. look at those two. they're not even trying to hide it anymore. (laughs) you know, i've been, uh... i've been thinking about this whole nelven thing. i think we can do better. how 'bout... it's, uh, brody nelson and-and raven ramirez, right? what about... relson? (laughs) no, no. okay, okay, okay. wait, wait. (chuckles) no, no. ramelson? (laughing): no. bromirez. braven. braven. braven. oh, that... that's good. braven. night, braven! they can't hear you. (laughs) i hope not. captioning sponsored by cbs and toyota
11:33 pm
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11:35 pm
yeah, i know. he did. thank you. tonight only on wusa9 a man who intervened to save a stranger's life during a vicious dog attack and the survivor's grateful family. the attack stunned the neighbors who witnesses it, except for a man who rushed into to help. garrett has his


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