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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  August 25, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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>> odonnell: trump's twitter tirade. the front-runner lashes out at fellow republicans and breaches a cease-fire with megyn kelly with a "b" word. also tonight, another big loss for the stock market, but the housing market is heating up. echoes of katrina, 10 years later, 911 operators remember when the phone line became a life line. >> i'm gonna die. the water's rising in the attic, ma'am. >> and 40 years on the run. >> i want to make one of the greatest rock records ever. >> the song that saved the boss' career. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm norah o'donnell. he may be limited to 140
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characters, but donald trump's twitter war knows hoe bounds upon. his latest targets include his opponents for the republican nomination and once again g.o.p. debate moderator megyn kelly. here's chip reid with the front-runner's bitter tweet story. >> reporter: trump's twitter tirade began last night when he lawived out at the fox news anchor. he then re-tweeted a message from one of his nearly four million twitter followers that called kelly a bimbo. the battle began at the first republican debate earlier this month. kelly asked trump about his inflammatory statements about women. trump later posted tweets saying kelly bombed and was unprofessional. in an interview on cnn, he even said. >> you know you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her-- wherever. >> reporter: which many took to be a reference to her menstrual period.
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after a back and forth with fox news chairman roger ales, the feud seemed to be over but he called trump's latest attacks crude and irresponsible, and he said, donald trump rarely apologizes although in this case he should." tusm trierd back saying kelly's questioning in the debate was very unfair and gave no sign he intends to apologize. today, trump also lobbed a steady barrage of twitter bombs at his fellow republican presidential candidates, especially jeb bush, noting that bush uses only the name "jeb" on his signs, trump asked, "is he ashamed of the family name bush?" and when bush referred to trump's plan for a fence on the border, trump shot back, "it's not a fence, jeb, it's a wall, and there's a big difference. "n" colorado today, bush dismissed trump's idea for a wall. >> it's a great soundbite but not defensible in terms of a practical policy. >> reporter: he also attacked marco rubio, scott walker and
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lindsey graham. he bragged a new poll shows him leading by a wide marge nin south carolina in a tweet that sounded like a school yard tawnlt. congrats, lindsey graham you just got four point in your home state of south carolina. >> come to south carolina, and i'll beat his brains out. >> reporter: trump is scheduled to be in south carolina this thursday, and, norah, as you can imagine, the political world will be watching to see what lindy graham has in mind for donald trump. >> wow, school-yard line taunts before the school year has begun. thank you, chip. it trump wants to be on the south carolina ballot he will have to rule out a third party run, something he has so far refused to do. the form requires a pledge promising to summit the republican nominee. after yesterday's big sell-off on wall street, stock prices rallied at the open today, but by the close, they were back in
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negative territory. the dow down 204 points, the fifth straight triple-digit loss. vladimir duthiers is following the market's ups and downs. >> reporter: today's rally faded quickly this afternoon, norah, showing the market is still on edge. it was a huge reversal as the dow was up as much as 441 point in the morning and stayed up much of the day. but just after 3:00 this afternoon, a sudden dive, down nearly 2:05, a swing of some 645 points. the biggest one-day reversal since october 2008. market analysts say this turmoil is based in part on the ongoing uncertainty in china which has created volatility in markets worldwide. norah, as we look to tomorrow's open, we'll see where this roller coaster ride takes us next. >> while the stock market is in turmoil, the housing market is booming. the commerce department reported today sales of new homes last month were 25% higher than july
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of last year. barry petersen reports it is a sellers' market. >> reporter: call josh franco a frustrated house hunter. three months of looking and moving to faster moving buyers. the $665,000 five bedroom in a denver suburb is just on the market today so he will act fast this time. >> today would be a day i would put in an offer on this house 100%. >> reporter: in a hot market means higher prices. sizzling denver top the u.s. with a 10.2% year-on-year price increase followed by san francisco and dallas. sellers are getting up to 30 bids, and now other indictments, says kelly moye, spokesperson for the colorado association of realtors. >> they'll do anything from offer mountain bikes to the sellers or maybe a trip for two. >> reporter: a trip? >> a trip. >> reporter: where? >> anywhere-- to cancun, mexico, the mountains. maybe they own a time share.
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they'll give them two weeks there. >> reporter: another sign of the recovery, only 22% of buyers nationwide are paying all cash, down from a high of 40% in 2013. that means fewer investors looking for a quick buck and more regular home buyers. the last real estate boom turned into a bust. not this time says daren blomquist, vice president of "magic realism." >> we've actually been selling homes to buyers who can afford to by buythose homes which is a really good sign that this recovery is not just some kind of artificial inflating of housing but it's actually built on a solid foundation. >> reporter: now comes-- actually, josh, the potential home buyer, is in fact sitting down now and writing an offer on that house, but, norah, now comes the hard part for any buyer in this soaring market to fiend out if he or someone else gets the house. >> all right, barry petersen, thank you. the attempted attack aboard an
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amsterdam-to-paris train is being investigated as an act of terrorism. the moroccan gunman was charged today with attempted murder. charlie d'agata is in germany where an american airman who helped stock the attack is being treated for his injuries. so, charlie, what else did we learn from the prosecutor today? >> reporter: well, norah, the french prosecutor said there is no doubt the suspect was intent on a terror attack. now, today, bare foot, blindfolded and wearing blue hospital pajamas, the suspect ayoub el khazzani was led to the french courthouse. french prosecutors said he looked at a jihadi vehicle on his cell phone he was in the bathroom on that train before launching his attack. french police found 270 bullets on him. and he seemed to specifically target that train, buying a first class ticket, and turning down cheaper seats on earlier trains which all seems to contradict his contention that he was only there to rob the train. >> all right, charlie d'agata, thank you.
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sacramento, california, is anxiously awaiting the return of the three americans who stopped the attack. airman first class spencer stone, oregon national guardsman alek skarlatos, and anthony sadler. carter evans is there. carter. >> reporter: norah, while the three men have become international heroes, in sacramento they are hometown heroes. they grew up here. they went to middle school here, and people here cannot wait to welcome them back. the city of sacramento is planning a parade for their return and the mayor says he wants it to be big with a drum line, high school band, the works. they simply want to say thanks, thanks for making sacramento proud, thanks for making america proud, and, norah, this town can't wait to welcome them home. >> we can't wait, either. thank you, carter evans. next weekend is the tenth anniversary of katrina barreling into the gulf coast. new orleans' levee system could not protect the city and 682 were killed, many in their homes. as the waters rose, there were many desperate calls for help. some have never been heard until
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now. mark strassmann now with some of the people who made those calls and those who answered. >> reporter: when the levees burst, 911 calls poured in with the floodwater. >> reporter: this one from 2544 dubreuil street. >> reporter: operator paulaimacy took that call. now retired, she's still living in new orleans. what's it like to hear that? >> it's hard. it's hard, and it brings back memories. and it was nothing that i can do to help the lady get out of her attic. >> reporter: katrina's winds and water were too dangerous to send emergency crews. >> you just wonder what happened? what was the end result?
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>> reporter: we tracked her down. she's alive, living in texas. >> great. great. >> reporter: what could you hear in people's voices? >> fear. terror. >> reporter: operator tina berry boyle spent 12 hours on the phone that night. >> could you imagine getting a call where someone is saying that they're trapped. there's no way out, and just stay on the phone with me because i know this is it. >> reporter: and how did you handle that? >> i prayed. it's kind of hard to talk about. >> i really thought somebody was coming. >> reporter: suntel rush called 911 from this home in the city's lower 9th ward. from that same attic, we played for her that call for help. >> by the second night i was just like we're going to die in here. >> reporter: an uncle rescued them after three days without
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food or water. lake view was also underwater. sue daniel called 911 from her attic. >> i realized after i got off the phone that i was going to be the help. >> reporter: danielle put her 79-year-old diabetic morgan air mattress and swam for safety across this road to the roof of this shed. and how long did you spend on that roof? >> 26 hours. we-- we were there overnight. >> reporter: you hear it over and over on these 911 calls, people were on their own. >> a man named john made that last call. he survived but at least three of his neighbors did not. norah what you hear time and again on both ends of those 911 conversations is a feeling of helplessness. >> all right, mark strassmann there in a musical new orleans today. and bad as it was, katrina could
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not chase out a restaurant owner who feeds the community in many ways. that's coming up tomorrow. today, isis released photographs that appeared to show the islamic terror group destroying a 2,000-year-old temp nettle syrian city of palmyra. some images show explosives being laid inside the temple which isis considers sacrilegious. the last image shows a massive explosion. the u.n. calls the destruction of the world heritage site a war crime. syrians desperate to flee the civil war and north africans escaping poverty have created what is now the largest migration in europe since the end of world war ii. this year, 180,000 migrants have poured into greece alone. fences, tear gas, even bullets can't keep them out. clarissa ward met some of them on the first leg of their long journey from syria. >> reporter: every morning they come, packed into small
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rubber ding yez they risk their lives to across from turk tow this moment. there's jubilation, relief, gratitude. some are simply overcome. they have survived war and covered hundreds of miles across land and sea. most of the people on this boat fled the syrian city of deir ezzour, to escape life under isis rule. how is life with isis? "it's very hard," she told us. "there were bombs from isis and the regime." up to 1,000 refugees are arriving in greece every day. 16-year-old jawan, left his family in aleppo with the hopes of starting a new life in germany. so what are you feeling right now, though? are you excited? are you nervous? are you tired? >> i'm so happy. like, i'm safe right now.
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>> reporter: when was the last time you felt safe? >> well, a long time. it's been a long time. >> reporter: that optimism is often smashed by the challenges of the journey ahead. the flood of refugees has raised tensions in this cash-strapped country where resources are already stretched thin. in the tourist town, volunteers like jean frenew zealand worked to organize transportation for those who can't walk the 40 miles to catch a fer tow athens. >>un, this desperation, absolute desperation. >> reporter: have you seen anything like it before? >> never, never, and i hope i never have to again. >> reporter: most of the people we spoke to told us that they plan to travel further north to richer countries like germany, which expects 800,000 arrivals this year. but, norah, many of those crossing europe face a hostile reception from stun grenades and
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riot police, and even a wall being built to keep them out. >> all right, great reporting, clarissa ward, in greece. thank you. after a deadly accident at a gun range, the victim's family is out to prevent future tragedies. and one of the panda twins is getting special care when the cbs evening news continues. ness, the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at&t has the tools and the network you need, to make working as one easier than ever. virtually anywhere. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. it's easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish.
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died that evening help his children still struggle with the loz. 12-year-old christopher. >> well, he liked to do a lot of things we liked to do. >> reporter: 16-year-old ellie. how long did it take you to come to grips with this? >> i don't think i have yet, and since today's, like, the one-year anniversary, it kind of just brings it all back. >> reporter: shortly after the accident, the vacca children taped a message for the little girl. >> you're only nine years old. we think about you. we are worried about you. we pray for you. >> reporter: today, the family launched a national petition, urging states to set an age limit for use of automatic weapons. >> laws say that children can't drink, can't drive, can't vote, but they can shoot fully automatic assault weapons. >> reporter: their attorney marc lamber: >> if you look at the vast majority of states, they don't have any type of regulation whatsoever. >> reporter: after the accident, would you say that you've become antigun? >> definitely not. i am not antigun. i sometimes go to the range with my best friend and her dad. >> reporter: but you know that
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there are people in this country who believe that any regulation of firearms is dangerous. >> you can own a firearm. that's-- honestly, that's completely fine, but there's no logical reason for an eight- or nine-year-old to be shooting an automatic weapon. >> reporter: in response, the national shooting sports foundation said that's for the parents to decide, not the government. norah, the gun range where vac afs killed still allows children to fire machine guns. >> o'donnell: all right, don dahler, thank you very much. an indy car driver lost his life, but he has saved others. that story is next.
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if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual. he said sure... but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists. with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque, and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamond clean. my mouth feels super clean. oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. you...and itchy eyes.more than sneezing... they also bring tough nasal congestion. so you need claritin-d. it starts to work... just 30 minutes. in fact, nothing works faster. so blow away nasal congestion, fast, with claritin-d. >> o'donnell: indy car driver justin wilson died yesterday from injuries he suffered in a wreck over the weekend at pockinose raceway.
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his brother said his brother saved six lives by donating his organs. the new panda twins at the national zoo are three days old now. the smaller one is being fed by bottle because the mother has been giving more attention to the bigger one. both cubs are doing fine. and it happened 40 years ago today. ♪ ♪ a superstar was born. can you guess the album? that's next. with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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>> reporter: it was the summer of 1975, the 25-year-old rock 'n' roller from new jersey was putting the wraps on his third album. >> i was reaching-- i was trying-- i want to make one of the greatest, you know, rock records ever. >> reporter: bruce springsteen's first two were commercial disappointments, and as he told anthony mason on "cbs sunday morning "he wasn't sure his career could handle a third strike. >> reporter: when you started writing the songs for this album, were you saying to yourself, "this is my last chance"? >> i lived with a lot of death anxiety so i always thought that. >> reporter: it was wasted worry. in post-vietnam, post-watergate america, the song would become the anthemave disillusions working class. not what chart toppers like chicago and the carpenters were singing about. certainly not how they were singing it. >> all the suffering and the time we put in and the
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obsessiveness, sometimes that can drain your musical life. in this particular instance, it just packed it with all your hopes and your fears and your concerns and it all got packed in there. >> reporter: after its release, springsteen's career exploded. by october, he was on the cover of "newsweek" and "time" in the same week. >> i had the ego and the ambition to feel like i belonged on the cover of "time" and "newsweek." on the one hand, i felt like that. on the other hand, it scared me. and i had to sort my way through it after that. >> reporter: perhaps the only troubling part to this anniversary-- if "born to run" is 40, how old does that make the fans who bought it when it first came out? jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> o'donnell: and that is the cbs evening news. for scott pelley, i'm norah o'donnell. i'll see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning." have a good night.
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good evening. it should never have happened. that's what some say about the death of a montgomery county toddler whose parents are now charged with murder. >> the foster mother says social workers failed the brothers. >> reporter: the family ended up in wheaten. but a former foster mom called us from california to say that social workers missed clear signs that should have prevented these children from going back to these parents. >> we had to drop them off and they're screaming mommy, mommy, mommy, as we had


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