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tv   9 News Now Tonight  CBS  November 29, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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good evening. tonight in your only local news at 7:00, ransacked, a local organization aim the at stopping the violence becomes
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the latest victim in a series of burglaries. silent killer. 12 people head to local hospitals in the span of two days after carbon monoxide scares. but first dumped in the trash. police looking for clues after a body is found in a dumpster. >> reporter: i'm delia gonsalves in northwest washington where police made a gruesome discovery here in this back alley of the 1,000 block of fairmont street in northwest in columbia heights, instead of a dumpster police found the body of a teenage girl at around 1:30 this afternoon. the police are saying that the girl appears to be in her late teens. police are investigating this as an undetermined death but a lot of folks have approached us and said a loved one of theirs is missing since friday and she is 17 years old. i'm peggy fox in alexandria where three children are taken to the hospital suffering carbon monoxide poisoning. it's the second such incident in as many days. when the two older children
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told their mom they felt dizzy and nauseous, she called her husband. >> my daughter is feeling bad too and i said call 911. >> reporter: the odorless deadly gas leaked into their neighbor's house last night, setting off his detector. >> it's gone off before and sometimes you just say, well change the batteries you know and maybe it will go away. but there was too much indication that this was the real thing today. >> reporter: having at least one working carbon monoxide detector is a must if you have a furnace or gas appliance. >> this stack right here, your flew pipe will be backed up and not allowing ventilation. >> reporter: and have a technician check the appliances once a year. >> carbon monoxide, you won't smell it or taste it. you won't even know it's there until it's almost too late. this is bruce johnson in southeast and this is what is left of the peaceaholic offices following a weekend break-in. >> took the sony computer sitting right here with all of our records and everything on it. >> reporter: this is a
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nonprofit that made it's name using ex offenders to keep the peace among fighting neighborhood gangs and crews. >> they dropped it from the window and they carried it back here and busted it open. >> reporter: this is one of the several recent burglaries notice immediate area. >> they climbed through this window. >> reporter: on thanksgiving night burglars hit the offices of the informer newspaper. >> within' lost a -- we lost a computer. >> reporter: and it appears the same burglers broke into the amen computer center which last year trained more than 800 people for free. >> it was a violation for me personally for someone to come in and take what is for them. >> reporter: police have suspects or a special task force now assigned to the area, if they do, they are not saying. members of the d.c. teacher's union held an emergency meeting at dunbar high school after a 15-year-old girl claim she was raped by six
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male students in a school stairwell one week ago. police did step up security around the school today. >> this is more of a symptom of a larger problem. and that is d.c. public schools needs to get very serious about safety and discipline in our schools. >> now teachers say they've been complaining about gang violence on campus. a letter went home to parents today about the accusations. the sus young suspects from been charged in the case and removed from the school. a 9 news now update, police say a deadly car crash started with a fight between a driver and a front seat passenger. that crash happened overnight along pennsylvania avenue in district heights. now according to the prince george's county police, there were three women in the car. the two in the front seat started to bicker. the passenger grabbed the steering wheel and the car spun out of control and crashed. ironically it was the woman in the backseat who was not involved in the argument who was killed. the two women upfront were hurt
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but they survived. police are still investigating. saving $5 billion over the next couple of years means no raises for civilian federal workers. at least that's the solution president obama sees to helping cut the federal deficit. as scott broom reports, that pay freeze would eliminate a 1.4% cost of living increase some workers were counting on. >> reporter: federal worker as rivalling home tonight react to the news of the pay freeze. >> i don't think it's fair. >> well i'm surprised it's for two years. >> reporter: in the federal government the size of the work force has been growing. numbers are staggering. 330,000 people in the region taking home $102 million a day in pay. the loss of a 1.4% pay raise may not sound much to one person but that means $1.4 million a day does not get home taken home and get spent.
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some workers said a pay freeze puts another chill on the idea of making big purchases like a car. >> well i think it was expected. >> reporter: but auto dealers are hoping that a generally improving economy will make up for what is lost with federal rourkeer -- workers in the region. >> people have been living based on today's environment rather than what could be in 6 months or 12 months or 18 months so i don't see that effecting our business very much at all. >> reporter: meanwhile unemployment in our region is significantly lower than most parts of the country because of federal employment. so while the pay freeze is not good news, it is not viewed as a crushing blow to the local economy. at the metro station in greenbelt with federal employees coming home tonight, scott broom, 9 news now. >> now we should know that plan does not apply to military and congress would need to approve any proposal before it would take effect. well the pay freeze comes
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as a federal stimulus winds down. tonight the congressional budget office said the program put between 1.4 and 3.6 million people back on the job over three months. and it boosted national economic output from 1.4 to 4% in the third quarter however the fed expects the stimulus to diminish over the next couple of months as the money runs out. you'll see the $400 individual tax credit will end in four weeks and the energy improvements to your home will be gone. the earned tax credit for the working poor will not include funding for those with a third child. well, coming up at 7:15, find out what supporters say could create thousands of new jobs in d.c., maryland and virginia and millions of dollars for the local economy. and a commuter alert for those that rely at the l'enfant metro plaza closed today and staying that way until december
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8th. it's part of a rehabilitation project. the entrances at 7th and maryland and d. street will stay hope. kind of chilly outside today. topper is out on the terrace with a coat. >> it's fairly comfortable and it will be warm tomorrow and wednesday and if you want to get a head start, this is the time to do. it clouds come in tonight, we stay dry. looking at clouds in the ohio valley, that is a harbinger of a storm to come. temperatures in the 40s. not nearly as cold tonight. mid-40s downtown, low 40s in the burbs. temperatures will go up into the midnight hour. for tonight, clouds on the increase, not as cole. mid 30s in the burbs, low 40s downtown. we'll come back and talk about the storm, the potential of flooding, thunderstorms and how cold it will get if the wake of the storm. he's an elected official
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here in loudoun county but opposing homosexuality. i'm lindsey mastis in leesberg. can a politician keep his opinions separate from his public life. but first, a lot of parents struggling to find the perfect name. see how one couple made its decision next.
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what is in a name? for a canadian couple expecting their first child, apparently a whole lot. >> we want something that people will like, but that was different. >> we've been through lots of names in books and websites and you name it, we've explored it. >> so they are turning to the internet to help find the perfect monicker. robert and rammy el pinely have set up a facebook page to find a name for their coming baby girl. so far more than 1300 names
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have been submitted. the front runners are aria or melaniea. whoever suggests the winning name gets $600 in deals from a website. we have a link at you just click on extras. but if you are trying to use your internet last night you may have found the connection was down for the count. that's because comcast had a server issue that caused widespread outages from virginia up to new england. people lost internet service for 2.5 hours but their tv and phone service was just fine. that issue appears to have been the comcast domain name system and the company said it is fixed. but if you are still having problems try unplugging your modem and plugging it back in. wusa 9 wants to give you an i pad. become a fan and you have until december 16th and we'll announce the winner on december 20th on 9 news now at 11:00.
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and topper is back with a look at your forecast. but first, the concerns about airport security did not come to fruition over the holiday. we'll look at what happened at the airports over thanksgiving. that's up next.
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hi. i'm deb masser. i would like to wish my friends
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and family in the maryland area, a merry christmas and happy new year. especially my husband and mom and my sister and brother-in- law. i miss you all. a lot of grumbling about the new security screenings at our airports and there were threats of those refusing to go through the imaging machines and forcing a slowdown. and in the end it sounds like most of the travel folks involved planes went out without a hitch. according to a blog, a handful of passengers did ask for patdowns instead of screenings. one person traveled through burlington, vermont, posted that's it. i've received morein vaseity patdowns going to a rock concert. and in burbank, california, they measured the wait lines versus the coffee shop and the coffee shop took longer than the check point. well an elected official in
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loudoun county has taken a stance in part because he said homosexuals working for the tsa could become aroused. but he said his opinions have nothing to do with his work for the county. here is lindsey mastis. >> reporter: his name is eugene delgado and said he makes $40,000 a year as an elected official on the loudoun county board of supervisors. but he said he makes $150,000 as president of the public advocate of the united states. a conservative nonprofit organization. a widely distributed e mail written by him for the public advocate about tsa claims the patdowns are part of a homosexual agenda and writes, quote, the next tsa official that gives you an enhanced patdown could be a practicing homosexual secretly getting pleasure from your submission. >> i spoke with delgado on the phone but he would not let me record the conversation nor
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would he appear on camera. he said because he keeps his jobs separate. he said what he does for the public advocacy of the united states is different from his job here in loudoun county. but some people question whether an elected official can keep his private comments separate from his public job. >> anybody that works for the government, they shouldn't have opinions like this or post it. >> reporter: but others say he can. >> sure they can. you have two lives. you should have two lives. you should have your personal life and your elected life. >> reporter: he said it's not hate speech, it's free speech n. loudoun county, i'm lindsey mastis, 9 news now. >> and delgado represents sterling, virginia and been elected three times. part of his role with the board of supervisors does include representing the county in the dulles area transit association. so can a public official have a private life? and what about his claim that he made the comments in the capacity as a private sector employee rather than as a
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elected official. is there a difference there? share your thoughts with mcginty's mail bag at you can weigh in by posting a comment on our wusa 9 facebook page. a green alert about what cleaning up the chesapeake bay could mean by the local economy. a new report by the foundation finds that project would create thousands of jobs and spur millions of dollars of economic activity in d.c., virginia and maryland. today was the deadline for the states in the bay water shed to submit their plans for cleaning up the bay. see who made the deadline and who missed it, and the local plans at just click on living green. so not bitterly cold but we should emphasize the word "yet." >> exactly. it's a good time to catch a cold because it will be warm tomorrow and warm on wednesday and then the bottom falls out. so get ready. and also i would locate your umbrella. you'll need that too. and right now not nearly as
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cold as it was last night. temperatures are in the 40s right now. they're going to fall more and then they level off around midnight as clouds come in and winds turn southeasterly. i'll chilly out. 46 in sterling, 46 in leesberg. mid 40sin rockville. mid-40s in college park. low 40s up toward beltsville and toward laurel toward 95 north. now satellite picture, radar combined, there is the storm and we pension -- mentioned this earlier. it will have heavy snow and rain to the midwest, severe weather down in the south and i think the heavy rain will get into here late tomorrow night and early on wednesday. and perhaps a rumble of thunder for us as well. right now just clouds streaming in. walking the dog, no big deal. but here is the other story. more like spring and then back to winter. breezy and milder tomorrow, heavy rain and maybe even a thunderstorm on wednesday. wet commutes and get ready for that. the worst is wednesday morning and then turning much colder
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wednesday evening. for tonight, clouds come in. not as cold. mid 30s in the burbs, low 40s downtown. and winds southeast at 10. tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy, breezy and chilly. i'll put a slight chance of a late shower in. 30s and 40s. but by afternoon the best chance for showers. but the good news is milder. highs of 55-60 and winds will increase a little bit out of the southeast at about 10-20. flood watches are in effect late tomorrow night through wednesday tomorrow so we're getting ahead of the game here. the next three days, afternoon showers primarily on tuesday, mild. rain and showers and thunderstorms on wednesday and then turning colder, thus the blue arrow and then only 44 with sunshine on thursday. next 7 days, friday even colder, low 40s. only 40 on saturday. bright and brisk and then some. and then 40 on saturday. but back to the mid-40s on sunday and clouds come in and keep it dry for now. mountain snow showers a good bet toward garret county, but temperatures well below average
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for this time of year. reminder, toy drive 9 continues through december 22nd. we need your help. it's pretty easy. drop off new unwrapped toys at your area fire stations and they'll deliver the toys for tots. >> your buddy devon was worried some white stuff might come. >> i didn't put a flake up. it will be in the mountains. but we'll see. remember the old college prank from years ago, stuffing a bunch of guys. a phone booth. well imagine the same thing except the phone booth is up on two wheels. well you have this. our friends at guinness book are at it again. this is 54 folks crowded on to one motorcycle crossing a distance of 1100 meters before they probably end up toppling over. this was yesterday. before they did this, the riders underwent months of training, yoga, meditation and
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working on their balance and convincing themselves that this ridiculousness was worth that kind of time. we, here, remain unconvinced. >> look at those tires. >> we want to hear what you think. send your e-mails to mcginty's mail back at
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breaking news right now out of wisconsin where authorities say a student with a gun is holding hostages at a high school. this is north of green bay and authorities say the student just burst into the classroom and took it over. we don't know how many people were in the classroom, we don't know if anyone was hurt. and as you might imagine cops are all over this one. we'll bring you updates tonight at 11:00. well in the mail bag tonight, football -- you likely know the redskins lost a tough one yesterday to the minnesota vikings. our good friend john from chantilly with a now familiar rant -- blame the owner. it should be obvious by now that one of the easiest marks mutt be mr. snyder. he doesn't seem to have an eye for young talent. but if you are over the hill and best days around behind you, think snyder and shanahan. just wave your hand so mr. snyder can spot you and put his money in your bank. ordinarily i would have no
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problem jumping on the bash dan snyder express. but i think you're being too tough on him this time. coach shanahan may or may not have another superbowl run in him, but the team is better despite having no running back and no offensive line. and as for mcnabb, i would like to know what other great quarterback you would have gotten for the team. as for haynesworth, well two out of three ain't bad. and then this question from diane who calls herself a very frustrated football fan. can someone please explain why you can't broadcast the game at 1:00 p.m. i realize the redskins are on the other network but do you realize how many steeler fans live in this area. i thought i could watch the baltimore game -- no, i find oakland and miami. are you kidding me? what is going on here. why can't you broadcast games that someone is interested in here in the d.c. metro area? is there a a -- logical explanation for this. >> there is. if there is a soldout game,
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they air the game. and on fox they were playing the bucks. and you can e-mail me at mcginty's mail bag at and log on any time to have a great evening. we'll talk to you later. bye-bye.
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now, "entertainment tonight," the most-watched entertainment news magazine in the world. are taylor and jake getting serious? >> taylor swift and jake gyllenhaal, their first photo together. where they spent a hollywood weekend. >> there's a ten-year difference between the two of them. >> plus, together in paris. ryan seacrest and julianne hough. and brad and angelina boating with their brood. >> then kim kardashian is dead? the story behind kim in a coffin. >> and just in, david cassidy, dui arrest dashboard individual yoecht >> the passing of hollywood funny man leslie nielsen.