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tv   9 News Now at 6pm  CBS  November 15, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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another corruption scandal develops in prince george's county. >> i'm outraged at the disgraceful conduct demonstrated by three of our officers who tarnished our badge. >> three prince george's county police officers are among nine people taken down on federal corruption charges. the officers indicted are sergeant richard delabrer, chong chin kim and offer sinisa simic. and scott is telling us how wide is the scope of the investigation? >> reporter: it is widening out. and it does include now police officers here in prince george's county, along with a liquor store owner of a well- known liquor store in hyattsville and with the agreement of public officials known and unknown. the ominous words insight this indictment, although it is not spelled out exactly which public officials. involved in a liquor and
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cigarette smuggling scheme is what alleged. search warrant targeted tick tock liquors in hyattsville, own by amrik singe mel hi, it was shut down in 2007 by county officials concerned about crime. a business engaged if a 2005 battle over mandatory midnight closing. today melhi and three associates were arraigned along with police officer richard delabrer and chong chin kim. accrued in a -- all accused in a cigarette and smuggling extreme. >> these defendant as greed that amrik singe mel hi would play police officered in exchange for using their authority in assistance of the transport and distribution of untaxed cigarette and alcohol. >> reporter: the link between this case and the indictment of county executive jack johnson is unclear. today's case alleges that the defendants conspired with public officials, known and
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unknown. but rosen stein will not elaborate. >> there are a series of related investigations, this case and the case announced on friday, are among the series of investigation, we're not at liberty to talk about the relationship may be. >> reporter: rod rosenstein u.s. attorney telling us today that wire taps were part of this investigation. it's been going on four years. there will be more arrests and indictments to come. he won't say exactly when. there was a second indictment today. it accused another prince george's county police officer, sinisa simic and another man with trafficking in a half kilo of cocaine. there was a firearms charge that went along with that indictment today as well. reporting live at the u.s. courthouse in greenbelt, scott broom, 9 news now. investigators just left the home of one of the people indicted today. amrik melhi's mansion, and investigators carted out a
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dozen boxes. he and his wife are named in a federal indictment and agents have been at the house since 11:00 this morning collecting evidence. prestige auto glass was supposed to be open today but it was locked up. not open for business and there was an actual lock on the front door. this business is also owned by one of the nine people under indictment. and you're looking outside at the beltsville police station where the three police officers in the county were arrested today. these are shots right here of sergeant richard delabrer's laurel home. i don't think we have that. but he is one of the indicted officers. chief hilton said the scandal is a black eye for the department and he promised accountability on all levels. >> and i think there are some that may not appreciate this, but there is going to be accountability at all levels. everybody is going to be held accountable for the performance of their jobs to show up to
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work, to take care of their employees, and to actually provide the proper service to this community. that's the bottom line. >> the chief also put to rest rumors that he might resign and he now said that if officers want to take an extra part-time job they have to get departmental approval first. jack johnson reported for work this morning and vowed to finish the job as prince george's county executive. his term ended on december 6th but he refused to discuss his arrest on friday for allegedly trying to conceal a $100,000 check from a developer and the arrest of his wife leslie who allegedly tried to conceal $80,000 in her bra. on friday jan son said he would be vindicated. the two-term elected official was wearing a court ordered electronic monitoring device on his ankle today. >> just want the citizens of prince george's county to know that i'm going to remain
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strong, i'm going to finish what i started eight years ago. >> leslie johnson is set to be sworn in as a new prince george's county council member on december 6th. well just after 5:00, the county executive elect rushern baker broke his silence on the developments in the case. gary nuremburg has more on that. gary, he didn't say anything specific when we were talking about naming names? >> reporter: well, surrounding less than an hour ago by elected officials in a setting designed to show unit, baker had the opportunity to address corruption in prince george's county since the headlines began exploding over the last three days but corruption this evening was not his focus. >> we remain focused on kitchen table issues of our residents. whether it is job growth, transit-oriented development, new business opportunities, comprehensive health care improvement, and of course a
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top ranked school system. >> reporter: reporters asked why he didn't address the issue of corruption in his remarks? >> i believe that our focus is going to be on making sure we have best men and women in each department to run the government. >> reporter: leaving the building, baker was faced with reporters asking again what about corruption? >> what you saw in there today was the men and women who are going to take over the government on december 6th, coming together and that iing there are great opportunities here and we're very pleased with it. >> why are you walking away from that question? >> we're focused on the needs of the people of prince george's county and they want to make sure there is a first- rate government in place and that we're addressing job opportunities, that we're addressing our school system. >> reporter: after that rather ruckus walk to mr. baker's car, 9 news now called his press representatives to request a quiet sitdown interview but that request was denied. >> i guess we'll have to wait for it.
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gary, thank you for that. and by the way, we're always on this story. is always on and we'll continue to update the stories as they continue to develop. new at 6:00, a plea deal by a virginia pastor accused of sexually abusing two boys was denied. a judge said pastor tommy shelton deserves jail time but his plea agreement only called for probation. so now the case continues before another judge. and for the first time one of the victims speaks on camera. delia gonsalves has his story. >> i'm prepared to do whatever it takes to stop people from -- from [ crying ] >> reporter: these men were both young children when they say a man they trusted as their pastor at dunn loring's community church after god molested them. today in fairfax county court, ex pastor tommy shelton was hoping to walk away with only probation. but the judge denied his plea deal. >> you cannot plead guilty
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unless you agree to go to jail. >> reporter: the pastor was supposed to be baby-sitting one of the victims and giving piano lessons and it was said he abused both boys on several occasions, sometimes here inside the church building, other times in the woods right behind the church. >> before i was almost intimidated and scared and now it's just -- it's almost infuriating enough to give me the courage to just keep going. >> reporter: we have learned that tommy shelton's pastoral license was revoked in 1985 following allegations and an admission of inappropriate behavior with young boys at a church in illinois. today in court tommy shelton expressed remorse, telling the judge, quote, i tried to live a christian life and got off track. his victims don't buy it. >> it was oh, woe is me, trying to be a christian. he's just looking to get out of a deal. >> reporter: in fairfax, delia gonsalves, 9 news now. >> the ex pastor will be back
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in court on wednesday where his lawyer will determine whether they go to trial or cut another plea deal. he faces up to 7 years in prison. members of the westboro baptist church reportedly were thwarted in their plans to stage a protest at a funeral for a fallen marine from waldorf. the westboro group is known for anti-gay protests at military funerals. but according to the washington examiner today, westboro protestors had to settle for a demonstration near a gas station about a mile from the funeral for lance corporal terry honeycut because hundreds of counter demonstrators outmaneuvered them. following the funeral, he was buried with honors at arlington national cemetery. he died from the injuries he received in afghanistan. well it looks like donovan mcnabb is here to stay. brett haber is live where the qb is getting ready to face off against his old friend. >> and he's a very happy man
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tonight. we've been talking about the disconnect between mcnabb and shanahan, but apparently there is a reconnect. news of a lucrative new deal five-year extension. we'll give you the details and numbers coming in 9 sports. we're going to see if you're going to get wet or not. we'll show you the almanac and temperatures close to average. 59 was the high, 48 was the low. averages are 58 and 40. record high of 83 and record low 20. we'll come back and tack about when the showers move in and what that means for your commute. and reusable bags help the environment but they may be bad for your health. we'll tell you why up next.
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the most powerful half ton crew in america has a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles. that's forty thousand more than ford. chevy silverado. the most dependable, longest-lasting full- size pickup on the road. use your all-star edition discount for... a total value of six thousand dollars on a 2011 silverado. see your local chevrolet dealer.
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well a lot of problems
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heading toward fedex field on the inner loop through montgomery county and prince george's, we are jammed all the way on american legion bridge part of the inner loop, beltway to landover. so try to avoid that stretch of the beltway for the next couple of hours. otherwise not too bad. northbound 270 a bit slow from the beltway up to shady grove road and in virginia slowing southbound 395 from king street down to duke. but look out heading to fedex field before the game starts. lesli. >> thank you. something harmful could be lurking on your reusable grocery bags. tests show there is more lead in these reusable bags than what is allowed in paint and now the federal government is calling for an investigation. so here is a quick rule of thumb, the plainer the bag the better, experts say. because the more elaborate design on the bag, the more likely it contains lead. we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back. [ man ] are you aware that verizon fios brings fiber optics to your home
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it's been nearly a decade but the chandra levy murder case could be in the hands of a d.c. jury as soon as tomorrow. closing arguments start at 11:00 a.m. and bruce leshan is live with our first chance to hear some of the evidence. bruce? >> reporter: , lesli, the judge just released this cd at the request of 9 news now, the washington post, at sosh -- at associated president. it has this call in spanish from guandique where a pen pal who he has fallen in love with ask him about the dead girl he mentioned in a letter. he offers no explanation on a call he knows is recorded. it also has the 911 call from the man who discovered chandra levy's remains in rock creek park and the voice mail from gary condit, the one he left on chandra levy's machine shortly after she disappeared. condit seemed to have no idea what happened to levy which
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fits the prosecutor theory that he had nothing to do with her disappearance. >> it's 6:30 and i haven't heard from you and so maybe you're out of the country or something. any way, give me a call when you get this message. >> i was walking my dog in the wood this is morning and i came across a human skull. >> are you sure? >> absolutely. i don't know anything else that looks like it. >> [ laughter ] that's true. >> prosecutors did drop two of the charges against guandique today. the statue of limitations have run out on attempted robbery and kidnapping but there is no statue of limitations on felony murder and those charges remain. leslie? >> bruce, thank you. a teenager is on the mend after surviving a bad fall on a hike. maryland state police say the 17-year-old boy fell 50 feet and suffered some serious injuries. rescue crews had to use a
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helicopter to hoist him out of a rugged area of the mountain. >> amazing they were able to get to him. >> seriously. things are changing? >> there are some showers on our doorstep as it were and i think if you are going to go the game, you're going to see showers before the end of the game. let's talk about what is going on right now. temperature pretty uniform in the 50s. not going to vary much over the n. -- the next 24 hours. 52 down in springfield. but some 40s. andrews is 49 and 55 in leesberg. redskin forecast, here is the deal, cloudy to start and 55 by 7:00. 52 by 9:00 and then showers by 11:00, temperatures still right around 52. so you'll probably have wet roads on the way home and showers in the second half. satellite picture, radar combined, and a developing storm. this would be a nor'easter, but
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it's going up the appalachians and producing rain through the southeast, mid-atlantic and eventually into new england. the rain showers are kind of on our doorstep down to the south right now and becoming a little bit more organized after midnight and just in time for your morning commute. in the mean time, we'll show you titan and this will show you where the rain is located. it's southwest of us. it will start raping in culpeper before it starts raining in the district and heading toward frederick so. keep that in mind. locate your umbrella. tuesday morning commute will be wednesday. tuesday evening commute will be wet. tuesday will be cooler. and wednesday will be windy but still nice on wednesday. maybe an early morning shower and that's about it. 8:00 tonight, showers and by midnight everybody gets showers. it's light activity. then ben 7:00 showers and light
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rain across post of the metro area so i would allow extra time for your commute. and then the heaviest activity looks to be around lunchtime. heavy showers toward frederick and yellow is moderate and then toward leesberg and down to the south in through southern maryland. and then just in time for the ride home we do see some heavy activity. red is heavy in the evening commute. so everybody will see wet roads in the morning and at night. for tonight, cloudy skies, cool showers developing by midnight. winds easterly at about 10 and temperatures 44-50. and chilly to start tuesday. rain showers by lunchtime and 53 and more rain and showers by evening at about 55. temperatures don't do much tomorrow. the next three days, once we get through the rain on tuesday, windy and nice on wednesday. back up to 63. a little bit cooler on thursday
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but nice. temperatures in the upper 50s to near 60. next seven days. it will get cooler on friday, 55. and then on the weekend it looks nice again. sunshine on saturday. terps playing a game at night. and then 60 again on sunday. and even next monday, temperatures in the low 60s, but as we keep mentioning, don't let that fool you because it looks like it will change around holiday time. well we'll be back with brett haber who is live at fedex field with more on the big game tonight.
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if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil.
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with eight times better wear protection than mobil 1. castrol edge. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering.
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the most powerful half ton crew in america has a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles. that's forty thousand more than ford. chevy silverado. the most dependable, longest-lasting full- size pickup on the road. use your all-star edition discount for... a total value of six thousand dollars on a 2011 silverado. see your local chevrolet dealer. and welcome back to fedex field, everybody. donovan mcnabb was benched for two minutes but the repercussions lasted for would weeks thanks to the bye week. the redskins had 15 days to marinade in their internal chaos but that got put to an end about three hours ago when the redskins signed donovan mcnabb to a lucrative contract
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exception. the team confirming the news just about an hour ago. skins and mcnabb agreeing to a five-year extension, $78 million, going up to $88 million with incentives and $40 million is guaranteed. apparently that benching not deterring to committing to mcnabb long-term as hurt feelings get put aside in favor of business, i have a pretty good relationship with the people in the organization here and some great backup support. so for me it's just going out and playing my game and having fun doing it. >> no matter what you want to do as a coach, you have to do what the quarterback can do and wants to do. that's what we've been like since the day i met them and it's like that with everyone i've coached. >> reporter: we have just been handed a sheet full of quotes from redskin general manager on the resigning. allen saying when we made the trade for him, meaning mcnabb, we understand what we were getting and pleased with the
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leadership he brings and we believe he can help us win. that's the team's take on the extension. and the bigger story with the other quarterback in this game and that's michael vick. a guy just 18 months removed from federal prison and entering tonight's game as the number one ranked quarterback in all of the nfl. through the first half of the season, vick has not thrown an interception, not given up a fumble, and he's been every bit the star people thought when he was coming out of virginia tech nine years ago. >> to come out and play a different coverage at any given time and if that's the way they feel they can stop you and slow you down, that's what they'll do. it's up to you to make adjustments and make a play. >> for the most part you have to just stay in front of him and know where he's at. >> reporter: now if the redskins cannot contain vick and his mates tonight, the future becomes murky in terms of the playoffs. these seven teams plus the
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eagles are ahead of the skins if the standings. only six make the playoffs and if the skins drop to 4-5 the road back becomes very steep. as for the redskins at running back, the good news is they have two guys who are proven starters in the nfl. the bad news is neither one of them is healthy. clinton portis did return to practice but he experienced pain in the injured groin and we're told he will be inactive and will not play. ryan torain also hampered by a hamstring. he's listed as questionable but hearing he will start. on the upside brand on banks had knee surgery but will play tonight. apparently he's a vampire and heals instantaneously. time to pick the game of the week. we have five to choose from. the two two teams, and of
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course you can vote at dc.high school and now the skins play the eagles tonight. lesli. >> thank you, brett. that is it for us. going to rain a little bit before the second half is over, just a little bit.