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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 5A  FOX  February 27, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EST

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as billboards pop up in cleveland to entice him to trust the process. "good day philadelphia" at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. good day, everybody thanks so much for joining us, taking a live look outside right now i love when they light lights up there, so beautiful up there in the lehigh valley area. good morning to you. >> great to have you here on this tuesday. extending outside this morning , a little chilly. >> right, chillier then yesterday. >> but all good things are ahead is that what they say. >> yes, national pancake day. >> but things are just getting started. >> yes, national pancake day short stacks at ihop. >> flip them, flip them. >> come on over, i will give you the address. >> and number of food celebration that is we are about to see with bus stop buddy but first let's show you the number. >> lets take a look. >> i think you'll like it. we will get with a 10 today. it looks like i great late february day. it is also national strawberry day. temperatures in the 20's and
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30es a. make sure you have a warm enough coat on, at the bus stop, flyers gear in order as well since they won last night but been will talk about that in a minute. 36 degrees in philadelphia right now. sunrise time 6:37. we should see sunshine all day long, about 41 by 9:00 by lunchtime mid 50's, topping off at 57 degrees, we will call that a nice afternoon, and sunset time is 5:51, so, bob kelly, not too bad on market street right now. oh, look the at moon. >> check that out. >> ahh. >> love it. >> hang, you can watch it moving, going down. >> right. >> over the city, there is billy penn. >> profile, i love this. >> the great work that you see there to the right of billy penn pen's hat, i bet that is the top of the new comcast center. and then psfs sign, cool. >> wow. >> yeah. we were talking earlier bob kelly, we looked it up,
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february moon is the full moon is the snow moon and it will be full on march 3rd officially. >> because it wasn't quite 100 u are waking upright now you may think you have your driveway lights or outside lights. that is what i thought this morning, sobriety this morning that is a cool shot, all right , moon's going down, time to get up, let's go, 5:02 we will call it. we have a live look at market street, the water department, two big holes dug here, and almost the same spot. they have been out here a couple times in the last few months, first water department comes out, and then peco comes out, and then septa comes out, it is like, there is a running project here. vehicle traffic, not permitted on market street. they are allowing the septa buses to roll rel through but looking closer to the height of our rush hour here the start of the rush hour here in olde city. right now market street is closed between third and fourth. chestnut still closed fourth
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over to second from the fire a week and a half ago. live look the blue route no problems coming out of mid county heading down toward schuylkill expressway, 42 freeway looking good, headlights heading in toward philadelphia, in problems or delays at lee as we start off on our tuesday morning, and route 73 at fellowship road, still working with construction in mount laurel and septa over weekend kick in spring schedules on the city and suburban lines so things felt a little off yesterday maybe you don't have the right schedule so grab a new one today, also changes to the following three bus routes as well. otherwise mass transit looking good. karen and thomas, back to you. philadelphia police officer found dead inside of a port richmond home and now her fellow officers are trying to figure out what happened here. steve keeley joining us from the scene this morning, steve? >> reporter: yeah, police officers left the scene before dinner time last night this was not called a crime scene this was not called suspicious , at all, in fact, in official statement from police at all, so far.
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she didn't show up for her shift yesterday and she didn't answer her phone, didn't answer any text and when she didn't answer any knocks on the door fellow officers sent over when collogues wonder when she was, drove down the door and she found her licensing with her 42 year-old long time companion. no signs of trauma, nothing to indicate a murder/suicide, accident or anything else. it will take autopsies to answer how this 36 year-old off-duty officer and her 42 year-old male friend died and when. neighbors say she was kind to them and even animals that had been abuse that had she took in. >> just awful, you know, it is terrible to hear anyone going, she's just a really nice person to have a connection with someone, you know, just knowing in the neighborhood, yeah. she was nice. she was friendly. you know, relatively outing. she would talk to you. >> it is a quiet neighborhood. you don't see too much of this going on anymore at all.
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>> reporter: well, taking items from the house police towed away a car you see here a nissan versea with new york plates on it. it may have been just a rental police have yet to put out any kind of an official statement waiting for answers to the autopsies, that may provide but maybe not right away. karen and thomas, toxicology tests could take longer than a day for results just a mystery not only to the street or family, but to a even bigger family the philadelphia police department. >> that is the truth, thanks. 5:05. developing in south philadelphia we know a 27 year-old man is fighting for his life after being stabbed in the neck. police say someone stabbed him several times, in the 2700 block of south hutchinson street just before 11:30 last evening. he is in critical condition at jefferson, no arrests. police are also searching for a person who opened fire on three people at the intersection of sheraton and west third street.
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this is fair hill section of the city. shooting happened just before 6:30 yesterday evening. one of the victims was shot in the and he is in critical condition this morning. man shot twice in his arm and he is in stable condition at the hospital. a woman was just standing by, hit by a stray bullet, and both are in stable condition right now. so far no arrests. lets get to camden county where is there a planned rally today, students may come out because they want to get their teacher back, who was suspended after allegedly make something comments about security in the wake of that horrific school shooting in florida. lets get out to lauren johnson to explain is what happening there, lauren. >> reporter: hey, karen students are calling it a sit in from yesterday but school officials say it was a protest and it is not allowed but they say that the students cannot do that here on campus, students plan to do it again today, it started yesterday in the hallways of cherry hill east high school home to 2300 students, they crowded the hallways, chanting free mr. will bee, a beloved ap history teacher.
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at some point last week mr. locke spoke to one of his classes about school safety and security in light of the valentines day shooting in florida. he was concerned. his thoughts didn't sit well with the principal placed him on leave. students didn't think it was fair. they gathered yesterday to defend their teacher. they were all usual nerd to an auditorium. >> it was just basically an hour and 15 minutes of question/answer, oh, no i can't answer that i don't know the answer to that. it eventually led to a whole lot of no where. >> well, students are not scared to speak out about this as you can hear and sianni that student also stated that he started a handwritten petition in school and he tells us, that after six hearst of being on campus yesterday he gathered 500 signatures. students are trying to be peaceful since they have been threatened by school leaders here with suspension, maybe missing out on prom or not being able to go on a trip to
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disney. right new district is in the saying anything else about this except for it being a personnel matter. >> keep us updated. do you recognize this car you are about to see? camden county police say driver strung an eight year-old girl last tuesday on the corner of ferry avenue and phillips street and just took off. the girl was brought to cooper hospital where she was treated and released. the car, take another look is described as charcoal four door sedan that may be a ford fusion. in bucks county we have got an update now to a story we told but yesterday on good day, attempted murder suspect that guy right there lewis medina turned himself into the falls township police. they say he shot a man at pennsbury racket and athletic club, he targeted the ex- husband of the former girl friend, on saturday afternoon in the hallway, right there, outside of the gym, where there was a charity boxing event just about to start. it is unclear exactly what led to the shooting but that victim is in stable condition in the intensive care unit.
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and in delaware county, pennsylvania state police are hoping that newly released sketches will solve a years long mystery in delaware county. a hiker foundry mains of the woman in ridley creek state park in 2016. investigators say that is what she looked like, she had three gold rings, a gold irish ring, there is a gold ring with an initial, c, on it, and then there is a gold die machine ring. if you have any idea who she could be, please contact the state police. jurors will be back in the courtroom for closing argument in allentown married he had pawlowski's public corruption trial a cysttent attorney anthony zurich grilled him for four hours. he claims mayor rigged city contracts in favor of law firms and business that is gave him money for campaigns. pawlowski denies any connection between city work and contributions. changes are coming to the roosevelt boulevard, which is obviously one of the war streets in the entire country, so deadly. now penndot is giving money,
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$500,000 to get some -- to bring red light cameras to five spots along the boulevard , hoping that will cut down on some of the speeds and fatalities. they were put over pratt street intersection we are looking at right there a scene from the crash back in november, and lights will be put at langdon, rising sun, fifth street and broad street. all right. we are having so much fun with this one with our sixers trusting the process. they have these new billboard that is just went up trying to encourage lebron to join our team. >> pretty cool. they are about 7 miles from the cavilers a reen, first one shows a picture of the court featuring five players, number 23 in red, and then second, complete the process. lebron, very clever but but will lebron catch philly fever >> they are in the happy with
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him now. he is not doing too much with cleveland right now. i think wow do better job in philly. >> maybe he sees the eagles championship, flyers maybe, he wants another parade. >> whole idea came from the three boarding outside ebbing, missouri. they will be up for three months. sixers will be in cleveland to play cavilers on thursday, coming up, by the way at 8:00 o'clock here, the owner of the company that bought the are the bill boards will be here to talk about them. 5:11. still to come here on good day a midair scare, frightening moments. >> what happens when engine on your plane, starts to backfire you turn it around, and put it down. singing shots, and, harlem globetrotters, and bob killie boom, love that 5:11. love the ride so far this morning, no problems coming into town on the schuylkill
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expressway, on my way to cape may, sing it al alberts, we are live at cape may new jersey, we will ring your bell with a good looking forecast right after the
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one bus slowly going here at 5:14 as it goes by. that is how it is this morning >> that is it. >> we will get the day started
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so good to have you here on this tuesday, lets check the forecast and sue serio is here >> it is a tranquil start, chillier start this morning thanks to high pressure that moves in and gave us that radiational cooling overnight, so what it means, it is a sunny day to day but you have to wear that coat this morning because it is a little chillier then it was yesterday , but at least we don't have the cloud and fog to deal with that we did have going on, yesterday, in fact, it will be today and tomorrow, it should be nice day. we will jump ahead in the future cast to wednesday where we will see increasing includeds at night, we have cloudy to start on thursday, and then here comes our storm which is still evolving as far as a forecast is concerned but we have got rain rolling in for the evening rush hour on thursday, and then coastal storm cranks up for friday, so far, it looks like it will be rain, and only rain, if that changes of course we will let you know.
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temperatures 10 to 12 degrees above average next few days it will start off that way. thirty-six in philadelphia. twenty-eight in allentown. we have 27 degrees up in hazelton that is what we're talking about a little colder. millville at 36. dover delaware also at 36, just depending on where you are how cold it is, yesterday nice, even though it stayed cloudy. fifty-one our high in philadelphia. fifty-three in atlantic city. lower 50's in reading, trenton , allentown as well. today we will get to upper 50 's and same for tomorrow, and then 55 degrees on thursday. it looks like a windy, rainy day on friday with that coastal storm coming in and temperatures back down to seasonal, on saturday and sunday and it looks like it will dry out in time for the weekend, so that is a look at your seven day forecast, bob kelly, what is happening right now. >> well, not that bad, we are off to a nice quiet start, we will take it 5:16 on a tuesday morning, live look at the schuylkill headlights
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eastbound coming in, all of the overnight construction pick up so we are good to go. ninety-five looking g northeast philadelphia passing our camera at cottman avenue heading in to center city. chestnut street closed second to fourth, that is around the fire from last week even, and then market street blocked this morning between third and fourth, water department crews got a big old hole dug there so they are digging up piping. here's a live look from the guys in the control room. this is market between third and fourth, again, water department is about the third or fourth time they have dug this deep over past couple months here to make repairs and then typically peco comes back out but no vehicle traffic. they are getting septa bus here or there get through. we will see how long this will take and whether that will impact our morning rush hour here in olde city. they are still working on route 73 at fellowship road. karen and thomas, back to you.
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this time tomorrow students in florida will be waking up, to get ready for school exactly two weeks after a gunman opened fire inside stoneman douglas high school killing 17 innocent people. yesterday, teachers were back on campus, for planning session as head of their student's return. students will have a half day as they make that transition back. meanwhile an attorney for scott pederson finally speaking out on why the sheriff ease deputy never went inside the school to confront the gun man. he thought gunfire was coming from inside. his lawyer said he it was patently untrue that the department failed to meet standard or acting with coward difficulties. he has declined to comment. president said he would have charged right into that florida high school touring the deadly shooting. he was saying that the nation 's governors. he would have shown courage. >> you don't know until you are tested i really believe would i run into, even if i didn't have a weapon.
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the president, told our nation 's governors he would like to beef up background checks, arm with some teaches sers and increase access to mental health resources and ban bump stocks. people are traveling near and far to pay their last respects to reverend billy graham. he have is lying in repose at billy graham library any charlotte, north carolina today is the last chance for public to pay their respects. thousands office people packed through the library yesterday including former president george w. bush and his wife, laura who brought greet accounts from their father. >> i know he wished he could come too. he is in the moving around much these days but his spirit and hearties here. >> former president bill clinton is also expected to pay his respects today but former president barack obama will in the be traveling to the memorial. graham's body will be taken to the u.s. capitol rotunda for visitation tomorrow and then on thursday as well. graham will be the only fourth private citizen to lie in honor at capitol following
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rosa parks in 2005 and two capitol officers killed in 1998. dramatic video of a mom and three of her children so lucky to be live after being rescued from a raging apartment fire. take a look at this. >> you can see that right there they form a human chain these fire fighters in houston , texas. human lad tore lower those children to safety. just moments later the whole balcony collapsed, 15 families had to find other places to live. we don't know how that fire started. also, it was really terrifying, can you imagine looking outside your window, view from the ground, people on the ground like what is happening? it looks like is there fire in the engine? there were fires in the engine shortly after take off that plane was going from salt lake to los angeles, pilot returned , to the airport, they said there was a performance issue much like backfiring on a car, and good news it is,
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they were, you know, rattled, be in was hurt. something you don't want to see. ryan sea crest accused of sexual misconduct. former stylist say hose groped her on several occasions. suzy hardy who made her complaint public work with sea crest from 2007 through 13. she said she was fired after complaining about the star's behavior at hr. in a statement e news said network hired an outside counsel to investigate but found there was not enough evidence. seacrest denies all claims. still to come this morning the career that puts you most at risk of getting divorced by the age of 30. it is also not pancake day , so what do you want on your flap jacks? my kid like check late chip. let us know. your #fox 29 good day. blue brings?
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(clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury.
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as we look at the numbers here on wall street, 5:24. good to have you with us. if you have an android phone and you love amazon you're in luck this morning. >> we will sprain. it will be easier for to you get a preview of what you are buying. >> a few months ago on line
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retailer debuted augmented reality shopping tool, it was only available for iphones but now android customers can use the app, to let you see how products will look inside your home. >> wow it tests thousands of items including electronic, toaster, and furniture, toys as well, you can move them around, pretty cool. >> that is cool, yes. >> should i buy a toaster, microwave, crock pot, what else can do you with this. let's keep this running for another five minutes. you get the idea. >> yes, a vase. >> lets talk about relationships. looking at pentagon talking about military careers. what you do for a living could increase chances of you getting a divorce. recent analysis of u.s. census data fund first line enlisted military supervisors have highest divorce rate with 3 percent of people splitting 30 just married a couple years
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coming in second logistics, filled by automotive service technicians and mechanics. >> they are won who do inventory, move things around, warehouse work. two new offerings by coca cola the company is coming out with two new fruit flavors, georgia peach and california raspberry will be popping up in stores this week. they will come in 12-ounce glass bottles instead of can. they are the company's first new flavors since debuted vanilla coke 16 years ago. >> i like cherry coke, ice cream, dessert. >> yes. >> it is national pancake day, ihop restaurants all across the country will serve free short stack of butter milk pancakes to every customer to celebrate. they are asking to you make a donation to help battle critical illnesses in children free pancakes begin at 7:00 and go until 7:00 tonight controversies continuing
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at a south jersey high school. >> what a cherry hill teacher said that landed him on the suspension list and what his students are now doing about it. we are so excited this week as fire up the bagpipes right there because we are giving you a chance to win a trip to ireland, this may be one of the best we have ever given away just watch this week up until 10 and wait for word of the day once you have the word come to our web site enter every day and new word each day. please keep your shoes on!
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stop messing with your sister! hey! hey! don't make me come back there! so? feels really good.... yeah, i'm gonna buy it. (vo) customer service that goes the extra mile. enterprise makes it easy. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premier medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make
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and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's. because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to converge. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be.
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for switching to progressive? [ engine revving ] you cannot hear me at all, can you? off-duty police officer has been found dead inside of her home, there was also a male victim, as well, and there is an investigation right now. also ahead this picture could solve a nearly 20 year-old murder mystery that started in massachusetts with a trail tracing right back to philadelphia. let's give you something good on this tuesday morning how about this for a trick shot, thank you time and again our harlem globetrotters sin king shots from the rafters what? seriously all the way down, swish, nothing but net. >> i could even get it in the basket if i climbed over the basket with a ladder and standing right over it. >> we will show thaw in a moment. so good to have you here on
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this tuesday morning, it is 5:30. i'm thomas, karen next to me bob kelly, boom. >> present and accounted for. >> and sue serio. >> you will like me today because i have a 10. i previewed it. it is okay. it is going to be a really nice late february day. we have bus stop buddy and little strawberry there. well, big one. it is national strawberry day. clear skies giving us radiational cooling and that means it is chillier this morning then it was yesterday at this time. 36 degrees at the moment. our sunrise time getting earlier at 6:37 these days and by the end of the day with sunshine we should be up to 57 . that is a look at your weather authority forecast, it is, seven day forecast is coming up, been kelly. >> thanks, sueby 567:89:31.
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time to make the doughnuts. route 309, hello fort washington kind of quiet this morning. so far, so good on our major roadways, live look at 95, out of northeast philadelphia, starting to see volume pop on the freeway headlights heading toward the walt whitman bridge fire in wilmington 26th street and machine rejust off of the 202/i-95 interchange so be careful there heading dunn through wilmington. double close anotherness olde city, first left over from the fire chestnut street still blocked from second to fourth and crews have been working, right out front of our station here on market street between third and fourth, so right new there is no vehicle traffic. here's a live look right now sea water department guys still in the hole and they have no signs. i don't see a dump truck with dirt to fill this in yet. this could be with us the rest of the morning rush hour. they are allowing a september bus every now and then to roll rel through here. so my guess is they will allow septa buses to get through but
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vehicle traffic detoured off here in olde city, between third and fourth street, and septa made changes over weekend. they kicked in a new timetable things didn't seem right with your bus time yesterday? that is probably why. grab yourself a new time, before you getting go to day, karen and thomas, back over to you. lets get to this developing story because we are still trying to figure out exactly what happened and sort through details after an off-duty police officer was found dead along with the man, at a home, steve keeley's out there with what we know at this hour, steve. >> reporter: we don't know much, maybe police don't necessity for sure, why, this 36 year-old female off-duty officer and her 42 year-old long time companion described as a boyfriend, just died. we may not necessity today even because if you will remember cranberryies lead singer delores owe rear done was found dead and still no cause of death for her yet. sometimes people dianne it takes a long time to figure
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out y they will do autopsies today but there was no indication immediately of foul play when officers barged through the door just afternoon time yesterday, when she didn't show up for work, answer her phone or text. inside they found she's dead. they find the boyfriend dead, they called the medical examiner who ruled both of them dead by 12:40. police left here by dinner time without saying anything officially on the record about what could have caused both of their deaths. >> i talk to the neighbor and he said, oh, they were found dead in the house. you know, it is shocking, you know, things like that, this is a quiet area, so not a lot happens. >> reporter: police did toe a nissan versea with new york license plates and they also took items out of the house but karen and thomas no obvious signs of trauma so that means no blood. it didn't look like immediately like a murder/
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suicide, certainly no carbon monoxide poisoning here which you might think in a case like this because notice in the video they didn't open up all of the doors and windows. it didn't appear to be dangerous to them who knows at this point. it will take an autopsy and maybe toxicology tests which usually take more than 24 hours to determine the cause of death as well. so we may not get answers we're expect to go day and that is just sad for neighbors here on mercer street and port richmond and for the entire police department. >> just beginning of is what sure to be a very detailed investigation, steve, thank you. 5:35. bill cosby's daughter ensa has passed away. the 44 year-old died on friday in massachusetts from kidney disease. ensa cosby stood behind her father throughout sex assault allegations against him claiming racism played a role. spokesperson for cosby family asked for prayers and that the family be given peace at this time. this is a sad story we have a sketch of the woman no one knows who she is, she was found in the massachusetts parking lot back on november
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13th 2,000, years ago and police there say maybe she's from philadelphia do you know who she is, take a look. there is a suspect in her murder shore said that she was involved in sex trafficking and went by the name lease but in one knows anything else about her. she's between 17 and 25, 5- foot two to 5-foot five, 115-po. camden county students are planning another protest this morning in cherry hill east they are banning together to defend a teacher placed on leave, lauren johnson at the school this morning. these are over some comments that he made, is that right. >> reporter: that is right, thomas, here's the deal students are planning to just walk out of the school but they have been warned there is a big price to pay. they say that is not fair because they want to raise their voice. >> free mr. locke. >> reporter: small group of students started their protest yesterday inside halls of the cherry hill high east school when they learned one of their favorite teachers have been placed on leave.
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one student tells us mr. timothy locke's out for rest have the year but district isn't confirming that saying thinks a personnel matter. locke was punish last week after comments he made to one of his ap history classes about the school shooting in florida and his thoughts at security at this camden county school that is home to more than 2,000 students. >> his opinion the way he said it maybe offended people or made people feel some type of way about it but it was just his voice, i don't think it was bad. >> he is such a great teacher. he listens to us. his class is open forum because with history there is aloft current events going on. >> reporter: after demonstrating in the hallways students say they before brought to an auditorium for question/answer obsession they didn't get many answers. they did get a promise for punishment, no prom, possible suspension and maybe being left behind on a school trip to disney. students say they tried to
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peacefully protest by starting a petition. yesterday in under six hours they have garnered 500 signatures and karen and thomas is there a petition than line at >> we will see what the day brings, lauren johnson in cherry hill. 5:38. parkland for park land. students in the lehigh valley are doing their part to make a difference for students in park land, florida. they are raising money for selling parkland for parkland bracelets. they are asking for a two-dollar donation. everything raised will get to the families of the florida shooting victims. as you can imagine they are selling quickly. in fact students behind it just ordered a thousand more. hundreds pack the palestra at university of pennsylvania last night. >> so much fun what a wonderful event, for college basketball, high school hoops as well. huge night in philadelphia when we have catholic league championship game, between bonner prendie and roman catholic, it was a great game, classic finish, and mayor, of
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course, a prep guy he was there too. >> this is like the vatican of american basketball, the people here try to schedule games here that have never been here before. >> ends up roman winning final score 51-49. that was not the only big game >> another good match up here, newman goretti source cardinal owe hard ate was o'hara who capture girls catholic league title for second year in the row the final 54-39. talk about a rare sight in rome. >> the eternal city taking a holiday because of, wow, look at that, they dent usually get snow there.
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♪ (crunching) dude, your crunching's scaring the fish. dude, they're just jealous. kellogg's raisin bran crunch... ...with crunchy clusters and the taste of... ...apples and strawberries. i got one! i guess we're having cereal for dinner. deliciously heart-healthy kellogg's raisin bran crunch.
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good morning i'm kristin rodgers, phillies spring training games are well underway in clear water, florida. fill wits first evening game on monday night taking on the yankees. phillies/yankees first inning in score ben lively on the mound for phillies gets jean carlos stan on swinging one of his three strike outs. yankees get the win four-three aaron nola will be phillies starting pitcher on opening day, he is the youngest starting pitcher for phillies on opening day since 1964. nola hopes to set the tone for the rest of the season. >> there is excitement, honor, to be named that. but, it is just one game.
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we have a lot of other games that i want to pitch throughout the season. >> flyers/canadiens in a shoot-out, peter mrazek between the pipes gets the save hero had shut out on the night, comes down to sean couturier weaving his way yes, flyers win in the shoot-out they take first place in the metropolitan division. that is sports in a minute. i'm kristin rodgers. it is photo, some people, some have been waiting for. >> i know, thomas, you have been dying, there it is, kim kardashian. it is kind of cute showing off new picture of her new baby,
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♪ mom, we got girl scout cookies to sell. the girl scout cookie inspired flavors you love. now in the dunkin' coffees you love. only at dunkin'.
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in your noise cancelling trheadphones?ry maybe not. maybe you could trust you won't be next to a loud eater. (eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell. (silence) ♪
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what a sight, a beautiful tourist destination became a winter wonderland a rare scene as heavy snowfall blanketed rome's monuments, tourist didn't seem to mind there put on snow shoes take a few photos of the famous, beautiful sites. >> it is fun, to scoop it up, start throwing it all around, they had a big snowball fight right outside coliseum, they were also all over the place, everybody gets to get on the action together and have fun, they were doing snowball fights at the vatican. >> even tourist making their way, to the top of an opened sight seeing bus they were pelted by the snowballs. i'm sure they loved it.
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snow came from siberia and expected to last for several days. >> exactly. >> wow. >> that is good. i hope, media sees that and then, cuts us a break about throwing snowballs at santa claus. >> no throwing snowballs at the pope over there either. here that is work zone, right out front of the station market street blocked between third and fourth water department crew digging down in the hole here. i don't see a dump truck ready to fill this up so this will go in the 6:00 o'clock hour at lee market street blocked between third and fourth, they are allowing septa buses to roll through. that is only good news. going around the block in olde city. chestnut street still blocked second over to fourth from that fire of a week and a half ago. live look at i-95 southbound, through construction zone, not bad at all starting to see volume, no major accidents out
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there so we will take it for right now starting to see volume popping up on the freeway coming in toward philadelphia and cool shot of the city sky line ben franklin bridge looking good working your way up and over into philadelphia fire location in wilmington 26th and monroe, just off of route 202 and another one belmont at conshohocken avenue belmont at conshohocken right by water reservoir here getting word of the fire, watch out for fire department activity and septa kicked in new schedules over weekend something didn't feel right about the timing of your bus probably because you're working off your old schedule, make sure you grab it before you head out to the bus stop this morning, sue's coming into give us her forecast in 15 seconds...
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high pressure builds in, we got rid of the fog, cloud cover, dominated most of our day on monday, and then now we will see some sunshine but the trade off is it is pressry chill think morning we don't have anything to show you the entire northeastern part of the country as far as rain or cloud cover so clouds roll in wednesday night getting ready for a big coastal storm happening thursday into friday morning throughout the day on friday then this forecast is still evolving and still can change but we will see first of the rain roll in on thursday afternoon and then storm gets crank up cold air may give some snow to the mountains, during this storm on friday. more on that coming up. 37 degrees starting off in fredricka delaware and newark has 35, these colder temperatures we were telling you about. macungie is 28. easton 28 as well, and then in
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new jersey tuckahoe at 32 and sea isle city at 38, colder then it was yesterday. we have managed 51 degrees with all that cloud cover yesterday and today we are going 57, 58 with increasing clouds tomorrow, 55 degrees as rain arrives on thursday and then pretty nasty day on friday we could get a couple inches of rain out of this coastal storm on friday but should clear up by week end and we are back to seasonal temperatures for the first week end of march, thomas and karen. >> we were just talking about that, so exciting, can't believe it is already march. >> never know what it will bring though 5:50. harlem globetrotters are at it again. >> they are down at wells fargo center and they are doing trick shots. >> very cool, check it out. >> sometimes you have to trust the procedures zest. >> all right, your turn. >> we tuesday, believe, that was right from the catwalk he didn't stop there.
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sank that basket you saw all blindfolded, harlem globetrotters play march 4th, look at that, blindfolded and all, he will go for it, take a look at it. >> amazing. >> it is all on you right now how about that. >> they will be here this morning in the studio during the 7:00 o'clock hour for a big surprise. >> i know you are so excited because we have another picture of kim kardashian's baby girl, there she is, she is cute, baby's cute no matter what you think of the mom, family and antics. that is chicago. they had her by surrogate. >> talking about swish, right. >> yeah, swish coming in too she grew up in west philadelphia a member of the harlem globetrotters. i remember when they didn't have any woman at all. first would hand to play for globetrotters played for the university of kansas lynnnet
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woodard was her name. so we are giving away this trip to ireland. we have another word of the day. yesterday the word was blarney , so we have another word of the day to day, here's a hint because i don't want to do this until after 6:00 lucille ball was married to. >> desi arnas played what character. >> ricky. >> that is the clue. >> wow. >> we also have a sportscaster named ricky ricardo, for the phillies, right. >> yes. >> that is an interesting clue >> he is on something. >> it is the worst clue ever. >> yes. >> you got me wondering. than
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♪ >> look at all of the action here in addition to making trick shots members of the world famous harlem globetrotters have been given a surprise of the lifetime basketball players with disabilities in north philadelphia, players zeus and swish young dropped by the widener memorial school to
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play ball with wheelchair basketball players, pair helped celebrate students and all of their achievements on and off the court, globetrotters they are here in the delaware valley this week as part of their amazing feat of basketball world tour and they will be here in our good day studios in the 7:00 a.m. hour. delicious dishes pared with deals you do not want to miss here east passyunk restaurant week begun, sixth annual event started yesterday featuring 26 ward winning restaurants with wide range of flavors and dining options but it is in the just about the food, stores along east passyunk avenue will be offering great discounts as well. still ahead this morning on "good day philadelphia" a deadly disconferry off-duty police officer found dead inside a port richmond home we will take you back to the scene in just a moment. also ahead the fly guys, fighting for a win and it will come down to a shoot-out could they pull out a win? good day back in 90 seconds stay with us.
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life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach.
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an off-duty philadelphia police officer and also another person are found dead inside of that home. in port richmond. what we're learning about this disturbing discovery, and then this. >> free mr. lock, free mr. will bee.
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>> south jersey school in an uproar teacher suspended for his comments about school safety and how his students are rallying behind him. >> weaving his way in couturier, scores. the flyers win in a shoot-out. >> yeah, flares win it in a shoot-out are you ready for another playoff run? flyers continue to be one of the hottest teams in all of sports right new and last night's shoot-out win makes them a first place team, okay. so when i got up this morning, i felt flyered up. >> apparently you did too. >> look at this. >> is what happening. >> orange is the new greeny like that. >> thank you. >> okay. >> it looks like we're wanted by law here. actually market street is shut down. you will see red and blue lights both at third and fourth street. they are fixing that hole that i asked penndot to come and fix, few weeks ago right. >> they


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