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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 5A  FOX  February 26, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EST

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panter roars past the competition "good day philadelphia" at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. new prediction, next week it will be on top as well. 5:00 o'clock, so very nice to have you with us, thomas drayton. karen and sue, good morning. >> we saw it this weekend. perfect movie going weekend with all this rain and it was worth it, my goodness. so much going on i want to see it again. >> let's do it next weekend. >> date. >> first i have to get through this morning. we have a dense fog advisory in effect for counties high late there had new castle, kent, down in delaware and over towards shore we have ocean county, atlantic, cape may, burlington, cumberland all socked in with the fog this morning but we're seeing reduced visibility in the metro area as well. we have eight out of 10. decent day because of the rain being gone, happy national, pistachio day, i don't know how bus stop buddy will eat
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just one pistachio, nobody can eat just one. we have clouds and fog, the temperatures in the 40's, rain has moved to the south of us and it will stay there for a while anyway. 44 degrees is your current temperature. 4 miles visibility at the airport, mostly cloudy skies, and the fog, we will see some sunshine here and there and temperatures, 55 degrees, it is, monday, taking over, a town in delco: lansdowne is where bob kelly's this morning at the em fire. >> hey, sue, good morning, everybody. good morning, everybody. is what your name. >> randy. >> randy, you want to go where >> i wanting to to ireland. >> i want to go to ireland. >> he has lucky socks on. i thought i had my irish socks on but he has got me beat. >> yeah. >> randy ready to go to ireland. do you want to give a shout out. >> beautiful sister her 50th wedding anniversary, brenda young and tom young.
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>> let's have a hand for wendy and tom, celebrating 50 years. >> we are celebrating town take overtaking over delco this morning. the gang at the empire diner, we even have gallway guild with us here, you cannot give away a trip to ireland without an irish band this morning. come on lets check jam cams heading out the front doors this morning, little bit of fog, little bit of wet roads. that is okay we will get through on a monday morning. schuylkill expressway looking g lets go to i-95, we have fog on the vine expressway camera. back to septa they have kicked in their spring schedules so make sure you are good to go. back here live again at empire diner baltimore pike all morning long, and sacred heart academy school. is what your name. >> bria. >> your name. >> jasmine. >> guess what my wife went to that school so i know nuns there if they give you any trouble for being late today, you call me, okay. >> yes. >> look at the deserts here today is national have dessert
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first day, does that sound good. >> yeah. >> i just made that up but that is okay. >> look what we have here, desserts for everybody, would you love to stick your face in that. my gosh. come on by on your way to work and school the empire diner we will be here all morning long as we are taking over delco on a monday morning, back to you guys in the studio. >> all right, bob, thanks very much. lots of news on this monday, already a busy day breaking news out of montgomery county where police are investigating a double homicide. lets get right to jenny gist with the details we are learning right now, jenny. >> reporter: good morning, police cleared this scene a short time ago we are live here on chain street near oak street police are now back at at the station going through all of the evidence and information that they collected, after this double homicide happened here overnight. our crew is a arrived on the scene around 1:00 o'clock this morning and quickly noticing
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officers collecting evidence in particular, they were shining some light on a blue dodge neon at the scene. this is an area where gunman opened fire overnight striking and killing two men, at this point we don't know what that vehicle had to do with the double homicide, officers were armed with rifles. then hours over the night, k-9 s were out here sniffing around for clues. we know two victims were together at the time of the shooting and then gunman took off. at this point police tell us they have made in arrest in this case, karen and thomas. >> lots of information there, thank you. lets get to falls township where police are looking for a man who opened fire, in bucks county, at a fitness center over weekend. this was a charity boxing match that is our suspect three three-year old lewis medina who shot the ex-husband of his former girlfriend in the back. it was happening at that event at pennsbury racket and athletic club. it was pack with people including kids more than a
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hundred people. that is where it all happened in that hallway where there was 12 people standing nearby. >> first i thought it was a amplifier with the music, i had no idea, people started screaming, running, and then we heard a somebody's got a gun and someone down on the floor. people were scared. we had people climbing underneath the boxing ring. we had people running into other rooms, locked themselves this. >> that suspect did getaway, the victim is in serious condition at the hospital. time right now 5:05. lehigh valley students get back into class after flames destroyed their school buses. our lauren johnson joining us from south whitehall township what a scene it was, good morning. >> reporter: man, that video is incredible to see, thomas, you know, what language speak in social media. that is what parkland school district did. they went to social media too announce school is back in
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session three days after a raging fire damage a quarter of buses. video reveals just how bad the damage was, the buses there, charred, destroyed, and then, in the district, and buses from a lease could go which they said would do on friday and, they have plans for district mechanics who worked overtime over the weekend to make repairs to the buses, like busted out windows, blown out headlights and melted tires. superintendent told a local paper here in lehigh county that there are reserve busts that will roll into the fleet today as well, classes were cancelled on friday after the fire broke out here in a bus depot, off stadium drive where we are in south white hall township. the fire has been burning so badly that people living nearby reported hearing loud pops which we later learned were tires spreading. in the end 25 buses were destroyed, each of them cost about $90,000, add to that building depot, damage and overtime, and buses where they
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have been, it will be about two million-dollar when it is all said and done. district said they are fully insurance, everything will be rebuilt, and replaced. they do want to thank surrounding districts for stepping into offer their resources, right now, karen and thomas the fire is under investigation. getting students time to move forward. 5:07. demolition of the fire ravaged building in the olde city district has been delayed. crew where is scheduled to begin work at third and chestnut street but fire investigators need more time to search for what cause that had fire. flames swept right through the building on february 18th destroying apartments and businesses, several streets in that area remain close todd traffic this morning. a man remains in critical condition after someone opened fire on uwchlan street in overbrook last evening, three bullets hit the man 21, years old. though found two guns on him but no sign of the shooter. another shoot to go tell but, this one happened in south philadelphia someone shot a 31 year-old man yesterday in the
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1700 block of mckeen street. he was struck in the stomach. they have not made any arrest ness that one. imagine you are asleep, and suddenly two masked men wake you up. that is terrifying situation two people say happened to them yesterday in oxford circle. they said the gun man tied them up, pistol whipped them and demanded money inside their home in the 2100 block of fanshaw street. one of them, freed, themselves , ran to wawa for help. both are doing fine this morning. police are still searching for the robbers. students return to high school for the first time since that horrific, shooting that happened there in florida there was a line of students and parents wrapping around the building as kid where is coming back for their belongings, backpacks, other things left behind when that shooting happened. start of what officials are calling a phased reopening of the school. students will go back to classes on wednesday, as the building where that tragedy happened will be torn down and turned into a memorial. meanwhile, congress returns to work this week
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under pressure to respond to the gun violence. today the president is going to be meeting with the governors at last night's governor's ball he said that the florida school shooting helped prevent future mass shootings will be first on the list, the topics discuss today florida governor rick scotties calling for an investigation into police response to the shooting. more than 70 state lawmakers signed a letter calling for sheriff suspension, and they say sheriff scotties rail's department ignored repeated warning signs about the shooter and israel has defended the department and said he won't be resigning but will cooperate fully with the investigation. pennsylvania state senator daylen leach has announced he is ending his stalled congressional bid, he will not run for congress. he faced allegations of inappropriate behavior toward female employees and aids in a facebook post side on attack of his family and talk about how unappealing congress has become. he said he will stay in the state senate. announced wow step back from
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his campaign after all of the allegation where is public in the newspaper. head on crash in chester county has claimed two lives and investigators are trying to figure out what just happened here. it took place yesterday morning in east white hand land township, police say driver was heading the wrong way and then collided with another car. and, they don't necessity why that car was heading in the wrong direction. both drivers died on the scene police have not yet released their identities. 5:10. still to come a family fights >> family business dramatic video here robber shows up wait until you see this pulls out a shotgun right there on the family. there is a mom and daughter and they are not backing down. also ahead this morning snap chat doing more than just killing time here there is a big problem hiding and all those snaps and selfies we will tell but that, good morning bob kelly. >> hey, gang good morning we are trying to figure out what we will order, what will we have. >> i'm thinking on the french toast. >> good one. >> how about you pancakes.
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>> pancake. >> with strawberries. >> lots of strawberries. >> whipped cream. >> we are live all morning long at empire diner come on back and trip to ireland,
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welcome back.
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wilmington, good morning to you. we have some fog out there, so watch out. >> let's get it going 5:13 on this monday, it is monday, we all feel it, we have a check of weather and traffic in a moment. but first look at this right here. >> we had dramatic storms in the midwest central part of the country. five people were dead after storms swept through governors in missouri, indian, illinois declared disaster emergencies. there were three tornadoes who touched down in kentucky, 6 inches of rain came flooding in community. >> we moved furniture out, appliances up and we have been , watching the water coming up. >> so a lot of clean upright there. these are people in one community. do you see that little dog, right there? they found that dog that was buried under the debris. our thoughts are with them this morning. lets get a check of the forecast with sue serio.
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>> we had rain this weekend, but nothing as tragic as. that we could have fog, just slowing us down a little bit. only a mile visibility in allentown, 5 miles at philly international. much less in wilmington, delaware. very fog any dover, down in wildwood, we are up to a mile visibility in atlantic city this dense fog advisory which is only for selected counties, it is in effect only until 6:00 o'clock this morning, fog is expect to lift after that but it looks like the clouds are going to persist, throughout the afternoon, rain isn't that far away, it is only in virginia but it is out of our neighborhood, we have had quite a bit, quite a bit of that over the weekend. checking pennsylvania temperatures, we've got new holland at 43 degrees, collegeville at 42 and newtown square at 43, as you walk outside the door, temperatures in the 40's throughout south jersey, woods town, at 46, and
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then, bordentown 42. chillier there. newark, delaware home of the university, it is 46 degees and bethenny beach is 47. that is where we are starting off this morning. forty-seven is normal high temperature for this date for the end of february, 48 was our high yesterday and then we will meet that today even with limited sunshine. fifty-five is our high. fifty-eight for tomorrow. tomorrow, wednesday looks great as well, get ready for rain on thursday and friday but this time, the timing is a little bit better, it looks like the rain will end in time for the weekend, so that is your seven day forecast, lets see what bob kelly's eating this morning because yeah, that food looks so good, at the empire. >> oh, it is delicious and they keep bringing out more stuff. you know for the kids who are watching early bird gets the ice cream, come on, give the ice cream to the kid here before school, isn't this
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great. who needs pancake and a healthy breakfast when you can have ice cream, what is this one here. >> this pound cake napoleon. >> you can tell your teacher you are learning something, that is g put that in there. delicious, at empire diner. lets check the jam cams this morning as we head out the front door blue route southbound just past mid county, nothing going on we have some fog we have to deal w i-95 at broad street in south philadelphia, we have had some roads, again, watch out for fog and damp roadways and chestnut street still closed downtown because of that fire, from last week. back here live, it is our town take over, you know how we do it every monday we will take over a different town. we are coming to you live from the empire diner here on baltimore pike with me gallway guild the irish band and then, of course, we have our irish fella here you have your socks
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on. you have a connection with the basketball team. >> back in 2005 i was halfway trainer/physical therapist for ireland senior mens basketball team. >> cool. >> for european basketball champion ship. the gods are irish american so we have dual passports but we had four guys with nba experience. >> you know some people over there,. >> yeah, coach fitzpatrick and they are still over there. >> name dropping we can do. >> we will start giving away that chance to win the trip later today at 6:00 o'clock. here comes the irish dancers. come on in girls. we have a party now. we have a party going on, all morning long empire diner, wait until you see what we have in store for you and spin around, george, the moms are here, spin around, george they are the moms they got up early to bring the kids in. give them water we all need coffee. we will be here all live, join us in lansdowne delaware
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county. back to you guys. >> keep the fun going, 5:19. >> today marks 25 years since the 1993 bombing at world trade center. ceremony will be held at a site to remember six people killed and more than 1,000 others who were hurt in the terror attack. this ceremony will begin this afternoon at 12:18 when the bombing exploded. in orlando survivors of the pulse nightclub shooting will soon have a place to pay their respects. construction begins today on a permanent memorial to honor the memory of those who died, these right here are pictures of what that memorial will look like, permanent memorial is expect to be completed within two years. more bad news for harvey weinstein he cannot sell his company they are getting ready to file for bankruptcy. the company has been looking for a buyer but so far no tak ers. they had a deal for 500 million-dollar but they fell through after politicians got involved. he started the company in 2005 , was fired from it last october amid dozens of allegations of sexual assault.
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this is some pretty surprising video of a robbery. there is the suspect. walks n pulls out weapon. this is happening in oak, at a liquor store. he tries to get away. but they lock the door but they are not quick enough to get the second door lock at well so they come back in so they are trapped together. they have their own weapon as well, mom pulls out her own weapon right there and there is a shooting that occurred, bullets start flying, the mom did get pistol whipped out of this but he did get suspect's gun. he was later found at a nearby hospital. >> very bold move. >> 5:20. >> you ever her of the phrase naked as a jail bird? >> there is a guy, we will show you, yeah, he was getting way to giggy with it, very revealing wide coming up next.
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(clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury.
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as we look at the numbers this morning, let's talk about your money. credit card users listen up here you could get a refund for over charges. citigroup says it is returning $330 billion after over charging 1.75 million people on their annual interest rates some users who are eligible for interest rate reductions well, they never got one while
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others received reduction that is should have been larger. average refund will be about $190 percuss more, you should see it on your statement. new studies are showing instead of reducing congestion ride shares are increasing it by putting more cars on the road. >> uber and lyft have promised to do the opposite but it appears to be pulling riders off buses, subway and bikes and putting them in cars instead. recent survey of 1,000 ride sharing users in boston shows most would have walk, biked or skipped the trip all together so similar survey last october riders in big cities found the same results. the next big smart phone, it is here, samsung revealed galaxy s9 which includes a improved camera, a super slow motion and set ago this will turn yourself ease into ane maine gi, phone can translate foreign languages written on signs, they expect to sell more than 40 million of these phones this year and hits
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shelf march 16th. speaking of those selfies in your health, we have them those snap chat filters that remain hugely popular. why are you looking at me? >> bunny ears. >> growing health concern. it turns out that the filters are driving people to plastic surgery. it has been joined snap chat problems, they can transform our facial features smoothing out skin and enlarge eyes and lips. so new york plastic surgeon says it is making people lose perspective of what they actually look like. >> my goodness, all right. back to school, for kids up in the lehigh valley after their buses, were burn. >> still ahead we will have the latest on the fire that damaged more than two dozen buses, on frida
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a double homicide investigation currently underway in montgomery county, we will take you live to the scene in just a moment. in bucks county, families to have run for their lives after that suspect, according to police, fired into a crowded room with children, nearby. and let's just say that eagles chris long's charitable efforts, well, they are reaching some new heights, we will explain that picture coming up in just a moment.
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>> i love this. our eagles team greatest team ever, we just love them. it is a machine. lets get this whole thing started right now. >> good morning everyone. bob kelly will join news a moment. he is out and about having a whole lot of fun. he will invite to you come down. we will talk about that in a moment. lets talk about the weather. >> better then we can end but still foggy this morning. not perfect but better. dense fog advisory in effect until 6:00 for counties highlight there had, it doesn't mean magically the fog will lift at 6:00, that is when we expect it to be at its war. we have a eight out of 10 today because of the fog, and persistent cloud cover but otherwise it looks good for national pistachio day. temperatures in the 40's to start at the bus stop. bus stop buddy has a warm enough coat on at lee for now an bonnie thing he does not have is umbrella, and the rain has moved south, so, dry sidewalks here in olde city, 43 degrees with 5-mile visibility at the airport and plan on a high of 55 degrees today. we will see some sunshine to
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start, but, some sunshine to end the day, sunset time is 5:50. so that is your planner for monday, and if you are anywhere around delco plan to stop by empire diner, look who is there, it is bob kelly. >> dancing at empire not empire rock room like we did back in the day. look at vanessa my new irish dancer. you got the moves, baby. >> yeah, baby. >> the mcdade cara school of irish dance in the house with gallway guild, we are having some fun, live all morning long here taking over, delco, lansdowne, delaware county, right here on baltimore pike. lets check the jam cams heading out the front door this morning. we have fog, wet roads as we begin our monday morning, 422 at route 29, the fog, in the jam cams this morning. ninety-five coming into downtown philadelphia right at vine street expressway.
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we are seeing traffic building up nothing out of the ordinary , everybody behaving themselves this morning and as we go to the september map is there new bus routes and changes in that went into effect so changes in a new timetable, we are ready to go. the empire diner, we will be here all morning long until 10:00 o'clock. a chance for to you come on by , on your way to work, or school, we have mcdade cara school of irish dancers here all lit up, they are here before they go to school. this is an educational trip for them. really think they should have the rest of the day off. i will talk to their parents in a couple minutes to see if they agree, back to you guys in the studio. >> mack it happen, keeping tapping away, bob, thank you. >> we want to get to breaking news out of norristown. police are investigating a double homicide, jenny joyce on the scene at the norristown police station, what is going on, jenny. >> reporter: good morning, guys we are here at the police station.
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police cleared that scene. they are processing all of the information, going through evidence that they collect at that scene. it happened near chain street near oak in norristown and that is where a gunman opened fire overnight, striking and killing, two men according to police on the scene. our crew is a arrived there around 1:00 this morning and quickly noticed officers going through the evidence, in particular, they were shining some light on a blue dodge neon, at this scene which was later towed. at this pint we don't know whether it had to do with the double homicide officers went in armed with rifles, spent hours overnight, k-9s were out sniffing around for clues. we know two victims were together at the time of the shooting and gunman took off. at this point police have not made any arrests, karen and thomas. >> thanks, jenny. police are looking for a man who opened fire inside a crowded bucks county fitness center over weekend, there is our suspect, police say three three-year old lewis medina
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shot the ex-husband of his former girl friend in the back it happened saturday night during a charity boxing event in the pennsbury racket and athletic club. more than 100 people including many children were there at that event. shooting happened in that hallway right there pretty narrow. about a dozen people standing by. 5:33. back to school for kids in the lehigh county after fire destroyed a whole fleet of buses. lets get right out to lauren johnson in south white hall township, good morning, lauren >> reporter: i'm not sure if you can hear but those bus engines are roaring, warming up buses for kid is here in the parkland school district. officials tried to spread word over weekend that it is back to the books on this monday. on friday a fire destroyed 25 school buses, forced district to cancel classes for the day, fast moving blaze, at this lehigh county bus depot was reported around a.m. calls came from people living nearby and hearing explosions that was later determined to be, windows and tires popping
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off the rims and those two events forced fire fighters to retreat during that fire battle to avoid major injuries luckily no one was hurt. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. n the end a quarter of the bus eggs in the fleet were damaged or destroyed. some of the buses were sal aged and mechanics with the district worked overtime over week toned make minor repairs to keep buses rolling. few other districts did offer up their resource toss help park land students get to school today but the district work with the lease could go to ensure that they could bring in a temporary number of buses. so district is fully insured, parents can reza shourd that the buses will be replaced, there will be in interruption toss school bus services for remaining year and karen and thomas the causes still under investigation. a setback but they will recover, lauren, thank you. lets talk about music tour ears here. atlantic city's new casino promised to fill the city with live music. hard rock casino planning to
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have over 209 supply music in the first year. you may remember casino is set to open this summer. the gambling and entertaining. resort company is enlarging venue at former trump taj mahal to fit 7,000 seats, up from 5200 recently held. black panter still going strong here continuing to claw its way to the top. >> it had another record again this weekend, second weekend. we will have more in a minute. sixers have been raking in the wins recently new with the trip to washington on the road could they keep that streak alive. find out hot phillies
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- [narrator] look around. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premier medical school, and created a single university that defies convention.
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at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's. because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to converge. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be.
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nhl trade deadline is at 3:00 p.m. today and flyers are more than okay if they don't bring anyone in. dave hakstol says his energy and attention is on the guys already on the roster. >> we have good chemistry on the locker room, inside of that dressing room, guys have battled hard together from my standpoint, you know, our soul focus has been, you know, finding ways to get better from within. >> sixers on the road, with the wizard three to go sixers down by nine, bradley beal, knocks down jumper over ben simmons. sixers winning streak end at seven, they fall 109-94. aaron nola making his day because with the yankees top of the first no score bases loaded danny espinosa doubles deep to right off knoll lah,
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three will score, and yankees win eight-three. nola will start for phillies in opening day. temple ucf second half owls up by 13, nate pierre lewis will get hoop, quenton rose, owls win 75-56. that is sports in a minute i'm kristin rodgers. thanks, kristin. we are so excited because this week we are giving you go a chance to get to ireland. >> chance to go as well. >> in. >> all right. >> so here we go just watch good day this week and wait for the word of the day, once you have that word you can enter on our web site and remember there will be a new word each day so keep it right here watch all morning long and then fox, we will be right back.
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♪ mom, we got girl scout cookies to sell. the girl scout cookie inspired flavors you love. now in the dunkin' coffees you love. only at dunkin'.
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against traffic on i29. >> what? >> yeah, that is a, um-hmm, a naked man riding an atv, leading police on a hour long chase in kansas city, missouri it turns out people were giving rubbernecking of their heads, going wrong way on the interstate crossing median and it is a big danger out there.
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no surprise they thought he was under influence and taken in custody watch out for those speed bumps get you have time. >> lets head out to bob kill any lansdowne, pa not to day's town take over, hey, bob. >> good morning, we are live from the empire diner here all morning long taking over the town of delco in lansdowne. we have mcdade cara school of irish dance. tell me your name and what grade you are in. >> brianaet richardson middle school. >> haley brooks, springfield high school. >> i'm tara shayne i go to st. francis of assisi. >> dorothy sweeney and i go to st. patrick's in malvern. >> st. patrick's. >> reagan sweeney and i go to bishop shanahan high school. >> you are, oh, i got to come down here. >> i go to st. agnes. >> are they real curls. >> um-hmm. >> yeah. >> look at that. >> what grade are you in. >> first. >> i hear you like making your
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own you tube video. you will be famous. back here live in delco. we have taken over delco. we are here at empire diner but we have a lot of other local delco business that is come by and join us. one of them marty mcgees. >> thanks for joining us. >> what do you have for st. patrick's day. >> we start off with a daily routine, at 7:00 a.m. we kick it off early. we have breakfast. shamus keller, formally with black thorn and then we have shan agains playing all throughout the game. >> are you ready to play for us. >> yes. >> let's play irish music to get the girls dancing and do some jam cams. we will go out to the roosevelt boulevard, a live look between ridge and kelly drive, got a disable vehicle there off to the shoulder, attracting some attention, just be careful and then vine expressway downtown traffic is starting to move, pick up, coming into center city. one accident in chester county in willits town on forest lane
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right here near sugar town road. back here live at the empire diner, again all morning long on the baltimore pike, in lansdale, plenty of stuff going on, we have the schools coming by, some of the local businesses and, of course, getting you started with irish dancing here, nothing wrong with that because again, you cannot give away a trip to dublin without the irish gang here this morning. all that and more coming up during that 6:00 o'clock hour, sue has the forecast in 15 seconds... before we get to the talk of clouds and fog let's talk spring. yeah, it will happen eventually. we had a taste, of course, last week with temperatures in the 70's. official start of spring is march 20th it is a tuesday and
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at 12:15 in the afternoon. by then we will be at eastern daylight time, 22 days away from the vernal equinox of 2018. now situation is improving a little bit out there in someplaces with the fog, we are at 5 miles visibility at airport, less in wilmington, three-quarters of a mile in dover, down in wildwood still socked in there and improving in other places. lets hope that happens quickly this dense fog advisory is in effect until 6:00, issued by national weather service and that is when they expect things to start to improve. one improvement is rain is gone for now, we will see it show up in the seven day forecast but cloud cover will be on the persistent side to day, clouds hanging around, let's check current temperatures everybody in the 40's, pocono mountains in the 30's. so right now it is a cool start, chilly enough to need a coat but by the end of the day , well, looking better, let's check back do you remember last week?
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tuesday was 72. wednesday 77. then we can even came and got dreary 50 on saturday. forty-eight on sunday. today an improvement, 55, 58 tomorrow, 59 on wednesday, also looking excellent and then rain arrives on thursday and friday, and then first weekend, we have sunshine, will return, thomas and karen. >> you look closely, yes. >> they are coming. >> it its almost here. >> last week from those warm temperatures. >> keep them coming. several eagles lets just say they had quite a year on and off the field. >> getting better and betterment one of the good friends of the show, rodney mc cloud, adding a ring to his collection another proposing to his girlfriend up there in new york city on friday. she said yes. he says he picked out ring just day after super bowl and waiting to get his ring, which is becoming a thing and follows carson wentz just engaged two weeks ago. >> jordan matthews and soccer player china williams are expecting their first child,
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china announced this on instagram with the time line, of the couple, and she said, we officially became one in june of 2017, and they got married last sunday. now, little matthews is due in august. >> ah, congratulations. week two black panter on track to be the highest gross ing blockbusters in history. >> it topped becomes office for second weekend with 108 million-dollar in ticket sales >> wow, let's go. >> black panter only fourth film ever to cross 100 million-dollar mark in its second weekend, second highest weekend for a film behind force awakens since black pant er's release it has earned 400 million in this country and 700 million worldwide. world famous harlem globetrotters, i love them saw them at spectrum as a child
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here bringing their impressive tricks to philadelphia i'm bringing my kids now. you can get another chance to see them this sunday. they have two shows at the wells fargo. we caught up with three of the all stars to show off their tricks. >> we all have a certain routine, we have something called magic circle and in the magic circle we did something unique with the basketball based on our flexibility and we add our own personality into it. >> it helps to evolve in many other ways, besides basketball so this is what i'm, this is my thing. >> she can dribble the ball. we all have something to bring to the table. >> for so many different decade they have been entertaining us making us laugh and having so much fun at wells fargo march 4th sunday at noon and 5:00 o'clock. listen to this. >> this is good cookie selling music right here.
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>> we will get them right here >> ♪ i love it. >> look at that. >> we needed any more convincing when it comes to buying those girl scout cookies, didn't that convince you right there, dad/daughter duo upping the game selling as many cookies as they can and, seymore harrison junior is trying to help his daughter sell 1300 boxes, why? because if she's top seller she gets to get to disney world. she has already sold 1800 boxes, video by the way, 2.5 million views, that is i dad's love. >> mike jerrick is here. >> it is time to do this we
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are giving away a trip to ireland on "good day philadelphia". >> this is day one. >> this is day one simply need to necessity word of the day. i still think that looks like bob kelly then me. >> it is you. >> are range hair, orange eye brows. so this is one of the, simple contests ever, you just to have watch this show. i know it is difficult. anyway, first word of the day is in this balloon. >> you will not pop it. >> noy will pop it on the show probably in the first hour today. >> okay. >> how exciting first clue. >> the word of the day is in there. >> word of the day is in there >> yeah. >> there are in clues, just word of the day. then get to the web site and you print your name, phone number, stuff like that, your information and word of the day. >> do you know what the word of the day is. >> i have no clue. >> but it has something, the
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word of the day, and this has something in common. >> okay, all right. different word every day. >> we have four more about a lawns to blow up. >> something planned antics. 5:52. >> good morning we will be back in 90 seconds
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welcome back. we've got to tell but one of our very favorites, chris licensing showing his eagles pride at top of the mount kill manjaro deck out in his under dogmas being, captioed the photo hi, altitude dog, just for philly #three weeks later. he is there as part of the mission to bring what the tore drought stricken areas in africa and one of our favorite connor barwin was along on that trip with him as well. other news, just 11 days after a gunman killed 17 students and staff members at high school down there in florida the hockey team has been crowned state champs who but that despite being the last seed in their bracket they were able to fight through two upset toss win
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that title, one of the players there lost his sister, classes are expect to resume this wednesday. we have lots of breaking news happening overnight lets get to montgomery county, where we had gunfire that turned deadly two people killed in the shooting what we're learning. plus a huge scandal in the ncaa possible violations and what it could mean for the organization, it is some big names.
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i'll take that. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo. l'eggo my eggo. okay.
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two people kill in a shooting in norristown, what we're learning. emotional return, students go back inside stoneman douglas high school for the first time, since 17 classmates, teachers, coach were killed. why they are now new calls for the broward county cher turf resign this morning. let's call this the miracle on ice, do you believe in dreams? this morning we are teaching you how to play, or how to curl basically, yes. >> i have curled a couple times. >> there is a lot of rubbing. >> yes. >> yes. >> okay. i don't know the rules, but,
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look at this. >> balloons. >> by the way, bob kelly's not in the studio this morning. we have footage of him going to lansdale or lansdowne. >> here he is, new look, he is off on the other side of the red there. are you kidding me, we have blurred that. >> well, he doesn't have anything on. >> you cannot see anything. >> anyway, bobbie there now in lansdowne. >> maybe you have seen enough. >> enough on that funky stuff. >> so, anyway we're giving away a trip to ireland. we start today. we simply, give you a word of the day and the word of the day is in one of these balloon , okay. so, i will be popping at some point in this hour and word of the day will fall out of one of these balloons. >> have you seen bigger balloons. they are huge. they are bigger than your head >> because this is a big deal, that is right. if you don't go big you might as well stay home on a machine >> right. >> but we a


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