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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  February 23, 2018 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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target. teenaged girl says a man groped her. now police want to find him before he strikes again. your news starts in just 30 seconds. ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 10:00. do you recognize this guy? police say he groped a teenaged girl at a local target and now
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they want to find him before he tries it again. g evening, thanks for joining us. i'm dawn timmeney. police calling this guy a total creep after they say he grabbed a 13-year-old girl while she was shopping with her mom. fox 29's brad sattin in in bucks county with the concern from parents tonight. brad? >> reporter: yeah, dawn. certainly a lot of concerned parents tonight. bensalem police want to find this guy. they know someone out there must know who he is. they do have a clear photo of him and they're hoping you may just have the answer as to who he is. >> it's scary to think that the world has come to this. >> i have a 13-year-old daughter myself. very frightening. >> reporter: neighbors are alarmed and bensalem police not mincing words about the man they want to find, wednesday night a 13 year old girl was inside the neshaminy target store shopping with her mother when quote this creep walked up to her from hyped and grabbed her inappropriately let's id him now they wrote. calling him a criminal and sexual predator they want hemocoel caught before he can strike again.
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target responding quickly. saying, we're aware of the incident and take situations like this very seriously. as soon as the incident occurred, our team members called the police and shared security images with them. the situation making parents feel uncomfortable. >> even when you're in a store or shopping mall i think those feel like safe places for parents with their children. oftentimes they'll separate children walk around on their own. probably not a good idea to be doing that sort of a shame that's what the come oh. >> it's a night player plus the girl itself could be traumatized for years much it's not what happened. it's what could have happened. >> reporter: police want him caught so there is no next time. photo they released could not be much clearer if you know the man, call bensalem police. locate him and take care what has to be done. lock his bleep up. >> reporter: now police are not aware of any other reports involving this man obviously dawn they want to catch up to him before any other reports are known. >> right. sooner than later. thank you, brad. now a developing story out
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of parkland, florida. teachers are returning to stoneman douglas high school. nine days after gunman opened fire killing 17 students and teachers. school officials say they are taking their time reopening providing counseling and other resources to faculty and staff. they want to make sure the transition goes smoothly. the climate of course has forever changed the mass shooting affecting communities across the country. and police are not taking any chances. here in our area, a rash of school threats. one in delaware county just today. fox 29's joanne pileggi is live at radnor township police department with more on what police have to say about this. joanne? >> reporter: good evening, dawn. good evening, everyone. this incident here is part of a wave of new threats since the horrific school shooting in parkland just last week. >> everybody is hyper vigilant based on current circumstances around the country. >> reporter: police in radnor township were called to the high
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school after a student social media post was considered a potential threat. >> anything that could be of a concern school district calls us obviously we responded promptly over there to determine there was a student involved in some messaging that went on. >> i don't think we're ever overreacting because you never know. you never know if a threat is real or not. >> reporter: these horrific images seem etched in hour collective memory at this point. students running from their high school in parkland, florida, last week. former student with an ar-15 went on a rampage, killing 17. since then, there's been a rash of threats at area schools. at radnor high and also at penn ridge high in bucks county at a middle school in vineland, new jersey, and at west deptford high in gloucester county. at penn ridge, the district says "out of abundance of caution the penn ridge regional police department will be more visible than usual at the high school in the upcoming days.
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we appreciate their assistance in keeping school safety our priority ". >> it seem to me like the world has gone a little bit up on its head with these troubled children. >> reporter: no doubt parents and educators are on edge about school safety. mary is an occupational therapist and special needs teacher. >> i think there's a whole generation of kids who are having issues right now. >> our hearts pour out to the people in florida. we have to remain focused, calm and prompt to response. >> reporter: police here are still investigating this potential threat along with the da's office. now the school district will be holding a series of assemblies to review safety protocols win the next couple of weeks. we're live tonight in radnor township, i'm joanne pileggi fox 29 news. back to you in the studio, dawn. >> joanne, thank you. more than two dozen school buses up in flames, gone. class is cancel. the big question tonight, what started it all? investigators
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are now looking into the cause of the early morning fire at the parkland school district bus garage in lehigh county district is hoping to reopen its doors on monday. our jeff cole has more from south whitehall township. >> reporter: firefighters do you say hot spots along the front of the blackened shells of the 16 destroyed school buses. investigators could be seen poke through the rubble. the grim result of a blaze so hot the firefighte firefightersd defense. >> it was just shoot water on it, surround and drown the best you can. >> reporter: 25 buses were destroyed serving the large parkland school district in lehigh county. >> the garage burned up. >> reporter: the garage burned up. it did. are you sad about it? >> yeah. >> and made a big boom. >> reporter: stephanie lives just yards away. she and her young daughters woke up to the smell of smoke. >> we heard sounds that sounded like explosions we wanted to
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come down here just in case the building would go. >> reporter: her daughter madison first grader says she loves school but the fire closed the district friday. the state fire marshal, state police and federal investigators are searching for a cause. the fire is getting special attention because it gutted a school structure. >> we got to pull a lot of metal aluminum from the building to get it off the tops of the fire marshal can do his job. >> reporter: the building was a pole barn says the district a simple structure of metal and wooden posts to shield the buses from the snow. it's a disaster says dustin houcks whose brother got an unexpected day off from school. >> yeah, my step dad woke him up this morning said hey, you're your bus exploded, and that was a pretty big shock for him. >> reporter: the school district says it hopes to reopen classes on monday. it says it is leasing buses and repairing others and tells the public that its fleet is fully insured. in south whitehall township, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news.
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does this guy look familiar this is a sketch of a man new castle county police say is exposing himself to people. police say there were two incidents this month in the north gray land crest section and the roselle section of wilmington in both cases a guy driving a green car made contact with girls walking then exposed himself. if you know who he is, police want to hear from you. a building in philadelphia's historic district ravaged by a massive fire now the city says it has to come down. it's just too dangerous to leave standing. the major demolition greatly impacting nearby businesses and if you want sunday brunch you might have to walk a bit to grab a bite. fox 29's shawnette wilson is live at the scene in old city with more on the demolition's impact. shawnette. >> reporter: yeah, dawn. brunch at the popular little lion isn't an option. it will be closed about two months. meanwhile, businesses nearby that allowed to stay open are concerned that road closures will affect foot traffic. the only activity in this
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section of the old city historic district is flashing police lights at third and chestnut signaling the road is closed. it's been five days since a fire destroyed a building on the 2200 block of chestnut street and the cause is still unknown. >> this is really shock. >> reporter: also uncertain the future of businesses here. as officials shut down a section of the area on monday for a week while crews began demolition. bob owns abi quick shop a souvenir store on third street good it was one week, two weeks that's okay but otherwise, i don't know what to do. >> reporter: his store and others across the street where the fire happened are allowed to stay open but they wouldn't if streets being closed will keep customers away. >> actually, we get a bit busier during lunch but that's probably because couple businesses were closed. >> reporter: still, this man is concerned. >> going to be problem. as i said before we don't know for sure yet so i would like to stay positive for the time
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being. >> reporter: little lion restaurant sits right on the corner of third and chestnut. it shares a wall with the buildings that took in the fire. >> i think the latest was they said maybe two weeks that they will allow to us begin assessing damages and look inside. little bit more thor roll. >> reporter: owner chris young predicts he'll be closed for at least two months which will be rough on his nearly 80 employe employees. >> we did reach out to the restaurant community and, um, almost 40 restaurants responded and offered magnitude of jobs, um, to our staff temporarily which is really remarkable. >> reporter: young is remaining optimistic. >> we'll be back and definitely be looking to add to the city again. >> reporter: and of course, the museum of the american revolution is a big draw for tourism to this area. they have on their voicemail that they will be open. that people coming on foot should use the cafe entrance on the third street side because of course chestnut street entrance
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is closed. for a list of street closures in the area go to before you head to the area. dawn? >> good idea. thank you shawnette. trying to get on a plane with gun, not happening. the courthouse, can't do that either but storming a school, still a problem. we go there and ask what is it going to take to get the same security in our schools? and scott we're talking about more rain this weekend? >> yeah. another weekend and another wet pattern. we have a lot of fog out there right now, dawn, reduced visibility but look at ultimate doppler rain off to the south and west. we'll time it and
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a heated debate nationwide how do we keep our students safe? florida governor rick scott just introducing a plan which bans gun sales to anyone younger than 21. it also calls for trained law enforcement in every florida school by the start of the new school year. the call for action larger than ever before. precious children continuing to a target of senseless violence. we see tight security in many places like airports, museums, courthouse. so why not the schools? our hank flynn takes a closer look at the problem. >> can i get in this way? what now? >> all right. thank you. >> you want to see independence hall. welcome to philadelphia. but you will go through security. same thing at federal courthouse two blocks away. federal squad cars. the place is secure. you go to suburban station you'll see police a plenty. so why wouldn't schools where our kids go get the same level of attention? >> our priorities screwed up.
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>> oh, yeah. >> she figures schools are doing what they can afford to. >> but i know a lot of it has to do with money. >> yes, ma'am. >> that's why you know you come here and it might be a security guard. you go to some schools especially public schools, you know, they may have metal detectors. >> reporter: right. south philly high school alumnus mark says there were detectors and security when he went there more than ten years ago. >> like when you stood in line, you know, took awhile to get in but everybody was safe. so, um, i actually liked it. i believe in it. >> reporter: good for south philly but what about the rest of the country? as most of us know by now the florida school got shot up last week had an armed guard on the premises who was of no help whatsoever. former seal and author security jonathan gilliam on the skype. says our nation's full of soft targets and expecting the unexpected is the new normal. >> society has changed and things have become more
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dangerous in certain areas, and just like the stadiums and arenas used to be wide open, now they're hardened, um, except for stadiums an recent nass at the end when everybody flows out that's a soft target we need to relook at the same thing with schools. >> reporter: as parents we have to push our schools to make planning for the unthinkable a real priority prosecute facili facilities themselves to schoolbus security. florida governor rick scott proposed putting half a billion dollars 92 school security for his state today. we'll see how that goes. we do need to think outside the box and work together to take some action instead of bickeri bickering. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ fox 29 working hard to get you results. this time for a camden woman dealing with the death of a family member. the grieving woman decided to get her sister's remains cream mated. the whole process however turned into a nightmare leaving her saddened and frustrated. our bruce gordon with the story of the missing ashes.
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>> i just want my sister. >> reporter: wine net shariff was inconsolable three months after the death of her 44-year-old sister. >> i full disrespec disrespecte. i can't even mourn for my sist sister. you don't know where she is. >> no. >> reporter: when she died she went to the carl miller funeral home in camden to make arrangements to lay her sister to rest. >> we want a cremation. i wanted to put her urn in my house and give one to my two nephews and that was that. >> reporter: she received a phone call verifying the procedure. >> they tell me that the cremation has been completed. they said that your urns are on back order. and basically just to sit and wait. >> reporter: and wait and wait. frustrated over the lack of updates early this month her daughter called the funeral home for information about the ashes and the urns. she says their response left her stunned. >> we actually don't have -- we can't even locate within gee johnson -- >> reporter: that's what they told you. >> that's what they said.
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>> reporter: they don't have her ashes? >> they don't have them. >> reporter: what was your reaction. >> disbelief. disbelief, anger. i was hurt. that's the biggest thing. i was hurt. >> reporter: she admits she and her daughter got angry, did some yelling only to receive a follow up call a day or so later. what did they say? >> we were looking up the wrong name. we found her. >> reporter: so now they have the ashes? >> um-hmm. i don't believe them. um, i need them to proof that is indeed my sister. as far as i'm concerned, it could be anybody's just to send me on my way. >> reporter: i went to carl miller friday afternoon looking for answers. funeral home officials would not agree talk to me on cam but allow me to see and photograph the cream mated remains or cremains of win gee johnson. privacy sake we won't show you the actual ashes. the folks at carl miller could not explain why an employee would have said they were lost but what they showed me appeared legitimate. the appropriate remains. >> that number is 43760.
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>> linked to johnson's account number. >> as for those urns carl miller says the company from which they ordered them guarantees delivery saturday. funeral home will then hand deliver the urns with the cremains inside to why net finally closure. getting results, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. a damly and dreary night on the parkway. showers on and off throughout the area. so when will we finally see the sun again? meteorologist scott williams has your forecast in 15 seconds. i wish i could say the sun will come out tomorrow, but not so much. it's going to take until about monday before we finally start to clear things out. in fact take a look at the forecast for your saturday morning. fog, drizzle, milder
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temperatures and some shower chances really throughout the entire day but temperatures will top out in the mid 50s for tomorrow. we'll break down the percentag percentages. tomorrow morning about 40% chance. things ramp up to 70% in the afternoon and evening. 90% chance on sunday morning. but we start to dry out by sunday afternoon. we have clouds, drizzle, fog out there right now. most of the heavy rain. well off to the west but the storm track will take it right toward the delaware valley. we'll go hour by hour. you can see by lunch time tomorrow scattered showers continuing through the afternoon and evening and overnight some heavy rainfall sunday morning north and west we're looking at a line of showers. maybe a rumble of thunder even that will move through the region but then we dry out by the end of the weekend. how much additional rain? allentown over an inch. almost an inch in philadelphia. half an inch for atlantic city. we're looking at temperatures right now low to mid 40s for
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most. still chilly. 30s in the poconos. but temperatures will hold pretty steady if not rise a bit during the overnight. we're looking at those low temperatures north and west upper 30s. elsewhere into the low 40s. so temperatures for tomorrow if you're headed to the poconos, it's going to be damp and dreary. mid 40s. low 50s for the lehigh valley. mid to upper 50s for sections of south jersey also moving into delaware. the weather authority seven day forecast, showing you the unsettled weather for the upcoming weekend. the heaviest of that rainfall likely overnight saturday into sunday morning. but temperatures look at that sunday 60 degrees. mid to upper 50s for early next week with the return of that sunshine, and then we'll do it again by the end of next week with more chances for wet weather. tom? hey, scott we're creeping closer and closer to selection sunday and that ncaa tournament give me those warm temperatures for march. just ahead what drexel's record
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breaking win really meant to coach zac spiker. a big weekend for the penn quakers. a chance to wrap up their first ivy league title in 11 years. that's next in sports.
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your nissan sports wrap on fox 29. college basketball tonight the penn quakers starting the night tied for first place in the ivy league. quakers with outside help could actually wrap up the regular season title this weekend.
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taking on dartmouth at the palestra and the quakers put on a show. how about a three-point show. devon goodman three of them right there. ryan bentley out of downington kicking back to ryan. bang. how about caleb for good measure. pennwood hit ten, threes dartmouth was zero for 18 for three. lopsided pep wins 74-46. her varied beat princeton 72-66. harvard and penn each tide a top the conference only one loss. how about they meet tomorrow night at the palestra first place ivy league. dust settling on drexel historic win last night. dragons overcoming to a 34-point deficit beat delaware 85-83. it was the largest deficit overcome to within a game in division one history. >> my wife and i we made the decision even though it was school night to bring our kids to the game our five year old, our seven yeared oh, nine-year-old saw a pretty big
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life lesson to never give up through the game of basketball much that's what it's about. >> that's what basketball do for you. number three villanova on fox tomorrow afternoon. it begins at 2:30. phillies playing their first official game the grapefruit league. short trip from clearwater to take on the blue jays. phillies all teams major league baseball wearing stoneman douglas caps to remember the victims in that school shooting last week. before the game the phillies and blue jays with a moment of silence for those victims as well for roy halladay who pitched for both the phillies and the jays. how about the bottom half of the first inning first batter nick, pitched through the season curtis grander son. hopefully the season goes a little better than this for. solo homerun. fills lose two-one. sixers and flyers both with the night off but probably wish they were still playing. sixers have won six straight. they will host orlando
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5:00 o'clock tomorrow at the center. flyers eight wins in their last nine times in ottawa tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. no doubt doing a little score bore watching. tied with the pittsburgh penguins when the night started for one of those wild card spots in the playoffs but the penguins take care of business. bury the hurricans final six six-one. phil kess sell with the goal right there but it is exciting time in philadelphia sports, guys. we have a good college basketball team. good college basketball and the flyers and sixers red hot. amazing we're starting to feel a little winning again. >> keep that momentum going. >> we need that eagles mojo. >> i like it. >> it feels good. that will do it for us tonight at ten. stick around for our special the best of q. the paying good millions lottery drawing is at 11:00 followed by fox ♪
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now through february 28th. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm iain page. each weekday quinn solaris cast of the characters entertain a live studio audience here on fox 29. with "the q". tonight we take look back at some of the best of moments we start with couple of interns on national hand shake day. >> today is national hand shake day. so what i wanted to bring my two interns ben and chris down to the neighborhood to see if they can do proper hand shakes. ♪ >> unusual to see a gentleman of your statue on broad and girard. >> what's so unusual? >> i'm just saying it ain't hang out where you fine the average white dude. you on camera you're probably safe. if i was i wouldn't go two blocks that way and two blocks that way. you get a little more than a hand shake. you


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