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tv   FOX 29 News at 11  FOX  February 22, 2018 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. we gip tonight with breaking news. in the parkland school shooting. the officer supposed to help keep students and staff safe did not go into the building as that gunfire erupted. good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm iain page. the broward county sheriff says when that gunman was going through that florida high school, that armed officer never went inside to help and tonight he's off the job. here's fox's rich dennison good. >> reporter: disturbing new details about the florida school shooting. officials have revealed that resource deputy stationed at the school was armed during the massacre. but scott peterson never discharged his weapon. now the broward county sheriff says peterson never even eed the building. instead he waited for backup. sheriff scott israel says the deputy could have and should have add at least tried to
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intervene. >> scott peterson was absolutely on campus through this entire event. he was armed. he was in uniform. >> reporter: us recall was visibly upset during thursday's press conference. >> devastated. sick to my stomach. um, there are no words. these families lost their children. we lost coaches. i've been to the funerals. >> reporter: deputy peterson was suspended but chosen to resign and retire. meantime, another possible lapse is being reviewed apparent communication failure among police responders. according to the coral springs police chief new york city one new exactly where the shooter was in the building. >> at first the guys are hearing he's on the second floor. um, well that's not true we had people on the second floor, and the people are saying new york city, he's not on the second floor. >> reporter: the problem the school's security footage was on a 20 minute delay. still coral springs police insist the issue did not cause any more deaths g we pull out 23
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people. 20 of the 23 survived. i wish we could say -- we could save all 23 but, um, you know, that's about as best as i could ask for. so i believe the response was appropriate. i think we got in there as fast as possible. and couldn't be more proud. >> reporter: according to officials the entire mass shooting lasted just six minutes. rich dennison, fox news. the same students who ran for their lives then came together to mourn their classmates and teachers killed are stunned. >> i'm in shock that one when he hid outside because we people like feis who risked his life. hixon who risked their life and he didn't have guns. if he had a gun he should be the one out there witness gun trying to protect the kids. why was he hiding outside? just makes no sense to me whatsoever.
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>> of course 17 students and teachers died in last wednesda wednesday's horrific attack. with school safety the mind of a lot parents in berks county flood add school auditorium tonight. after hearing about a threat that happened in january. but many just now learned about it. fox 29's dave kinchen is in schilling ton, berks county tonight with more. >> reporter: there were some parents who cully took their kids out of classes early here at governor mifflin high school after word of a shooting threat was issued now. authorities say that threat was ultimately unfounded but those very same authorities took some heat from parents who had a lot of questions in a meeting to night. >> what's the technique? there is a threat. >> reporter: parents packed the governor mifflin high school auditorium in berks county looking for answers after rumors of a school shooting surfaced this week. it follow add social media post by a 14-year-old boy wearing a ski mask captioned "school shooter selfie". >> this boy is in class with my
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daughter, and i felt very alarmed when i saw the photo that posted on snap chat. >> reporter: zinnia thomas was specialsly worried about the threat which was deemed unfounded following the high school mass shooting in parkland, florida that's correct left 17 dead. investigators say they only recently learn of the selfie that it was actually posted in early january and that has many wondering why officials did not speak of sooner. >> i would just like to know the truth about when they they first saw that photo. was it really only what happened a what happened in florida or had they known about it. >> we determined earl old than no actual threat. there was no intent to carry out a threat. >> reporter: berks county da tried to calm any fears while saying the online post was a lesson for parents. >> this was not a threat. it was an inappropriate use of social media. it was an inappropriate post. >> reporter: investigators say the selfie incident never rose to the level where criminal charges would be considered but it still hits close to home for laurie ad andres who has one
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child at mifflin an daughter in ironically graduated from the park lapped florida school where the massacre took place. >> i met my daughter at the school and, um, saw the 17, um, memorials, um, 15 crosses and two stars, and it was one of the most emotional days of my life. >> reporter: despite the unfounded threat many parents we spoke with actually do feel their kids are safe here at gov are in mifflin high school due to the security staff already in place. in berks county, dave kinchen, fox 29 news. temperatures are falling across the area including allentown where it's damp and cold. toll will feel even more like winter. kathy hard to believe we were in the 70s and sunny yesterday. >> it's almost like a dream, isn't it, iain. >> it is. just a tease for what's to come in a couple of months. the parkway looking good. it's damp out there. it's chilly. temperatures are going to be open colder obviously come tomorrow morning. right now it's only 39 in philadelphia.
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that easterly flow wrightstown 38. millville 40 degrees. and the poconos it's only 30. we're also talking about wind chills. so overnight tonight twenty seven 26 in the poconos. 35 in pottstown. millville 38. and dover 39 degrees. we have some rain that's coming our way. you can see it through st. louis and memphis all of this can going to be moving in by tomorrow morning. so it's going to be cold and it's going to be wet. this in this weather rut we'll talk about how long and when the warm weather comes back. at least better than this. there's snow on this map, iain. >> i'll see in you few minutes. >> incredible kathy. thanks being pulled over for most people scary enough. imagine being pulled over someone that's not even a cop. that's what police say happened to two women. they say the guy claimed that he was an off duty officer even called for backup. our chris o'connell joins live in warminster tonight with more on this story. >> reporter: iain it certainly was a scary couple of hours for a couple bucks county women who were detained here last night by
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a man who they thought was an off duty police officer. well, after a couple hours, they find out the guy is a fake. he is in jail tonight and police are wondering if there are any other victims out there. >> it's scary. i mean it's upsetting. >> reporter: police in warminster say 26-year-old eric miller of bensalem was posing as an off duty police officer assigned as a u.s. marshall but his story was a hoax. >> horrible. it makes you not trust the real police. >> reporter: two women tell police miller started stalking them with binoculars at a hatboro 7eleven store and followed them to this parking lot in warminster. they say miller stop the women and accused them of having an expired inspection sticker and drug use. the women were detained for more than two hours wednesday night. police say miller driving this black honda without a badge or uniform blocked the victims car from leaving the parking lot.
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emptied their purchases on to the grass and according to the arrest report, frisked one of them and grabbing her buttocks. >> i'm terrified. i mean, that could have been me. i'm in the exact same spot. that could have been me. >> reporter: what make this story even more bizarre is police say when the victim started asking questions, like for an identification or a bad badge, miller went into this five below store and actually picked up the phone to call for police backup. the real police. quick call to bensalem police revealed miller was lying. he's now charged with impersonating a public servant, kidnapping, robbery, stalking, unlawful restraint and false imprisonment. and miller is still being held on $400,000 bail in the buck county jail and police here in warminster they are warning anyone if they may have contact with miller, they may have been a victim.
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please call the warminster police. iain? >> all right, chris, thank you. n newark, delaware, a teenager arrested and charged in the rash of car thefts. police say a 16-year-old boy is the one who stole three cars in two week at the wawa ole again ton road all of those cases nobody was in the car and it was running with keys inside. police say they found the teen yesterday in stolen car. he is now facing various charges including driving without a license. to delaware county now. some local churches are being targeted by a heartless thief. someone is actual stealing from donation pox boxings. there have been two incidents so far. our bruce gordon has more from upper darby tonight. >> reporter: father sean o'neill was hearing confessions at saint lawrence catholic church. a thief or thieves should be thinking about their sins after breaking into, ransacking and burglarizing the church and school wednesday night. we'll let upper darby police superintendent mike chitwood explain exactly what happened. >> they broke into the poor bo
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boxes and church candles and stole the change that was in there undetermined amount. they ransack most of the school and one of the teachers had a small plastic container containing some change. they took that. we're trying to get video. right now we don't have any video at saint lawrence church the alarm and the video was not working. we believe at this point in time very preliminarily probably could be a drug addict trying to get money for to get high. >> reporter: saint lawrence wasn't the only upper dash bow church targeted by burglars wednesday night. the nearby calvary presbyterian church was broken into as well. some damage but nothing of value stolen. chitwood still shaking his head over the saint lawrence job. >> they're scum bags. to break in a poor box inside a church is a scum bag. pure and simple. >> reporter: chitwood has all the local churches on high alert he wants them extra observant for any kind of suspicious activity and he wants them to
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mack sure their camera and alarm systems are in good working order. that kind of evidence would have made these cases a little easier to crack. in upper darby, i'm bruce gordon foss fox 29 news. a new twist to smoking in the bathrooms. students are sneaking vaping devices into school and it's g getting harder for searchers to catch them. you can stop sneezing the answer could be right under your nose. the allergies researchers say are found in your bedroom. ♪
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♪ check this out. scary moments for a bikini barrista in washington state. you see a guy crawl through the window of a coffee shop and go writ up to the woman and later drags her out. police say he was armed with a knife and tried to sexually assault her but when a car pulled up he got scared and ran off. the victim called 911 and police later arrested the guy. the woman is doing okay. montgomery county school district is banning flash drives because they say the little computer files look too much like a popular vaping device. our shawnette wilson has that story from upper dublin. >> i think the district trying to do something that's right for the kids. >> reporter: michelle o'toole supports the upper dublin school district recent ban on flash dries. she has two children that a ten
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the high school. >> kids know about it. deep into middle school. >> reporter: she's talking about a vaping device called juul popular among teens and resembles a flash drive. in some cases students were plugging the juul vaping device in their computers to charge it. upper dublin school superintendent debra wheeler said in statement we became aware some upper dublin students were using chrome book to charge juuling devices while in school because the nature of a chrome book removes the need for external data storage device dee are satisfied for gidding their use will remove the possibility of tamp charge ago juuling device in school. >> the size. the conceal ability of it. you know, being able to trick the teachers that they have a flash drive right in front of them meanwhile it's their vape. >> reporter: we talk to steve summits who owns the shop make it vapor in upper dublin. he says he doesn't sell the product but that it's high in demand g i get phone calls all the time and it seems like all of the phone calls are from teenagers. >> reporter: he says juul is
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so popular he doesn't think the district banning flash drives to remove confusion for staff is they're still going to be going to school with vapors in their pock. >> reporter: chuck kinsley says what the district is doing is a good thing to get a handle on vaping and drugs. he doesn't think vaping is the bigger problem. >> i think that's a much smaller issue than the vaping cigarettes themselves. i think you probably find two or three of these flash drives in the school and 100 vaping cigarettes report roar superintendent wheeler says only one student has been caught charge ago juuling device since the ban was put into place. she also says if a student has a special need to use a flash drive they can ask a teacher for permission. in upper dublin, shawnette wilson fox 29 news. >> two years probation for woman who stole tens of thousands of dollars from victoria secret. charlene moff plead guilty to male fraud after stealing $30,000 from the store through online scheme. moff would order from the company using her husband's account and then claim those orders were lost in the male or
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missing. something so she can get credit or row placements. big honor for local teen we introduced to you last week. kate spadaro made a big splash witness girls basketball team at camden catholic high. kate has down syndrome but it never held her back ton night the world famous harlem globetrotters recognized her talents. zeus from the team gave kate her own jersey with the name swish on it. he even played with the girls and gave a little pep talk. zeus commended kate for her amazing attitude. >> kate is an amazing young lady. you can tell her spirit just by the way the kids are treating her. they all love her. it's very big family and community or rented place here and that's what the harlem globetrotters are all about. we're all about community. all about family and kate really exemplifies that. >> zeus invited the whole team to the globetrotter game at the wells fargo center next sunday. in your health tonight, your bedroom could be the reason you're sneezing. study in the journal of allergy and clinical immunology look at
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bedroom floor dust samples from nearly 7,000 homes and found almost all had at least one common allergens. homes with animals and pests were most likely to have more than one allergen. (along with older homes, rental homes, mobile homes and homes in rural areas. look out for that. amazon opened up more stores that don't have cashiers. amazon go store opened last month in seattle. customers scan their phones and get charged electronically for what they buy. the company is said to be on track to open up six more amazon go stores next year. in seattle and eat least one in los angeles. slick and slippery boardwalk in ocean city, new jersey torque night. you might want to keep that rain gear handy. kathy we're talking about a soggy stretch here. >> yeah. in and out of the rain, iain. we're talking about cool temperatures. tomorrow it's going to be a cold rain for the morning rush. so bundle up. it's like what do you wear? not fleece because you need rain dote. get that north face back out. take look at our outdoors right
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here. old city philadelphia looking good. we're dry right now but it's. temperatures 39 degrees. the wind chill 32. iain i saw you coming from the outside. it was shock tonight. >> it was brutal. >> northeast winds at just 10 miles an hour. when you look at the temperatures from north to south we have a discrepancy. the poconos 30. 40 in millville on shore flow will keep it cool overnight tonight. talking about wind chills haven't done this in a little while. 23 in the poconos. feels like it's freezing in philadelphia. 33 in millville. 35 in dover and 33 in reading right now. the whole northeast under this cold dome of air from burlington where it's 22 to williamsport where it's 38 even richmond at 47 degrees. so ultimate doppler we have a front that's sagged to the south that's where that rain is but another round of rain will be coming tomorrow morning. and that's why winter weather advisory has been posted for the poconos for some freezing rain till about 1:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. so if you're heading up possible toll get some skiing underway tomorrow, be aware that that
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will continue into the afterno afternoon. we'll go hour by hour and you'll see this wave of rain moving in. that icy mixed lehigh valley for the morning rush. that continues until about 9:00 or 10:00 and spotty showers in the afternoon more of that icy mix in the poconos by 1:00 o'clock on friday. then friday night if you're going out no problem but it will be cold. a little bit damp and then here we go again for saturday. saturday morning looks okay with spotty showers. it's really if you'll be out saturday afternoon and saturday night a wall of rain moves in. another area of low pressure will create some heavy showers saturday evening, saturday nig night. it's just a train of low pressure systems. we keep adding on the rain through friday. through saturday, by sunday, we're up to about an inch and a half of rain. and then finally it comes to an end we dry it out by next monday. overnight lows mainly in the 3 30s. some 20s in the poconos. tomorrow the high temperature only in the lower 40s this is below normal for this time of year. mainly morning rain. then some showers.
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your seven day forecast shows we'll back load that rain late saturday into saturday night. we end the rain sunday but it will be a wet day. that's probably the wettest but warmest. monday looks good. near 60. tuesday very nice. wednesday 58. and a chance of a shower thursday. but highs in the 50s and iain this is well above normal. because we're typically lower 50's upper 40s think time of year. so consider that a bonus but tomorrow eh not so great. >> eh i like that. >> all right. i'm not going to like that. all right. kristen what's coming up in sports. >> iain, mark cuban was fined yesterdy for his comments involving the t word, yes, i'm talking about tanking and frankly i'm not here fo
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- [narrator] look around. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that.
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don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premier medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's. because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to converge. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be. ♪
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this before and yes, the sixers are finding success now but two wrongs don't make right. it's a bad look for the league and it's bad for the mavs they're creating a bad attitude and culture for the team. you're saying the only teams drafting someone else to be the savior of the program. what does that say to guys on the roster right now. what about a good guy, a good soldier like dirk novitski. you're telling these guys they aren't gas and not good enough to compete. if you even if do you tank and bring in one guy from the draft i feel like that culture is never going to right itself. there's either too much pressure on the pick or the rest of the team mentally? there to build a winning program. tanking just is not right in my opinion, iain. >> kristen, thanks. say goodbye to free foot long. subway changing loyalty rewards program. the restaurant chain no longer giving members free foot long for every 75 bucks they spend or free 6-inch sandwiches for every $50 spent. instead they'll get two-dollar discount for every $50 they
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spend. subway calls eight rich program with more frequent rewards. that's what they're selling you any way. did you know that jason kelce played the saxophone? in his high school band. >> love it. >> now you know. eagles center and super bowl champ spent today visiting sceptral high school. musicians in philly it's part of an exchange program event involving music departments from philadelphia central high school and cleveland's cleve hand lights high. kelce has still got it when it comes to playing the sacks when he did as you can see today with those students. >> aw. >> awesome. >> if we didn't love him enough. now we love him even more. renaissance man. >> he'll be in a parade sunday. >> mummers gear. >> i think he'll have mummers gear. >> he'll be mummed out. >> love it. >> main street in manayunk. >> 81 clock. you'll see him up next
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- honey, look what we got! - [narrator] going big... (yelling) - [narrator] isn't always best. - who's our little puppy? - sweetheart, daddy got you a new. sweetheart? elizabeth, where are you? she's under the bears! - [narrator] unless it's a aaa plus membership. - woo! - [narrator] get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. when going big is best.
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aaa. go ahead. - [man] woo!
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: so harvey weinstein poked the bear in a big way, because jennifer lawrence is outraged at him for dragging her into his lawsuit. >> he said that she had said he had only ever been nice to me and used her as an example as i wasn't always awful to women. it's basically the racist defense, i have a black friend. >> and it's always bad to be that black friend, by the way. >> learned some more about tekashi69's beatdown at l.a.x. rapper acie high, he said tekashi69 disrespects women and he said if i ever see that guy in person, i'm going to beat him up. >> i think it was just time. >> it's like the end of a rom com when they try to meet them at the airport and caught them at the last exit at l.a.x. it's a beautiful ending to the story.


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