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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  February 22, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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showing the wrong video here bite way. grabbed and detained and then you find out he wasn't real cop. it happened in bucks county and you find out he wasn't real cop. it happened in bucks county and police think the guy has new tv, new speakers, netflix. you find out he wasn't real cop. it happened in bucks county and police think the guy has this is going to be the place for binge watching, ladies. is it, ladies? don't get me wrong, you have killer tech mrs. d, but you still don't have fios. ok? fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, literally engineered for streaming. good advice. i've also got some ideas on a better cereal selection, which i will keep to myself. experience netflix on the 100% fiber-optic network made for streaming switch to fios and get a year of netflix on us with a two-year agreement. ♪ pulled over patted down and searched. by an off duty officer, no. not really a cop. ♪ first, breaking tonight.
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>> never went in. >> the only other person armed when a gunman stormed into a florida high school never went in the building to help. >> now, fox 29 news at 10:00. breaking tonight, the broward county sheriff says a school resource officer, an armed deputy, did nothing to stop last week's deadly school shooting. good evening to you, i'm lucy noland. he waited outside for precious minutes and precious lives were lost. 17 teachers and students. our iain page is live in the technical operationings center with this newest development. iain. >> reporter: lucy, stunning new details coming to light tonight after the broward county sheriff reviewed surveillance video of that deadly shooting. >> what i saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of building 12, take up a position and he never went in. >> reporter: sheriff's deputy on patrol at marjory stoneman
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douglas high school waited outside the school building as the shooting took place last wednesday. during a press conference earlier today, sheriff scott israel said video showed deputy scott peterson arriving at the west side of the building where the shooting took place. >> scott peterson was absolutely on campus through this entire event. he was armed. he was in uniform and stayed where he was. never went in. >> reporter: the sheriff says he believes peterson stayed outside the building for about four minutes. israel was asked how he felt watching the video. >> devastated. sick to my stomach. um, there are no words. i mean these families lost their children. we lost coaches. i've been to the funerals. i've been to the homes where they sit and shiver. i been to the vigils.
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it's just -- there are no words. >> reporter: the sheriff suspended pederson without pay pending an internal investigation but the officer resigned and retired. lucy. >> iain, the same students who ran for their lives then came together to mourn their classmates and teachers killed are stunned. >> i'm in shock that he hid outsie because we saw feis who risked his life, hixon who risked his life and they don't even have guns. if heed a gun he should be out there with the gun trying to protect the kids. why was he hiding out -- why was he hiding outside? just makes no sense to me whatsoever. i mean, doesn't make sense to me at all. >> school safety top of mind parents in berks county flood add school auditorium tonight after hearing about a threat that happened in january. but many just now learned about i fox 29's dave kinchen is there
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with some fairly upset parents. dave? >> reporter: yeah, they were really upset especially after rumors of a school shooting in recent days hear a threat prompted parents to take their kids out of school early thankfully that threat was unfounded. authorities say but they still faced several questions tonight. >> a bitter divide in mifflin high school parents. some want an example made of a 14 year old who sparked rumors of a eminent shooting wednesday he posted a picture on social media wearing a ski mask with the caption "school shooter selfie". >> this boy is in class with my daughter, and i felt very alarmed when i saw the photo that he posted on snap chat. >> cynthia thomas was especially worried about the threat which was deemed unfounded following the high school shooting in
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parkland florida that left 17 dead. it was posted in early january and that has many wondering why official doctors not speak up sooner. >> i would just like to know the truth about when they first saw that photo. was it really only what happened after in florida or had they known about it? >> we determined early on there was no actual threat. there was no intent to carry out a threat. >> reporter: berks county da tried to calm any fears while saying the online post was a lesson for parents. >> this was not a threat. it was an inappropriate use of social media. it was an inappropriate post. >> reporter: investigators say the selfie incident never rose to the level where criminal charges would be considered but it still hits close to home for laurie who has one child at mifflin an daughter ironically graduated from the parkland florida school where the massacre took place. >> i met my daughter at the school and, um, saw the 17 memorials, um, 15 crosses and
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two stars and it was one of the most emotional days of my life. >> reporter: despite the threat here at governor mifflin many parents tell me they actually do feel their kids are safe due to the security staff that work at the school. back to you. >> all right, thank you very much, dave. another idea to keep children save arm our teachers. something the president seems to support. we want to know how local teachers feel and as you might imagine it depends. our jeff cole has that story a little bit later in our newsca newscast. temperatures are tumbling across our area including in allentown, damp and cold and tomorrow it's will feel more like winter. it is february, though kathy it's so hard to believe we were so soaking in the 70s yesterday. >> it is. it's almost as if it were a dream lucy because you walk outside and it's like a slap in the its so cold. wind chills to talk about as well. little bit foggy on the parkway and cold temperatures with northeasterly wind. look at this.
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pottstown only 36. 39 in philadelphia. 41 in wilmington and falling fast. now overnight, we're talking about 35 in pottstown. 26 in the poconos. 34 in allentown and 39 degrees in dover. ultimate doppler few showers to our south with a front and this is the next batch of rain moving in tomorrow. so we are going to be seeing more wet weather colder temperatures and it look like we'll be in a wet rut take look when that moves out and when the sun will shine again around here. i'll see in you few minutes with the seven day. >> sounds good. thank you kathy. something is definitely not right here. police say that guy right there pulled over a driver then patted down the women inside the car. the problem he's not a cop. police say he pretended to be an off duty officer and the details about what else he did get rea really sketchy. chris o'connell is live in warminster. scary stuff, chris. >> reporter: sure is, lucy. imagine if you will being stopped by a police officer, pulled over, frisked, your car being searched, then imagine
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finding out that officer really isn't an officer after all. police in warminster say 26-year-old eric miller of bensalem was posing as an off duty police officer assigned as a u.s. marshall but his story was a hoax. >> it's scary. i mean, it's upsetting. >> horrible. it makes you not trust the real police. >> reporter: two women tell me miller started stalking them with binoculars at a hatboro 7eleven store and followed them to this parking lot in warminster. they say miller stopped the women and accused of them of having an expired inspection sticker and drug use. the women were detained for more than two hours wednesday night. police say miller driving this black honda without a badge or uniform blocked the victim's car from leaving the parking lot. emptied their purses on to the grass and according to the arrest report, frisked one of them and grabbing her buttocks.
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>> i'm terrified. i mean, that could have been me. i'm in the exact same spot. that could have been me. >> it's pretty disgusting i think. i would have probably called the police myself. >> reporter: what makes this story even more bizarre is police say when the victim started asking questions, like for an identification or a bad badge, miller went into this five below store and actually picked up the phone to call for police backup. the real police. it didn't take long for miller's story to unravel. a quick call to bensalem police revealed miller was lying. he's now charged with impersonating a public servant, kidnapping, robbery, stalking, unlawful restraint and false imprisonment. and police now wonder if anyone else may have been a victim of miller in the past. if that's the case, they want to you call warminster police right now. miller is being held at the bucks county prison on $400,000
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bail. luce gee. >> all right. thank you very much, chris. montgomery county school district is banning flash drives and the reason is that district officials say they look too much like a popular vaping device. let's get more from our shawnette wilson live in upper dublin. shawnette. >> reporter: lucy, the upper dublin school superintendent said this has been an issue in general among parents. e-cigarettes and vaping. she says this ban is an effort to educate the community and protect her students. >> i think the district trying to do something that's right for the kids. >> reporter: michelle o'toole supports the upper dublin school district recent ban on flash drives in all of its schools. she has two children that attend the high school. >> kids are aware of. kids know about it. probably deep into middle school. >> reporter: she's talking about a vaping device called jewel that's popular among teens and resembles a flash drive. in some cases students were plugging the jewel vaping device into their computers to charge it.
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the school superintendent debra wheeler said in a statement we became aware that some upper dublin using when using chrome books to charge juul devices in school because the nature avenue chrome book removes the need for external data storage devices. >> the size, the conceal ability of it. you know, being able to trick the teachers that they have a flash drive right in front of them meanwhile it's their vape. >> reporter: we talk to steve summits who owns the shop make it vip per in he doesn't sell the product but that's in high in demand. >> i get phone calls all the time and it seems like all of the phone calls are from teenagers. >> reporter: summits says juul is so popular he doesn't think the district banning flash drives is the solution. >> they're still going to be going to school with their vapes in their pocket. >> chuck says what the district is doing is a good thing to get a handle on vaping and drugs. but he doesn't think vaping is
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the bigger problem. >> i think that's much smaller issue than the vaping cigarettes themselves. i think you probably find two or three of these flash drives in the school and 100 vaping cigarettes. >> reporter: superintendent wheeler also says that only one student has been caught charging a juul device since this ban took effect she says the student has a special need to use a flash drive they can just ask the teacher for per mig. lucy. >> there you go. all right, thank you shawnette. targeting a church. money meant for those in need now gone and it happened twice in delaware county just last night. it turned into a movement that helped our birds within the super bowl but now another team is actually trying to steal our mojo. the yankees like the
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>> claymont, delaware, man operating a front end loader somehow drove off the peer. he never made it back out of that water. skyfox over the cargo company ocean port llc on the 6200 block of philadelphia pike. just before 10:00 this morning that employee drove that loader off the peer and into the water. investigator do's not know why right now. by the time rescuers got to him, he had died. in delaware county, a heartless thief has targeting churches and so far he's hit two. that person left behind a fair amount of damage from what happened overnight. and you can bet police are after the person. our bruce gordon joins us live from upper darby. bruce. >> reporter: lucy, father sean o'neal was hearing confessions here at saint lawrence catholic church tonight. somewhere a
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thief or thieves might want to be thinking about their own si sins. after breaking into, ransacking and burglarizin burglarizing thd school here. we'll let upper darby police superintendent mike chitwood explains exactly what happened. >> they broke into the poor boxes and the church candles and stole the change that was in there undetermined amount. so we have no idea how much they got and then in the school they had ransacked most of the school and want one of the teachers had a small plastic container containing some change they took that. >> we're trying to get some video right now. we don't have any video at saint lawrence church the alarm and the video was not working. we believe at this point in time very preliminarily probably could be a drug addict trying to get money to get high. >> reporter: saint lawrence wasn't the only upper darby church targeted by burglars wednesday night. the nearby calvary presbyterian
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church was broken into as well some damage but nothing of value stolen. chitwood still shaking his head over the saint lawrence job. >> i guess when you look at some scum bag breaking into a poor bock i mean it's about as low as you can go. >> reporter: chitwood has as you might imagine put all of the churches in this area on notice. he wants them to be extra vigilant for any kind of suspicious behavior. he also wants them to make real sure that their camera and alarm systems in are good working order without surveillance video this case is going to be awfully tough to crack. lucy. >> hopefully the video shows up. thank you much, bruce. this right here set the tone for the eagles super bowl season lane johnson, chris long flaunting their underdog masks after their play off win against the atlanta falcons. fans embraced this and the masks sold out almost immediately on amazon, but now kristen rodgers unbelievable. someone else is trying to steal the thunder of -- lane johnson i
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guess putting them in the doghouse. >> you could say that, lucy. everyone in the sports world knows about the eagles and their underdog mentality you saw the masks there. they had t-shirts, sign, you name it. but then this came out today. check out the back cover the new york daily news. a shot of the yankees with a caption, underdogs in the infamous shepherd shepherd mas masks. really no story tries to poke fun at the yankees they are not under dogs to the red sox there's no mention to the birds. lane johnson write physical zook that fault witness cover. he tweeted out "real original. honestly i'm with lane on this one. the caption sure it's not copyrighted but the dog mask feels cheap. later in sports more on the eagles reaction to the cover, plus it's been a busy night. flyers hosted the blue jackets. sixers are back from the all star break and we've got our first spring game training for the phillies under gabe kapler all coming up later in the show. >> jam packed sports. >> yes.
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>> talk to you soon. developing right now, the russian investigation rolls on with new tax charges against former trump campaign chair mall nan any fort and aid rick gates. special counsel robert mueller filed another indictment against the two accusing them of tax evasion and bank fraud. tonight man any fort is denying the allegations. his spokesman says, he's innocent. this is on top of other charges filed last fall against both m men. a van filled with women and children gets caught in a barrage of bullets. then crashed on broad street in philadelphia's fern rock neighborhood. the woman driving that van died. police say she's just an innocent victim and they're now after whoever opened fire. fox 29's dave schratwieser reports. >> reporter: it was just after 8:30 when gunshots rang out and a van driven by tyesha timmons careened across broad street and crashed into a building. she had been struck in the head by gunfire with three other frantic women and three young
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children inside her van. >> pain i never felt before. i don't know why it's like to lose a sibling much it's my first time and yeah, it really hurts. >> terrell is her older brother. he says her family is devastated by the senseless murder. he has nothing but fond memories of his sister. >> she was such a loving person. she, um, just enjoyed life. she just always enjoyed helping take care of family and a niece. >> reporter: police say it was just after 8:00 wednesday night when tyesha and a van load of family members drove through a shooting scene at 16th and nedro at least five shots were fired. they sped away to escape on to broad street. and dropped off one of the women. when they returned minutes later to pick her up, witnesses say they heard the deadly gunfire. >> we believe the van was struck up to five times. the victims appear to be innocent parties to the shooting. >> reporter: after tyesha was shot the family van veered out of control, crossed a median and
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crashed. police arrived within seconds as family members fled the van and the gunman escape. >> we don't believe they were target. we don't believe it was road rage. we don't people the occupants had anything to do with anything. >> i just wish -- i hope they fine the person and, um, put the guns down. >> reporter: as homicide detectives search for video of gunman along broad street, terrell timmons called for an end to the gun violence. >> my little sister was minding her business and she didn't deserve this. that's all. >> reporter: no one else was seriously injured in the shooting. police are reviewing surveillance video from several cameras near the murder scene. the family has set up a gofundme page to help pay for tyesha's funeral. at police headquarters, dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. ♪ it's hank. i'm in center city picking up garbage because i'm sick of looking at it. fort worth is paying homeless folks ten bucks an hour to do just this.
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can can we solve two problems with one program here in filly? hang's take coming up. ♪ remember this? oh, yes. so do we. it's a about to happen again. jason kelce marching in a mummers suit but this time he'll be playing a sacks. really. ♪
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this is so exciting, dave! hey gus, meet tucker... . awwww... whoaaaa !! ...and axle, angie, frank, charlie, millie, ralph, henry, audrey and duke... yep...ten times the fun. sorta like this... ahhh, ten times the bucks. it's one of the new times the bucks games from the pennsylvania lottery. with millions in prizes! hot diggity dog! keep on scratchin'!
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♪ it's constant battle to keep
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our city clean. it's also heart wrenching to see how many people are homeless two very different things. right? now one solution could help both problems. our hank flynn now with something another city already embraced picking up a little trash to get some cash. >> reporter: you take that kind of gig or not. >> definitely take it. >> reporter: if somebody hired you and gets you ten dollars an hour to pick up trash -- >> i would take it. >> reporter: it's hank. i'm in al al in chinatown. fort worth, tech text, is paying homeless folks ten bucks an hour to clean up city garbage. i know fort worth is not philadelphia. but could it work here? my take is, maybe it's worth a try. philly has got about 5700 homeless people according to the last homeless services pitt count. we also have a massif trash problem. i was picking it up today. it's all over everywhere. independence mall, race street, vine street expressway what if you combined the two and pay homeless people ten dollars an hour to pick up trash? would they do it? kenneth krav ton
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said why not. >> it would be a start for me to do something better for myself. nothing leads to nothing. report roar charles jones said he'd be more than happy to make some money. >> it would be you helping you out, wouldn't it. >> yes, it would. i would take it. it would help me out. >> reporter: the idea isn't mine but it might be a good one for our city. fort worth started it a year and a half ago with a program called clean slate by which homeless people collected nearly 4,000 tons of trash all of it on the clock. >> when you work, you begin to have a little more self-dignity and little more, um, self-worth and look at yourself a little better, and that's what's happened with this for our homeless guests. they begin to view themselves as someone that's worth more than what they think they're worth and it then helps them to have more self-confidence to re-enter main stream society. >> reporter: owen adds albuquerque, new york and chicago have gun versions of that same program.
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i thought about it as i shuffled around picking up garbage. city hall often says there's no money. what if there's value what if the cost is justified by clean streets and fewer people sleeping under the convention center? city homeless services boss liz hirsh apparently feels the same way. she sent me a statement today saying her office is actively pursuing a model like this for philadelphia that they hope to introduce in the near future. >> cool. >> i hope it works. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ turning a big metal box into a home. it's happening right here and business is booming. what can we do? how do we stop these shootings? one idea floating around again is arming teachers in class. so we talked with some local teachers to get their take. ♪
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♪ how do we stop this? our nation's children targets of violence at a place where they should feel safe. the debate is on and one
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solution, president trump said yesterday and again today arming our teachers is a possibility. how does that idea sit with our local teachers? we sent out jeff cole to find out. >> reporter: in south jersey's collingswood high, two unarmed guards prowl the corridors and outsiders are buzzed in. >> teachers should be rooting for students not shooting for students. >> reporter: it's a safe place believes teacher kwame ivory who today asked his students if he should carry a gun. good i want you all to raise your happened you would be comfortable if you knew i was strapped. raise your hands if you'd be comfortable if you knew i was strapped right now. and only one student raised their hand. >> reporter: fellow physics instructor karl chuck carnes says gun on his hip is a recipe for chaos. >> i just don't think in our profession that the training could ever be there. i think if i was to trust somebody to have a gun in the school it would be like a cop or former cop. >> reporter: arming teachers
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is now part of the heated national debate on school security after the parkland, florida, attack. the president backs the idea. so does mike chitwood. he's the high profile top cop in upper darby, pa who says teachers would be volunteer. >> go through a psychological evaluation, training when to use it and the weapons are concealed, you know, kind of like the us marshals. >> reporter: philadelphia's key teachers union is strongly opposed. so is high school instructor steven fleming on leave earning his ph.d. >> anything could go wrong. gun could get lost, stolen, accidents happen. um, just the burden of having and knowing that there's a weapon in the classroom. >> reporter: back at collingswood high, elizabeth, will have her kids read about the columbine school killings turning tragedy into learning. >> i don't think that adding guns to an educational environment is going to decrease
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the amount of violence. i think that would only increase especially the potential for accidents. >> reporter: some teachers do support it. one teacher telling me today he doesn't want the wild west, just the ability to defend his students and get them home for dinner. in collingswood, new jersey, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. in chester county a father faces charges in the deaths of his baby girl. authorities say the five month old was with her father zion shockly at his home in coatesville when she went into cardiac arrest and february 10th. paramedics rush the baby to the hospital. she died two days later. investigators say the girl had severe injuries consistent with having been dropped and violen violently shaking her brain was bleeding. police arrested shockly. he faces first degree murder and other charges. honors for two new jersey state troopers down the shore for their bravery during a terror tack. we call it bravery they call it their job. ceremony today honored detective
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steven, and detective sergeant james abbas for dee activating two improvised explosive devices in 2016. ahmad khan rahami set off pressure cooker bomb near the start of a marine corps charity run in seaside park when the troopers got to the scene they had to put on their protective gear then set up their equipment including robots to deactivate those devices. >> it was like second nature. we just jumped right in. we knew what we had to do. how we were going to go about it, and completed the task. >> it is an honor. i'm humbled by the award. but again i do accept it on behalf of everybody that was there and of course the entire state police. >> a judge sentenced ahmad khan rahami to multiple life terms last week. a new community of home social security booming and we're not talking about your average, you know, red brick houses. this is made from shipping containers. our bill rohrer is in chester
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county with the building blocks of the future. >> reporter: william and carlos are in the business of building houses. but not in the way you may be used to. >> this is the main living area the. >> reporter: on the inside this house looks like any normal house but the outside it looks completely different. you see, this house is made out of a recycle shipping container for the last four months standard 20-foot container has been parked at the great valley shopping center in malvern. carlos an architect presented the container home idea to william a few years ago. >> just retired. i was though hit potential. the concept of tiny houses was coming up and was becoming a trend so we said i think it's probably the right time to do it. >> reporter: this home is about 160 square feet. but if that's too small these containers can be placed side by side or stacked up to as high as nine. these steal structures make it possible. >> you can use it as backyard
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retreat, i mean guest house, if your kid is coming back to college and you want to give him some independence. >> they're assembled inside a factory moved and set up anywhere you can imagine. plans on the company's website show these containers could be used as shelters in emergency areas. >> we are exploring the possibility of having a combination of solar panel and water collection system on the roof and we would like to have something that is completely off the great. >> this model starts at $36,000 for less than a luxury car this could be yours. >> compare prices maybe we're on the same level as mobile home but i mean comparing apples and oranges. >> difference is living in steal container is new idea. >> people are slow to adopt th them. i mean, it's not that common. and people are not used to them and i think that has to grow on people. >> reporter: in malvern, bill
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rohrer fox 29 news. >> fantastic. got to love the tiny homes. does everyone around you seem like they're sick kind of like i've been? everything is going around. and one way to stay healthy seems pretty simple. you got to keep your hands to yourself. and take a good look. anyone look familiar here? uh-huh. yup, my friends that is eagles jason kelce and he is indeed playing the sacks and he's good. and he's about to take that talent dress up in mummers costume and march again. - honey, look what we got! - [narrator] going big (yelling) isn't always best. unless it's a aaa plus membership. get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. aaa. go ahead.
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♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. (avo) get 0% apr financing on all new 2018 subaru forester models. now through february 28th.
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♪ we're never going to forget this image or those words and now you can see eagles jay jason kelce marching in the same mummers costume again. iain page is in our operations center and iain kelce apparently got sacks playing chops here. >> you know what, he's pretty good, lucy. actually this is going to be little bit of a twist he's actually pretty good on the sacks. how about this? kelce went viral of course wearing that irish themed mummers suit during the super bowl parade but this sunday he's marching in the mummers mardi gras parade with the avalon string band who
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loaned him that suit and kelce is actually going to be the playing the saxophone just like he did in high school today we got a preview at central high in philadelphia. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> not bad the parade by the way is this sunday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on main street in manayunk. lucy? >> all right. thank you very much. so you don't want to catch the flu. we've got tip for you don't shake anyone's hands. doctors say that's the number one way to protect your health. not shaking hands is one of the biggesbig things you can do to p spreading germs. good alternative the good old fist bump while it's hand to hand contact doctors say you're only passing about 10% of the germs that you share from a hand shake. >> it would lower the chance of getting sick, and if you were to
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fist bump or elbow tap that would definitely be a better way than shaking hands. >> all right. there you go. if you absolutely must shake happened, experts say don't touch your face right after and instead go wash your hands. at least until the flu season passes. all right. so kathy i haven't shaken your hand at all because i've been sick and now we're going to get cold again. >> it's going to get cold again. mittens by tomorrow morning, lucy. >> yeah. >> we're talking about that rain over st. louis and memphis that will be here tomorrow morning. we're talking about cold in a weather rut but not for the entire seven day. we'll take look at that coming up after this. ♪
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>> peco crews are still repairing market street in philadelphia's old city tonight at about 9:00 this morning near third street an explosion in a manhole sent a cover flying. it shut down market from third to second streets. peco blames an issue with underground electrical cable but still hasn't pinpointed what exactly wept wrong it says the explosion did not affect any customers nobody is hurt bite way either. the repairs aren't done so be for warned traffic is going to be a problem again tomorrow.
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but buses will run on their usual routes.& one local community is proving a little caring goes a long way. they're giving away clothes to people who can't afford them yet need to look their best for your jobs or job interviews. bill anderson went out to see how this simple act is helping many get back on their feet for goodness sake. >> reporter: i often talk about homelessness, unemployment or under employment and most of the time these are pretty complicated issues to solve. dealing with education incarceration or community development but sometimes there are smaller concerns that we can resolve fairly easily. >> we're here to provide business clothing and business casual clothing for individuals that are going back to work. >> reporter: new man university has an on-going commitment to helping support people but in this case they decided to address this one small aspect of entering the work force. so they took over a space on campus and set up a store with one catch the clothes cost nothing. >> it's one less financial challenge that they may have to
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deal with. >> reporter: there were people in and out throughout the morning and spending time with them is what convinced me of just how impactful this idea could really be. >> i'm trying to get a job so i can reintegrate back into normal society. >> reporter: matt was one of the people there with a community activist james who helps people over come various challenges. he didn't want to discuss his specific issue. but was clear that not being able to afford the clothes he needs is a major obstacle. >> not having the clothes it's been hard because you can go to the interviews. then they won't higher you. so it's been hard for me. >> reporter: something that james sees often but unless you've experienced it, you may not understand the challenge getting back on your feet even when you desperately want to. >> you're allowed one suitcase and that's everything you own. it's kind of hard to get back into main stream if you don't have clothing. basic clothing. >> reporter: james had amazing
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appreciation for the free clothes. >> help them because if not, they're going to end up back huring society instead of being a part, arc member of society. >> reporter: not everyone's story was as serious. some were students who needed help after struggling to pay for books and basics. >> shirt with new tie. brand new tie. >> okay. >> i mean, all it took was little bit of time. >> reporter: little time for the shoppers. but a lot of compassion from the organizers who once again saw that little things to us can have major impact on others for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ they sure k great stuff. philadelphia's favorite is celebrating a big milestone by going back in time. it's the reading terminal market's one hun 25th birthda birthday. ♪ all kinds of folks pack the market to celebrate the victorian era fun celebrating the more than century old market
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today people dressed in victorian costumes symbolic ribbon cutting held when a bell rung some of the 80 family owned philadelphia merchants dropped their prices to they're original 1893 prices. oh, so wish i was there. the city staple and tourist attraction is one of america's largest and oldest in our humble opinion coolest public markets. so here's to another 125 years. weather now. here's to 70s again but that's not going to happen for while. you can see how wet it is out there. look at the drops on the lense. rehoboth beach got to keep our umbrellas handy. going to be a soggy stretch. kathy orr has your forecast in 15 seconds. it's cool, it's dreary and damp on the parkway and pretty much everywhere across the
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delaware valley. temperatures are cold out there. last night at this time we were in the 60s. right now 39 in philadelphia with a wind chill of 31. northeast winds 13 miles an hour and that will make for chilly start to the day tomorrow. temperatures still in the 30s and some 40s to the south and east but that persistent on shore flow is going to keep it really chilly overnight. when you look at those wind chills it feels like 22 in the poconos. 31 in wilmington. 34 in millville and only 31 degrees in wrightstown and in philadelphia. so a definite chill during the night tonight and tomorrow. the whole northeast down to the mid atlantic under the deep freeze with 20s, 30s and some 40s. ultimate doppler some showers to the south but more coming in for tomorrow morning. in fact we'll be cold enough from the poconos for some froze season precipitation. some sleet and freezing rain so we do have that winter weather advisory extending until 1:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for the poconos for some icy conditions. as we go hour by hour we'll see the rain moving back in tomorrow morning from the southwest so
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that will slow things down for your friday morning rush. still some spotty showers through the noon hour and the linger as well through the evening. and then another round of rain coming saturday. but saturday more the spotty variety and then by the afternoon, it comes in like a wall of rain, more like three to six in the afternoon and for saturday evening. so it's more like friday morning and then saturday afternoon into saturday night. as we look ahead we have a series of low pressure systems riding along that stalled front so additional rain tomorrow, about couple tenths of an inch or so in the morning and most locations then by saturday, we're talking about an additional half inch and then perhaps another inch by sunday. and then cold front finally kicks all out of here. overnight 26 in the poconos. 35 in pottstown. 38 in wilmington and 37 in philadelphia. chilly start to the day tomorrow with that rain as well a cold rain with temperatures only in the 30s. by the afternoon we make it to 44 which is well below average for this time of year. with occasional showers in the afternoon and evening. on your seven day forecast from
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the weather authority, few showers saturday, more likely late in the day and evening. the rain but it will be a wet day. monday, tuesday, and wednesday looking good with sun, highs in the upper 50's which is above average thursday a chance of a shower. the high 54 degrees. so get that umbrella, kristen and your winter coat. at least for a couple of days before we dry it out and warm it up. >> actually i don't own an umbrella i'm not kidding i'm always about the hood. it was a busy night in philadelphia sports. the sixers and flyers looking to keep win streaky lives. and we've got baseball. see how the phillies look in their exhibition
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your nissan sports wrap on fox 29. the flyers are welcoming in the new kid on the block. the flyers new goaltender making his debut in orange and black tonight as they take on the blue jackets. here he is. petr between the pipes for the flyer. shot on goal. gets the safe. he had 19 saves on the night only gave up one goal. so now tied at one. flyers on the power play. claude giroux, shane goss tis here. nolan patrick, yes, flyers win it, two-one. we finally have some nba basketball back tonight as well. sixers in their first game since the all star break in chicago. taking on the bulls.
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joel embiid was hot right from the start early on. knoks down the three. he had 30 on the night. sixers led by as many as 18. now down one with eight seconding to embiid gets the steel ben salamons gets fouled so he goes to the free throw line and he sinks both shots. sixers go up by one. bulls get the ball with little over five seconds to go. chicago trying to get a shot to fall. but they can't. so sixers hold on. they win the 116-115. how about the dragons? drexel was down 34 points tonight to delaware and still won 85-83. it is the largest come back in division one men's basketball history breaking duke's win over tulane from 1950. phillies with their first exhibition game against university of tampa. jarrod eikoff gets this guy outlooking. he had 2ks in two shut out
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innings. now in the fourth, danny ortiz down the right field line. two will score on his rbi single. phillies get the win, six to nothing. new manager gabe kapler very happy with that. not favored in any of the their post season games, check. what made the eagles underdogs this season? why is the team that's definitely a favorite being -- trying take that title away? check out the back cover of the new york daily news not only calling the yankees the underdogs but the german shepherd mask, really? the article is poking one at the yankees saying they clearly aren't underdogs to the read sock but nowhere does it a tribute the eagles. lane john on tweeted real original hash tag fake news. even more proof the city of philadelphia is the underdog check out the mlb payroll comparison. phillies check in at $44.86 million. new york over 157 million. so you tell me who is the underdog here! >> we like it. >> she's riled up.
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>> yeah. i love the way jason kelce lane john's tweets are getting me fired up. i agree good i'm guessing your commentary will be this in little bit. >> it will be something. >> something something. >> take look. >> that does it for us here at 10:00. iain page has you covered on the other side of the break at 11:0l peop
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hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you
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save energy and money. peco. the future is on.
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live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. we gip tonight with breaking news. in the parkland school shooting. the officer supposed to help keep students and staff safe did not go into the building as that gunfire erupted. good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm iain page. the broward county sheriff says when that gunman was going through that florida high school, that armed officer never went inside to help and tonight he's off the job. here's fox's rich dennison good. >> reporter: disturbing new details about the florida school shooting. officials have revealed that resource deputy stationed at the school was armed during the massacre. but scott peterson never discharged his weapon. now the broward county sheriff says peterson never even eed the building. instead he waited for backup. sheriff scott israel says the deputy could have and should have add at least tried to


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