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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 4A  FOX  February 22, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EST

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and i want to meet her. >> this are you going to bring her in here? >> she keeps talking about meeting you, hashtag tv crush there. >> all right, trying to of course to distract you from the fact that it will get chillier today. you see, on ultimate doppler radar, rain around, but not a lot of it is falling in our area at the moment. so what we are talking about is a chance of rain for the rest the day. i think we're just about to get cued up with our number of the day. and it is going to be not a ten. it is a six. there is bus stop buddy. we have showers around. we still have the mild-ish temperatures out there, another look at radar. it shows some showers up toward the pocono mountains, lehigh valley, hasn't started raining here yet. still on the mild side. 54 degrees. but as you look at the planner, you see temperatures dropping, yes, no more 70s, clouds and showers around throughout the rest of the day. we probably set until at about
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49 degrees, this afternoon, get used to the rain being around, we'll give you the seven day forecast coming up. bob kelly? >> just little tease yesterday we there. morning, it is thursday, everything is drying out from all of the rain. we got a closure of the northeast extension, the southbound lanes are closed, approaching the lehigh valley. all because of overnight accident in the tunnel. so, there is a big detour in place to go from say the pocono area all the way down into allentown. we get eta when that will be fixed up. hopefully for the morning rush who are, live look at route 202, out near route 30 in malvern, not sure if this is left over construction or an accident scene here. just popped up, as sue was wrapping up her weather. over in south jersey, no the bad at all. working on the 42 freeway coming in toward philadelphia on the overnight. looking good for the shaders along route 73. no fog this morning, so that's good news. as you work your way down the boulevard, headed on to the schuylkill expressway. and mass transit off to a good start, karen, thomas, back to
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you. >> thank you, just about 4:02, following developing story right now. twenty-three year old woman fatally shot several other injured after a gunman opens fire into a van with children inside. let's get taught jenny joyce joining us from police headquarters this morning, jenny? >> good morning, thomas, so homicide investigators are looking into this case right now. it is unclear why this woman may have been targeted or whether or not this could have been a case of road rage. so there is shooting and accident happened last night, around 8:30. on broad street near grange in the fernrock section of the city. van packed with three young children, three women in their 20's crashed into a building, after someone fired several gunshots at the van, which was headed north on broad street. at least one bullet struck and killed the 23 year old driver, no one else in the car was shot but all suffered minor injuries from the accident. they were transport today einstein medical center. it is pretty inch yesterday thal no one else in the area was seriously injured as
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bullets flew, and this van lost control on a very busy block. >> after the gunshots were fired, it appears that the driver lost control and continued to drive in a northwestern direction where she crossed over all the lanes of broad street and also crossed over both lanes of 5800 block every old york road, drove up on to the sidewalk, and crashed into a building. and that's where police found her as well as her five passengers. >> and police say the driver who opened fire was behind the wheel after dark colored car that continued northbound on broad street. investigators tell us there are cameras in the area. so they are pulling that surveillance video now, and they are interviewing witnesses, at this point, the 23 year old victim has not been identified. thomas and karen? >> all right, well, hopefully they will get some nor information, jenny, thank you so much.
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4:03. just raw emotion, as the president held a listening session yesterday at the white house with so many families. these are the students that had been touched by the gun violence, their parents, and they were giving these messages of fear and anger and sorrow. >> should have been one school shooting and we should have fixed it. and i'm pissed. because my daughter, i'm not going to see again. she's not here. she's not here. she's in north lauderdale, whatever it is, king david cemetery. >> people are dying. and we have to stop this. we have to stop. if not olds enough to buy a drink, buy a beer, should not be able to buy a gun. >> parents just where i had their children, 17, when that gunman opened fire last week at a school. so many of those spoke had just lost their children, speaking through the tears, many kids talked about losing their friends, the president
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did vow for some change. >> background strong, very strong emphasis on the mental health of somebody. >> the president has also said it has been too long and there have been too many instances to have not had anything done a long with the backgrounds checks, he also suggest maybe the teach coaster have guns, as well. much more debate on that. >> well, some student spoke with president trump directly in washington dc others were back in florida rallying for change. >> thousands gathering including many at stone man high school to make their voices heard on gun control, rallied outside of the capitol and spoke of their diel disappoint until the lawmaker lawmakers. one: speaking for kids and the generation of tomorrow so they don't have to take the very same march you're taking today. >> from coast-to-coast, students around the nation, walked out of class yesterday
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in support of the park land students from colorado to illinois, kids marching in hopes of making a difference there. they were also walk-outs, also walk-outs in our area. students from eastern regional high school in camden county rallied for change. >> kids and parents, they are coming to school, not feeling good, not feeling safe, and it should and safe environment. >> scary from the time i started this career to where we're at now. >> about 200 student participated in that walk-out. >> turning to other news right now, in montgomery county, police are looking for who ever stabbed a pregnant woman to death while her two children were inside the apartment. cheltenham township police say they were called to lynnewood garden apartments in elkins park monday for an argument. when they arrived, they found 31 year old ebony white in her unborn son stabbed to death in her bedroom. investigators say her 12 year old and seven year old children were inside the apartment at the time. they were not physically hurt.
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>> a warning right now, as you are getting your morning coffee this morning, up and about, maybe getting your gas or running into a wawa or a store. don't leave your keys in your car. let's get to steve keeley in newark delaware this morning with the latest on a problem. steve? >> reporter: well, the warning obviously isn't getting out. because you can see this white van closest to us, the go delaware express running with the engine on and the driver inside. and you can tell where it is parked on the side of the billing that the driver right now inside the wawa cannot see. the white van. that's the problem. it is happening in these early morning hours at this time of day. wawa is what they call a convenience store. and this one here in newark has been very convenient for a car thief in february. because very trusting people like the person driving this white van in the morning rush hours, are either in too much of a rush or too much in a had your toy shut their engines off and take their keys out or
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maybe too trusting not to think that somebody would come along here and easily steel the vehicle. no need to break-in. no need to break the steering column and hot wire the caribous it is all set for to you take off. three times, february 9th, 15th, and 17th, 5:30 a.m., 7:50 a.m., 6:00 a.m., while people were inside pouring their coffee, and in the store at the busiest time of day with the most people inside they come out to an empty parking spot. and their vehicles taken. >> the people are in the store generally less than, you know, less than five minute, they're leaving their car in the parking lot, leaving it running, unlock, while they go inside. and when they come back out the car is gone. >> i'm sorry to say they kind of ask for it when they leave their keys in it, sorry to say that, they tell you take your keys out, lock your doors, that's all you got to do. >> well a lot of people aren't doing it obviously, wawa has pretty good surveillance so far not put out to the public for some unknown reason by the local police who think maybe all three theft could be the
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same guy, the last time wearing a couple of noticeable things. it is a black guy with camo shorts and red shoes. one of the vehicles was recovered. another one was smashed in a accident about 15 hours after it was stolen with a man and woman seen running away. and the last one hasn't been seen since it was taken. but i'm sure all morning we're going to watch people pull up here, get out, lever the car running. there is no signs on the doors either to remind you by wawa to tell people this has been going on, but obviously people will figure out we're here for a reason, maybe we'll help them learn the easy way before they learn the hard way, karen, thomas? >> hopefully soment only talked couple of seconds, certainly not worth t4:09. over in camden county 46 year old man facing charges for allegedly trying to lure a 14 year old girl to a pennsauken hotel. investigators say, charles works as an emt with four ambulance companies. he was texting officers thinking he was talking to a teenager. when he showed up at the hotel to meet her, he was met by
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police instead and arrested. charged with second agree luring, sexual assault, other related charges. >> bullying at school, well it, follows a local boy home. police are now investigating after the 12 year old south philly home was vandalized. south detective say they are looking into the incident as a possible hate crime. joseph messina, work up yoked to find all of the graffiti across the front wall of his house. his mom quickly saw the words. joseph a seventh grader at the master i charter school thomas campus. >> to write the word die, i mean, that's really like taking it far. you know? it wasn't even just like a racial comment. it was die. >> god forbid if they, you know, retaliate and start shooting at our house, we're really concerned about that. >> once again police are looking into this one. city crews, they were called out to clean up and remove the graffiti.
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spokesperson for master i charter school said joseph is not going to return to school at this point. >> a man in lehigh county allentown mayor ed pulaski returns to the stand in his corruption trial. during his testimony yesterday he denied any charges and all of the allegations right there saying quote i don't do pay to play. the mayor told jurors he was in the involved in any rigging of contract, and that he was also aware of the need to keep city business separate from his campaign. all right, 4:11, we've got something for you. category from game show host to politics for $200. >> i think i know this one. what is the new gig alex trebek is taking on right here in pennsylvania? next cat geier, please. >> and also, all right, how about this one, down to the wire. women's hockey olympic gold decided in a shoot-out who will be the big winner. is it going to be us or canada? >> i'll take traffic for 400, bob kelly. >> and he scores. good morning, we got it for you. actually we don't have any traffic for you right now.
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no traffic on the benny. live look at the ben franklin bridge. cool shot up. up to 77 yesterday. we will almost cut that in half later on today. let's go to reading pennsylvania where we've got a shutdown of the northeast extension, i'm have all of the details, all around the world, we got the jam cams, and sue has got your all around
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>> wealth come back, 4:14, talk about mayhem in the midwest, people from texas
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always way to the great lakes are dealing with flooding, heavy rainstorms combined with melting snow, to blame here. this is what it looks like in indianna. where first responders are using boats to evacuate people from their homes. officials are advising anyone in that area, of course, to limit travel. >> all right, it is 4:15 right now on this thursday. it is almost the weekends. that puts now good mood even if the weather is change ago little bit. >> oh, it will be changing, sue serio, what's going on here? >> did you realize what the actual number was yesterday? 77 degrees. >> 80s in some parts, right? >> yes. showing that you next. in fact we beat the old record of 72, and here's a look at where we were, look, at reading, 82, allentown got to 81 yesterday. atlantic city, little bit of sea breeze, but it is still was a record. we have 77 here, and 78 degrees in wilmington, that was yesterday, this is today. now, the cold front hasn't completely made it way through yet. but we are seeing some showers
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to our north, and we look out to the west, and you see what's headed our way. so make sure to have the rain gear with you today. only up in the pocono mountains a little shower activity in the lehigh valley. we say not yetment look at the future cast. 8:00 in the morning, we've got rain through most of the region. shouldn't be heavy rain, at least not this morning, but we see some potentially heavier showers moving through in the afternoon, by evening, it is still cloudy, and we have a chance of showers overnight. we may not start with rain tomorrow. but it won't take long before it rolls in. and maybe chilly enough for little slippery conditions up in the pocono mountains, so it is going to be an on and off situation. we'll say there is a chance of rain every day through the weekends. but it is not going to rain every minute. here's saturday, we may get some rain, but we also may get little bit of sunshine peaking through the clouds, then some heavy rain our cold front coming through on sunday. so the heaviest rain on sunday looks like it will happen in the morning. 54 degrees in philadelphia
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right now. 57 degrees in wildwood. see it is chillier up to the north and west and eventually those chillier temperatures will make their way south. so we'll probably settle in at about 48 degrees, for this afternoon, 47 for tomorrow, little more seasonable for february, back to reality, blah, blah, blah. 55 degrees on saturday. and above average on sunday, too, with the high of 63. we dry out on monday, tuesday, and wednesday of next week, but it is still above average with the temperatures in the 50's. bob kelly? >> if i planted my grass seed, do you think this would be a good time to do that? i was thinking about that yesterday. >> not yet. >> floor director, you going to come over and do that for me today? good morning, everybody, 4:17. live look, the ben franklin bridge, nice cool shot. pretty shot. the flags getting lit bit of a work out here. all of the lit are lit up. we're ready to go as we dry out from that rain last night. oh, hello chester county, live look route 30, the ramps to 202, right there, we got left over penndot truck, talked to
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the penndot guys earlier today, out there on the overnight, patching potholes, the daytime crew comes in, they work from 8:00 to 3:00. putting the asphalt into the big old craters that have developed, and we had accident on the overnight in the tunnel. so the southbound, northeast extension, closed between the ma hoping valley and the lehigh valley interchange. so huge detour that kind of get you all the way back in toward allentown, hopefully have that reopened before the start of our heavy morning rush hour there. accident 202, right at marshall street. , live look at the boulevard. mass transit looking good, as well, karen, thomas, back to you. >> let's get to this very serious subject right now in the wake of the horrific shoot that happened down there in florida. there was big televised town hall on one of the cable networks, cnn, they invited the families of the victims, lawmakers and some representatives from the nra to talk about what to do
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moving forward. florida senator marco rubio, the only republican that attended the event, and one parent had a conversation, and it did get as you can imagine quite emotional and heated. >> look at me and tell me, guns were the factor in the hunting of our kids in this school this week. and look at me and tell me you except it and you will work with us to do something about guns. >> now, i think what you are asking about is the assault weapons ban. >> yes, sir. >> let me be honest with you about that one. if i believe that that law would have prevented this from happy would support it. but i want to explain to you why it would not. >> senator rubio, my daughter running down the hall way at stone man was shot with a assault weapon, the weapon of choice. it is cents too easy to get, it is cents a weapon warp. the fact you can't stand with energy this building and say
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that, i'm sorry. >> sir, i do believe what you are saying is true. >> there he is, the father fred, he lost his daughter talked about her running down the hall shot in the back her name is jamie last week in that shooting, there was applause, people so emotional during this time right now, and much of what the senator had to say obviously was not favorably received in that crowd. >> more throughout the morning, as well, it is 4:20, funeral arrangements have been announced for reverend billy gram the man known as american pastor, passed away yesterday at the age of 99. his family says he will fly repose in charlotte of monday and tuesday next woke which the public will be allowed to pay their respects, the funeral however is private it, will begin on noon march 2nd, it is invitation only, with about 2,000 invites going out including to president trump and former president obama. >> meryl streep is furious over harvey weinstein's latest legal defense. now, she was mentioned in one
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of his legal filings to dismiss sexual lawsuit against him. now his defense cited comment that she made in support of him saying the producer was not abusive toward her during their business relationships. so she put out a statement last night calling this move pathetic and exploited. >> new developments in the case of redistricting in pennsylvania, two high ranking state republican leaders are asking the u.s. supreme court to block a new congressional district map. expert believe it may give democrats anywhere from three-six additional seats in pennsylvania's 18 seat delegation. the state supreme court released the map after rueing the previous map unconstitutional gerrymander favor republicans. >> alex trebek set to moderate a debate in pennsylvania for our governor part of the pennsylvania chamber of business and industry annual dinner. he's going to be hosting this event on october 1st, at the hershey lodge. part of the dinner will include a debate between our current governor right now, the incumbent, democrat tom
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wolf and the winner who have ever wins the republican primary. candidate, elsewhere, trebek is also going to be the keynote speaker at the dinner. >> 4:00 it 22, playing right through the pain. >> this is really surprise to go a lot of us. alshon jeffrey battling a really serious injury. so what does this mean for his retu
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it's cleaning season protectione grimiest messes with the power of lysol kitchen cleaners.h 0% lysol. what it takes to protect.
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>> good morning, i'm kristen rodgers. alshon jeffrey had a stand out season for the eagles and apparently played the whole year with a torn rotate or cuff. he took to instagram for successful surgery his caption soon i'm be back for another ring fly eagles fly. >> villanova-due paul last night. nice ball movement. knocks down the three, good to see limb back after missing seven games with a broken hand. to the second, brunson to paschall. flies to the basket for the dunk. villanova wins. >> st. joe's taking on george mason tied at 76 seconds left, hawks, boyde gets the shot off the back. buzzer, st. joe's battled but they fall 79-76. phillies nick williams him gabe kapler's car with a homerun tuesday and yesterday apparently he came close again. kapler says he'll take some of those dents if it means that kind of production, phillies have their first game today against university of tampa. >> that's sports in a minute. i'm kristen rodgers.
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♪ >> nicely done, ladies, how about that? the sound of olympic victory. our usa women's hockey team beat canada in the olympic gold game early this morning. dramatic, i love when they bite those metals, that's for real, folks. they had a sudden death shoot-out. this is the first time they've brought home the gold since 1998. >> all right. next time you go out to a movie theater, some big changes, banning some of the bigging. >> still ahead in 90 seconds, tell but the national theater chain right here with a new policy all designed to protect you.
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>> could be gone in 60 seconds. there is a warning before you run into grab that morning cup of coffee. the crooks are watching. and they're stealing people's cars. >> should have been one school shooting and we should have fixed it. and i'm pissed. because my daughter, i'm not going to see again. >> the father's pain right
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there. sharing their stories every lost while demanding change. parent and student taking an emotional message to the president. >> and let's bring awe good news story this morning. that kid, a real life superhero. four years old. young boy plans to save both of those little brother. >> and you can tell. he told his bigger brother: what did you do lately? i'm a superhero. 4:30 on this thursday, so good to have you with us. guess what, if you loved the weather yesterday, well, that's in the past. >> too bad. >> moving onto new day. some changes on the way. >> you know what we've got though? >> what? >> mark rita day. >> it is national margarita day. >> oh, well there you go. >> what is your favorite died? do you like it frozen, on the rocks, little strawberry? >> the kinds that would be sitting right here right now. beggers can't be choose ers you know. >> we're ordering up, the bar is in the corner there. sue serio? >> i've been looking for my lost shaker of salt. so i don't know what the forecast is but i'll throw something together.
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at least we recovered ourselves. because it won't be 77 again today. it will be a lot more cool, a lot in seasonable, and it is probably going to rain on you at some point today. so bus stop buddy ready for all of. that will we've got showers around. we still have some temperatures that are in the 50's out there. we haven't quite gotten all of that cold air that we're going to get. call it chilly air coming through. so it will be a backward kind of day where we'll see the high temperature kind of now. northerly breeze, though, at 14 miles an hour, and when winds come out of the north they're generally chillier. so things will be changing throughout the morning. our sunrise time is 6:44. sunshine, maybe not. we've got temperatures in the 40's to the north and west of us, upper 50's at the shore. 58 degrees right now in atlantic city. so from the 50's to the 40's, by lunchtime, with occasional showers, we'll settle at about 48 degrees in the afternoon, no more 70s for awhile. sunset time is 5:45. and keep that umbrella handy. you're going to need it on and
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off throughout the weekend. bob kelly? >> yes, and by the way, jimmy buffet coming to town thursday july 5th. >> oh,. >> for -- >> are you a parrot head? >> well, i get over there occasionally. >> all right. >> you snow actually, now, sit right there, right at the pavilion. >> sure. >> right there overlooking the water. so, get your tickets therefore the parrot heads. live look at the schuylkill eastbound, no problems at all coming in to or out of the city. the rain we had last night, little damp, drying out, sue kind of detail it for the next couple of days, 42 in toward the city. no problems or delays yet. all of the overnight construction pretty much pick up and gone. but problems on the northeast extension, we had an accident last night, in the tunnel, between the mahoning valley. there is a huge big detour get you back into the lehigh vale. so leaving the poconos right now, give yourselves plenty every extra time to work yourself down to allentown. >> accident over here in conshy. 202, and marshall street.
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also, a crash in newark, delaware there is along welsh track road just off college avenue. when you come off of 95 there headed in to the college town. then we got the ramp closure, 422, eastbound, the ramp to 23, remains closed, so everybody has to use first avenue. otherwise, no problems at the airport. and mass transit looking good with no delays. thomas and karen back over to you. >> bob, thank you. >> developing right now, we've had a tragedy, young woman dead, now police are looking for a shoot here fired shot into her van with children inside. let's get right to police headquarters where jenny joyce is, a lot of questions on this one, could she be targeted, road rage, what do we know right now, jenny? >> yes, exactly, a lot of questions watch we know is that detectives spent last night collecting evidence from the scene. they've also been interviewing several witnesses, to try to learn more about the person who opened fire on this van, packed with a young woman, and young children, killing the 23 year old driver. the shooting and crash happened last night just after
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8:30 at broad and grange street in the fernrock section of the city. a van heading north on broad street caring three women in their 20's and three children ages two to six years old, crashed into a building after someone fired several shots at that van. at least one bullet struck and killed the 23 year old driver, the five other passengers were taken to einstein medical center minor injuries. >> it doesn't appear that any of those five passengers, the adults, females, were struck by gunfire. they do have injuries. we're not certain how the injuries occurred. if they were hit with glass or as a result of the van crashing into the building, and there was some heavy damage to the van. so it was a pretty hard crash. >> police say that the driver who opened fire was behind the wheel of a dark colored car that continued northbound on broad street. investigators tell us, there are several cameras in that area. they're pulling surveillance
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video to help them put the pieces together. investigators say, right now, it is unclear as karen mentioned, could this woman have been targeted, whether or not there was a road rage shooting. so, homicide investigators, we know, working this case pretty hard, so we're hoping to get an update later today. karen, thomas? >> hope they get those answers, jenny, thank you. 4:35, re emotion as survivors of the florida shooting and other gun violence got the rare chance to take a message directly to the president. president trump held listening session at the white house with victims of the park land shooting as well as those who experience columbine in sandy hook. one by one, they delivered powerful statements calling for action. >> and i was born into a world where i never got to experience safety and peace. there needs to be significant change in this country because this has to never happen again. >> my daughter has no voice. she was murdered last week and she was taken from us. how many schools, how many
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children have to get shot? it stops here with this administration and me. >> so what's next? the president spoke about potential solutions cents from stricter backgrounds checks to raising the minimum age to buying assault rifle from 18 to 21. >> national movie theater chain with locations in our area has new policy, the idea to protect people when they're going to the movies. here is the rule. if you got a big bag, would you leave it at home? this is from cinemark, larger than foot by foot by eight and a half. all comes in the wake of what happened down in florida of course remember the incident that happened out there at movie theatre in colorado. so, they say the new rule makes exceptions for people whom have a medical conditions or diaper bags if you have very young children, but it is not quite clear how they'll be enforcing this. >> 4:36. grand theft auto in delaware. thieves are waiting for drivers to make pretty common mistake here when they run in
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to grab that coffee. steve keeley joining us from newark this morning. steve, what's going on? >> reporter: well, as people pull up to go in and pour that cup of coffee, and grab that breakfast sisly sandwich, that morning sandwich isn't the only item going out of here hot. three cars so far this month taken because they were left running out here in the parking lot right by the front doors. keys inside, engine on, all warmed up for the thief to get in and go. the last of the three came out the door see his 2013 being driven down owing he will town road here in newark, hasn't been seen since. that was five days ago. and that was the third theft of a car left running here at the wawa in newark within eight days. >> i feel like people tends to be lazy and think i'm just going to run in real quick, grab something, and i won't be a victim of anything. >> the city of newark has an ordinance that prohibits leaving your car parked unattended and idle. so, you know, we suggest that
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you turn your car off, lock it, before you go inside. >> all right, so the advice from police, obvious, shut the car off, take the keys, lock it, all three happened by the way, karen, thomas, during good day philadelphia's hours. that means, the morning rush between 530 and 7:50 a.m. so that coffee craving could cost your car. and i don't know this for a fact, but my guess is at least one of those three through that cup of coffee in disgust when they came out here to fine their car gone. >> oh, i can well imagine. it would be so disappointing. >> different kinds of jolt there. steve, thank up, 4:38. >> so i too like my glass or two of wine. you know why? it is really good for my heart. >> smile big. it turns out it might be good for your teeth and gums, as well. sue serio? >> really? >> yes. >> oh, wow. okay, we're ready to go! of course it is coffee time now. and it is umbrella time at some point. may not be raining where you are at the moment, but will
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before the day is through. we'll have details coming up on good day philadelphia. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com
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>> welcome back, 4:41, new research suggesting even small apartments of exercise can reduce the risk of men in older jen. >> british journal of sport medicine found each additional 30 minute of activity, such as gardening, or walking the dog, lowered their death risk by 70%. it also says the 30 minute of
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exercise doesn't have to be all at once. so, some participant broke it down into ten minute increments, and they had some of the results. >> i was gardening yesterday, i picked some sticks up. >> wine drinkers rejoice, ingredient in red wine that may help fight tooth decay, and gum disease. researchers say a compound found in wine helps to prevent harmful bag tear ya from forming. take that. recent studies says the compound boosts your health by working with good bacteria in your gut. >> so yesterday we said you're going to live longer, and today you'll be 102 with great looking teeth, karen. 4:42, feel like you're going around in circles when you take an uber pool? starting today the company's offering a new option called express pool. riders can walk to common location to be picked up together and dropped off together at another location. uber says riders, you're going to save some time and money, express pool by the way being offered in eight cities including philadelphia. should be interesting. >> save some time right and money as they said.
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the houses cents they're tiny, but the impact huge. >> there is one man raising money to help his fellow veterans. oh, their houses are little houses giving them a home of their own.
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and pretty quiet. let's hope things are good at this early hour. >> fingers crossed, traffic and transit, bob kelly. >> close enough. good morning, everybody, yes, actually not bad this morning. such beautiful day yesterday. i went home, did what mom always used to say. open up the windows and air the joint out. with everybody being sick, got a chance to air the house out yesterday. south on the blue route, 476, baby got the sun roof cracked this morning, no problems at all from the schuylkill all the way down to 95. couple of left over work crews out there. for the most part i think everybody's ready to go here. south on 95, no problems, from cottman avenue in through girard. so, irish guy walks into the jewish deli. it is not a joke. it is breakfast with bob later on today. i'll go to knishes and dishes in lafayette hill. come out and join us from 9:00 . live of course right here on "good day" philadelphia. we had accident overnight in the tunnel, up near the poconos. so the southbound lanes of the extension, closed, between the
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ma hoping valley and lehigh valley interchanges. a huge out of your way detour in place right now. they said until further notice. i think it may take couple of hours, they had to clear the crash. and then make repairs in that southbound tube, an accident up here, dekalb pike at marshall, crash in newark delaware, otherwise mass transit looking good. we reached 77 yesterday. 78 degrees yesterday. what's it going to be today? sue has got it in 15 seconds. past >> it was 77 degrees yesterday. we not only broke the old record we shoot tedder, olds records 72, that had been standing since 1930. so bye bye to that. but not only that, we hit all time february high temperatures in reading,
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allentown, wilmington, trenton and mount pocono. these high temperatures from yesterday, yes, it was 82 in reading, 81 in allentown, 78 in wilmington, these were the highest that these cities have ever seen in the month of february ever. and now it is all about to change. high pressure, well off shore, cold front is making it way through our area this morning. so if you haven't seen rain yet you will. and temperatures will be going down, it will be one of those backward kind of days where you've already seen our high temperature for the day. and then colder air moves in. see how cold it is up in the northwestern part of the state around erie. there is some snow. that's not in our forecast, that s word that we dread so much. but out in berks county, looks like you might be seeing some shower activity, allentown, pocono mountain area, little bit of rain. have the rain gear with you, if you are leaving any time soon. don't forget it. because here's our future cast. here's 9:00 in the morning. and even before that, the rain
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rolls in. it could be heavy at times. maybe around lunchtime. looks like it could rain on your evening commute as well. we will take a break every now and then. you have heard us say for the lasts couple of days, it is going to rain on and offer throughout the weekends. but it is not going to rain every minute. you see a dry period possibly tomorrow morning, possibly, and then some rain rolling in by lunchtime, friday, on and off showers staying cloudy, saturday could see some sunshine north of the city and thens chan every rain then heavier rain rolls in on sunday morning. so milder temperatures are coming. again but it is 54 degrees, don't get used to it, we'll this afternoon, we will be in the three's overnight, but upper 30's, so it is still only rain in the forecast, high of 47 tomorrow. fifty-five on saturday. and 63 on sunday, so it will be milder which is good, then still only rain in the forecast, and of course, just
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in time for the weekends to be over, that's when we dry out. thomas and karen? >> oh, just couple of more days here, be patient. >> love it. >> sue, thank you, 4:50, south jersey veteran raising money to help his fellow veterans to giving them a home to call their own. pastor donnie davis building those tiny houses for homeless veterans in gloucester county. so he bought 270 acres, campground in franklinville, transforming the property into community village. when it is all done the complex will be offering free homes for as many as 60 veterans, complete with hiking trails, counselling, and job training centers. >> supported the community, amazing people throughout the country literally, we've been able to build our first three houses, have the first resident living in right now. whether you can rake leaves, build houses, anybody can get involved. >> each of those houses, 300 square feet, with a kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. and several of the homes they've been paid for but there is a lot of work that needs to be done here. if you like to help pastor
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donnie there, in operation safe haven we invite to go to our website for more information. >> one big brother giving the ultimate gift to his younger twin siblings, only four months old. san teeno and giovanni, both in dire need after bone marrow transplant. they were born with a really rare immune disorder. and it can be deadly. the older brother found he was the perfect match for that bone marrow transplant. he is their hero. so he set for transplant surgery in just two weeks, his mom said she is so proud. >> he's just like oh, i'm a real life superhero, he says, i'm going to save my baby brother. and everyone just like awe. >> both the parent have had to quit their jobs to take care of the kidsment look how cute, them holding the babies. they do have a go fund me page for anyone who would help their family by donating to the medical expenses and bills, go to our website. surgery march 8. >> ya, i'm superhero holding
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my little bros. >> you may have heard by now, black panther the must seen movie, the hot. >> still ahead, there is cents a woman from our area, a teacher, and she is making sure as many kids as possible have an opportunity to see it. >> before we take a quick break here, we do want to honor our black history moment. and we honor clive hercules campbell also known as dj cool. back in 1974, he set the tone, forming the basis cents of rap music two turn tables, back in 90. >> ♪ >> ♪
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so i want my glasses to be unique... my girlfriend loves artists. and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at
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tyson any'tizers and crispy strips. [ sound of sports game ] you help fuel greatness. you'll just have to make the ultimate game day sacrifice... and be eaten.
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>> women school back, wilmington, delaware listening to a little business of the police. >> so, you're waking up in the 50's this morning, wilmington, good morning once again to you, some big changes on the way, we'll get a check of weather and traffic in just a moment. talk about the box office. >> it is so exciting. >> block busker. >> all of the people that i know, not all of them, but most of them, have seen this movie one time, two times, going back again, so much fun. i'll see this weekend, talking black panther of course, breaking every record out there. and it is fun and entertaining as well. >> certainly a lot of people believe it is having impact on the self esteem of the african-americans not used to seeing themselves as heroes. one local woman making sure that as many student as possible cents get a chance to see it. you saw her a moment ago. her name christina, started go
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fund me page to raise money for those who can't afford it, in less than a week it has raised $11,000. she says she believes it is empowering for young people to see minorities as heroes. >> i just wanted to do something nice, like you look at the news, there is terrible news every single day. so our kids kind of deserve more than that. >> her effort paying off here. it means more than 400 children will get a chance to see the movie for free. >> and that's in our area. we've been seeing big celebrities coming out, buying, serena williams tennis player, buying out the theatres. so local kids, getting to see the movie, a lot of fun right there. all right, 4:56. >> let's get a check on top store thinks morning shall starting with jenny, or steve keeley, good morning. >> reporter: they say you can get anything at a wawa they weren't talking about car, suv or pick up truck, but lately that's what you can get at this wawa. we are on the lighter of the two news stories today. jenny you got a more serious one. >> reporter: yes, good morning, steve. a woman is shot and killed
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while behind the wheel of her car. her car then crashes with five passengers inside, including three children. who opened fire and why? we're live
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>> a woman is dead and five others injured after a gunman opens fire on a van filled with children.
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>> people are dying. and we have to stop this. we have to stop it. if he's not old enough to buy a drink, to go and buy a beer, he should not be able to buy a gun. >> demanding change. a week after the mass shooting at a florida high school, student, and parent, appeal to the president to help stop the violence. >> what the hell is going on with wendy? >> wendy williams is famous for giving the dish. but this time, she's the hot topic. >> i feel like there are birds swimming around my head, you know, like a cartoon? >> many suspect something was wrong months ago when this happened. the health condition that has her taking a hiatus from her talk show. good day philadelphia at 5:00 a.m. start right now. >> oh, good morning, welcome, we love our wendy, one of those things wishing her well on the


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